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Bought some orbs as I wanted to try getting Inigo or Azura before the new banner drops tomorrow. Instead, got my rate broken by Raven (+def/-spd) I think every Raven I've summoned so far has been -spd... Good news is that I somehow managed to pull a +spd/-def Brave Lyn so I merged my neutral one into her and used the last of my current feathers upgrading a Gordin to give her Brave Bow +. I also swapped my summoner support over from Xander to make her more op. Don't know if I want to keep trying from this banner anymore because green orbs seem so rare in my summoning sessions.

Edited by Symphonica
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On 10/14/2017 at 3:16 PM, Melia Antiqua said:

I finally got Performing Olivia today. Her boon bane combo is good (+speed -resistance).  I've had the sons for a bit now (+2 Inigo and +1 Shigure) and both of them came with good natures (+attack - HP for Inigo and +speed - defense for Shigure) on their debut so that's pretty nice. Now I'm thinking of just picking green orbs until I get Azura...

That might result in a +5 Inigo with no Azura but only time will tell.  As long as it isn't this:


(not mine - I wouldn't wish this on anyone)

Perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me, but I swear I hear the sound of Taps being played in the distance.

I haven't summoned in a while, so I have a bunch of orbs saved up for the Genealogy banner. When it comes to summoning reds though, I get basically this every time except with Hinata. Could anyone mention some sacred rituals I can perform to will Sigurd into existence?

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1 minute ago, MrRedCR said:

Perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me, but I swear I hear the sound of Taps being played in the distance.

I haven't summoned in a while, so I have a bunch of orbs saved up for the Genealogy banner. When it comes to summoning reds though, I get basically this every time except with Hinata. Could anyone mention some sacred rituals I can perform to will Sigurd into existence?

I don't normally do "rituals" when summoning, but since this is a special occasion, I'm planning on listening to the characters' themes from Genealogy. Sigurd doesn't have one specifically, but some options could be the theme of his son, the theme of his wife (a fitting option, but risky if you don't want her since she'll be here as well), or the Prologue theme, which appears to reference him in its title of "Birth of the Holy Knight". I'll likely be going for Tailtiu first, so I'll be listening to the theme of her daughter personally, but hopefully some of these options will work for you.

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WOW OKAY so my free pull was 4* Lucius, but MY NEXT PULL, by the way on a 4 red 1 colorless pull on World of Holy War, was Sigurd. Looks like +Spd -Def.


The rest of them, all 4*...

Lucius (+HP -Def)

Athena (+Def -HP)

Lazlow (+Spd -Def)

Sophia (+Att -HP)

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The hunt for Sigurd and Deirdre begins and it is not off to what I would consider a very good start, other than finally getting Roy! He’s +Spd/-Atk but that’s fine he gets to stay. That Peri though... I’ve been reminded why I rarely pull on blue. I have no one to give Killer Lance to.


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Alright, time to try for Tailtiu! I've been saving my orbs, and I've got 42 ready to spend! This'll take a while, but I'm dedicated, and I won't rest until I-

I got her on my third summon.

I'll take it.

She's not perfect, admittedly (+HP/-Res), but her offensive stats were left untouched, which is the most important thing. I'll probably be giving her Life and Death 3 anyway, so her Res wasn't gonna be great regardless. I'm just happy she showed up so soon!

As for what I got before getting her:

  • 3-star Donnel, +Spd/-Def. Eh, not exactly a stellar free pull. He'll probably be sent home.
  • 4-star Nowi, +Res/-Spd. Mixed bulk is okay, I guess, but she'll probably either be saved for her 5-star weapon or just sent home for feathers, I really don't think I care enough to keep her.

Time to try for Deirdre, I suppose! If I get her, then Sigurd is next priority, and then if I get him by some miracle (hah)... I'm not really sure what I'll do. Maybe try for better boons/banes? We'll find out later. For now, it's greens exclusively!... Except I pulled another blue on my very next one because no greens. But after that, it's greens exclusively!

  • 3-star Jagen, +Def/-HP. Don't care, sending home.
  • 3-star Arthur, +Res/-Spd. Hey look, it's Tailtiu's son! He'll be send home as well, for sure.
  • 4-star Gunter, +HP/-Def. Decent horse fodder at least. Maybe saved for Sigurd? Who knows.
  • 3-star Bartre, +Atk/-Spd. I actually haven't pulled a Bartre in forever. But do I keep him because +Atk, or kill him because Brash Assault for Lyn... I'll decide later.

I got Tailtiu, so I'm happy. I'm off to get the rest of the story orbs, then I'll be back with updates on the Deirdre hunt. 

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Welp. I used like 30 orbs.

4* Hana free pull (+res -atk), rest of the session was blues and backed out

2 greens and 3 blues,

4* Bartre

3* Bartre

Backed out and next session was 4 reds and 1 blue,

4* Henry

3* Palla

4* Ogma

...Sigured +atk -spd

3* Subaki

Well I actually got Sigured, but I got cursed with -spd, which seems like it may cripple him. I hope he's still usable with that, but at the very least I may have a good bonus unit for the TT if they make him 40%!

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Okay, I had enough orbs for 3 full summons.  55 orbs spent:

4* Tharja
4* Selena
4* Shanna
4* Boey
4* Henry
3* Sully
4* Gunter
3* Niles
4* Female Corrin
3* Bartre
3* Sophia
4* Lon'qu
4* Stahl
3* Bartre
5* Innes 

Seriously, that's my fourth Innes (third off banner).  Why won't this guy leave me alone?  Haha. 

Nothing great, unfortunately, but I didn't have my hopes up for a measly 55 orbs.  Hopefully I can get something good from this banner before it ends.  I won't be spending any money this month. :P:

I have 8 orbs left, so maybe I can scrape up enough for another pull tonight with all the new story chapters and quests.  I think I'll avoid colourless from now on though, even thought I need more Bowbreaker food.  I would like to get at least one focus character.

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Entered with 87 orbs, left with 7 and my second CYL Ike as pity breaker.

Also got a not-bad 4★ Boey (Spd/Res), a bad 4★ Titania (HP/Atk), a good 4★ Merric (Atk/Res).

Also also got two Hawkeyes, two Barsts, two Gunters, and a Subaki among the overall load of crap.

I am pissed.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @DefaultBeep @GuiltyLove

Edited by Vaximillian
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I decided to do a full pull on the Genealogy banner.

Didn't get any of the new heroes, but ...


... +def -spd, why

Well, better than nothing.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Entered with 87 orbs, left with 7 and my second CYL Ike as pity breaker.

Also got a not-bad 4★ Boey (Spd/Res), a bad 4★ Titania (HP/Atk), a good 4★ Merric (Atk/Res).

Also also got two Hawkeyes, two Barsts, two Gunters, and a Subaki among the overall load of crap.

I am pissed.

Oh man... that's rough. And from the number of orbs you had, I assume that was after clearing the Paralogue and everything else. Do you have anyone to sacrifice him to for SI out of spite? That's what I normally do with unwanted pity breakers, or just sending them home if I feel especially spiteful (I'm lookin' at you, Seth). Hopefully she'll still come home once the Tempest rolls around.

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Entered with 220 orbs, left with around 115 after I got my -Speed +Res Sigurd. I'm just happy to have him.

Now...do I keep summoning and try to get Deirdre and more Sigurds for skill inheritence, or should I wait for Halloween...

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12 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Do you have anyone to sacrifice him to for SI out of spite?

I’m keeping him for a while because I don’t know who will be the best to get Steady Breath from him. This one is Spd/Def, and my previous one is Def/Spd.

Everybody gets whom they want, and I’m here in the corner weeping.

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It seems the Holy War banner decided to give me a treat! Free summon was a +Atk/-Res Deirdre! YES! I wanted her the most so yay! I guess it’s to make up for not getting a single new dancer yet... I’ll take her! :D -Res hurts just a little bit but nothing Fury can’t fix!

First free 5-star to start off this banner. Feelin’ good!

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50 orbs. Nothing noteworthy this time around. Game was ridiculously stingy refusing to give me red orbs throughout the session. When I was on my very last summon with 9 orbs leftover, gave me a pool with 4 reds and 1 colorless. Screw you game. I potentially left a Sigurd on the table. Nothing you can do about it, F2P Life.

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Summoned with 13 orbs. Big mistake- 1 green, 4 blues.

Green was Deirdre (-Res, +Atk). At least Tailtiu's getting demoted.

The two blues I opened were Robin and Robin, the 4* going to Sigurd's Bonfire. I now have 7 3* Robins, though... and not enough people wanting Bonfire.

Also, I have no orbs and 271/270 inventory. I NEED TO DUMP SOMETHING!

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