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Was stoked when I saw Grima Male Robin back on a banner again (My current one is -Atk +Res).

Two green. First green was a 3* Sheena. I want to save orbs for Thracia, but I figured stuff it I may as well take thee second green stone. Lucky I did as I pulled:

Grima Male Robin! (+Def -Res). Better IV's, though at the same time, that super bane hurts on Res. Partially torn on which one to use, though leaning towards the +Def/-Res version as -Atk is ultimately worse.

I'll be merging the Robins, as I've already built my initial one up with Aether etc.

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Free summon on the Nowi and Tiki BHB banner! No greens! Great.

But I got a 3* Lukas! Haven't been that excited to get a 3* in a looooooooooong time. It means the new 3-4* changes are in place and I'm SO HAPPY about that! I can't wait for the new banner so I can take the new rarity changes for a spin :3

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Went in with 559 0rbs. Spent 218. Got a +atk -hp Olwen. Around the 200th orb I got pity broken by a neutral Reinhardt (I wanted to go for Leif. noooo). In the same session got a +spd -res Olwen. The next session only one red. What appeared was... Leif (he's finally mine, yay). +hp -res which is quite solid

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

@silveraura25 Congratulations to your Leif! Also 4 focus units is nice. 

@Sunwoo Nice, congratulations. I wouldn't complain to run her in TTs, since my healers tend to max HM fast. 

Meanwhile, I got Gunther, Serra, Camilla, Klein and Henry. 

Thanks. Wish you luck on this banner as well. But you luckily got some nice fodder. I didn't get anything useful. Just a bunch of Corrins and Henrys

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I went for Nanna because I had a 300+ orb stash saved up, so why not. 

Seems like my good luck streak has run out, though.  I used my entire stash and had to buy an additional orb pack to get her (because I refuse to leave a banner I spent over 300 orbs on empty-handed! :XD:).

  1. 4* Jeorge
  2. 4* Lissa
  3. 4* Kagero
  4. 4* Fir
  5. 3* Rebecca
  6. 4* Fir
  7. 4* Lucius
  8. 3* Saizo
  9. 3* Setsuna
  10. 4* Sakura
  11. 4* Serra
  12. 4* Klein
  13. 4* Lucius
  14. 4* Sakura
  15. 4* Lucius
  16. 4* Niles
  17. 4* Wrys
  18. 4* Leon
  19. 3* Matthew
  20. 3* Clarine
  21. 3* Male Corrin
  22. 4* Draug
  23. 3* Virion
  24. 3* Niles
  25. 4* Sakura
  26. 4* Marth
  27. 4* Olivia
  28. 4* Kagero
  29. 4* Setsuna
  30. 3* Lissa
  31. 3* Leon
  32. 4* Gordin
  33. 4* Lucius
  34. 4* Gaius
  35. 4* Lon'qu
  36. 3* Azama
  37. 5* Mist (Nooooooooooooooooooo!)  +Res -HP
  38. 4* Niles
  39. 4* Lon'qu
  40. 4* Felicia
  41. 4* Saizo
  42. 3* Sakura
  43. 4* Matthew
  44. 3* Saizo
  45. 4* Klein
  46. 4* Leon
  47. 4* Serra
  48. 4* Sothe (Ooh, good fodder.)
  49. 4* Saizo
  50. 4* Niles
  51. 4* Lissa
  52. 4* Lucius
  53. 4* Azama
  54. 3* Virion
  55. 4* Jeorge
  56. 4* Wrys
  57. 4* Lissa
  58. 3* Gaius
  59. 4* Athena
  60. 4* Niles
  61. 3* Gordin
  62. 4* Clarine
  63. 3* Jeorge
  64. 4* Gaius
  65. 3* Matthew
  66. 3* Matthew
  67. 3* Chrom
  68. 4* Jeorge
  69. 4* Setsuna
  70. 5* Nanna (Finally!) +Spd -HP
  71. 5* Reinhardt (Nice.  Nature = Not so nice.) +HP -Atk

That was painful.  RIP giant orb stash.  I hope everyone else is luckier than I am.

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Oh, I neglected to mention that I pulled a 3-star Marth as well on the Thracia banner. Since he's 3-star, I fed him shards to see what his 4-star nature is.

+atk -res. This is the best Marth I've ever pulled. I'm glad, but why did you have to be a 3-star!?

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Free pull on the Thracia banner was a 3* Palla. I'll keep her, since I've decided to build all of the Archaneans.

Next was 3* Serra. Serra, I love you, but I wanted Nanna.

Then, a 4* Klein, the first one I've ever pulled. He's a keeper.

And just now, a 5* Mist. Fgs, I don't even like you Mist. Sent her home for feathers, which allowed me to 5* Berkut.

Hopefully I can get Leif and Nanna soon...

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With my gained 35 orbs I got (new) Reinhardt with even solid natures (+def / -spd). 

Also got Rhajat in the same pulling session with rather mediocre natures (+HP / -res).

Still the fang just has started.
There are still at least two more units (Leif and Nanna) I want to get so badly.

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To even out the luck I've been having on Hares at the Fair, my first full pull from World of Thracia was hot garbage: 3* Subaki (free pull), 3* Eliwood, 3* Est please fuck off forever, 3* Soren (first 3* of a former 4*-5*), 4* Lachesis yeah nice try but you aren't your daughter. My attempts at sniping on Hares at the Fair after the Thracia pull didn't yield anything better: 3* Arthur, 3* Wrys, 4* Jeorge. So overall, I should've known my luck was just about ready to come crashing down right back to the mean.

Edited by Tybrosion
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Got +Spd/-Res Nanna within a couple rounds, then it was a long dry spell followed by two Reins, then nothing. One is +Atk/-HP though, so I count that as a win. I'll try for Leif and Olwen later after my ecard clears.

Edit: nope, 5 orb pull after clearing hard chapters got me +Spd/-HP Leif. All I need now is the Lady Mage Knight.

Edited by silverserpent
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18 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Thanks. Wish you luck on this banner as well. But you luckily got some nice fodder. I didn't get anything useful. Just a bunch of Corrins and Henrys

Thanks, but I don't think I will do other pulls here. If the next legendary has a lot of units I miss, then I might pull there. 

@Infinite Dreams Ouch I feel with you, that hurts. But at least you got the unit you wanted, it could have been much worse. 

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Only committing to the first session for Thracia, let's see:

4* Felicia +Atk -Res
3* Hawkeye +Spd -HP
4* Sakura +Res -HP
3* Cain +Atk -HP

Mixed bag there. My first decent Felicia, though the res bane is a little disappointing. Not sure if I should 5-star this one or wait for a better bane. I'll mosey over to the analysis subforum to see how she's meant to be built. Cain is a duplicate good nature but WoM fodder is nice either way.

At this point I decide to head back to the Spring banner to snipe blue and green. Both banners are at 3% still, but ultimately my reasoning is that I want Catria more than Olwen, while Alfonse/Sharena are about equal in desirability to Reinhardt/Leif to me (or rather, Alfonse and Reinhardt are both desirable, Sharena and Leif are lesser priorities).

Only one blue, no greens.

5* Nephenee +Res -Def

Uhh, okay? I have a +Atk -Spd one which is better, so this one is either Wrath fodder or a merge. I have no idea which.

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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Infinite Dreams Ouch I feel with you, that hurts. But at least you got the unit you wanted, it could have been much worse. 

Yeah, for sure.  I only spent a bit of real money, so I don't mind too much.  :lol:  Saving up lots of orbs is a good plan for when stuff like this happens.

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Let's just hope I can get best lord. And Nanna. And Olwen. I'm screwed aren't I?

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Not a bad start)

4* Caeda (I've been waiting for Fortify Fliers fodder. +Res/-HP), 3* Lilina (Well, this is a new experience. +Res/-HP), 4* Priscilla (Alright, not bad staff. +Def/-Res), 3* Rebecca (Again, weird experience. +Def/-Atk), 5* Thunderhead (Really? After trying everything else I could have had a free summon 5* this whole time? Dangit. Anyway, +Spd/-Atk, not the best but she is +Spd)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Lachesis (I'm looking for your daughter. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Sakura (Well, I could have pulled worse. +Atk/-Def if that's any good.), 4* Seliph (I'm looking for your cousin. +HP/-Spd)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Jeorge (Can't be 5* now, can you ass? +Def/-Res), 4* Lon'qu (Vantage? Vantage. +Spd/-Def)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green.

4* Hinata (Fury's not that tough to get. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Lon'qu (Again, Vantage. +Spd/-Res), 4* Saizo (His Spur Spd is more worthwhile than his Poison strike. Think about it. +HP/-Atk), 4* Priscilla (I usually never see her, this is new too +Def/-HP)

4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Of course)

3* Saizo (Last time this happened 5* Lachesis showed up. What the hell Nanna? +Def/-HP)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Marth (Well, could be worse. +Def/-Atk)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Laslow (Man if I had a spare last Sunday Legion wouldn't have been such a pain. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Clarine (Still wants to show up. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Saizo (Well, more fodder it is. +Spd/-Def)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Fir (Well that sucks. +HP/-Def), 3* Roy (Good fodder. +Def/-Res), 4* Lissa (Well, it's not bad fodder in staves. +Spd/-Res)

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Felicia (Well I could have pulled worse 4* fodder. +HP/-Def. SO CLOSE!), 4* Clarine (Sheesh. +Spd/-Res), 3* Clarine (Does she want a MechaClarine? +Def/-Atk)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Eirika (Hone Spd? Hone Spd. +Spd/-Res), 3* Gordin (Not worth 4 orbs. +Spd/-Res), 4* Rebecca (Well, Could be worse. +Spd/-Res)

4% and 1/3 so far. Could be worse off.


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