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3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

hehe i was thinking about making SY Tiki Earth too but then i realised most of my dragons are in Earth, so maybe spread the dragon-y wealth

My SY Tiki is Earth because she is on my flying team, and Legendary Robin, which is a Earth Legendary Hero,  was on my team too, but I swaped Robin for Halloween Mia.

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

My SY Tiki is Earth because she is on my flying team, and Legendary Robin, which is a Earth Legendary Hero,  was on my team too, but I swaped Robin for Halloween Mia.

that's what i am facing. (I had LB!Myrrh Red (because I want to link Tiki/she together and she was earth) - but i totally forgot that L!Grima was earth too (and I wanted a Flying team as I am just missing her now(Grima). but iam going to more than likely make tiki and OG Myrrh, Wind. 

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3 minutes ago, Rinco said:

If we were getting a HM cap raise on 3.1 would it be listed on the notification board's post about 3.1?

Probably. There isn't a complete reference point, since the increases to 3k and 5k were announced in Feh Channel and and update that increased it to 4k didn't seem to get any sort of notification for any of its increases. But it seems like the sort of thing that would be included in an update notification like this.

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"Hm... I should probably do Arena Assault before the week ends and I miss out on yet another 19 refining stones, 19 sacred coins, and bundle of feathers."

Makes Google Spreadsheet of units and natures instead.

...I have a weird way of defining priorities...

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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

"Hm... I should probably do Arena Assault before the week ends and I miss out on yet another 19 refining stones, 19 sacred coins, and bundle of feathers."

Makes Google Spreadsheet of units and natures instead.

...I have a weird way of defining priorities...

At least you still have 4 hours left for this season.

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I think they're saving the HM increase for the 2-year anniversary next month.  By that point it will have been 10 months since the last increase to the HM cap.  I wouldn't be surprised if the cap is only raised once a year now that there's a lot more heroes than there were this time last year or at launch for feather farming.

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Right now I only have 1 unit in my barracks that's not in the cap. I think there's 30ish that I've summoned before but used for fodder/turned into manuals before I started farming, but I'm trying to get some more copies of them. 

I hope that, when they decide to raise the cap, they just go and raise it to 10k.

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Decided there's virtually zero chance of someone I care about being announced for the upcoming RD banner, so I went ahead and spent some orbs on Winter's Envoy for CC fodder.



Success!  Candelabra is a nice bonus too, even though I don't see myself using it much.  Between this and the extra Eir pull on the legendary banner, I'd say my next grail project is coming along quite nicely. 


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Nailah Hype. She is an ally worthy of Rinkah and covers up the blue color. Only a few days D= If I don't get her with my 500 orbs I guess I would love to quit the game. xD 

Edited by Stroud
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18 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Sudden realisation: Heroes Karla is busted.


Should we reverse the tier list, so A tier is lowest, and D is higher up?

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Wow I actually straight up lost 3 AR runs in a row, I really should pay attention to all this firesweep stuff, ugh.


Edit: LUL this is the wrong thread.


Double Edit: I'm actually not sure how I'd deal with the double firesweep (1 Bow Lyn with double Poison Strike, 1 melee Galeforce horse with drag back) 3 dancer + 1 stall guy or 4 dancer lineups, at least under full AR constraints + the fact that I only get to run 5* exclusives at +0, if at all.

Eir doesn't ORKO even with bonus stats because everything is +10 on the enemy team, so I can't run Galeforce, 2 dancer, 2 ranged damage dealer setup with Eir as the 2 damage dealer. And defensive teams just get folded by Lyn being danced (if I had +10 stuff this isn't a problem, I just stack enough stats until I take 0 damage, but yeah).


My normal team should be able to handle it even with traps, since firesweep + dancers means that if I do my fights properly I can probably leave two people alive (though they'd both have to be dancers) and still not lose anyone, but my normal team is also +80 or +100 lift even without losses, so there's no point running it if I'm trying to climb.


The best bet seems to be gravity on a horse and extreme AI manipulation, but nobody has the time for that.


Triple Edit: Oh, wait, actually I'm just retarded.

I forgot the double firesweep lineup literally auto-loses to the double ranged damage dealer pair on my main team---even with traps I'd just dance them, dancers can't dance other dancers so unless I position like a chipmunk everything's fine. I'm just so used to the 2 ranged on my team being Eir (and pretty... bad at killing things) nowadays.

Can't fix this problem until I have enough blessings to bring in some actually competent damage dealers, though.

Edited by DehNutCase
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10 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

Anyone playing on an Android device experiencing this weird thing where when you try to quit the app using the back button on the home screen only reloads it?

If you mean the castle, I can quit the app there via back button. 

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Why the fuck does Nailah have DC.

Eh, look at it this way. We finally got someone else with DC in the regular summoning pool.

As for the actual question, I think it’s pretty obvious that they wanted her and Tibarn to be as ridiculous as possible.

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Why the fuck does Nailah have DC.

Uhhhh.... Quickclaw? Howl? -Beast skills she doesn't actually innately have in RD.

A way for Hector lovers to stop feeling the guilt?


Regardless of the issues, and regardless of whether I've hopped onto a ship that'll be at the Hadal Zone in five minutes, I'll be going for this. Just have to ignore a bunch of the discussion here and let subjectivity rule the day- unusual for me.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I don't even need to invest in Nailah. I would be dumb on changing her default skills. xD At least for a and b.
I guess I can take out Elise of my AR def team soon. Tha datamine had been there, but now its official. 

Only bad thing for me is that I will not use her as fodder. But merge her, so I will rely on her for using these set of skills for now. If I pull her of course. 

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New Year's Laegjarn's map ready pose looks like it could be hilarious with certain weapons since she basically hugs her lance. Has anyone inherited a Carrot Lance on her?

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