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7 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I can deal with colorless units just fine with DC Zephiel, Nino and Reinhardt. My experience with FEH Cecilia has been the complete opposite: a chore to level up since she's horribly weak, at least mine is and I'm not going to waste 20K feathers to burn a Nino for her. My Horse Emblem will wait for Walhart and then merge all my Eliwoods into my +ATK one. Nino works fine as my main green unit and I got 2 +ATK Hectors from the Hero Fest Banner and a 4* Tharja for my red tome needs. I'd only pull for Celica if she turns out to be a better Tharja or...her The Zofia sword has a cool ability like targeting Res instead of Def. 

I wasn't suggesting her being god-like enough to be on a team. I was just surprised you struggled with the levelling up quests ^.^'' I didn't think her too bad, if you keep her against colourless, I meant.

Tharja is my most loathed foe...

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10 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I can deal with colorless units just fine with DC Zephiel, Nino and Reinhardt. My experience with FEH Cecilia has been the complete opposite: a chore to level up since she's horribly weak, at least mine is and I'm not going to waste 20K feathers to burn a Nino for her. My Horse Emblem will wait for Walhart and then merge all my Eliwoods into my +ATK one. Nino works fine as my main green unit and I got 2 +ATK Hectors from the Hero Fest Banner and a 4* Tharja for my red tome needs. I'd only pull for Celica if she turns out to be a better Tharja or...her The Zofia sword has a cool ability like targeting Res instead of Def. 

Is Walhart expected to be in the game? Have we gotten any info about this?

Also, Cecilia may not be the strongest but she isn't "horribly weak". I think you're being a little too harsh on her character....

The creators knew exactly how busted horse emblem + -Blade tome, so they made sure to balance her out, but even without blade tome she puts in work!

2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I would pull for her if Ragnarok did everything that was suggested last night in this thread @SatsumaFSoysoy @Arcanite

What if Ragnarok could pay for my college tuition?

1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

Tharja is my most loathed foe...

I'm promoting mine just to feed her to Celica

I suggest you do the same ;)

Edited by Arcanite
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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

easy pickings for my Oboro though

I was thinking the same exact thing!

And once my Oboro becomes a destroyer of worlds, nothing will stand in my way!


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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

What if Ragnarok could pay for my college tuition?

I'm promoting mine just to feed her to Celica

I suggest you do the same ;)

I currently only have one and I have the collector's curse. One of every unit. Even a -Spd Tharja (seriously, why?)

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

What skill set is she gonna have?

Do QR3 too

Yoy know me so well

Weapon: Killer lance+ 

Assist: Rally defense or swap or reposition

Special: Bonfire!

A skill: Not sure yet.....

B skill: QR3!!!

C skill: definitely not threaten res! YUCK! Probably spur defense or fortify defense or something

And I have all the ingredients needed >:D

Just now, Cute Chao said:

I currently only have one and I have the collector's curse. One of every unit. Even a -Spd Tharja (seriously, why?)


My only Tharja is -Spd too!

Join me my friend

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Just now, Arcanite said:

Yoy know me so well

Weapon: Killer lance+ 

Assist: Rally defense or swap or reposition

Special: Bonfire!

A skill: Not sure yet.....

B skill: QR3!!!

C skill: definitely not threaten res! YUCK! Probably spur defense or fortify defense or something

And I have all the ingredients needed >:D

That just makes it similar to my Catria!


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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


My only Tharja is -Spd too!

Join me my friend

Yay for the -Spd club!

I hope this doesn't become a curse, though. It's not a curse I want (why Ryoma, why?! v.v)

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@Cute Chao: I struggled with those. Hardly a godsend to me. Basically the same as...F!Robin on a horse in terms of how weak she felt. 


@Arcanite: Not quite but I'll wait to fully assemble my Horse Emblem team when he pops up. I may sound harsh on her but that's how I honestly feel about her character. Nothing would change my mind about her character. I didn't like her in FE6 and the same holds in FEH.

Walhart had some story relevance in Awakening, he's Alm's descendant and he has a signature weapon in the form of the mighty Wolf Berg. A possible powerful axe with a built-in Distant Counter is pretty much begging for a GHB, at least. Axe meta could use some change and Walhart and Garon could end up dethroning Hector. 

As for Ragnarok, the spell itself isn't in FEH but I can also see Celica as a red sword unit due to her signature sword. Ragnarok isn't really exclusive to her thanks to Delthea so that puts tome Celica in a hard place. 


Edited by Lord-Zero
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4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

That just makes it similar to my Catria!


We are now part of the KQRA: Killer Quick Riposte Association

Tremble and be in fear!

1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

Yay for the -Spd club!

I hope this doesn't become a curse, though. It's not a curse I want (why Ryoma, why?! v.v)

So you are the Queen of -Spd eh?

Yet another person to make sacrifices to

2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

F!Robin on a horse in terms of how weak she felt.

F robin can't get buffed to +6 in all stats though

But I understand what you mean :P

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

We are now part of the KQRA: Killer Quick Riposte Association

May my Hauteclere QR2 Michalis apply? I will eventually give all that to Oboro. She already got Bonfire!

2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

So you are the Queen of -Spd eh?

33 out of my current 166 units are −Spd, which makes approximately 20%. May I join the club?

Edited by Vaximillian
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Just now, Vaximillian said:

33 out of my current 166 units are −Spd, which makes approximately 20%. May I join the club?

Nah nah it has to be 5 stars and really good units. Can't just be any ordinary unit. Like -Spd Reinhardt or something. Or -Spd Gordin

-Spd Lyn though? That'll give you some good standings

1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

May my Hauteclere QR2 Michalis apply?


It isn't a killer weapon, it just has a killer effect. But yeah, that seems good enough!

Welcome to KQRA my friend!

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Nah nah it has to be 5 stars and really good units. Can't just be any ordinary unit. Like -Spd Reinhardt or something. Or -Spd Gordin

-Spd Lyn though? That'll give you some good standings

Does −Spd EffieEirika count?
My Lyn is −Atk, that's even worse, actually.

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Ursula's GHB was way easier to me this time. In fact, I struggled more doing it with Anna in hard than with my horse team on lunatic :P:

Gronnraven TA3 Cecilia takes 0dmg from poison dagger thieves with ward cavalry lol, she even took a blarwolf hit like no one, she isn't afraid of nothing. Cecilia tanked the southern thief. Enemy ursula approaches and breaks the left wall, swd cav draws back. Ursula and cecilia team up and kill the knight while on EP northern thief attacks ursula, enemy ursula attacks cecilia, swd cav draws back and then southern thief dies on cecilia. Next turn, priscy rehabs ursula, then she growing thunder blarwolfs enemy ursula and cecilia goes next to the thief to block him. Thief dies on cecilia and swd cav hits ursula. Afterwards, Ursula ends swd cav's life.

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With Ursula GHB out of the way, that leaves Narcian. Hopefully I'll do better than the first time around.


As for Celica, either red sword or red tome. I can see her getting red sword while Delthea getting Ragnarok in a future SoV banner. Anyway...I can see red sword Celica using The Zofia as her 5* weapon with some effect like Mercy or targetting Res. As for other skills Renewal as her B Skill and Reposition as her Assist just like her weapon does in SoV. 

Also, I think someone mentioned the possibility of a green dancer, correct? How about Larum with the Emerald Axe or Silver Axe as a nod to Douglas? 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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9 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Does −Spd EffieEirika count?
My Lyn is −Atk, that's even worse, actually.

Your Lyn being -Rezzy was probably from Rezzy herself.

-Spd Eirika though.......

She's supposed to be a buff girl but -Spd doesn't help her take a lot of hits......

Come back with about 4 more -Spd  units (that actually need the speed) and I think you can join -Spd club

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I'm still taking a break from things like the arena and all, but I decided since the exp gained is temporarily increased, I'll take advantage of that by leveling up some more characters. My Stahl is almost lv. 40 and I also had some extra adult Tikis hanging around, so I gave him Bonfire since his def is pretty good (in fact, Stahl is pretty similar to a sword-wielding Freddy). I like Stahl too, so yeah, I'll use him when he can be pretty helpful. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Come back with about 4 more -Spd  units (that actually need the speed) and I think you can join -Spd club

I've a 5⋆ −Spd Caeda but she doesn't really lack speed anyway. I've a 4⋆ −Spd Eliwood (two of them, actually), a 4⋆ −Spd Felicia, two 4⋆ −Spd Merrics, a 4⋆ −Spd Jeorge, and a 4⋆ −Spd Oboro.

I actually don't use many 4⋆ −Spd units, actually. I had a −Spd Est but I merged her into my free neutral one after gifting her a brave lance.

not that I actually wanted to join your club anyway

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1 minute ago, predator_21476 said:

All this talk about - spd and I'm looking at a bunch of -atk though not as extreme as Rezzy. I have - Atk on Ephraim, Julia, Ryoma, Hinoka, Cain, Kagero and Soren so am I allowed in that club?

You'd have to ask Rezzy, as she is the Queen of -Atk.

Right now -Spd club is a bit of a "coalition" of sorts, while Rezzy has a legion in her -Atk monarchy

3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I've a 5⋆ −Spd Caeda but she doesn't really lack speed anyway. I've a 4⋆ −Spd Eliwood (two of them, actually), a 4⋆ −Spd Felicia, two 4⋆ −Spd Merrics, a 4⋆ −Spd Jeorge, and a 4⋆ −Spd Oboro.

I actually don't use many 4⋆ −Spd units, actually. I had a −Spd Est but I merged her into my free neutral one after gifting her a brave lance.

not that I actually wanted to join your club anyway

-Spd Caeda is unfort, as well as Deliwood. -Spd Jeorge is pretty disappointing too......

I think you qualify XD

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Speaking of −Atk, I got a 4⋆ −Atk Sheena the other day. The pain.

The -Rezzy curse never seems to rest

Good thing I offered her up some steak today!

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