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Thought Hero Fest was today. Oh well, might as well try the other banners. And then it didn't affect the two banners I might have been interested in pulling before.

Oh well, Bound Battle it is.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue and Green

4* Soren (Hey look, new guy. Tellius guy. +Def/-Res, but of a shame your boon/bane is iffy at best)

Can confirm you pay 15 for a full pull after this- Not really interested in pulling this banner, I'm good. Got someone new and everything.

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29 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Thought Hero Fest was today. Oh well, might as well try the other banners. And then it didn't affect the two banners I might have been interested in pulling before.

Oh well, Bound Battle it is.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue and Green

4* Soren (Hey look, new guy. Tellius guy. +Def/-Res, but of a shame your boon/bane is iffy at best)

Can confirm you pay 15 for a full pull after this- Not really interested in pulling this banner, I'm good. Got someone new and everything.

*cringes* that's the same with my first Soren... The second is better tho, +spd  -res

Also I seem to got many -res mages... (sadly) , Tharja (which is her best bane anyway), Olwen, and Summer Corrin... 

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So my free summon on the new banner was a 4* Lon'qu which nice since I won't have to spend 2000 feathers the next time I give someone Vantage. 

My other pulls so far today have been... interesting. I got two 5*'s which is awesome, but uh the game is definently trolling me. Especially with the first summon. 

Summer banner: 



you aren't Summer Leo! I am pretty happy to finally have him though! +hp/-spd. Not great but salvageable because I use characters I like no matter what. 

Aaaand the unending hunt for Jaffar: 



why hello there I was not expecting to see you here! I'm really not sure what to do with her since I already have Lucius and have spent my time with him slapping as many of the staffs and healing related specials and assists as I could on him but alright. She is +spd/-def just like my Lucius funnily enough!

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Cecilia and Lilina's Battle free summon:


+Def/-Res.  There a lot of worse things I could have gotten, but he doesn't pass on any worthwhile skills.  I suppose I'll just merge him on my +Spd/-Res one.

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2 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

Cecilia and Lilina's Battle free summon:


+Def/-Res.  There a lot of worse things I could have gotten, but he doesn't pass on any worthwhile skills.  I suppose I'll just merge him on my +Spd/-Res one.

Third person I know to have gotten an Ogma, and second to have got a 4* one. I got the other, and my friend on AWBW got a 5* one.

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Alright, did a bunch of pulls with my horde of orbs (all F2P orbs).

First, free pull.

  • 4* Seliph (Neutral). Eh. Could've been worse.

Was gonna spend 20 on L&D banner, looking for Minerva for Flier Emblem. Got 4 blues and one green. Pulled it.

  • 5* Minerva (+Atk, - HP). Oh... Well, that was easy. Great boon/bane. Not bad at all.

Now I could spend the rest of my orbs on the summer banner, just as I hoped. Looking for S. Corrin! Backed out to switch banners.

First few pulls, got a lot of good fodder like Shanna, Subaki, Oboro and Henry. Got another M!Robin (puts it up to 5 now), another Olivia (that's also 5 now), and a second Mathilda (this one 4*).

Then pulls of note:

  • 5* Summer Corrin (+Res, -HP). Sweet! And a bane/boon that doesn't hurt her. Doubly lucky.
  • 5* Summer Xander (+Res, -Atk). Eugh, that boon/bane. Was grabbing greens for S. Elise, but he's rare at least.
  • 4* Soren (+Atk, -Def). Yes! Have been looking for a Soren since that first Tellius banner. Not 5*, but oh well, and got a pretty good boon/bane. Makes sense, too, since Soren has like 1 defense all of PoR.
  • 4* Cordelia (+HP, -Spd) Damn, that bane. Well, at least she's Brave Lance, so it takes the sting off. I've been looking for one for Flier Emblem, since I fodderized my old one a long time ago.
  • 4* F!Corrin (+Def, -HP) Kind of a weird boon/bane combo, but she'll be a tanky dragon for sure toward physical units.

Well, no S. Elise, but I definitely can't complain. Got a good set of fodder and good units. Haven't upgraded the barracks yet, so I had to cannibalize one of the Wrys fodder I drew. Ah, well, Live to Serve and Heavenly Light will go wonderfully on Azama. tongue

Edited by Extrasolar
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11 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

The Minerva I pulled is actually -ATK, and she still gets up to 50 ATK with LaD and the ATK+1 seal. Sure, it's not perfect, but she's definitely not unusable. Since her weapon gives her a quick cooldown for specials, she'd be firing off something like Moonbow all the time. But 50 ATK and 38 SPD is DEFINITELY usable. Imagine if you give her buffs! I know you have Eirika and Sharena who could each buff a few stats. IDK about fliers you have, but she'd get +4 ATK/SPD with Palla's Goad Fliers. -ATK doesn't mean useless. :3 



11 hours ago, Lyrai said:

Continuing on for @Anacybele's Minerva, I agree with Aria (No longer Saint Elimine ;w;). 50 attack is just more in contrast with Michalis's power, and the speed... oh the speed. You can double anyone really, makes Minerva a much more offensive oriented than Michalis could ever hope to be. The +Res will give her more tankiness against magic. You'll find it more useful than you think, once you realize mages have a harder time killing your Minerva, and their abundance in the arena.

I'm aware now, I asked about it in the general Heroes thread. So yeah, I'll still use her anyway.

I don't use Eirika though. I don't like her and her bane and boon are bad too. She just sits there waiting to either be used as SI or maybe a merge. I dunno which I'll do yet.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't use Eirika though. I don't like her and her bane and boon are bad too. She just sits there waiting to either be used as SI or maybe a merge. I dunno which I'll do yet.

If Eirika has had feather or skill investment, merge. If not, Hone Speed.

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1 hour ago, phineas81707 said:

If Eirika has had feather or skill investment, merge. If not, Hone Speed.

I just said I don't use her, so she has had no feather or skill investment. I know she has Hone Spd, that's what I would've taken from her.

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Well, my free pull from the new banner turned out to be a 3* Lon'qu. I went for the other 4 orbs anyway. Totally worth it...

  • 3* Palla: SI fodder.
  • 5* Cecilia: Hooray, another 5* mage cav to join my newly promoted Reinhardt. +Def/-Res, so okay IVs.
  • 4* Peri: Meh.
  • 4* Wrys: More SI fodder.
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Free summon got me a 4*Camilla ... I already have a +Atk -Spd 4*Camilla , I didn't checked the new one Iv's ... do I use her for heritange or do I merge her in case one day I decided to make her a 5* ??

Also I try 2 red orbs again in my failed search of Summer!Leo ... Got 4*Oguma and 3*Draug... WHY SUMMER!LEO DOESN'T WANT TO COME TO ME ??? WHY??? I send these two to home in a new rampage quit... I already have them mmmm... Really, why Summer!Leo doesn't want to come to me? Is sad since these units will never come back and I only want him from the banner :|

Well at least this failed search has got me 5* Ryoma, Eldigan and MCorrin , consolation prizes

Edited by SniperGYS
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got 15 orbs and used the free pull. i'm actually reaallyy pleased with what i got


was running low on G. Tomebreaker fodder, i've been praying for a Matthew for Hone Speed for ages, and i also have been hoping for an F. Corrin with a good nature for my planned debuff team. and she's +Spd/-Atk, which is exactly what i wanted! (yeah, i wanted -Atk -gasp-)

as for Klein he has a worse nature than the one i promoted. i don't really have any good candidates for a Brave Bow and i'm likely never getting a Takumi, Bridelia, or Gaius. i really don't want to merge him though, he has too much good fodder, i can't decide..maybe i'll finally put QR3 on someone..

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5 hours ago, Dotty said:

Free pulls are actually pretty dandy



Exact same thing happened to me, got Lilina first try.  I was hoping to get Roy since I already had Lilina but, meh.  Mine was +spd/-atk so I fed her to my old one that was -spd/+something

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I was in a total snit about bad pulls, so I went back to the Summer banner.

Didn't get Corrin. It I *did* get a Linde. She's -ATK, which is a bummer, but I've had pretty good luck with glass canon mages (I have a +ATK Nino & +ATK Tharja) so it was bound to happen eventually. 

She's still my first good blue mage so I'll see what I can do with her.

All in all I used more orbs than I should have & pulling out of frustration is a bad habit. Fingers crossed for hero fest.



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My 3,75% streak on the summer banner was ruined by Sonya (the set-up didn't have any red orbs). I might as well give up now because Leo just seems to hate me. Now that I think about it, I think I've only gotten a focus hero three times. One was just a random Alm and one was a Soren I had to snipe for. The third one was spring Camilla who was quickly fed to Robin.

Free pull got me a Lucius. I was hoping for a bow or dagger user but at least I didn't pull another Rhys.

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My first attempt on L&D Banner and this is what I get... x)



Neutral Minerva

and +Atk/-Spd Lukas

I'm thinking I should sacrifice her L&D3 to either my -HP/+Atk Lucina or my -Atk/+Spd B!Cordelia.

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Free pull unit was 3* Hinata with a terrible nature.

Wanted to save orbs for Hero Fest in a couple days, but did a full pull anyway on nohrian summer since I know I'll get back to work getting Corrin around the end of the month. Got a 3 star Shanna that's +Spd/-Res, and a 4 star Felicia -Def/+Res. Really good natures but nothing else to note. Still have about 120 going into Hero Fest, so I'm anticipating some good pulls.

Edited by Gustavos
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