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So looks like Engage entered in the Resonant Battles rotation, sharing with Sacred Stones this week.

As a player who only has Harmonized Myrrh & Nah (in my opinion, one of the worst harmonized heroes), I have no hopes in keeping Interval 21.

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

So looks like Engage entered in the Resonant Battles rotation, sharing with Sacred Stones this week.

As a player who only has Harmonized Myrrh & Nah (in my opinion, one of the worst harmonized heroes), I have no hopes in keeping Interval 21.

IMO the worst thing you could do as a Harmonized Hero is not have a good Player Phase presence in a mode that really doesn't favor defensive play, and Myrrh/Nah are virtually the only ones who are completely defensive.

I think it says something that the only Armored Harmonic hero also comes with Assault Troop to completely bypass the otherwise horrid movement that Armors are known for, especially considering every other Harmonic besides Altina/Sanaki and the aformentioned Myrrh/Nah is either a Cavalry unit or a Flier with something to make their 2-movement less of an issue (Guidance, warp, or just being able to cast a Refresh whenever)

Edited by Xenomata
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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

IMO the worst thing you could do as a Harmonized Hero is not have a good Player Phase presence in a mode that really doesn't favor defensive play, and Myrrh/Nah are virtually the only ones who are completely defensive.

I think it says something that the only Armored Harmonic hero also comes with Assault Troop to completely bypass the otherwise horrid movement that Armors are known for.

I agree. About Myrrh, the player would need to give her Dragon's Ire 4 to have her double in player phase. Or wait for her refinement to see if she gets guaranteed follow-ups on player phase in the weapon (because she comes with Dragon's Ire 3, which already provides enemy phase's follow-ups), but that will take years to happen.

Altina is also not the best Harmonized Hero, but at least she has a brave weapon and got a refinement not to long ago that gives her some help.

And yeah. Assault Troop help Edelgard a lot. Assault Troop effect is great in general. I just did this week's RB and I used Alear. She carried that team.

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

So looks like Engage entered in the Resonant Battles rotation, sharing with Sacred Stones this week.

As a player who only has Harmonized Myrrh & Nah (in my opinion, one of the worst harmonized heroes), I have no hopes in keeping Interval 21.

How very cool of IS to give us essentially a second week of Tokyo Mirage Sessions bonus in Resonant Battles.

If they actually gave us a second Engage banner instead of a Three Houses banner that is two years too late, then Engage entering the bonus rotation now would make some semblance of sense.

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At least I don't think we will get Engage in limited battles for now.

Limited Hero Battles started in April 2020, which was just after Three Houses's 3rd banner (Bernadetta, Annette, Ferdinand and Lysithea), but we only got the first 3H limitation in August, around the CYL 4 time. So by then, we already had 4 Three Houses banners, 1 Legendary Hero, 1 Mythic Hero, 3 GHBs and 2 demotes.

I would say they may wait until the 2nd or 3rd Engage Banner before adding them to the rotation. So far, we only have 2 F2P options: Lumera and Etie. maybe once we have 4 F2P unit, enough to make a full team, they enter the rotation.

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Heh, Engage may well end up keeping me in T21 by sabotaging everyone else. Currently at 627 out of 4067, with the cutoff at 1221. Harmonics are Myrrh and Lysithea, both at +1.

Relatedly, I'm really glad I sparked Harmonic Lysithea during the anniversary Hero Fest. I often make really bad decisions but this was not one, as it's transformed my -Spd copy which was essentially dead weight, into a really good unit to use in general. (Myrrh on the other hand, is just a smitebot, but I can't complain because both copies were essentially free)

Edited by Humanoid
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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

At least I don't think we will get Engage in limited battles for now.

Limited Hero Battles started in April 2020, which was just after Three Houses's 3rd banner (Bernadetta, Annette, Ferdinand and Lysithea), but we only got the first 3H limitation in August, around the CYL 4 time. So by then, we already had 4 Three Houses banners, 1 Legendary Hero, 1 Mythic Hero, 3 GHBs and 2 demotes.

I would say they may wait until the 2nd or 3rd Engage Banner before adding them to the rotation. So far, we only have 2 F2P options: Lumera and Etie. maybe once we have 4 F2P unit, enough to make a full team, they enter the rotation.

Counting the CYL4 units, Three Houses had 28 different units by August 2020. So if Engage needs about 25 units to start getting used in Limited Hero Battles, we've got quite a while to go then.

But to go back to Three Houses, it is up to 92 units (as a game that released in 2019) while Awakening just hit 100 with Legendary M!Robin. In fact just for anyone's reference, here's the game by game breakdown at this point:


Heroes: 90 units
Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery: 89 units
Shadows of Valentia: 58 units
Genealogy of the Holy War: 53 units
Thracia 776: 32 units
Binding Blade: 64 units
Blazing Blade: 78 units
Sacred Stones: 67 units
Path of Radiance: 43 units
Radiant Dawn: 57 units
Awakening: 100 units
Fates: 130 units
Three Houses / Three Hopes: 92 units
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: 5 units
Engage: 6 units

*Units with multiple titles listed (mainly Harmonized Heroes but also includes both Nagas and Legendary Leif) are counted for both of their listed games. There are currently 21 such units.

.....Yeah OK, I'll admit this just me taking a long winded way of saying I am so done with Three Houses in this game. The fact that it's going to pass Awakening's total units at some point is just completely absurd.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Counting the CYL4 units, Three Houses had 28 different units by August 2020. So if Engage needs about 25 units to start getting used in Limited Hero Battles, we've got quite a while to go then.

But to go back to Three Houses, it is up to 92 units (as a game that released in 2019) while Awakening just hit 100 with Legendary M!Robin. In fact just for anyone's reference, here's the game by game breakdown at this point:

  Hide contents

Heroes: 90 units
Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery: 89 units
Shadows of Valentia: 58 units
Genealogy of the Holy War: 53 units
Thracia 776: 32 units
Binding Blade: 64 units
Blazing Blade: 78 units
Sacred Stones: 67 units
Path of Radiance: 43 units
Radiant Dawn: 57 units
Awakening: 100 units
Fates: 130 units
Three Houses / Three Hopes: 92 units
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: 5 units
Engage: 6 units

*Units with multiple titles listed (mainly Harmonized Heroes but also includes both Nagas and Legendary Leif) are counted for both of their listed games. There are currently 21 such units.

.....Yeah OK, I'll admit this just me taking a long winded way of saying I am so done with Three Houses in this game. The fact that it's going to pass Awakening's total units at some point is just completely absurd.

Interesting that the totals for Heroes, Archanea, Tellius, Awakening, and Three Houses are all so close together. Jugdral will probably land in that range soon, as well.

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I feel like games that don't have a Harmonic unit available shouldn't be getting entries in Resonant Battles until they do.

Since I can't stay in interval 21 anyway I'm falling out so it doesn't change anything for me, but this is still silly. I remember the salt I posted the last time TMS was run with a game I didn't have two units for.

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Is that Daisuke Izuka? Because that looks like Daisuke Izuka. Excellent art and an extremely fitting theme. He really is turning into Ganondorf.


Surtr's stat total is already on par with other melee armors due to the fact that he has trainee stats, which gives him a stat total of 199 with maximum Dragonflowers before the Resplendent stat boosts, compared to the current standard of 198-201. This puts him at 209 with the extra stats.

However, he doesn't have a refine, which means he's missing out on 18 points of stats (based on the standard of inflicting -6 Atk/Def to the opponent), and that's actually a pretty big deal. Getting +2 to all stats including HP is nice, but isn't really enough to make up for it, even with Sinmara's "Threaten HP" effect. They really need to go back an give Armads, Dire Thunder, and Sinmara refines, even if they don't make them as strong as modern refines. (Missiletainn is still good even without a refine, though.)

And despite being very min-maxed on release, Dragonflowers and the Resplendent stat boost mean he's not quite as min-maxed as more recent releases. He ends up with 45 Atk and 56/46/39 defenses, which, while not quite as min-maxed as he'd probably like to be, is still quite good. For comparison, Young Hector has 46 Atk and 48/48/42 defenses.

On the other hand, he does have access to Arcane Downfall, and while it doesn't provide him with a guaranteed follow-up attack, it does grant him follow-up prevention and passive healing, and he has access to all the guaranteed follow-ups he could want with armor-exclusive skills. He'll probably want to wait for Crafty Fighter, Slick Fighter, or Wily Fighter to get a tier-4 version, though, since Special Fighter 4 and Vengeful Fighter 4 step on Arcane Downfall's toes a bit.

Also, Arcane Downfall is entirely on brand for his Resplendent outfit.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I still think Surtr should be eligible for a Remix-like reworking. The fact that his Prf weapon and skill are both very much underwhelming in comparison to the current standard of Prf weapon/skills as well as the fact that he's still the only (released) Book Villain to not be a Legendary or Mythic hero should be enough to warrant such. Heck, make Vengeful Fighter 4 easier to get through him, or maybe Bracing Stance 3.

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Oh my gosh. on the one hand, I LOVE that this fits nicely into canon. (Dead Surtr appears in Hel in a xenologue, for those who don't remember.) On the other... I do wish that we'd gotten a Hel Surtr that wasn't stuck behind a paywall. 😞

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I really liked Resplendent Surtr. He looks great. I believe Surtr is the most recent unit to get a Resplendent? This title was Aversa's before.

4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


I did not expect the OCs to be eligible for Resplendents, for whatever reason.

I expected OCs to be eligible for it, but I was expecting Brave Veronica to be the first one once they decide to give CYL 2 resplendents.

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At first glance it just looks like regular Surtr except someone forgot to colour his armour gold. But to be fair I don't recall much detail about how he looks since I don't have any of his variants.

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Well...Surtr certainly is a choice that exists. I don't really like it, though, especially since we just got Grail units eligible. We have so many other units and half a year's worth of popular characters, if not even longer, before they needed to push forward the eligible release dates of post-CYL 2.

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6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:


I did not expect the OCs to be eligible for Resplendents, for whatever reason.

Given that the earliest Heroes character to be released that isn't one of the Askr trio and isn't a Special, Legendary, or Mythic Hero is Brave Veronica on the CYL 2 banner and that there are only a total of 7 such characters at all released before the CYL 3 banner (which is when units are finally able to catch up to modern units with Dragonflowers in terms of stat totals), it makes sense that it would have taken this long for one to finally be released.

It's worth noting that, because Heroes has so few units released this early, if Heroes gets just 1 more Resplendent Hero, it'll have a higher percentage of its eligible units with Resplendent outfits than both Fates and Awakening do.


1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I believe Surtr is the most recent unit to get a Resplendent? This title was Aversa's before.

Yep. I had to update my lists in the other thread because of him.

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I feel like extending the ending threshold from almost-end-of-book-2 to actual-end-of-book-2 is pretty trivial. So I have no objections to this, but I really don't want them to touch book 3 for years.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

I feel like extending the ending threshold from almost-end-of-book-2 to actual-end-of-book-2 is pretty trivial. So I have no objections to this, but I really don't want them to touch book 3 for years.

It's gonna happen, just wait. Watch as Soren, Sigurd, Catria, and Camilla are still waiting on a Resplendent, but then we suddenly get Resplendent Edelgard.

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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

It's gonna happen, just wait. Watch as Soren, Sigurd, Catria, and Camilla are still waiting on a Resplendent, but then we suddenly get Resplendent Edelgard.

I honestly don't really expect that to happen yet. So far, of the 79 Resplendent Heroes released or announced, the only ones from Book 2 are:

  • Micaiah
  • Sothe
  • Larchel
  • Leaf
  • Ishtar
  • Karla
  • Ophelia
  • Aversa
  • Surtr

All of these units up through Karla have old refines that typically only grant +4-6 per stat, and Ophelia's banner is only at the tail end of the transition period between old refines and the more modern refines that grant around +8-10 per stat.

It seems a bit too much of a coincidence that Ophelia and Surtr were picked for Resplendent outfits when they are also the only two Book 2 units that don't have refines (excluding the usual categories that don't get refines). And while Aversa has a modern refine, she's a unit that still has relatively high usage that doesn't have particularly amazing stats, even with maximum Dragonflowers, and could really use the extra HP that her refine can't give her instead of just benefiting from the usual Atk and Spd.

The refine-eligible units after Surtr all have modern refines that already make up for their lower base stats and often also make up for their worse stat spreads, the latter of which is something that Resplendent outfits aren't able to do, so there really isn't any good reason to extend Resplendent Heroes out any farther outside of a few units that have modern, but underwhelming, refines.


But they've made strange decisions in the past, so as much as I don't expect them to do this, they probably will.

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It wasn't until I had to mention the Respite staff did I realize that they didn't just take the name from Japanese. I just referred to it by its Japanese name(Sanctuary) and realized that wasn't the English name when I tried to look it up on the wiki.

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Hmm... IS moved Lilina from June to July, opening a red slot.

That makes me believe that June's Legendary Hero may be red. Unless the New Heroes in July may be a OC & More, and then Kvasir takes it as a Red Tome unit, which also shows up in the legendary banner.

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