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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

He comes with Luna. @Alkaid I gave him Fury 3, Desperation, Reposition and Brash Assault 3 Seal, which made him work pretty well in TTs. Because of 10 after-match-damage, he arrives pretty fast in Desperation range. 

Oh, maybe he has Luna then. I thought it was moonbow because of how quickly it seems to proc. I might look into more exciting builds eventually - I like yours :)

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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Oh, maybe he has Luna then. I thought it was moonbow because of how quickly it seems to proc. I might look into more exciting builds eventually - I like yours :)

Thanks ;-) I saw also an interesting build on gamepress with Close Defense, QR and Bonfire. Add Close Defense 3 seal for 46 DEF on EP and 23 Bonfire Damage on EP. Its not an option for me, since I already have Tana with a similar build (she doesn't need QR, but comes with Vidofnirs CD +7 effect). 

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I was wondering something, how many more infantry lance units are we getting in the future? Majority of them all already in the game, with a few left out, (Forsyth, Aran, Devdan, Mozu, etc) Curious when the time comes when the devs start to run out of soldiers/halberdiers in the game.

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21 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks ;-) I saw also an interesting build on gamepress with Close Defense, QR and Bonfire. Add Close Defense 3 seal for 46 DEF on EP and 23 Bonfire Damage on EP. Its not an option for me, since I already have Tana with a similar build (she doesn't need QR, but comes with Vidofnirs CD +7 effect). 

I'm sticking to vanilla builds for now, since all my feathers are going to my goal of getting one of all the 3-4* only characters up to 5*, but once that goal is completed, I'll be looking at less vanilla builds :) Ones where I can actually start giving weapons I don't pull at 5* to people ^.^


@Jingle Jangle

I suppose they could always add more in as seasonal units.

Edited by Cute Chao
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3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

@mampfoid You're right about Firesweep Hinoka. I think, I'll just give her regular Firesweep L and save Firesweep+ for a +spd or +atk Tana/Cordelia. I will admit though, if I get a +def Tana and get a bad natured Hinoka, I will replace Hinoka with Tana.

I didn't say it was a bad Idea. It just depends on how you want to play your team. Using the regular Firesweep lance for trying it out is a good idea, if you have enough Rodericks of course. 

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5 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I was wondering something, how many more infantry lance units are we getting in the future? Majority of them all already in the game, with a few left out, (Forsyth, Aran, Devdan, Mozu, etc) Curious when the time comes when the devs start to run out of soldiers/halberdiers in the game.

Of the 12 available so far:

  • 7 were infantry lance users in the original games (Azura, Donnel, Ephraim, Lukas, Nephenee, Oboro, Shiro)
  • 3 are variations on a unit with a different type in the original games (Charlotte, Lucina, Robin)
  • 2 are original to Heroes (Fjorm, Sharena)

It's not the most common unit type in the original games. They've already been leaning on new/alternate characters to fill out a substantial roster, and I imagine that will continue.

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7 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I was wondering something, how many more infantry lance units are we getting in the future? Majority of them all already in the game, with a few left out, (Forsyth, Aran, Devdan, Mozu, etc) Curious when the time comes when the devs start to run out of soldiers/halberdiers in the game.

This one is a longshot but bear with me... Fuga from Revelations.

Just cause his main weapon is technically a Sword doesn't mean he can't be a Lance or Axe user.

Plus I'm sure there are plenty of enemy Lance Infantry across the games that I'm sure I'd find if I could be bothered to look.

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7 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I was wondering something, how many more infantry lance units are we getting in the future? Majority of them all already in the game, with a few left out, (Forsyth, Aran, Devdan, Mozu, etc) Curious when the time comes when the devs start to run out of soldiers/halberdiers in the game.

This one is a longshot but bear with me... Fuga from Revelations.

Just cause his main weapon is technically a Sword doesn't mean he can't be a Lance or Axe user.

Plus I'm sure there are plenty of enemy Lance Infantry across the games that I'm sure I'd find if I could be bothered to look.

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4 hours ago, Othin said:

Of the 12 available so far:

  • 7 were infantry lance users in the original games (Azura, Donnel, Ephraim, Lukas, Nephenee, Oboro, Shiro)
  • 3 are variations on a unit with a different type in the original games (Charlotte, Lucina, Robin)
  • 2 are original to Heroes (Fjorm, Sharena)

It's not the most common unit type in the original games. They've already been leaning on new/alternate characters to fill out a substantial roster, and I imagine that will continue.

They could probably squeeze a few more if they reclass some units. Like Faye's the obvious one there, so one of the other echoes villagers could be turned into a lance if they wanted. For variety purposes, I feel they'd have some lee-way with reclassing some of the children. Like I know Caeldori being a pegasus knight is A Thing, but treating her like a spear master could be novel. I think everyone in FE...5...I think, who could dismount just defaulted to Swords, but I think some liberties could be taken to consider some horse dudes as infantry lances

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4 hours ago, Xenomata said:

This one is a longshot but bear with me... Fuga from Revelations.

Just cause his main weapon is technically a Sword doesn't mean he can't be a Lance or Axe user.

Plus I'm sure there are plenty of enemy Lance Infantry across the games that I'm sure I'd find if I could be bothered to look.

Fuga's Club, though. +3 Spd, -3 Def/Res with L&D3 3 for +5 Atk, +8 Spd, -8 Def/Res. :p

Inherit Fuga's Club+ (14 Mt) and L&D3 onto a +Spd, -Res Cherche or +Spd, -Res Frederick. Cherche would have 46/57/37/24/4 and Frederick would have 43/54/37/28/3.

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7 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

A little over 4 hours left for the current skill banner, it seems. Any predictions or hopes for the next one?

I just hope they find another reason to bring Klein back.

Units with Experience Skills, so Athena, Faye, and Mae since Axe Experience is only available through spring Chrom and the other ones don't exist yet. The funny part is that they're all good units, so the skills wouldn't be the selling point.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Soleil: Seen any cute girls?

Me: What am I, chopped liver?

You're over 25, and Soleil lives in a world where such people are considered old.

...Granted, we're also a gender-neutral avatar, and those tend to be treated as male even subconsciously.

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2 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

You're over 25, and Soleil lives in a world where such people are considered old.

...Granted, we're also a gender-neutral avatar, and those tend to be treated as male even subconsciously.

The old Christmas Cake problem, I see.

4 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

You're over 25, and Soleil lives in a world where such people are considered old.

...Granted, we're also a gender-neutral avatar, and those tend to be treated as male even subconsciously.

The exposed part of the face and body type are very male looking.

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21 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:

Something with Elise??? haha!

Nah, I've already used her for everything I need her for, so I don't need another Elise ;)

Actually, a Gravity banner could be kinda nice. It would give the chance of getting Wrathful Staff, Live to Serve/one of the best healers offensively, and Renewal. Not too bad at all, really.

21 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

My prediction for the next skill banner is a "Units with Ploy Skills" group.

So Katarina, Sonya, and Deirdre? I'd be perfectly happy with that, for a probably obvious reason, haha. Part of me hopes for a Glacies banner (not you, Rex) with Katarina, Fir, and Klein. Fir is one of the few 3/4-star reds I'd be okay with getting instead of Katarina, and Klein being in yet another banner would be hilarious. Or Felicia instead of Fir, for a better chance at getting Katarina specifically.

19 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Units with Experience Skills, so Athena, Faye, and Mae since Axe Experience is only available through spring Chrom and the other ones don't exist yet. The funny part is that they're all good units, so the skills wouldn't be the selling point.

Yeah, the EXP skills aren't really as interesting as the units themselves, but they're all pretty great units regardless. I'd love a chance for Faye without another colorless to get in the way.

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30 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

A little over 4 hours left for the current skill banner, it seems. Any predictions or hopes for the next one?

I just hope they find another reason to bring Klein back.

I really hope it's flier exclusive skills, specifically, Guidance, Flier Formation, and Goad Fliers.

What, another Death Blow banner with Klein, Siegbert, and Hawkeye. Or a Glacies banner with him, Fir, Felicia.

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4 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I really hope it's flier exclusive skills, specifically, Guidance, Flier Formation, and Goad Fliers.

What, another Death Blow banner with Klein, Siegbert, and Hawkeye. Or a Glacies banner with him, Fir, Felicia.

That would be amazing as well; I need Tana badly, I need a better Minerva and to make her +2 wrong skill, but Palla works as well, and Elincia would be neat too.

Eventually, I'm expecting us to get the Klein skill banner, featuring Klein, Klein, and Klein. Oh, and don't forget, now we can have another Quick Riposte banner with Klein, Deirdre, and Dorcas!

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When is the next Bound Hero Battle again? I know there's the Tana and Amelia BHB (could it be that Innes is going to be part of the banner too?) but I forgot the date of it.

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2 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

When is the next Bound Hero Battle again? I know there's the Tana and Amelia BHB (could it be that Innes is going to be part of the banner too?) but I forgot the date of it.

We get T&A on December 14th.

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2 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

When is the next Bound Hero Battle again? I know there's the Tana and Amelia BHB (could it be that Innes is going to be part of the banner too?) but I forgot the date of it.

Oh wait, that's happening? Shoot... if neither Tana nor Katarina are on the next skill banner, I may have to save orbs for that instead.

Anyway, I looked it up, and it's apparently happening between December 14th and December 23rd, with possible adjustments depending on time zones.

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