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@mampfoid Hm. Generally no one unit since they run their vanilla skills which aren't always the best for them. He's usually got to be double/triple teamed by the right combination of units to kill him, especially if he attacks first. Reinhardt could maybe stop him if he's not buffed yet.

I'll say what catches me by surprise most of the time is when units randomly run Daggerbreaker. Katarina oneshot him once because she was running that. Another big one is units that also randomly have Harsh Command. I've been spooked by them on one occasion or another.

Edited by Zeo
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I'm giving friends my Grima with Armour Boots on. Hope it helps some people.


I decided to burn some stamina and get Gerome from TT earlier than normal... and I've also got him most of the way to * 40 :D I'm also levelling up a recently promoted Chrom and Clarine, plus a duplicate, better statted and now merged Shiro with him ^.^ 

I actually really like Gerome's voice lines. I think someone described it really well. He's got a fake voice on for most of them because of the mask, but this occasionally slips when he's showing his real feelings :) The only one I don't like is the weird laugh that sounds more like a cough. Waste of a line and sounds stupid. 

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2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I actually really like Gerome's voice lines. I think someone described it really well. He's got a fake voice on for most of them because of the mask, but this occasionally slips when he's showing his real feelings :) The only one I don't like is the weird laugh that sounds more like a cough. Waste of a line and sounds stupid. 

Have you seen any of his castle dialogue yet? There's one in particular that makes me wonder what it would have been like if Gerome met Sakura considering one of neko Sakura's castle dialogue. Tailtiu too. They're all sad and hurting on the inside...

Yeah, Gerome's laugh is weird. It's kind of funny because I adore Cherche's laugh, but Gerome's is just meh. Just meh. The weird thing is why they settled with that laugh since voice actors often repeat lines over and over until they get it right. By that, probably when the director and others including the voice actor feels that iteration worked. Anyway, if you go with that they specifically chose this awkward laugh, then you could argue that it's supposed to represent something and for me, that could be Gerome failing miserably at laughing with a deep voice because he doesn't know how to laugh like that and that it's not his natural laugh.

Every character has some sort of laugh, grunt, or whatever. In most cases, they're throwaway lines, but in other cases, they're really well done or add to the character. PA Shigure's laugh comes to mind since it's awkward, but then you notice how his voice trails off at the end making it seem like he's forcing a laugh. I haven't played Fates, but Shigure comes off as a very sad and solemn person and his (PA Shigure's) laugh in Heroes just nails that for me.

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53 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Have you seen any of his castle dialogue yet? There's one in particular that makes me wonder what it would have been like if Gerome met Sakura considering one of neko Sakura's castle dialogue. Tailtiu too. They're all sad and hurting on the inside...

Yeah, Gerome's laugh is weird. It's kind of funny because I adore Cherche's laugh, but Gerome's is just meh. Just meh. The weird thing is why they settled with that laugh since voice actors often repeat lines over and over until they get it right. By that, probably when the director and others including the voice actor feels that iteration worked. Anyway, if you go with that they specifically chose this awkward laugh, then you could argue that it's supposed to represent something and for me, that could be Gerome failing miserably at laughing with a deep voice because he doesn't know how to laugh like that and that it's not his natural laugh.

Every character has some sort of laugh, grunt, or whatever. In most cases, they're throwaway lines, but in other cases, they're really well done or add to the character. PA Shigure's laugh comes to mind since it's awkward, but then you notice how his voice trails off at the end making it seem like he's forcing a laugh. I haven't played Fates, but Shigure comes off as a very sad and solemn person and his (PA Shigure's) laugh in Heroes just nails that for me.

It's possible that was the intent, but it just doesn't work for me, and it's annoying since that's a starting quote line, too >.< It's the one piece of dialogue of his that just grates on me. Young Tiki's snoring and wake up map quote does it, too. It's like... shut up with that one piece of dialogue! xD 

I've not got Neko Sakura, so I'm not sure which line you mean? I have read all of his, though (I think, at least, since they are random). Which one were you referring to? 

I think PA!Shigure's is my favourite laugh, so you nailed it there. It's sad and solemn. He's quite a serious, contemplative person. He feels a lot of guilt for fleeing the Deeprealms and leaving the people who cared for him to die, even though that was his wish. I really like him as a character - I think he's one of my favourites in Fates. 

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1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

I've not got Neko Sakura, so I'm not sure which line you mean? I have read all of his, though (I think, at least, since they are random). Which one were you referring to? 

Neko Sakura has a castle quote where she talks about how in legends, nekomata have the power to bring people back to life and that if she had that power, well, she trails off and doesn't say. Reading Gerome's quote about asking if the summoner could summon his parents reminded me of that. So, it made me wonder what it would be like if they met.

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This BHB was a joke. S!Corrin (maybe F!Morgan can do it too if she has the same Blarblade build?) erases like half the map and the only one who managed to hit me was Lissa and she did a sad 3 dmg to Elincia.

I can see why Chrom and Lissa depend so much on Robin.

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I'll try to do this with horse emblem plus fallen takumi. Just need 800 feathers to promote Gunter for hone cavalry which I'll give to Ephraim

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55 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

This BHB banner and the tempest one made me realise how unappealing most of the day 1 awakening units are gameplay wise. Even Lucina isn't as good as she used to be.

Which is kinda great if they make obscure game characters better gameplay wise.

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Just now, silverserpent said:

@silveraura25 what award this time? Are there still anymore they can get?


No idea how much of a big deal they are.

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9 hours ago, Kaden said:

Neko Sakura has a castle quote where she talks about how in legends, nekomata have the power to bring people back to life and that if she had that power, well, she trails off and doesn't say. Reading Gerome's quote about asking if the summoner could summon his parents reminded me of that. So, it made me wonder what it would be like if they met.

Oh man, that one wrenched at me. I mean, I even took a pic of Gerome standing next to his parents in the castle (I tend to go for Virion x Cherche), but, of course, they're still not his real parents v.v And then he pretty much brushes it off 'cos he doesn't expect anything good to happen v.v 

Sometimes I wish we could have more dialogue between the characters, but I know that would be too much. That being said, I wish some of these BHBs weren't characters from the same game, but characters that maybe had something in common (thinking back to the Klein and Sanaki moment in the story, which I really liked). I mean, the BHB story bits are a bit pointless to me 'cos we already see how the characters are in the game. Why not see how they react to others from different games?

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

I need to start some new gaming industry associations, make some basic but credible websites for them and hand out a bunch of awards to FEH.

Make it so that the awards are handed out separately from one another, one category per day. Also clarify how the awards are influenced by the player base, so that we get the most out of it through IS's gratitude.

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