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He's +HP -def which is functionally neutral, but I don't care. I have a Ryoma, and he's not -spd or -atk. This is great.

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@Vaximillian @Mackc2 @mcsilas

Since you were all so very kind enough to tag me with your Katarinas, I figured I'd show you what my very last pull was on this banner. It's not too special, but considering Katarina's Heroes history... well, I see a bit of poetic irony in it.



You're right Athena, you're not a little child that would come running... Because then you would've been Katarina. It would have been even better if she had been 5-star, or even Luke instead. Not pictured are the Raigh and Draug I pulled immediately before her.

I just hope the next banner won't be quite as insulting to me and my delicate feelings. Now if you don't mind, I have to go and find a corner to cry in until the FEH broadcast.

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I am saving orbs this month but I decided to do oooone summon (other than the free one) on the Long-Haired Gents banner to see if I could continue my luck after my free Soren from last week. Was it worth it?


Boy howdy was it! And with that Soren becomes my most merged unit at +5! And another Raven that is pretty great too! Wish he was +atk but I’ll take it. He gets to avoid being merged for awhile on the off chance I end up wanting to give someone else a brave ax. 

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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

Since you were all so very kind enough to tag me with your Katarinas, I figured I'd show you what my very last pull was on this banner. It's not too special, but considering Katarina's Heroes history... well, I see a bit of poetic irony in it.

Hey, I still don’t have Athena! She is among the myrmiladies quartet I’ve wanted in this game (her, Ayra, Marisa, and Larcei) and am never going to get because lol.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Hey, I still don’t have Athena! She is among the myrmiladies quartet I’ve wanted in this game (her, Ayra, Marisa, and Larcei) and am never going to get because lol.

...Well now I feel kinda bad for writing that in such an angrily sarcastic tone. I suppose random luck had its revenge on both of us after all, haha. I'll admit, while I wasn't super interested in her being added to Heroes beforehand, her voice and art have grown on me quite a bit (her eyes are noticeably less jarring to me than Eliwood's). And at least she doesn't have the same disgusting +Res/-Atk that my last Athena had; this one is +Spd/-HP, which I'm really hoping to make good use of somehow.

Oh great, thanks for reminding me of how much I want Marisa in this game. My favorite character from my first Fire Emblem game would be devastating to miss. Hopefully she'll get the Athena/Tailtiu treatment and not the Nephenee/Amelia treatment, so we can have a better chance of actually getting her.

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7 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Sounds like you have a great natured Athena though. My 5 star Athena is -Atk (in her intro banner too).

Maybe try hunting for a different red and then she'll come to surprise you!

I'll admit, for as much as I'm making a fuss about getting her, I'm actually pretty happy to have her. This is my second Athena ever, and my first was +Res/-Atk (and has since been sacrificed to Caeda for her weapon). I've wanted to build her for a while now, so I can't say I regret getting her. And I've pulled two great Young Tikis, an extra 5-star Caeda, and a 5-star Fae, so this banner has been far from a loss, even if I didn't get the main unit that I wanted.

Also I'm pretty sure that this Athena has the same nature as @Mackc2's Katarina, which is hilarious to me.

If the next banner is Thracia with Leif, then that might just happen. And there's still the inevitable -owl banner, so all is not lost yet. I will remain optimistic! Someday the red myth with come home to me! Or not, but I don't want to consider that possibility right now!

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4 hours ago, Logos said:

It's been so bad that I just removed the Credit Card number so I can't spend without having to go grab it. At least now I have a +4 Ryoma, though +Spd/-Def, but still pretty good.

I overspent, too...

I think summoning can get addictive and the game as well. Right now I wanna definitely pull back and work on some units - when trying for delthea (didnt get her) I got a third Tailtiu and three 4* Tailtius. One of them being +spd-def which is perfect imo - so I will be working on that. While the game has some flaws and downtimes between events I think its the building aspect that got to me. Not trying to justify any spending - I still invest into physical nintendo games but those have a start and finish, feh is ongoing and there is a social aspect to it - kinda like to check this forum and see what other people experience.

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A few days ago I got a 5* Ryoma as a free pull!! I didn't check his nature before leveling him (I never do), but I'm scared he might be -speed. And shortly after I got a Halloween Sakura, which is +def -res, which is probably the worst nature ever for her. At least was the character I wanted so cannot complain at all...

Edited by Zinnia
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9 hours ago, Prince Endriu said:

While the game has some flaws and downtimes between events I think its the building aspect that got to me. Not trying to justify any spending - I still invest into physical nintendo games but those have a start and finish, feh is ongoing and there is a social aspect to it - kinda like to check this forum and see what other people experience.

This is spot on for me. Even when there's not much going on I'm still working on unit builds or something. I've been enjoying other games on my switch and PS4 this year too, but I still keep coming back to feh to work on my units and enjoy the community. 

Even if my summoning luck's kind of rotten, at least feather upgrades keeps giving me something to work with when I'm not lucky enough to summon many new things. 

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35 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

This is spot on for me. Even when there's not much going on I'm still working on unit builds or something. I've been enjoying other games on my switch and PS4 this year too, but I still keep coming back to feh to work on my units and enjoy the community. 

Even if my summoning luck's kind of rotten, at least feather upgrades keeps giving me something to work with when I'm not lucky enough to summon many new things. 

This is me too.  I'm hoarding orbs for Xmas/Hero Fest, so now i'm just building units.  Just built a Cordelia with Brave Lance+/Galeforce/Darting Blow which has been a lot of fun to use.

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Somehow I just got my second Sakura in just a few days. Unfortunately, she was -res as well </3 At least +spd is better than +def.

Got a 4* Rein as well who I will eventually promote and merge. So overall, not a bad summon session (at all)

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As much as I wanted ToD! Nowi, I'm afraid that I've given up.


After purposely NOT pulling for greens/grey in order to have a better chance at not pulling a 5* Focus of that variety, my latest summon didn't have a red orb forcing me to pull a grey... Which gave me ToD! Jakob. Considering that it broke my pity rate, I've given up on this banner and want to move on to the Death Blow banner. But at least I got my 2nd favorite unit from the ToD banner. Beggars can't be choosers I suppose.


Now I just have to try pulling for a Delthea and fail.

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Well I did 2 pulls yesterday for H!Jakob but just got Klein and Rebecca.  At least I got good SI fodder, I am going to keep trying because I want H!Jakob so much and since I am at 4.25% pity rate I might as well keep going until I get a 5*.  I look forward to new banners but since the mid month one tend to get added to the general summoning pool I don't feel the need to pull units from them right away.  

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Just had my pity rate broken by +HP/-ATK Halloween Jakob. I was disappointed at first (I was trying for Cat Sakura), but actually Jakob's probably gonna be better for me long-term since he's got good defenses and still-decent ATK, and he can murder fliers since he gets a bow, so this is actually rather good for me.
Plus with how many archers the game threw at me before I got Jakob, I really should've seen this coming.

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I'm late, but I just want to brag about my best pull ever (World of Holy War banner). Both Great new units and nice IV (Eldigan +HP -RED, Sigurd +ATK -HP, Brave Ike +ATK -RES).

Silly question: does the better 5* % you get after multiple pulls applies to every character in summoning session?




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Welp, knew my 5% pity rate would be broken by someone I didn't want...

+Atk -HP Male Corrin, which to be fair is better than the +Def -Atk that I pulled before, so this is definitely usable.

But if this is how my luck is going to be, then my hopes are completely dashed... then again if it took me until 5% pity to get a 5* at all, maybe this next round will go better?

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41 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

They aren’t seasonal, and as such are still available as 5★.

So I still have a tiny sliver of hope for pulling Brave Roy at some point? Awesome! Thanks for the info.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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