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A mixed Team consisting of:
Ephraim: upgraded Siegmund, Rally Spd, Def Tactic, Hone Res Seal 3
Nino: usual Litrblade skill
2 other movement types
pushes Nino to have almost Horse/Flyer Emblem buffs... give one of the other members Atk Tatcic and she is just missing 4 buff points to reach full Horse Emblem buffs lol.

I was never so glad that all the Dancers are Infantery users!


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Me: *has a list of units I want to promote* I should save my feathers.

Also Me: *invest 40k feathers on a character that's not on that list at all*

I mean.... I'm not mad. I had been meaning to invest in my Raven, so now he and Lucius are at 5*+2 and Raven's got LaD3. 51 ATK and 36 SPD unbuffed ain't bad. Now to grind up that S-Support...

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8 hours ago, Zeo said:

Well, kids are out. I can imagine the next Tempest will have the 4 of them as 40% bonus units with Xander, Ryoma, Laslow and a variable 4th as 20% units.

Recent Tempests have focused on the mid-month banners, not the start-of-month ones, but we'll have to see if the expected Christmas banner changes that.

They did do a Voting Gauntlet all based around seasonal units, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Tempest has the Christmas units as the 40% ones as well.

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11 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

 I said that I would let you know once I finished her, so here ya go. Does she pass your quality test?

Holy crap


39 speed and 58 attack, on a mage, with a blade tome

something about that doesn't seem like it should be allowed in this game LOL

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44 minutes ago, Othin said:

Recent Tempests have focused on the mid-month banners, not the start-of-month ones, but we'll have to see if the expected Christmas banner changes that.

They did do a Voting Gauntlet all based around seasonal units, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Tempest has the Christmas units as the 40% ones as well.

I guess they'll do a mini-TT this month to save time for other stuff. I kinda want Clive or even a new unit like Kanna.

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51 minutes ago, GinRei said:

I don't expect another TT until January, to be honest.


8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I guess they'll do a mini-TT this month to save time for other stuff.


I don't see any reason to expect a lack of regular TT this month.

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:


I don't see any reason to expect a lack of regular TT this month.

Solely because I do not expect them to release both a Holiday banner AND a mid-month banner, and I don't expect a TT to use units that: aren't on a banner that runs through the TT (so no Fate Children), are Holiday units, or aren't new 40% units.

I don't expect it to take too long into January before we get another.  First or second week, I'd assume.  Though a mini-TT might work, but I almost feel like they only did the one they did to let more people get Masked Marth since she's basically the MC of the Tempest.

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15 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Solely because I do not expect them to release both a Holiday banner AND a mid-month banner,


I second this. Limited banners so far have all taken up the spot of a usual half-month banner. The only difference is that the banner lasts for a full month instead of half a month and therefore overlaps the next banner.

The next banner after Children of Fate will start on December 18, which is almost assuredly a holiday banner (and actually is the mid-month banner; being a limited banner is not mutually exclusive with being a mid-month banner).

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Following the pattern of TT's starting a week into a New Heroes Banner, if they did do a Children of Fate TT, it would have to start the very next day after VG ends, and I suspect people will complain of burnout. It's hard not to as we sit on the last day of a TT. 

The focus units would be easy to pick out since so many of the Royals are 5 star locked. A banner of Ryoma, Rhajat, Hinoka, and Takumi could have one of each color too. And the eigth bonus unit is of course the TT reward.

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37 minutes ago, Othin said:



I don't see any reason to expect a lack of regular TT this month.

Sorry, I might have misspoken. What I mean to say was that I think we'll have a mini TT next week instead of TT being in the middle of the month and during that time we'll have other events such as Berkut GHB and such. During the last week the normal TT will start. But this is just a guess on my part. What I could see IS doing is that they'll have a mini TT at the first month of each season.

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10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I'm grinding SP for Siegbert in TTs currently and it's funny how the English speaker pronounces his name:

"I'm Siegbert."

It sounds more like "I'm Sickbert.". 

"Sieg" in German is pronounced similarly to "Zeke" in English.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

"Sieg" in German is pronounced similarly to "Zeke" in English.

Yeah, the pronunciation is pretty similar to "Zeke". It sounds to me like Siegbert's speaker is cutting the "ie" too short. I'm not trying to be overly correct, it just sounded funny to me. 

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5 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Holy crap


39 speed and 58 attack, on a mage, with a blade tome

something about that doesn't seem like it should be allowed in this game LOL

Mwahahaha >:) I'm glad that at least one of my units is acceptable, haha. The first (and for a while, only) Lilina I had was +Atk/-Spd, which was kinda fun for maximum damage, but with +Spd... Well, it was pretty exciting to see her OHKO a Hector with 66 HP, yet still be able to double him. And that was with only half of the possible buffs!

This has also now become one of my favorite moments in any TT, on Lunatic 7 (except maybe killing Black Knight with Maria and Mist a bunch of times). Hooray for Glimmer and all of its overkilling!:



+4/4/2/4 buffs are a wonderful thing.

Also, Lilina's damaged artwork might be my favorite in the game, because of the vicious murderous intent in her eyes.


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I threw Defiant Spd on my +Atk/-Spd Sonya because I really wanted to fix her Spd. And not only that, basically every buff in the book, along with the +3 Spd Seal & Summoner Support. That would add up to a total of 40 Spd in the better-case scenario. Apparently people aren't too popular with this skill, but I don't really see all the issue regarding it. I mean, yeah, being at 50% health tends to be deadly, but that also disregards the fact that it tends to be Bread & Butter with Desperation (which is what I coupled it with). The other thing someone argued, is that it can't be stacked with Hones and that it's apparently hard to get them under 50% in the first place:


- I'm not a fan of always factoring Hones. That's kind of mediocre performance if your unit demands (a reason why I sometimes disregard some Cavalry heavily relying on them). While Defiant-skills are visual buffs, it's also a massive and constant buff (easy to maintain and synergise with Desperation).

- Skills like L&D & Fury still have you sacrificing some degree of defense and synergise in the same way with Desperation.

- 40 Spd is incredibly good and should double a good 80-90% of threats if you disregard obvious outliers (Lyn, Nino, Ayra, etc.)

Edited by Soul~!
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14 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

I threw Defiant Spd on my +Atk/-Spd Sonya because I really wanted to fix her Spd. And not only that, basically every buff in the book, along with the +3 Spd Seal & Summoner Support. That would add up to a total of 40 Spd in the better-case scenario. Apparently people aren't too popular with this skill, but I don't really see all the issue regarding it. I mean, yeah, being at 50% health tends to be deadly, but that also disregards the fact that it tends to be Bread & Butter with Desperation (which is what I coupled it with). The other thing someone argued, is that it can't be stacked with Hones and that it's apparently hard to get them under 50% in the first place:


- I'm not a fan of always factoring Hones. That's kind of mediocre performance if your unit demands (a reason why I sometimes disregard some Cavalry heavily relying on them). While Defiant-skills are visual buffs, it's also a massive and constant buff (easy to maintain and synergise with Desperation).

- Skills like L&D & Fury still have you sacrificing some degree of defense and synergise in the same way with Desperation.

- 40 Spd is incredibly good and should double a good 80-90% of threats if you disregard obvious outliers (Lyn, Nino, Ayra, etc.)

If anything Darting Blow is probably better if you don't want LaD or Fury, since Desperation only works on player phase anyway.

Mini-TT would be exhuasting yeah but I just need more orbs :(

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20 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

If anything Darting Blow is probably better if you don't want LaD or Fury, since Desperation only works on player phase anyway.

I just gave her both because fuck it

20 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Mini-TT would be exhuasting yeah but I just need more orbs :(


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Can someon explain to me the tactic skills? I don't understand them about the movement stuff.

Also, got +spd -res Shiro on his banner, went back to TT banner and got +atk -spd Sigurd and +spd -hp Oscar. Both were merges yay!

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59 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

The Arena rewards got me to 49 Refining Stones.

...The VG had better give some Refining Stones as rewards.

I'm at 40. Upgrading a Killer > Slaying weapon for 20 stones has thrown off my numbers and when I can get enough dust to do a legendary weapon. I'm gonna be annoyingly just off, compared to if I had only done 4 50 stone upgrades first..

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