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2 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

Darn Olwen she is seriously stalking me! Tried roll for Ninian (or Hector slash Lyn) and rolled my fourth one. Rein is 4* and I never seen him (Well I like Olwen better so I don't mind, but...)! How does that makes even sense?

Luck of the draw.  I don't have either of them.

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3 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

Darn Olwen she is seriously stalking me! Tried roll for Ninian (or Hector slash Lyn) and rolled my fourth one. Rein is 4* and I never seen him (Well I like Olwen better so I don't mind, but...)! How does that makes even sense?

I've never pulled Olwen and only have pulled 2 Reins (Both -ATK). On the other hand I have 7 Marths and I've heard about people that have never pulled him. Game is different for everyone.

Edited by Zeo
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I had a 3.75% pity rate on the CYL Banner, so I decided to spend 20 orbs on a full pull and stop, whether or not I got a 5-star unit.



The results were:

5* Lilina (+Res, -Hp)

300 feathers x2

Fortify Res2 x1 

Fortress Defense3 x1

I can live with this. I didn't get too far into the pity rate hole before it was broken, and my old 5-star, +Def -Res Lilina gets a merge and an upgrade.  

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I gots a Lobster Lord!  Even better, I think I got him with +ATT & -DEF.  w00t!

Nailed him on my last pull of a session - gotta say I'm a happy camper!  I'm not very much happy about my spending ~$50 of my fresh paycheck to get him and others (he was my only 5* with me aiming for a Hector), but I'm happy to have him in my ranks.  ^_^



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I got a five star Seth on my free summon, but I'm not sure what he should be used for.

Used 26 orbs to summon six Heroes later on the CYL banner. All of them bad. Anyone want a few spare three star Raighs? Anyone?

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Managed to get 16 orbs from the daily orbs and the BHB, so I did a full summon on the BHB banner, fully expecting another 5-star Seth. Got three reds and two greens, so no Ephraim at least.

Free summon on a red: 4-star Ogma (+Def/-Res). Way better than my +Res/-Def one, so I'll take it.

Green orb next, avoiding the inevitable reds: 4-star Boey (+Spd/-Def). Not... great, but I got rid of my other Boey for SI, so at least I have another now?

Red orb, get it over with: 3-star Lon'qu (+Atk/-Spd). Eh. Maybe someone could use Vantage.

Last green orb, save my sanity: 4-star Fae (+HP/-Spd). Probably not terrible, but my 5-star +Atk/-Res Fae has been good to me since near launch, and I'd rather give somebody Renewal anyway.

Final red orb, end it now: 3-star Draug (+Who/-Cares).

Final verdict... I would've like a Seth.


Also Draug is (+Spd/-Res) which is actually decent but he's still dead to me.


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Well my pity rate on the Brave banner is up to 4%.

My latest attempt got me 3* Falicia (every time she shows up my already low opinion of her drops), 4* Effie, 4* Clarine, 4* Hanna, and 3* Raigh. Raigh is the only one who will be sticking around.

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Had 5 orbs left after clearing the BHB on Infernal, so I tried again for Ninian on the Tempest Trial Mini banner. One blue orb, thank goodness I didn't have to choose between multiple.

...Of course, it doesn't matter much when that one orb is a 3-star Florina. +Res/-Def, which I actually might keep over my 4-star +Def/-HP Florina. I think we're getting 5 orbs for the next couple days including the Daily maps, so getting enough for summoning shouldn't take too much longer at least.

Edited by DefaultBeep
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Free summon, as I still have few orbs after my last attempt to get a brave unit.

2 each Blue, Red, 1 Green

3* Florina (Well, it's more fodder for me then)

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Unsurprisingly, my latest free summon was yet another 3* (Adult!Tiki). However, I also made a full pull from Brave Heroes (5* rate at 3.50%) after solving Ephraim & Eirika Infernal.



Why hello, Olwen (+HP/-Res). Come to join your brother who's still twiddling his thumbs on the bench since he's a +HP/-Def 4* I see. Boon/bane is middle of the road though that's still an improvement over the Attack banes on my Delthea and Summer!Corrin. With that, I'll probably move on entirely from Brave Heroes considering I don't want to take anymore chances of seeing Brave!Lyn. Instead, I'll likely try hunting for a character I actually want in Hector and go snipe greens on the Tempest banner going forward.

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Pulled my free unit on the BHB banner and got a 3* Odin! -Att, just when you thought it couldn't get any lower... but +Spd. I wasn't planning on using Odin by himself anyway, and I recently 5*'d and fed one to my Summer Corrin for Blárblade+. So he's a nice replacement! Also goes to show how Odin's a rather good unit for Skill Inheritance.

Currently at 14 Orbs after spending over 100 of them on the CYL banner and getting Ike. Chose Lyn as my free unit because I happen to like Lyn and going through the colorless rigamarole is not my cup of tea. That said, I'm SUPER happy with my Ike! He's +HP/-Spd, which is pretty darn good if my experience with him so far is any indication. Definitely going to save to 20 or so and pulling on CYL because I really would like Lucina and/or Roy, and sitting at 4% is just too tempting to pass up.

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I got a BIke from the Brave Banner at long last. He broke my pity rate of 4.75% meaning I have to start from scratch (and probably start paying) to get Lucina but I'm happy. I read that neither cares too much about their IVs so is +DEF/-RES on BIke okay?

P.S. Is Lucina worth spending money on? The most I'll buy is the 75 Orb pack and I've already given up on getting Roy, so I'll only be pulling Blues, if that informs your decision.

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19 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

P.S. Is Lucina worth spending money on? The most I'll buy is the 75 Orb pack and I've already given up on getting Roy, so I'll only be pulling Blues, if that informs your decision.

I don't think you'll suffer without her. But that depends on how much you really want her. She's a good unit, but I'm sure she'll get another banner in the future since she and the other Brave Heroes are getting added into the normal pool. Spending money is really hit or miss. You could spend 200 bucks and not get any 5 stars. You could also get 8, but none of them will be the one you're looking for. Or you could get the character you're looking for on the first pull. (This is coming from someone who whaled too much and recently stopped. XD) Even only pulling blues, it can be risky. 

I say play around with the Summon Simulator, see how your luck is there. That's usually what I do. 

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2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I don't think you'll suffer without her. But that depends on how much you really want her. She's a good unit, but I'm sure she'll get another banner in the future since she and the other Brave Heroes are getting added into the normal pool. Spending money is really hit or miss. You could spend 200 bucks and not get any 5 stars. You could also get 8, but none of them will be the one you're looking for. Or you could get the character you're looking for on the first pull. (This is coming from someone who whaled too much and recently stopped. XD) Even only pulling blues, it can be risky. 

I say play around with the Summon Simulator, see how your luck is there. That's usually what I do. 

Huh...thank you!

The banner is around for another week so I have time to think about it. Plus we get ~30 free Orbs in that time on top of the TT's rewards so if I decide to go for it I'll have plenty of free Orbs to burn first :) Thanks again!


(P.S. You have good taste in Fire Emblems :P)

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1 minute ago, DefyingFates said:

Huh...thank you!

The banner is around for another week so I have time to think about it. Plus we get ~30 free Orbs in that time on top of the TT's rewards so if I decide to go for it I'll have plenty of free Orbs to burn first :) Thanks again!


(P.S. You have good taste in Fire Emblems :P)

There is still hope! Part of me thinks that if they do another Hero Fest type banner (with the 5% rate instead of 3%), we'll get to see the Brave Heroes again. But we should be getting plenty of free orbs. If you're still itching for Lucina at the end of the banner, there's no shame in dropping a few bucks for a character you want. Tbh, 40 bucks really isn't that much. (Sometimes I do it just to end my pity rate. ;A; But not anymore because I'm trying not to spend.) 

(Aw shucks. :3 You do too!!) 


Also...I guess so I stay on topic, my free pull yielded a Subaki. I've got Ephraim, Eirika, and Seth already, so I figured pulling blue was a good idea. I'm doing my absolute best to save orbs. I've managed to get up to 47. I'm actually wondering if I can make it to 100. I don't think I've ever had that many orbs at one time

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Might as well make my free pull from Ephraim and Eirika's banner.

  1. 3* Wendy: Ugh. Might as well get the one red orb.
  2. 3* Hinata: Yay, Fury fodder.

Meh. More Fury is nice, but that blue orb really could have been better.

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4 blues and 1 colorless. Maybe I have a shot at getting Lancina? Nope...Got 4*Effie, Clair, Mathilda, Gordin, and 3* Sully. Now at 3.75%. As for the free summon from BHB, got a 4*Catria. Nothing amazing today sadly. Hoping I can get at least 3/4 of the CYL heroes. So far only pulled a Lyn (+atk -spd RIP) but at least I haven't done my free CYL hero yet :/

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47 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

since she and the other Brave Heroes are getting added into the normal pool.

Wait is this true? What's the source? 

I'd love to hear that, if only so that I don't feel like I have to pull as much as possible now. I already had to get to 4% to pull a hero (a -Att Ike, but still Brave Ike).

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Forgot about the possibility of a Bound Hero banner. So I chose green for my free pull hoping for a certain Tellius character and...


Wrong one, game. -Spd also (with +Res). And Soren's base skillset sucks too, so I'm probably sending him home since I'm not really in need of green mages.

But it IS someone new, at least, and a Tellius character not named Ike, since for so long, he was the only one I ever got.

I also tried a couple more pulls on the Mini Tempest banner, looking for either Titania or Hector, but I just got Arthur and Bartre for the thousandth time.


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