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50 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

37 SPD is fantastic, I think only Eirika is faster as a red mage. Will you keep his tome? It seems to work a little bit like the refined rouge dagger. 

I'm definitely keeping his tome! I like to keep unique weapons, even when it's not technically the best option. I like the variety. I think that Grima's Truth will work really well, though. I love how it's basically a magic dagger, like you said. Built in debuffs and buffs are A-okay with me. I'm keeping Spur Def/Res 2 as well.

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9 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

I'm definitely keeping his tome! I like to keep unique weapons, even when it's not technically the best option. I like the variety. I think that Grima's Truth will work really well, though. I love how it's basically a magic dagger, like you said. Built in debuffs and buffs are A-okay with me. I'm keeping Spur Def/Res 2 as well.

Thinking of it he could even rival Arvis for being best buddy to Gunnthrá, since she profits from debuffs.  

I wait until we know more about the coming TTs, perhaps I'll try for male Morgan as well, he seems interesting. 

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29 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

<snip> perhaps I'll try for male Morgan as well, he seems interesting. 

If you do decide to try for him, then godspeed, sir. I salute your bravery in this epic hunt. Six Chroms.

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19 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

If you do decide to try for him, then godspeed, sir. I salute your bravery in this epic hunt. Six Chroms.

Haha, thanks! 

Chrome wouldn't be too bad, even if I already have all other Cav swords except him and Luke. 

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Well I had 40 orbs saved up + 20 from the story chapter + 23 I broke down and purchased. I am trying to keep a 1 pack per banner rule in place so I am probably done with this banner(I normally use it to break the final pity at the end, I have a pathological hatred for leaving an unbroken pity).

I basically spent 80 orbs and got 2 5* out of it. Which is pretty good. Got more 4* Eirika(stop stalking me!). My first Palla in a while and a bunch of 3* with out much to note that got turned into feathers.  The first three sessions were basically all 2 red/1blue/misc. Second session in netted me a 5* exclusive Blue Flier that is new to my roster. Hinoka. +SPD/-HP. Not bad. I managed to climb up to 3.5 rate and got a session with 1 red/2 green/2 colorless. I really wanted to break my pity on a session with multiple focus colors so I almost pulled on green or colorless. After all we all just know that lone focus color with a built up pity(even if 3.5 is small potatoes) is going to be a 5*.

BOOM! Exalted Chrom says he is helping! +ATK/-SPD. He and Ephraim have nearly identical stats and now they have identical boon/bane combos. Well, whatever, he is hte one I wanted most, though I was hoping for a -RES or -HP bane. His base speed is actually serviceable with the Sealed Falchion.


Glad to see a lot of folks are getting what they want out of this. Though I just knew Chrom and Male Morgan sharing a color would manage to smack  at least one person around!

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With my 146 orbs this is what is got for fMorgan:






















Sadly I do not have a fMorgan, but some nice fodder instead. Hopefully I can get her with my free orbs before the banner is over.

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Well, I had a feeling I would have really bad luck on this banner. I had 80 orbs, pulled almost nothing but 3 stars. Hardly any of them are even good fodder, except the new Chrom. I can give his Fury 3 to someone, I think Ryoma needs it. He's no good to me otherwise.

I sniped only reds. I just wanted male Morgan... So I can complete my Awakening family (Freddy, Robin, Morgan). I only hope male Morgan drops to 4 star. I don't want to blow a lot of orbs on this one because of Chrom (and to a lesser extent, female Morgan since I dislike her a lot as well).

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9 hours ago, mampfoid said:

No 5* from the first summoning session, but a +SPD/-RES Raven. I'm fine with that. 

/Edit: F!Morgan shows up after 30 orbs. Perfect, now I can save the rest of my orbs. Nature is decent too (+SPD/-HP). @Poimagic 

Totally weird ... opened the second blue orb of that session and who shows up? Shiro .... lol @mcsilas

Got my F!Morgan to. +atk/-hp, which is apparently one of her best natures. And in about 25 orbs to boot

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Today's the first time I thought about quitting the game just because I pulled my 2nd 5* Mathilda with bad IVs (I like Mathilda but I run into her so often in this game, it's not even funny anymore and I absolutely hate her in TTs) and then I also had to pull a 5* Karel whom I like as well but he's +RES -DEF and I just don't enjoy pulling non-focus 5* exclusives. This game needs a banner just for these units.

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After the pain of the Falchion banner where I lost count of the orbs I spent for Alm merges, this one was OK.  I was lucky to get all the units as well as a +atk/-res and +atk/-spd Chrom.  He will go really well with Ephraim on my horse team.  As an awakening fan, this is the Chrom I wanted, and his artwork is awesome to boot

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After snagging LA!Roy in the last 7 hours of the LA banner and using him to train up/ SP grind my Setsuna (decked out with a blessing so if she's not one with IV's, I can merge her into one that does have good IVs), I had 19 orbs to sit on.  I was able to grind up an additional 22 orbs thanks to incomplete story chapters and the Blessing Garden maps for use in the EK banner.

I wasted my free pull on a Lon'qu.  Not too, bad, though.  A mere 2,000 feathers will put him into Vantage 3 fodder territory.  My second pull...




...Well, those IVs suck.  At least the -ATT can be patched up and even better he comes with Sword Valor, so he's an obvious keeper regardless.

After some additional red and blue sniping fodder pulls, I got something even better!  The blue tome unit I've been pining for!






YES!  YES!  YES!!!

Granted, she's not Morgan...I really want Morgan as I don't have any flier tomes yet with this F2P account, but she's a powerful tome user with access to Dark Aura down the line!  Plus, I can get either a blade tome or an owl tome on her later on.

So the only thing that sucks is that until the water and wind maps respawn, I only have incomplete story maps and Arena rankings as a means of grinding for orbs.  But I have a couple more weeks to get that done, IIRC, so it's no rush.

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33 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Got my F!Morgan to. +atk/-hp, which is apparently one of her best natures

Cool, congratulations!

I'm happy it didn't end as painful as the last time I was pulling for a certain blue tome flier...

I'm already thinking of a TTs team around her. She will go with Caeda (sadly without Galeforce but she will kill Grima) and Gerome. Until I get him Minerva will help out. No idea for the 4th spot yet. Most of my 5* healers maxed HM already, Valter is the only 5* Lance Flier without maxed HM. 

@Selena4Lyfe Congratulations! That's a rare unit with a good nature. Never got her myself, have fun with her! 


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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Well, I had a feeling I would have really bad luck on this banner. I had 80 orbs, pulled almost nothing but 3 stars. Hardly any of them are even good fodder, except the new Chrom. I can give his Fury 3 to someone, I think Ryoma needs it. He's no good to me otherwise.

I sniped only reds. I just wanted male Morgan... So I can complete my Awakening family (Freddy, Robin, Morgan). I only hope male Morgan drops to 4 star. I don't want to blow a lot of orbs on this one because of Chrom (and to a lesser extent, female Morgan since I dislike her a lot as well).

You lost your mind? don't fodder the new Chrom for Fury 3!?!
Hinata at 4* has it and he's hilariously common. IF you were going to fodder Chrom do it for his brand new Chill Def B skill

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31 minutes ago, Tsak said:

You lost your mind? don't fodder the new Chrom for Fury 3!?!
Hinata at 4* has it and he's hilariously common. IF you were going to fodder Chrom do it for his brand new Chill Def B skill

Too late. I already gave it to Anna (discovered Ryoma actually already had it). Also, I haven't pulled a 4 star Hinata in who knows how long. Better if I can save myself some feathers if I don't have to upgrade a 3 star one. And Chill Def doesn't look very useful to me. Not as useful as Fury anyway.

27 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Anacybele I thought you liked Awakening? I don't think Frederick would agree, Chrom looks so perfectly shiny in his new armor. 

I actually don't like it much. I'm just a Frederick fangirl. xP And I never said this Chrom's art was bad. It's pretty nice. I just don't like Chrom and didn't need anymore sword horses.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Too late. I already gave it to Anna (discovered Ryoma actually already had it). Also, I haven't pulled a 4 star Hinata in who knows how long. Better if I can save myself some feathers if I don't have to upgrade a 3 star one. And Chill Def doesn't look very useful to me. Not as useful as Fury anyway.

I actually don't like it much. I'm just a Frederick fangirl. xP And I never said this Chrom's art was bad. It's pretty nice. I just don't like Chrom and didn't need anymore sword horses.

You done lost your mind lol i can't tell if you're trolling
Fury is good and all but Chill defense is super rare and very strong in most cases. any enemy that shares the same defense with the unit debuffed will also get debuffed. On the magic training thing for example every general on the map gets -7 defense

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@Anacybele I would keep Chrom since he has sword valor which is good for grinding purposes. Unless you have Gray in which case ignore what I just said

Edit: Just realized you differed it off. Ignore me then 

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3 minutes ago, Tsak said:

You done lost your mind lol i can't tell if you're trolling
Fury is good and all but Chill defense is super rare and very strong in most cases. any enemy that shares the same defense with the unit debuffed will also get debuffed. On the magic training thing for example every general on the map gets -7 defense

Uh, I'm not trolling. I don't do that.

That sounds extremely situational. What are the chances that you're going to run into an enemy with the exact same Def stat? Probably slim. And in any case, it means nothing now since I no longer have that Chrom.

3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

@Anacybele I would keep Chrom since he has sword valor which is good for grinding purposes. Unless you have Gray in which case ignore what I just said

Edit: Just realized you differed it off. Ignore me then 

And I actually do have Gray anyway.


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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Uh, I'm not trolling. I don't do that.

That sounds extremely situational. What are the chances that you're going to run into an enemy with the exact same Def stat? Probably slim. And in any case, it means nothing now since I no longer have that Chrom.

And I actually do have Gray anyway.


super common on PvE maps and whatnot
Most generic units share similar stat values
In Arena it can be used to cripple the enemies tank making him softer
Either way, Fury is so common there is no reason you'd ever fodder a 5* unit for it. If you're having trouble getting hinatas especially after the 4* banner that dropped where it legit will rain hinatas idk what to tell you. Just hope you don't regret your decision later
Also i hope you luckily get a morgan or have another unit that will fill the next Tempest Trial 40% bonus. Rooting for ya

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4 minutes ago, Tsak said:

super common on PvE maps and whatnot
Most generic units share similar stat values
In Arena it can be used to cripple the enemies tank making him softer
Either way, Fury is so common there is no reason you'd ever fodder a 5* unit for it. If you're having trouble getting hinatas especially after the 4* banner that dropped where it legit will rain hinatas idk what to tell you. Just hope you don't regret your decision later
Also i hope you luckily get a morgan or have another unit that will fill the next Tempest Trial 40% bonus. Rooting for ya

I likely won't. There's never a reason for me to ever want a Chrom other than fodder. Don't know who exactly are the bonus units for the TT, but yeah, hope I can get a 40% bonus unit in any case.

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42 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

tually don't like it much. I'm just a Frederick fangirl. xP And I never said this Chrom's art was bad. It's pretty nice. I just don't like Chrom and didn't need anymore sword horses.

Didn't know you disliked him. I thought some of your Frederick-bias would shine also on Chrom. Frederick could have made some nice riding trips with his lord. 

What sword Cavs do you use then? 

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

Didn't know you disliked him. I thought some of your Frederick-bias would shine also on Chrom. Frederick could have made some nice riding trips with his lord. 

What sword Cavs do you use then? 

Sigurd and Seth mainly. I also have a 5 star Stahl, but since Sigurd and Seth are both better, I haven't used him much lately.

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Well free pull was 4* Stahl so swap fodder.  I am done with this banner since I don't really want anyone that badly and I am saving all my orbs for when H!Jakob comes back.

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