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32 minutes ago, r_n said:

brides 2: this time everyone is armors

I am that person who fears all female banner more than more fateswakening in heroes , and I hope they didn't do that again. Marth looks gorgeous in the groom costume for Warriors DLC so I wish if they HAVE to make another wedding themed banner they at least include one groom. Tbh if everyone are brides and armors, that saves my orbs so I could be at least  glad I guess. 

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48 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

it seems that now seasonals are almost guaranteed to have either fliers or armors as those are the two movement types IS trying to push at us. Halloween armor, Xmas armor, NY flier, valentine armor again, this one is fliers..


so nxt seasonals will have armors I guess 

I am trying to figure out how 1 flier makes this one fliers like the Christmas banner was. There are 4 move types, so single flier as part of the banner is hardly pushing fliers onto people. That said the armor push is real, but number wise I see that as just balancing out the numbers(now skill wise is another question, bold and vengeful are kinda nuts). There are now 21 armors in the game. We have effectively more than doubled the number of armors since Trick or Die. Sadly too many of these are seasonals so the armor pool still feels rather constricted. However, the point is that Armor is still the smallest move pool. We are merely correcting the imbalance that has occurred since launch. Now maybe you hate armors and would be happy for them to only ever have 1 or 2 choices per color, but I happen to quite enjoy having multiple options per color slot. Would have been better if IS had put them out slowly since launch rather than just cramming them all out at once, but at least now we have some choices when making armor teams(though I really wish nearly half of them weren't locked behind seasonal status).

Anyways, in general I would expect 1-2 infantry with the rest being assorted types for a 4 person banner. I don't really expect the other types to match infantry numbers, and besides it makes an odd bit of sense for infantry to out number the rest. Honestly if our current Infantry>Cavalry>Flier>Armor order stays I wouldn't mind. But what were you expecting? All four to be infantry? 2 Infantry and a cav and an armor? 3 infantry and a cav? If anything 2 cavs, 1 flier, 1 infantry is pushing cav units onto people. LA had 2 cavs as well if you recall. That is 4 seasonal cavs in two months.

To put it another way there have been 5 seasonal fliers which will become 6 with the flying dagger and 9(10) Seasonal armors(depending on if you count Eliwood as a seasonal or just a TT). There are 3 seasonal cavs. 5 now with the new ones. 20(21) of the seasonal are infantry(if you count the TT rewards like Corrin and Eliwood). So all the recent cavs might be just to spread the love since they clearly havn't been getting much.


TL;DR Armors have likely been heavily focused for a few reasons. They were significantly under represented in general compared to the other move types. There are fewer canon options for them so if you want more armors, particularly armors of varied weapons, it is easiest to do so through seasonal shenanigans since fewer are likely to complain that x wasn't y in z game or that said character wasn't playable/etc. And the recent Cav focus may be because they realized there was 1 whole seasonal cav before Love Abounds.

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Just now, Korath88 said:

Thinking about it now, if the original bridal banner was released this year, Cordelia would have probably kept her pegasus and become the first bow flier in the game.

I’m still calling Azura to become the first bow flier in the game. With Sing. Because lolReina and lolShigure at the same time. 

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Doing these quests while clearing AA seems to be the most efficient. I suppose Rivals Domain works too but I'm not really feeling like doing it right now.

Also, Genny and B!Lyn have no trouble killing stuff so the healer quests are a breeze.

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3 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

The quest for defeating five foes with a green tome ally has a type, only saying "use a green ally to defeat foes".

Misleading! Apology orbs when?

Their translations have been more iffy than ever lately. I wonder if they changed editors or translators.

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

I am trying to figure out how 1 flier makes this one fliers like the Christmas banner was. There are 4 move types, so single flier as part of the banner is hardly pushing fliers onto people. That said the armor push is real, but number wise I see that as just balancing out the numbers(now skill wise is another question, bold and vengeful are kinda nuts). There are now 21 armors in the game. We have effectively more than doubled the number of armors since Trick or Die. Sadly too many of these are seasonals so the armor pool still feels rather constricted. However, the point is that Armor is still the smallest move pool. We are merely correcting the imbalance that has occurred since launch. Now maybe you hate armors and would be happy for them to only ever have 1 or 2 choices per color, but I happen to quite enjoy having multiple options per color slot. Would have been better if IS had put them out slowly since launch rather than just cramming them all out at once, but at least now we have some choices when making armor teams(though I really wish nearly half of them weren't locked behind seasonal status).

Anyways, in general I would expect 1-2 infantry with the rest being assorted types for a 4 person banner. I don't really expect the other types to match infantry numbers, and besides it makes an odd bit of sense for infantry to out number the rest. Honestly if our current Infantry>Cavalry>Flier>Armor order stays I wouldn't mind. But what were you expecting? All four to be infantry? 2 Infantry and a cav and an armor? 3 infantry and a cav? If anything 2 cavs, 1 flier, 1 infantry is pushing cav units onto people. LA had 2 cavs as well if you recall. That is 4 seasonal cavs in two months.

To put it another way there have been 5 seasonal fliers which will become 6 with the flying dagger and 9(10) Seasonal armors(depending on if you count Eliwood as a seasonal or just a TT). There are 3 seasonal cavs. 5 now with the new ones. 20(21) of the seasonal are infantry(if you count the TT rewards like Corrin and Eliwood). So all the recent cavs might be just to spread the love since they clearly havn't been getting much.


TL;DR Armors have likely been heavily focused for a few reasons. They were significantly under represented in general compared to the other move types. There are fewer canon options for them so if you want more armors, particularly armors of varied weapons, it is easiest to do so through seasonal shenanigans since fewer are likely to complain that x wasn't y in z game or that said character wasn't playable/etc. And the recent Cav focus may be because they realized there was 1 whole seasonal cav before Love Abounds.

 I mean, armors are smacked to your face , when fliers is offered in a subtler and slower way than armors does, but still improved when cavalry is neutered with lack of unique units and the trenches. It's like IS saying "fuck cavalry, here have some armors. What ? Don't want that? Have some fliers." By this point flier emblem is preferable in arena bc Airzura and the trenches. 

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1 minute ago, DraceEmpressa said:

 I mean, armors are smacked to your face , when fliers is offered in a subtler and slower way than armors does, but still improved when cavalry is neutered with lack of unique units and the trenches. It's like IS saying "fuck cavalry, here have some armors. What ? Don't want that? Have some fliers." By this point flier emblem is preferable in arena bc Airzura and the trenches. 

The only problem with fliers is that indoor maps can spell certain doom for your arena score. Your advantage is basically gone or has been significantly been weakened

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14 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Actually that’s wrong. The Valentines Banner pushed Roy and Lillina pretty word, with theirs and Eliwood’s voice clips.

It’s very likely that they try to make some pairings canon. And considering Heroes is a gacha game, whose bread and butter is what currently popular in the fandom, putting Ike and Soren together romantically is a very high possibility. I mean, IS already wants you to put Ike and Soren in the same team, with Soren’s new refinement and all.

Not really. Lilina's crush on Roy and his more oblivious nature are already canon in their game already. They never explicitly state the two end up together and, like I said, even if they did, it doesn't make it canon for fe6, since outrealms exist so anything is a possibility. 

I also highly doubt they will have any reason to make Ike X Soren canon either. It doesn't matter how well they work as a team, unless you're also trying to make Eirika X Nino canon.

I feel people are too sensitive about this pairing stuff anyway, but I also feel that they've played it well so far on the devotion banner, personally.  

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4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

The only problem with fliers is that indoor maps can spell certain doom for your arena score. Your advantage is basically gone or has been significantly been weakened

I'm okay with that, I'm not that much of competitive person (quite the opposite in fact, I loathe pvp in any form) and my flier team is enough to make me go up and down between tier 16 and 17 every week. 

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2 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I'm okay with that, I'm not that much of competitive person (quite the opposite in fact, I loathe pvp in any form) and my flier team is enough to make me go up and down between tier 16 and 17 every week. 

Same. I'm into optimal builds, but not Arena score

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I was hoping for a bit more orb rewards for the new quests, but oh well the other rewards are nice, too! Sacred Coins are always welcome!

I wish the crystals rewards in the TT would change...I have like, 99,999 of the big crystals that I never use.

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1 hour ago, DraceEmpressa said:

 I mean, armors are smacked to your face , when fliers is offered in a subtler and slower way than armors does, but still improved when cavalry is neutered with lack of unique units and the trenches. It's like IS saying "fuck cavalry, here have some armors. What ? Don't want that? Have some fliers." By this point flier emblem is preferable in arena bc Airzura and the trenches. 

Cavalry currently has 1 fewer seasonal. But if you broaden uniques to include Legendary, Brave Heroes, and Alts like Eirika/Chrom, then Cavalry has quite a few more uniques than Fliers. And if you mean unique as in weapon/movement combos that is partly due to Cavs having had most of the weapon types from early on. All cav are missing are Dagger and Breath. Every other weapon is accounted for. Fliers are lacking Bow and Staff and are tied with Cavalry now with Daggerabbit on their side. Infantry obviously has everything and Armor is missing Staff and Dagger. So basically every move that lacks full weapons lacks the same number of weapons.

Dancer wise it is a bit naive to expect them in all move types real quick. Those will be leaked out nice and slow to milk it all the way. And flier getting it first isn't a big surprise. Both Olivia and Azura have access to a flyer class, but no other movement type by default. Then there are the Herons, yes? So yeah, no surprise. I would personally expect Horse last simply due to how insane horse dancers would likely be. Horse plus other 2move dancer is already pretty nuts.

As for trenches I don't see them as a whole lot different then trees. They could put trees in instead and the maps would be fairly similar. What trenches allow is more freedom in map design. You have to be careful with trees since cav can't cross them at all. Trenches have the benefit of trees without that drawback. Honestly I prefer trenches on maps than awkwardly placed trees to create challenges for horses. Though it would be nice if it just cost 2 move instead of all 3, basically making them infantry slow rather than armor slow. But that is likely the same limitation that causes armors to be able to sprint through forests with Armor March. That said I don't think they are the best implemented. Some maps just look plain weird with trench placement.


@mcsilas Honest I just wish we had an option to break them down into shards. I don't enjoy leveling up countless 3* to 20 so that I can fodder their skills. So I burn a lot of the shards. Crystals. . . not so much. Only time Crystals get used is when I have a better boon/bane for a hero that is already fully built and has plenty of SP. Then I just laze my way up the levels and merge into. But that isn't a common occurrence for me.

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Yessss, more Sacred Coins... I can upgrade to Quick Riposte 2, finally! Making progress!

...Now I have to save up 94 more Sacred Coins to get to the last level. Damn it. :/ I'm still only passable at the Arena and I'm terrible at Arena Assault. I wish there were more plentiful ways to earn Sacred Coins.

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44 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Yessss, more Sacred Coins... I can upgrade to Quick Riposte 2, finally! Making progress!

...Now I have to save up 94 more Sacred Coins to get to the last level. Damn it. :/ I'm still only passable at the Arena and I'm terrible at Arena Assault. I wish there were more plentiful ways to earn Sacred Coins.

For AA I suggest getting counters for emblem teams. Archers are the easiest. Wolftomes, armor effective weapon triangle, horseslayer, Caeda, Micaiah. Ranged tanks are also great against magic users. TA raventome users for each color is recommended. One anti-meta unit which is easily accessible is female robin with her wolftome. Just upgrade it  to keen gronnwolf. She's a decent brave Lyn and Reinhardt counter

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2 hours ago, Usana said:


Honest I just wish we had an option to break them down into shards. I don't enjoy leveling up countless 3* to 20 so that I can fodder their skills. So I burn a lot of the shards. Crystals. . . not so much. Only time Crystals get used is when I have a better boon/bane for a hero that is already fully built and has plenty of SP. Then I just laze my way up the levels and merge into. But that isn't a common occurrence for me.

I actually like to manually level up the duplicate hero just so I can get Hero Merit.

Although with the amount of crystals I have... maybe I'l do that for healers or something. Levelling them up can be a bit slow.

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A small note regarding Felicias refinement:

I don't think it's necessary at all to make her a strong unit. She is a member of my second TTs team currently and with the set I gave her (Felicias Plate, +ATK nature, Fury 3, Desperation 3, SPD+3 seal) she doesn't depend on her special to deal damage. Aiming for the weaker defensive stat is an huge advantage, especially with buffs (47/47 ATK/SPD when honed by Robin, 48/48 when tomed by Morgan). 

If someone is pondering to promote her, but doesn't want to spend dew on her: Felicias plate gives her already a big boost which makes her more than worthy the 5*  promotion. I hope also other old units will get tweaks like that. 

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