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23 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

@eclipse @mewyeon @Brand_Of_The_Exalt Can I join you in your “what are 5⋆?” club?

Three full rolls:

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The second one was the worst hands down. Two 3⋆ Eliwoods when I've already had one of the same rarity. And a Bartre I hadn't.

Still, they advertised this focus as a pairs focus, and sure I did get pairs! Palla and Est, Est and Abel, F!Corrin and M!Corrin, Gordin and the bench.
Also third Cecilia. Or fourth? Can't remember already.
Also also, a Sakura. Okay I think. Only need a Clarine to complete full healer set.
Also also also, a Maria and a Wrys. As if I was lacking in healers already. Three Marias is almost a full team! Oh well.

We squad goals, and we're recruiting :D

I know the pain of all 3 stars and repeats.  I do hope that somehow, Nintendo will grace us with more opportunities to get orbs.  The paralogues are a nice help, but it'd be even better if the launch celebration maps were continued every week and not just for 5 weeks.

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19 hours ago, eclipse said:

Is your sister Percival, to your Aglovale? :P:

Sorry, couldn't resist.  Grats to both of you, though!


Thanks to nine additional orbs, I was able to do another pull!

- 4* Frederick
- 4* Donnel
- 3* Raigh
- 3* Beruka
- 3* Eliwood

Frederick looks interesting - Wings of Mercy make him extremely mobile.  This is something like the third Donnel I've pulled - hopefully, his 4* incarnation fixes the problems of his 3* ones.  Raigh will be fed to the other Raigh (unless this one has a really good boon/bane).  Beruka will take some practice - I'm not a fan of blind Lunging, especially with her arrow weakness.  Eliwood looks like a solid front-line unit. . .art aside.

Better than my last pull, but not by much.  I think I'll get something interesting on my third pull, assuming I have enough orbs left!

Do raise Eliwood so you can field the Cavalries of Apocalypse team, featuring Eliwood , Jagen, Gunter, and Clarine XD

Edited by pianime94
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Tried for Ephraim but not one blue orb showed up.  It's sad when that happens, since you know what you pick is going to go bad.  Got Arthur lol.  Stopped and just going to save for next good banner.  Looks like I will have to wait a month since the next banner sucks.

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YYEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH :lol: !!!!!! Oh my god, finally a 5* blue unit to replace my 4 * Peri that is starting to fall behind. The rest of the poll was pretty good, got Robin that is a blue mage (got Odin but he isn't that good and 3*), and a Hinata.

A weird thing, when I pulled Marth (that was my top priority unit), I kept my Orbs first, and the next morning got a strong intuition that I had to pull NOW. And Marth appeared on my 2nd summon. Got exactly the same intuition a few minutes ago, and boom, Ephraim. And a few days ago when I pulled 5* Roy (even if I'd have preferred Lyn or Taco meat) Time to start a diviner activity

Thanks for your help Anna :D:.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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Late to the thread. Back when the game was just out I rerolled until I got a team not worth passing up:


More recently I did a roll and pulled a 5 star Elise right off the bat- so now my team is magic and dragons (pegknights are starting to be a pain).

I've been hoarding orbs, but am really unsure if I want to try a pull on this banner since the 3 and 4 stars are all the same... but there are low-star characters in the current roster I wouldn't mind getting. Eh.

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 All my 40 orbs and I couldn't get a good one. Marth is really the only worthwhile thing here and even then I wanted Erika's buffs to support and have her be a second liner. Now I have to wait for tomorrow's 2 daily orbs to try again for Ephraim. He and Hector really are the only thing my team lacks. Does anyone know when the daily orbs are going to be over?



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I just got fairly lucky, I think (forgot to get a screenshot tho). I pulled:

3-Star Gunter. Kinda disappointed, I was hoping for Julia/Nino/Fae/pretty much anyone else, but hey, free feathers.

3-Star Florina. I already have Shanna for a pegasus knight, but I'll keep Florina for now since she has Breath of Life and that could come in handy some day.

5-Star Sakura! Exactly what I was hoping for, a Physic user with defensive buffs (and Fear, which is nice too). I just found a(n eventual) replacement for my 4-Star Clarine.

3-Star Saizo. After getting lucky with Sakura, I was hoping my remaining two colorless orbs might have a Takumi in there somewhere... They did not. The first one had a Saizo, and I like Saizo, but this one's a dupe, and the other one's a 4-Star, so I'm not sure if I should merge this one into my 4-Star for SP or get feathers out of him. Bit disappointed, but only 'cause I had high hopes.

4-Star Setsuna. Still not Takumi, but closer! Maybe if I'd had 4 colorless orbs... Still, Setsuna looks great in her own right. Breakers vs. two other weapon types (including her own, which might make her alright for taking on Takumis), Reciprocal Aid for emergency pseudo-healing, HP+ for better Reciprocal Aid, and I dunno how she'll turn out but I'm looking forward to it!

This is mostly a good pull, yeah?

21 minutes ago, Finn1412 said:

 All my 40 orbs and I couldn't get a good one. Marth is really the only worthwhile thing here and even then I wanted Erika's buffs to support and have her be a second liner. Now I have to wait for tomorrow's 2 daily orbs to try again for Ephraim. He and Hector really are the only thing my team lacks. Does anyone know when the daily orbs are going to be over?

Right now, daily orbs end March 14th, I think.

Also, you got a Roy and an Effie in that batch. Did you already have those, or is there some other reason they aren't worthwhile for you? Just curious (since Effie's a solid wall of Attack and Defense, and in my experience Roy's pretty great if someone else handles the Blue units), feel free to ignore this if you want.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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21 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Right now, daily orbs end March 14th, I think.

Also, you got a Roy and an Effie in that batch. Did you already have those, or is there some other reason they aren't worthwhile for you? Just curious (since Effie's a solid wall of Attack and Defense, and in my experience Roy's pretty great if someone else handles the Blue units), feel free to ignore this if you want.

I already had Effie and Roy is... kinda there, I mean his skills make him good against axe-users, but if he fights a lance-user he's dead. I'll try to use him, thanks for the tip. Just have to finish grinding Corrin.

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Just now, NickV said:

I quit because I wasn't gonna push my luck in that round haha

Ah, that makes sense. Wish I had done that sometimes...

Like the pull before my last one, where I got a bunch of largely-useless-to-me units (3* Stahl, 4* Ogma, dupes of Adult Tiki and Olivia) and a Wrys. If I hadn't been hoping for Seliph, I might've stopped after Wrys (pulled third), but...

6 minutes ago, Finn1412 said:

I already had Effie and Roy is... kinda there, I mean his skills make him good against axe-users, but if he fights a lance-user he's dead. I'll try to use him, thanks for the tip. Just have to finish grinding Corrin.

Ah, I see. And yeah, Roy's been a bit annoying for me since I don't have a good Green unit yet (gotta finish training up Narcian and Cecilia at some point), so you may prefer to keep Corrin even after training up Roy unless you have at least one of those (preferably one axe and one magic user, so you have options for when one of those won't work for a map).

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37 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Ah, I see. And yeah, Roy's been a bit annoying for me since I don't have a good Green unit yet (gotta finish training up Narcian and Cecilia at some point), so you may prefer to keep Corrin even after training up Roy unless you have at least one of those (preferably one axe and one magic user, so you have options for when one of those won't work for a map).

I was stupid and kept going swords for Lyn. My barracks is 93% swords. That's why I want Hector and Ephraim so badly.

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Damn, how to you guys get so many orbs!? Most I've pulled at once is 3, and that was when I first started and you're literally bombarded with Orbs.

Best I've gotten was 5* M!Robin, but have 4* Roy above level 20. All I need now is great badges and hero feathers lol.


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7 minutes ago, Big Smoke said:

Damn, how to you guys get so many orbs!? Most I've pulled at once is 3, and that was when I first started and you're literally bombarded with Orbs.

Best I've gotten was 5* M!Robin, but have 4* Roy above level 20. All I need now is great badges and hero feathers lol.




Too bad raising rarity resets levels. If they'd remove that I'd use Eliwood or Hinoka.

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3 minutes ago, Big Smoke said:

Damn, how to you guys get so many orbs!? Most I've pulled at once is 3, and that was when I first started and you're literally bombarded with Orbs.

Best I've gotten was 5* M!Robin, but have 4* Roy above level 20. All I need now is great badges and hero feathers lol.

I just did the Story mode, did most of Hard Story, and am now working through Lunatic Story with my main team. Waited until I had 20 Orbs every time before pulling so I could get all 5 orbs, which generally worked pretty well for me. Also, the daily free 2 Orbs, the various quests that gave Orbs, and weekly special Orb maps helped, so you should clear those if you haven't (there are two special Orb maps so far, so you'd get 12 Orbs total if you clear them on both difficulties... which I think you still can, dunno for certain tho).

Also, you got a 5-Star Robin? Nice. Best of luck getting feathers for your Roy, mate.

2 minutes ago, Finn1412 said:

Too bad raising rarity resets levels. If they'd remove that I'd use Eliwood or Hinoka.

That's not too bad, usually. Gives you an opportunity to train up some other units you haven't leveled up much while you bring your formerly-high-level unit back up to speed. At least, that's what I do.

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41 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Also, you got a 5-Star Robin? Nice. Best of luck getting feathers for your Roy, mate.

Thanks man. Already have 11k, so I'm well off. Just have to wait for when red badges roll back around ok the training tower *sigh*

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