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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Hmm... I wonder...

The Odd Waves skill seems VERY very, shall we say, Similar to a certain series of skills learned by a very certain species of humanoid beasts...

Taguel are known to be pretty speedy, Kitsune have their fair share of Resistance, and Wolfskin can be considered pretty beefy...

Hmm, yes... very suspicious indeed...

So you're saying...

Ishtar is beast? 

@Vaximillian @SatsumaFSoysoy Those families sure do love their magic

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

So you're saying...

Ishtar is beast? 

I mean, do you have any other way of explaining, shall we say, the meat on that catch?

You could feed a family off those thighs.

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6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

So you're saying...

Ishtar is beast?

2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I mean, do you have any other way of explaining, shall we say, the meat on that catch?

So should we expect Werewolf Ishtar on the next Halloween seasonal banner?

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

Does anyone know what was changed with the Event Calendar? It looks exactly the same to me.

From Serenes Forest homepage: "The banner starting on 27 May should have been titled “Heroes with Stance Skills"

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4 minutes ago, Othin said:

Does anyone know what was changed with the Event Calendar? It looks exactly the same to me.

“Countering skills” banner became “Stance skills” banner, as it was supposed to be.

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9 hours ago, Thane said:

I seem to recall Monday banners getting their trailers on Fridays. Since the next seasonal will arrive on Monday, do you think we'll see the trailer on the 18:th?

That would be nice. At least since it's a seasonal we might get the silhouette sneak peak before that too.

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Sometimes I disgust even myself.


I really want to give Julius Distant Defense or some other good EP-centric A-Skill, but IS has been awfully slow at adding them to the 4* summoning pool.  The addition of Swift Stance was nice, and now it just needs to be expanded.  I'm not really a big fan of Fury on my tanks, but options are limited. 

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Anyways, I really want more non-loli dragons to be added. Or least have them be not scantily clad. So basically, nothing like Nowi. Cause fuck Nowi

I decided to change my name (Poimagic) and profile pic because memes. And adorable dragons. 

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18 minutes ago, Dominic the Dragon said:

Anyways, I really want more non-loli dragons to be added. Or least have them be not scantily clad. So basically, nothing like Nowi. Cause fuck Nowi

Sooo...basically the PoR/RD dragon Laguz? Ena, Nasir, Kurthnaga, Deghinsea, and Rajaion?

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Saias's sprite in Heroes is weirdly adorable and funny to me. I think it's his expression and his overdramatic pose he, his father, and Julius strike when they're ready on the map. Arvis and Julius have a confident face while Saias has a straight, frowning face that's like he's saying "Why." and not with a question mark, but with a period for a flat why. He also closes his eyes before opening them when doing the pose unlike Arvis and Julius.

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1 hour ago, Dominic the Dragon said:

So basically, nothing like Nowi. Cause fuck Nowi

If you don’t like Nowi, why would you want to fuck her?

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


At once!

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

Sooo...basically the PoR/RD dragon Laguz? Ena, Nasir, Kurthnaga, Deghinsea, and Rajaion?

Yeah, basically


17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

If you don’t like Nowi, why would you want to fuck her?

Sorry. Let me rephrase that. Nowi is an annoying bitch. That’s a lot better

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2 hours ago, Dominic the Dragon said:

So basically, nothing like Nowi. Cause fuck Nowi


25 minutes ago, Dominic the Dragon said:

Sorry. Let me rephrase that. Nowi is an annoying bitch. That’s a lot better

I like Nowi though, she's a good little kid :(

...I also happen to think she could do with more than just arts and crafts leftovers though...

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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I like Nowi though, she's a good little kid :(

...I also happen to think she could do with more than just arts and crafts leftovers though...

But would she feel okay with wearing more clothing? You need a lady's consent after all, otherwise you'll be publicly ostracized and have to put up a sign and be monitored come the next Trick or Defeat banner.

If you didn't want to force it too heavily on her, we have three options. One, send her Silesse/Ilia/whatever it gets cold in the dead of winter and hope the chills make her want to wear more to stay warm and alive. Two, start with small steps and work your way up, even the sheerest sheer yoga pants would be an improvement. Three- toss a magical Wedding Bouquet at her.

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