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First pull from the latest Legendary banner, with SF!Chrom being the freebie so my 5* freebie total now sits at five. Too bad he got +HP/-Spd so he's nothing more than a novelty to me, especially since I got his Santa self. But hey, certainly can't complain about this start. Also Seliph thinks he can stand in for his pops, how cute.


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Free pull gave me my first Sakura!


She's not Innes, but I still wanted her; +def -res, which is weird, but not -spd or atk so I'll take it.

EDIT: NO! Why did I get Soleil!?

Edited by Sunwoo
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Welp, I tried a full summon on the 8% banner. I was gonna dump more orbs for Lucina and Charlotte, but the New Years datamine means I have to save orbs for that instead.

No blues in my session, but still did a full pull hoping for Gunnthra or Elise.. and got a Spring Chrom. He's who I wanted least on this banner, but he IS new, and it was only 15 orbs. Plus is IV is okay, so I can't really complain.

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Just one full pull on the Legendary Banner. With confirmation that another seasonal banner is starting soon, it would be better to save my orbs for that. And I got lucky enough to pull a Spring Lucina! +Res/-Def. That's extremely lucky, since I already have the other two blue possibilities. Also got a Gunter. Even as a 3 star I will take all the Gunters I can get.

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This is saltiest you will ever see me... Excuse my language, but fuck this banner.  I had 139 orbs saved up (including some from a gift card my fiance bought me for Xmas) and bought some orbs until I finally got a 5* unit. 

I am so done now, even though I'd love to get Spring Chrom, Spring Lucina, and Bride Lyn.  I need to start saving up for the New Years banner anyway... So... disappointed.  Oh well. :cry:

Anyway, here are my results.  I opened everything except red (until the last round, I figured I'd clear the board with a 12.50%).

  1. 3* Beruka
  2. 4* Frederick
  3. 3* Bartre
  4. 3* Gwendolyn
  5. 4* Peri
  6. 4* Soren
  7. 3* Beruka
  8. 3* Gunter
  9. 3* Niles
  10. 4* Est
  11. 4* Catria
  12. 4* Effie
  13. 3* Jagen
  14. 4* Lucius
  15. 4* Catria
  16. 3* Florina
  17. 3* Lissa
  18. 3* Robin
  19. 4* Oscar
  20. 4* Effie
  21. 4* Azama
  22. 4* Barst
  23. 3* Gaius
  24. 4* Cherche
  25. 4* Soren
  26. 3* Setsuna
  27. 4* Donnel
  28. 4* Felicia
  29. 4* Nowi
  30. 4* Mae
  31. 4* Est
  32. 4* Nino
  33. 4* Leon
  34. 4* Clair
  35. 4* Abel
  36. 4* Camilla
  37. 4* Sheena
  38. 3* Wrys
  39. 4* Soren
  40. 3* Sully
  41. 3* Matthew
  42. 4* Tailtiu
  43. 3* Sully
  44. 4* Subaki
  45. 3* Barst
  46. 3* Nino
  47. 4* Frederick
  48. 4* Jagen
  49. 5* Gunnthra (+Res/-Spd)
  50. 5* Elise (+Def/-Atk)
  51. 3* Sophia

Excuse me, I'm going to go cry now over my wasted orbs.

Hopefully my luck is better for the New Years banner.

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Wow, this is laggy. Anyways the game just refuses to give me blues.  And of course when I do finally get a blue it is bunny Lucina and not Charlotte :/.  +SPD/-HP so not a bad boon bane.

At least she seemed to unlock the blues. After that I got several sessions with 3 blues each and at 11 orbs I open the final of 3 and. . .

I got a second Lucina +DEF/-RES. FU game. FU. The pull after that of course had no more blues. So I'll buy a pack and try one last time. And a third Lucina +DEF/-RES. Lucina. . . just because you are dressed like a rabbit doesn't mean you have to reproduce like one. You know what this lag is far far too severe. I am going to stop pulling. I can finish my orbs out later if I feel like it. This is slow as can be. Takes several seconds every-time it needs to contact the server.

So my results before I stopped

Titania(no blues)
Niles 3*
Est 3*
S Lucina
Florina 3*
Corrin F
Jagen 3*
S Lucina
Subaki 3*
Corrin F
Subaki 3*

@Infinite Dreams Good grief man. I now feel bad for complaining about Lucina mobbing me.


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I felt like being stupid and took the bait to spend some more orbs, hoping for blues still. I got Bride Lyn, +spd -def after a few more pulls. 40 orbs total spent (I did 1 more full session of reds/blues after I got Lyn, and it was all 3* junk, so I should have quit while I was ahead) Both lucky and unlucky, since I basically got the only 2 units I didn't want, but at least my old Bride Lyn was a terrible +def -spd, so this new IV will be great to replace her. And I'm not really upset about Chrom, even if he's not Gunnthra, since at least I didn't have him yet.

Hopefully Charlotte and Lucina will be back again in the not too distant future. I can't afford to use more orbs with the NY banner inbound.

Edited by Alkaid
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Another Legendary banner? Well, with only 34 orbs I'm not prepared at all. One full pull for now.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: Garbage.
  2. 4* Jeorge: Finally picked this guy up. +Atk/-Spd though, which really isn't good at all.
  3. 4* Donnel: No thank you.
  4. 4* Niles: More Iceberg fodder, I suppose.
  5. 4* Abel: More Swordbreaker fodder.

Eh. Some decent fodder and a new unit. I'll take that for now.

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Okay. Looks like my haul includes:
Amelia (+SPD -ATK) - Probably merges. I don't run Armor Emblem enough to give someone else armor march. Though I suppose SOMEONE might want Slaying Axe...like my goofy 4*+10 Bartre. lol I'll save her for a bit and see who pops up. I could give it to my super Raven. 
Bride Lyn (+HP -DEF) New character. Cool! I mean...I'd rather have Elise or Innes, but she works too.
Bride Lyn (+RES -HP) Ooooh... Lucius can get Candlelight now. :3 Probably Rehabilitate+ too!! I'm not sure which copy to keep...
Spring Chrom (+SPD -DEF) Great...this guy. I knew he'd show up...I'm not sure what I'll do with him. I guess 35/35 offenses isn't that bad... Maybe he wants Slaying Axe...lol
Brave Roy (+HP -SPD) ...Guess he's getting merged into my +SPD -ATK one! This makes my Roy+3!
Spring Chrom (+HP -DEF) Aaaaaand....again. *le sigh* ...Carrot Axe memes?
Sigurd (+ATK -HP) YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. I mean... I wasn't expecting...or trying to get him, but he can replace my +HP -SPD one!!!!!

I also snagged one more copy of Leon. That's enough to make him +5 once I get the feathers. And I also have enough Adult Tiki's to make her a +10...but man. I got a lot of junk otherwise. Way too many Azamas and Setsunas. I mean Bowbreaker is nice, but I don't need a thousand of her. And no Merric, Raven, Klein, or Lucius.... *le sigh*

I...don't need to spend orbs on anymore banners for a while... I wasn't intending to pull much on this one, but I got sucked in. No New Years banner for me. I think I'm going to try as hard as possible not to pull until the one year anniversary pops up.

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Went ahead and spent 15 orbs. Mostly uneventful... well, except for the free pull.



Oh hey Lyn~ Considering how hard it was to get your sword counterpart this was pretty ironic. She's +DEF, -HP which is fine I suppose. Another *5 healer and she's a darn good one so I'll be using her right away and Lyn emblem can even be a thing. It's funny how hard I tried to get her during her banner when Bridelia popped up twice, and then this time she just falls right into my lap the very first pull.

I don't know how interested in the New Years banner I am, I'll probably do another full pull or two depending on who comes in, but this is a nice start and/or possibly finish.

Edited by Zeo
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Picked up 2 more orbs from the Tempest Trial, so here's another pull.

  1. 3* Lon'qu: Vantage fodder, I suppose.
  2. 4* Florina: Bleh.
  3. 4* Clair: +Spd/-Res, which is pretty good. I already have Tana and Valter though, so not much use for you.
  4. 4* Klein: Death Blow fodder. Excellent.
  5. 4* Setsuna: Haven't seen you in a while. Eh.

That was disappointing. Klein's nice, but the rest was pretty worthless.

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So I noticed it had stopped loading slowly. Made several pulls all with 1 blue each. I know I had at least one 4* to start with(and maybe a 3 star as well?), but now I got 10. I think the game heard I was lacking QR fodder. Of course I lack the feathers to actually use them, but hey the option is now there? Also looks like I was optimistic on the lag. So the remainder of that 75 pack I bought took FOREVER to empty out. Got nothing particularly interesting. At least no more bunnies? That is a good thing right?

Anyways I think I just need to stop summoning on legendary banners. They might fine if you want everyone, but good grief if you are hunting a particular unit they are HELL. How many bunnies do they think I need? All of them?!

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I came in with no specific plan, just to keep pulling until I feel I've had enough.

Round one:

3* Nino +Res -Atk

4* Cain +Res -Spd (only my second ever, there'll be an appreciative dancer, but who?)

3* Cherche +Spd -Def (4* merge project creeps forward)

3* Draug +Atk -HP (hmm, could be interesting long term I guess)

4* Mathilda +Spd -HP (she's got to be my most pulled 4* unit by now, hone atk for everyone)


Well that was passable fodder but disappointing for a supposed legendary banner. No way was I leaving it at that.

4* Lissa +Spd -HP (I have no idea if this is good for her)

3* Florina +Res -HP

4* Gordin +HP -Def

5* Bridelyn  +HP -Spd (I wanted her but ouch)

4* Klein +Res -Spd (little did I know he would very shortly come in useful)


Still feeling a little disappointed, so once more into the fray.

5* Bridelyn Neutral (phew)

4* Soleil Neutral (just five-starred a better one, luckily that wasn't a mistake)

3* Florina +HP -Spd

4* Reinhardt +Atk -Spd (ooooooh boy)

4* Effie +Def -Res (prefer my +Res -Spd one I just five-starred, no regrets fortunately)


Right-o, happy with that haul (if only due to that third round), so I'll have a think about what to do with my remaining 40 orbs. Might depend on whether the new year's banner is two or four weeks long.

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I finally got a good Sakura (+Atk, -Def) and my first Kagero ever, who will be going to a -raven user. 

Sent some heroes home, so I was able to 5* a neutral Effie and merge into my bad one. Win-win situation. (' v')b

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5 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

In my quest to snipe Gunnthrá I got Raigh, 3 Barthes, Fae, 2 Ravens, Arthur, Cherche, 2 Fredericks, Hinata, Gwendolyn, Eliwood, Nino, Merric,  and a +atk -def Spring Chrom. This may take a while.

We share a common pain


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@Infinite Dreams

Man, that's awful :(

I really hope New Years brings you a lot better luck with its banner -.-


For myself, I only pulled once and got a 4* Luna Fodder. I'm happy enough with that, since I don't particularly want anyone on the banner right now (a not -Atk Bunny Chrom would be nice, which is why I pulled green, but I'm not desperate. Not when there's a Takumi in the offering <3)

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