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I'm going for more 5* units, please!

3 Green , 1 each Red, Colourless (Jackpot!)

4* Cain (WoM fodder's good to have, though +HP/-Res is a good nature), 3* Gunter (Hone Cav fodder woo!), 3* Cecilia (Eh, fodder is fodder), 4* Hawkeye (+Res/-Atk, so fodder he is), 4* Gaius (+HP/-Atk. Why bother, he sucks as fodder in general)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* M!Corrin (How can I hold all this bad fodder?), 4* Azama (+Spd/-Res, he really doesn't want to lose bulk sadly), 4* Hawkeye (Another one. +Res/-Spd)

3 Green, 2 Colourless

3* Arthur (More Lancebreaker I see), 4* Fae (Renewal fodder! Her nature sucks! I'm okay with this!), 4* Boey (+HP/-Def. I can think of some units who want Earth Boost), 3* Serra (MY most common unit this banner), 3* Setsuna (Well, Bowbreaker's nice)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Clarine (Eh I guess), 3* Gunter (Again, Hone Cav's great), 4* Gaius (List of units I never want: Gaius sits really high there), 4* Soren (Pfft, this fodder's meh at best)

So I got squat. 10% right now

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I had 24 orbs and decided to pull despite reading quite a few horror stories of this banner.

3 colorless, 1 blue, 1 green. I have all of the colorless units now that I got Genny :D and aside from Fjorm, none of the blue units are high priority, so I went green.

...3* Bartre. I think now that Brash Assault is a Sacred Seal, a 3* Bartre is literally the worst green pull in the entire game. Him or Arthur since Bartre has Smite at least.

Anyway! I ditched the rest of that summoning session and went to the next one. 2 reds, 2 greens, 1 blue. 19 orbs. Let's do this.
4* Fae - Yay! She's adorable and fantastic Renewal 3 fodder. Now that dragons have received quite the significant buff, I think I'll actually raise a 5* Fae at some point.
4* Camilla - Wrong Camilla! Oh well, at least she's not a 3* Bartre! Or Beruka. Or Arthur... etc.

and finally...

5* Celica! :D Oh YEAH! Been wanting her since she appeared and now she's here! She's +Spd/-HP too! I might be done with this banner, I feel like any more expectations would be pushing my luck.

Not totally stoked for the Children of Fate banner, but that's pretty much only because I'd have to spend orbs to get them XD Monthly quests are upon us tomorrow, so a heaping helping of orbs are on their way! Maybe I'll save up for the Christmas banner. Nothing wrong with Santa Robin or Tharja the Reindeer if they decided to keep those designs.

Happy December and good luck summoning everyone as we enter another month!

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@Vaximillian  @DefaultBeep

My hand slipped after seeing the new banners and decided to see if I actually find any green orbs to at least get a Spring Camilla since she's limited.

First one only had 1 green and it was a 4* Gunter, and I was running out of Hone Cav anyway.

Second session 2 greens. First orb was:


She's beautiful! Her boon is +Res! Ploy shenanigans!

....and then her bane is -Atk. @Rezzy-fied!

It seems the ladies that Vaximillian wants that come home to me all become -Atk (like Celica). Is this the @Vaximillian curse?

I mean I guess she can just support from the back with Ploys. Or maybe I should finally upgrade the Atk + 3 Sacred Seal

On the plus side, I pulled the other green orb and red orb and I got a +Atk/-HP Hawkeye and +Atk/-Def Eirika. Looks like they siphoned Deirdre's Atk stats. (Also looks like all my better natured Eirikas all seem to be -Def)

I guess this makes up for the repeat Genny and I finally have someone new from the banner, and she's lovely anyway AND I needed more green 5 stars mages anyway (only have Nino). Not sure if I'll do another pull, this seems like a lesson for succumbing to the 8% (well it was 9% at the time), I only have 25 orbs to try for Shiro now. Hoping for free summon shenanigans.

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Just now, mcsilas said:

My hand slipped after seeing the new banners and decided to see if I actually find any green orbs to at least get a Spring Camilla since she's limited.

First one only had 1 green and it was a 4* Gunter, and I was running out of Hone Cav anyway.

Second session 2 greens. First orb was:


She's beautiful! Her boon is +Res! Ploy shenanigans!

....and then her bane is -Atk. @Rezzy-fied!

It seems the ladies that Vaximillian wants that come home to me all become -Atk (like Celica). Is this the @Vaximillian curse?

I mean I guess she can just support from the back with Ploys. Or maybe I should finally upgrade the Atk + 3 Sacred Seal

On the plus side, I pulled the other green orb and red orb and I got a +Atk/-HP Hawkeye and +Atk/-Def Eirika. Looks like they siphoned Deirdre's Atk stats. (Also looks like all my better natured Eirikas all seem to be -Def)

I guess this makes up for the repeat Genny and I finally have someone new from the banner, and she's lovely anyway AND I needed more green 5 stars mages anyway (only have Nino). Not sure if I'll do another pull, this seems like a lesson for succumbing to the 8% (well it was 9% at the time), I only have 25 orbs to try for Shiro now. Hoping for free summon shenanigans.

Not gonna lie, when I saw that you had mentioned me in this thread, I thought that you had somehow managed to pull a Katarina from this banner.

Nice! That's a great boon, same as mine, but that is... an unfortunate bane. Her Atk already isn't great to begin with, but with Atk+3, she could still be alright. Maybe Death Blow to beef her up further on player phase, although that's a very highly demanded skill that may not be best used for Deirdre. But hey, this definitely gives her a very different niche than Nino now!


I rounded up some orbs to do a quick pull on the Legendary Banner, but no luck. There were two blues that I didn't even bother pulling, and the other three were all garbage and sent home. I'll grab some more orbs to try again, since I don't care too much about the kids banner, but I'm not expecting to get much more, since I already got a lot of good stuff from this banner.

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6 hours ago, Grandosco said:

I had 24 orbs and decided to pull despite reading quite a few horror stories of this banner.

This banner is quite the horror and proof that pity rates, no matter how high, mean shit! The only good thing about this banner is that your pity wont get broken by an off-focus unit.

For me I am done with this game! - when it comes to pulling that is. From now on I will just do ONE full pull at max when new heroes come out - otherwise just the free pull and thats it. Gonna save up orbs in the hundreds and spend them all during a hero fest. Meanwhile I am gonna promote and merge units that I are waiting in my barracks.


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@DefaultBeep Well I did pull a Klein in the same banner, but yeah other people need his skill more (Hmm...upgrade Cherche's Death Blow to 3 or give Hinoka all 3 levels...unless she wants LaD)

Maybe a Res Ploy SS whenever it comes out can help her out. Also wow her art is tall.

That said I use +Spd/-Atk Hector and +Spd/-Atk Ike in my arena teams for both accounts so it's not the end of the world. I'll make it work somehow (it's just ironic since I really wanted a Naga user since Weapon Forging made Dragon teams a bit buffer)

@Prince Endriu To be honest that's probably the best way to enjoy the game as f2p. Just do a pull, if you get the character you want great! If not, just make do with what you can. I was a bit stricter with my free orb spending before CYL banner but now that the CYL units are available anytime, I can live a little and spend orbs a little bit more as long as I have an emergency 20.

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@DefaultBeep Well I did pull a Klein in the same banner, but yeah other people need his skill more (Hmm...upgrade Cherche's Death Blow to 3 or give Hinoka all 3 levels...unless she wants LaD)

Maybe a Res Ploy SS whenever it comes out can help her out. Also wow her art is tall.

That said I use +Spd/-Atk Hector and +Spd/-Atk Ike in my arena teams for both accounts so it's not the end of the world. I'll make it work somehow (it's just ironic since I really wanted a Naga user since Weapon Forging made Dragon teams a bit buffer)

@Prince Endriu To be honest that's probably the best way to enjoy the game as f2p. Just do a pull, if you get the character you want great! If not, just make do with what you can. I was a bit stricter with my free orb spending before CYL banner but now that the CYL units are available anytime, I can live a little and spend orbs a little bit more as long as I have an emergency 20.

Yeah, spending money on this game was very stupid of me. Even more stupid cause I did it again and again. It seems that pulling units has become the major excitement for me recently and it might turn into an addiction. I really need to take some actions to prevent that from happening. So I think I should limit myself to one big summoning every couple of months when there is a good hero fest occasion like this one (dont know if its really that good, though).

Stupid game! :)

As a sidenote: Yesterday I received my winter holiday games, Fe Warriors, Xenoblade 2 and Laytons Mystery journey. All presumably great games and I paid less for them than I spend on this banner - that has really made me think. I guess people make mistakes...

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I got another Hector from the only green stone. The next two sets had no greens and brought me a Saizo and I forgot whom, both 4★.

With almost 90k in the tempest, there are like 7 orbs left on the table. About nine more from the training tower quests. Two or something more daily.

Deirdre isn’t coming.

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I decided to pull from the Heroes with strong summons bannerr and managed to get Sonya and Karel in the same pull. And they are both Atk+ HP-

 The Legendary Banner was the bait banner all along

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On 11/30/2017 at 8:46 AM, Usana said:


My wish list is to fill out my seasonals that I lack. Bridal Cordelia and Bridal Caeda. Technically I also need Xander, but unlike the other two he would see little use so I could do without him(guess who my next 5* will probably be!).

Ugggh. +Spd/-Res. Not that it matters. At least that hole in my collection is filled. Would have preferred Caeda since she would actually see some use.

Also it seems Lyn has gone and blocked me again. All I want is bridal Cordelia! But every time! EVERY TIME! I get a Lyn instead. Last time it was Bridal Lyn, this time Brave Lyn.  This banner is absolutely horrific and even if it leaked some cash from me it has set me against other banners. I mean if I can't get shit with a base 8% rate that keeps hitting 10+ before breaking than I may as well ignore anything at the usual 3.

Edit- Did one final pity break since it was up above 10 and got her at +ATK/-Spd. Not the best but with brave bow how often do you need to quad anyways? Seems Lyn finally accepted that I wanted Cordelia more than her.

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Still no Celica or Bride Cordelia, but I did get Ike(+Attk, -Res) with my last 13 orbs. Not the biggest Ike fan and I have a ton of sword units, but any 5 stars are welcome, especially if they have built in DC. 

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Going back for my missing seasonals. Spring Xander and Camilla, and Bride Ceada. I'm at least going to try til I finish this last pity rate. First pull:



3* Barst +res/-HP

4* Hawkeye +Res/-Spd

4* Boey +Atk/-Res

3* Stahl +Def/-Atk

4* Marth +HP/-Spd

Reposition and Swap, I'm fresh out of both, so that's good. I'm also a bit impressed with Boey's nature. Might be worth labbing if that's ideal for a gronnraven build. Good Hawkeye too, but I'm fine with my current neutral one that I already pulled at 5 stars.


Second pull, now at 9.5% rate



Spring Xander +Hp/-Def

Effie +Spd/-Res

Hallelujah I finally got one of them! Would have finished off the pull given the high pity rate, but it was three greys, and I've already got those three focus units.


Well, I think I can put this banner behind me now with a few orbs still saved up. Shame I couldn't collect the other two units I wanted, but I need to look forward to the possibility of other banners just like this one, or a new seasonal banner starting at the end of the month. 

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Since Soleil's pretty much guaranteed to be a 4-Star after the next banner, I don't care about it at all (Shiro & Seigbert are cool, but I don't see anything I need to pull for on 'em). And I'm not too worried about getting Rhajat (I'm hoping she'll drop to 4-Star after the Enduring Love banner ends, but even if she doesn't I have the Sacred Seal for Distant DEF now) or the other ladies on the first Enduring Love banner (I have 2 Priscillas, a Faye, and 2 Tharjas, so I'm good on all of those), so that banner doesn't matter to me either.
Unless the second banner for Enduring Love has someone I really want (and if it's Alm/Raven/M!Robin/Corrin like I'm expecting, then no, it doesn't), I won't be going beyond the free pull on that one as well.
Seeing as I don't care about the next few weeks of banners, I decided to try for Nephenee on the Heroes with Powerful Specials banner.

I got Sonya instead. But hey, Sonya's cool too.

Probably gonna try again at some point, 'cause A) I really would like Nephenee, B) Even if I don't get Nephenee I could still luck out and pull Mae/Tailtiu/Tana/some-other-blue-I-would-like-but-can't-recall-the-name-of, and C) I don't care about the next few weeks' banners.

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I don't know how.

And I don't know why.

But I got another Deirdre.

She's +Atk/-Res (I guess we traded stats here, @mcsilas), which isn't bad (and is also what my Julia has, which is pretty cute), but if I want her to become a Res monster, then I'll need to keep my +Res/-Spd one instead. Luckily, now that she's +2, she gets a small boost to Atk anyway, so that's nice. I guess the gacha really did decide to trade our Hectors and Deirdres, Vax.

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Just pulled Spring Xander (+res/-hp) which is fine by me but I would of liked +def for extra tankiness. Already spent the feathers to teach him the skills he needs so just need to grind the SP. 
I have 16 orbs left, but I think I'll give up on Spring Camilla seeing as when I was sniping for Xander, no green orbs ever appeared

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


How much money have you already spent on this banner to activate this “luck”?


I bought 5 I think 75 orb packs with birthday money, plus about 80 or so free orbs. With that, I ended up getting two Ikes, an Ayra, a Xander, a Caeda, two Fjorms, three Deirdres, a Genny, a Cordelia, a Lyn, and a looooooooooooooooooooooooot of garbage.

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While the next banner is coming tomorrow, I know what I want: A 5* unit.

3 Colourless, 2 Red (Let's go!)

3* Azama (Asshat again, with yet again questionable bulk), 3* Niles (Why all these bad units lately? I avoid them for so long.... Are we sure that the 3* rate is right? (His nature sucks too)), 4* Rebecca (Well now, this is disappointing. But Darting Blow fodder is neat), 4* Roy (TA fodder, that's nice. He's -Atk, which isn't), 4* Henry (So again more fodder)

10.5%. yay.

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Final pulls in the Farfetched banner:





And my pulls in the Legendary banner:








It's been a while since I got two 5*s in one session. About 120 orbs used so I'm happy with these results.


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2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:


I bought 5 I think 75 orb packs with birthday money, plus about 80 or so free orbs. With that, I ended up getting two Ikes, an Ayra, a Xander, a Caeda, two Fjorms, three Deirdres, a Genny, a Cordelia, a Lyn, and a looooooooooooooooooooooooot of garbage.

$200?  That's quite the haul.


I only used about 40 Orbs or so.  I went in trying to get SCamilla to replace mine, and I was successful, so I'm happy.  I also went and got a Celica finishing out the other Nodes in the group I got Camilla.


So is the Gauntlet Banner coming out tomorrow?  I'm not dying to get Rhajat, but I do want to pull more Green, because I need more Titania.

For the fractured kid banner, I definitely want Siegbert, if I get Soleil trying to get him, that's okay, but if I don't she's probably the one to go 4*.  I would have guessed Rhajat would be 4*, but since she's been singled out to not be in the banner, I have no idea.  I might pull Blue at first, but if I get a string of bad luck, I'll just focus Red.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

$200?  That's quite the haul.


I only used about 40 Orbs or so.  I went in trying to get SCamilla to replace mine, and I was successful, so I'm happy.  I also went and got a Celica finishing out the other Nodes in the group I got Camilla.


So is the Gauntlet Banner coming out tomorrow?  I'm not dying to get Rhajat, but I do want to pull more Green, because I need more Titania.

For the fractured kid banner, I definitely want Siegbert, if I get Soleil trying to get him, that's okay, but if I don't she's probably the one to go 4*.  I would have guessed Rhajat would be 4*, but since she's been singled out to not be in the banner, I have no idea.  I might pull Blue at first, but if I get a string of bad luck, I'll just focus Red.

My grandma is very generous when it comes to birthdays and Christmas. Probably a bit too generous; I did save some of my birthday money for other things, though, so at least it wasn't all wasted on a mobile game. 

Congratulations on getting two of the characters I wanted most! Now Deirdre may never get to kill people with eggs...

The VG banners start tomorrow, but the Fates banner is two days after that. I'm really curious to see what the other banner will be; that'll decide whether I try for Faye/Priscilla or not, most likely.

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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

My grandma is very generous when it comes to birthdays and Christmas. Probably a bit too generous; I did save some of my birthday money for other things, though, so at least it wasn't all wasted on a mobile game. 

Congratulations on getting two of the characters I wanted most! Now Deirdre may never get to kill people with eggs...

The VG banners start tomorrow, but the Fates banner is two days after that. I'm really curious to see what the other banner will be; that'll decide whether I try for Faye/Priscilla or not, most likely.

Priscilla is 4*, so I wouldn't try to pull for her.  Faye is 5* exclusive, but I'd wait to see if she's the lone gray on a banner, unless you really want her.  She's not that good.

We'll also be getting another skills banner before long.  I wonder what the next one will be.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Priscilla is 4*, so I wouldn't try to pull for her.  Faye is 5* exclusive, but I'd wait to see if she's the lone gray on a banner, unless you really want her.  She's not that good.

We'll also be getting another skills banner before long.  I wonder what the next one will be.

Well, we already know that the first banner will have Tharja, Rhajat, Faye, and Priscilla. But there are rumors that Rhajat may drop to 4-star, and since I know that Faye isn't available at 4-stars, I wouldn't mind trying for her, since I don't have her yet. I have a 4-star Priscilla, but getting her at 5-stars would save me some feathers, at least. And maybe give some good fodder to others, now that 5-star healers have some fodder potential. I don't care much for any of the Fates kids, so it really just depends on what the second VG banner has for whether I pull on this one or that one.

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