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3 minutes ago, Othin said:

I wouldn't go quite that far. It's in close contention with SOV and Fates, and wasn't even in first place yesterday. Fates also has more total units, they're just a smaller fraction of its roster.

Over time, I expect Three Houses to catch up to the other recent games, at least in terms of fraction of playable units.

I was being slightly facetious. Slightly.


Because Fire Emblem Fateswakeningvalentia Heroes with Some Guests doesn't have quite the same ring to it. And neither does Fire Emblem Fuck You Tellius and Thracia Fans in Particular Heroes. 

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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2 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I was being slightly facetious. Slightly.


Because Fire Emblem Fateswakeningvalentia Heroes with Some Guests doesn't have quite the same ring to it. And neither does Fire Emblem Fuck You Tellius and Thracia Fans in Particular Heroes. 

Fire Emblem 3DS Heroes?

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

Fire Emblem 3DS Heroes?

That'll stop being true when 3H catches up. The game is a year old, and it already has almost the same percentage representation as Tellius. By this time next year, it'll be up there with the 3DS ones for sure.


One could call it All New All Different Fire Emblem Heroes, I guess. 🙄

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32 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Jesus. Let's just rename the game Fire Emblem Awakening Heroes so we can stop pretending that anyone else matters.

Tbf, when Heroes released, Fates and Awakening were the two most recent games and made up a vast portion of the launch units. Banner wise, only Fates has had any excessive form of representation. There's only been 3-4 Awakening banners in all three years. I won't include seasonal variations as those banners are mixed-games.

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1 minute ago, silverserpent said:

Tbf, when Heroes released, Fates and Awakening were the two most recent games and made up a vast portion of the launch units. Banner wise, only Fates has had any excessive form of representation. There's only been 3-4 Awakening banners in all three years. I won't include seasonal variations as those banners are mixed-games.

Awakening and Fates also dominated the seasonal banners for the first year: of the 32 seasonal units, 15 were Awakening and 15 were Fates, with Lyn and Caeda as the only exceptions. (Awakening and Fates each got two single-game seasonals over that time.) However, past that, Fates kept getting a bunch more seasonals while Awakening dropped off: it got just Tharja, Cordelia, and Noire in 2018, then none in 2019.

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They are also factors to consider

Tellius had the issue of juggling with two games at once. It isn't as much of an issue in recent times since I think they realized they can focus on Radiant Dawn but there's a few units in the game that comes from PoR like normal Ike and normal Elincia and possibly even Mist. 

As much as fans of FE4 and FE5 would want the games to get more attention, there's no way in hell IS will ever give as much as attention on those games like they are currently doing with Three House until they remake those games.

It's also very hard to give seasonals to units that have next to no support convo and basic personalities aside of a few oddballs there and there. Awakening, Fates and Three House might have stereotype characters but at least it gives them enough to give them ideas for seasonals or any wack ideas like the picnic banner.

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So, looking over the past year, we've gotten 15 New Heroes banners. 12 were relatively normal ones (with CYL, TMS, and Fallen being the exclusions). Ignoring the OCs, Super Catria, and Duo Ephraim, as well as non-playable characters (but counting Sigurn), the playable characters that got regular New Heroes versions for the first time over the past year are:

Byleth F, Byleth M, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Hubert, Petra, Hilda, Mercedes, Sigrun, Phina, Sirius, Nagi, Norne, Bantu, Astram, Forsyth, Python, Silque, Valbar, Conrad, Ewan, Gerik, Tethys, Ross, Cormag, Igrene, Perceval, Echidna, Larum, Chad, Mareeta, Eyvel, Osian, Tanya, Larcei, Shannan, Altena, Ced, Nils, Fiora, Rath, Heath, Lysithea, Ferdinand, Annette, Bernadetta, Midori, Rinkah, Forrest, Say'ri, Emmeryn, Gangrel

That's 53, so that could give an idea of how many more of these to expect over the next year. Probably 50-ish total. 

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1 hour ago, Vicious Sal said:

Tomorrow is the day. I either fodder of 15 units minimum, or if there is a HM farm update, I grind feathers and then fodder them. 

We’ll see what the update brings!

Did someone say "grind" and "feathers"?



And yet even with all of this work of clearing my HM backlog, I'm only just about to finish maxing all of my Book II units (the only ones remaining are Halloween Dorcas, Kliff, Owain and Gharnef) and still have 81 more characters between Books III and IV to go after that (and that doesn't include the incoming units). 

Maybe by summer's end, I'll finally be caught up.

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The only character who doesn't have max HM right now is Legendary Lucina, who I just got off the legendary banner on June 1.

Everyone else has 6000 HM.

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10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i have many units to grind feathers for. but i find it relatively tedious. i actually foddered off my bad boon summer gunnthra to give myrrh her double rally (finally)  oops. 

Yeah, I've got quite a few units that I didn't max out (or they were maxed under a previous cap) that I've since discarded. Specifically, I didn't even try to rack up merits for Brave Veronica, Laegjarn, Helbindi, New Year's Gunnthra, New Year's Laegjarn, Spring Loki, and Summer Ylgr.

Edited by Tybrosion
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I've HM grinded just about every unit I obtained besides a few book 1 units I foddered off before grinding for HM was a thing. Even then I still find myself low on feathers since I'm bad at managing them with all the merges or the need to promote a unit to five stars just to fodder off certain skills.

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I have maxed the HM from about 15 units (the ones I use most of the time). Currently I am going through the boring and tedious process of completing all the Grandmaster Tactic drills (using guides), finishing all blessed gardens (did it) , and clearing up any chain challenges I only am left with the Paralogues. I find HM grinding quite tedious and time consuming with rewards that aren't that "immediate".

However I must grab more feathers as I have 11 4* Cecilias, 9 4* Nowis (both of them have all available natures ready), I must also promote to 5* Ashnard and Gangrel when he arrives as far as units go. When it comes to skills there is a Cordelia (Galeforce) and a lightning breath I need to fodder.

Edited by SuperNova125
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So Nintendo accidentally released the full Book 4 midpoint video on YouTube, but then they quickly made it private again lol. But then thing is, it was originally uploaded on May 26th?

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1 hour ago, SockPuppet said:

So Nintendo accidentally released the full Book 4 midpoint video on YouTube, but then they quickly made it private again lol. But then thing is, it was originally uploaded on May 26th?

I do not think they accidentally released it. They are probably going to replace the video to give Say'ri her English voice lines so they made it private for now or something.

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The Japanese Heroes Twitter posted more stuff, including this cool video!

But the English Twitter is still silent. I hope they haven't completely abandoned it, it was nice to get Heroes news in English.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

I'll be surprised if there isn't a FEH Channel in the next 15 minutes or so.

I hope not, because it likely would only be a Japanese one since the English Twitter is still doing nothing.

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Hm... duality is quite the concept, isn't it? Fire and Ice, Life and Death, Dreams and Nightmares, Askr and Emblia... but previous foes were conquerors, evildoers who sought the expansions of their kingdoms at the expense of many lives, even their own troops and family. And most importantly, they didn't truly embody an entire concept, they wielded their concept with upmost power.

Meanwhile here in Book 4, it's hard not to look at the Sleeping Fairies as anything but the enforcers of their concepts, and yet I get the feeling we'll be expected to put an end to them as well. But... how do you kill nightmares?

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6 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Meanwhile here in Book 4, it's hard not to look at the Sleeping Fairies as anything but the enforcers of their concepts, and yet I get the feeling we'll be expected to put an end to them as well. But... how do you kill nightmares?

The same way you kill death herself, apparently

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