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49 minutes ago, Cron said:

Why doesn't this Leanne have wings? Oh wait, that's not her. It's none other than Maribelle. This was my first pitybreaker of the banner. Pretty nice and weird pitybreaker at the same time. I never ever expected to EVER get a Maribelle.

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I did still get the unit that I wanted the most which was Nailah. I never played Radiant Dawn but I just like her design. Also, I like her quotes as well. 
Specially this one:

Listen to me. You must not die. Hang on one hour at a time--just don't let go.

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I guess I wont be spending more orbs anytime soon. I'm planning to save for when the Three Houses units release. 

I also don't want to grind for tickets. I want to take a break. 

this makes sense. congrats on the Leanne without wings ;)
I love Nailah's lines as well

28 minutes ago, Jave said:

Spent 75 orbs for Nailah, my most wanted. Then I got two tickets so I used the first one to get Leon... but the red orb right next to him gave me Tibarn. Woah. Second ticket, I got Gaius, another Leon... and Loki. Wow. Crazy luck. 

Nailah is + Atk -HP, but both Tibarn and Loki are +Res -Atk. Guess that’s how you cancel out good luck. Not gonna complain though. 

ooh Loki and Tibarn and Nailah! way to go :)  
(eww on the -atk, but i feel that the sturdy impact will kinda nully for that)

9 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

My free pull was Reyson who was my most wanted, but it seemed like the game making up for refusing to give me any flying refresher unit every time they are on a banner.  I also used my 40 orbs, but no luck on any 5*s yet, but I am going to try to break my pity rate.

congrats on reyson!! :)

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Free Pull and 3 Tickets gave me two 3* Oscars, 3* Gaius, and 3* Florina~

Quotes below~

10 hours ago, Florete said:

So I got to 6.25% before finally getting a 5*


And who was it?

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Sigh...Close Counter fodder, I guess.

Fun fact: I have every Takumi even though I have never tried to get any of them. I even got regular Takumi before he was given out for free.


It's at least something >_> Sorry about this horrible luck you've been having~

10 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

I did a full pull on the laguz banner just to see if I could blunder into any of them. Well, I blundered into something...I guess:

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And with that, the only units I'm missing from Year 1 are a random assortment of seasonals so there's that. Too bad this guy (+Def/-Atk) is actually useless though.

Now, back to green hell and not getting New Year's Azura.

Jaffar's interesting at least~

10 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Behold my first summoning session!

will edit the natures in a sec




In order of summoning:

L'Arachel: +Atk, - Res, So she is going into my + Atk, - Def L'Arachel

Nailah: +Atk, -Res, Pretty much ideal, although - Def might be more valuable for the many, many veronicas. Still VERY happy, since I want to eventually +10 her.

Alm: +Hp, - Def, Servicable, especially since I wasn't counting on him arriving in my barracks.

Tibarn: +Hp, -Spd, Not the greatest, but I still have a Hawk King! I was planning on sniping Blue, and then going Red -> Colourless -> Green. i might prioritise Leanne now however.




I forgot the most important person I summoned of course. Lissa is: +Spd, - Hp

WOW, awesome luck~ I'm super jelly of your Alm~

9 hours ago, Granny said:

Took me around 120 orbs to get Tibarn, which isn't very lucky. But he is +atck/-res, which makes him so very beautiful. 58 atck with just his weapon? Okay!

Nice Ivs! Congrats~

9 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Got a Roy from the new banner. 

It hurts having to skip the beast banner but Eirika comes first, sadly I'm back at 3.50% rate on the Winter banner and it's going to end soon. If I get another pity breaker I give up.

Good luck getting Eirika, still some time left!

9 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

It gets better! 

These were my Next pulls:

Round 1: 2 Blue: 4* Nowi, 4* Shigure

Round 2: 1 Grey: 4* Lachesis: 

Round 3: 2 Grey: +Atk, - Def, so perfect:


Your luck's great today, LOL~ Congrats again~

9 hours ago, Tybrosion said:



Ayyyeee nice clutch summon!

9 hours ago, Baldrick said:

Guess what?


It wasn’t a very high pity rate, but it’s still really deflating, especially for one that isn’t even exclusive. The last of those orbs will be painful, knowing I probably won’t even get good fodder.

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Well, she’s still not that good for fodder. :)


Nice Leanne and L'Arachel!

8 hours ago, coldhand25 said:

Got Leanne in 2 tickets, and like 15 orbs. She is also +spd/-hp, which could only be better if she was -def or +atk, but I will gladly take her as is. She is the only unit I planned to pull for, as Reyson will probably get demoted, so I think I will use up the last 2 tickets in hopes of Tibarn, so I can give sturdy impact to one of my precious little archers.

Congrats on the quick Leanne!

8 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Had such a weird summoning session. 200 orbs was my stash and I wanted Tibarn and Reyson. 

Free pull - 4* Hawkeye. 

Next pull... Original Lyn! Pull after... Sonya!

Two characters I already have and I'm pretty sure don't make for amazing fodder (could be wrong about Sonya). Bleh. I know I shouldn't complain about 5*s but... I really have no need for these two. 

However, not long after, dear Tibsy showed up! 

And then I got no greens for a bit so pulled blue. A green finally showed and out popped a Reyson!

All in all, 170 orbs for 4 5*'s, two of whom I actually really wanted. I am very pleased :D 

Congrats on Tibarn and Reyson! Sonya's got Mirror Strike and (I think) Res Ploy so pretty decent fodder~

7 hours ago, Granny said:

While trying for Reyson with my few remaining orbs and the hastily farmed tickets, I got pitybroken by Leanne and then by Nailah. Both of them are +atck -hp. Now I'm hoping Reyson gets demoted.... finally a long haired guy who doesn't sound like a girl and I can't get him!

Congrats on Leanne and Nailah~ I also hope Reyson gets demoted, I really want him~

7 hours ago, Nanima said:

Went in with my 340 orbs and this is what I got:

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YES! I consider this a full success! I got all the birbs and still have 100 orbs left.~

Reyson is +Spd -Res. The -Res is a bit sad, but I wasn’t going to use him in arena anyway. If he demotes his bane will be gone entirely, but he’ll still get pampered by me if he doesn’t.

Tibarn is +ATK -Def. Amazing boon balanced out by a less than ideal bane. Still, his A-skill helps him out there and he will still be buffed by Reyson whenever possible.

Leanne, funnily enough, is +Atk -Spd. So she is both stronger and slower than my Reyson, which is exactly the opposite of what she should be. lol I am definitely not complaining, since it’s pretty cute.

I also got pity broken by a Quan and Alm along the way. 

I already have a Summer!Cordelia and barely use horses, but I also don’t think there is much I could inherit from Quan. Steady Posture isn’t a very high buff. Maybe Drive Atk or his Rally skill?

Alm has nothing of value and seeing as I pulled L!Mrth on monday, I won’t ever use him. I am probably just going to collect 2k feathers and move on.



I would go for Nailah too, since I still have 87 orbs left, but with another seasonal banner coming soon I’ll hold off for now. Maybe I can still pull her with the tickets from FB.

3 of them, nice! And some good Boons and workable Banes~ I'm jealous of the Quan and Alm, too XP I'd use Quan for Drive Atk, since (at least for me) it's one of the harder Drives to come by~

7 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Pulled for the herons. Somehow got my second M!Grima. Not complaining.

Nice, congrats!

6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Used my first first summon ticket, got Reyson. *happy dance* I'm so flippin' happy.


5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I used all 4 summon tickets and my orbs (100+) and I got a Quan and a Amelia... That's sad...

Oof, sorry you didn't get any >__> But they'll be plenty of Orbs this month for another chance~

5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Rushed to get all tickets from FB and used them with my free summon to snipe blue/red in five sessions. In forty orbs I got this:



+RES/-HP, she'll be a charm to use in arena and AR. 

Wanted Tibarn a little bit more (Galeforce 3-mov Flier with Omni-breaker? Yes please), but I'll wait until the end of the banner what the other banners. 

Congrats on Nailah!

5 hours ago, Falter said:

250'ish orbs used.

1 Tibarn(+Atk-HP) 

1 Nailah(+Def-HP)

I'm gonna use them for a while till I find good recipients for their prime skills. Or maybe they will grow on me. Tibarns boons is very optimal so it might be kind of a waste. And I always was fond of birds.

98 orbs remaining... I kinda want to go back in for the colorless Heron. Down orb-hand!


Tibarn's got a great spread, congrats on them both!~ If you go back for Leanne, good luck~

4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria

Welp, I had 60 orbs in my second account. Also grinded to get summon tickets, did 2 full pulls at the start to build pity rate....

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..got pitybroken by this lady.


At least Linde is new! Unfortunately she's +Def/-Spd. Oh well she has no fodder anyway so I'll just use her casually, and merge her if I somehow get another Linde. At least her Atk is untouched.


In my main account I started with 22 orbs + the 20 new ones. At least I got a 5 star from my 3rd ticket.

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Pure neutral Nailah! I'm so excited to use her since I never played Radiant Dawn, and she seemed to have the best skills in the banner! Funny how even though I had less orbs somehow my main was luckier! 

Now I kind of wished Naesala was green so I have laguz colour diversity but oh well.

Down to 2 orbs now, but I guess the upcoming seasonal banners sort of killed any thoughts of saving. Tibarn is going to be hard to get in red hell on a 4 unit banner though, so not sure if I'll go back anytime soon.

Congrats on Nailah @mampfoid!

Also also got pitybroken by a bad IV Linde recently, haha~ Congrats on Nailah, though~

3 hours ago, Stroud said:

I got greedy today. xD I pulled Nailah in like 30 orbs. And tried to go for a second one to recover her bane later. So I used another 70 orbs but at no luck. Now I save up for Deirdre/Julia banner. I should have around 500 orbs again around then. 100 Orbs are totally ok on a 4 hero banner. Hopefully I will not regret these missing 70 orbs, because I try to merge up Deirdre further D=. 

Congrats on getting her quickly! Good luck for Deirdre~

2 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

So far I’ve burned through the Orbs I stockpiled for this banner (106 or so) and 1 Ticket And pulled +ATK/-SPD Leanne and +HP/-SPD Nailah. I’d be disappointed, but they already have good SPD so the drop doesn’t seem too bad for them (plus Leanne has a SPD +3 weapon... maybe I’ll set Nailah up with Darting Stance Seal and run them together so Nailah can benefit from Hone Beasts to reach 46 SPD).

EDIT: Second ticket down, and I pull +ATK/-SPD Leo. Not sure if this is better or worse than +DEF/-SPD, but I’ll keep both for now.

Congrats on your pulls~ I think +Def Leo is better with his Tome, but if you run him with like Bladetome or something, I'd go +Atk~

1 hour ago, Thane said:

A bit more than 250 orbs gave me two Tibarn (one neutral and one -Atk +Res), Leanne (-HP +Spd), Sumia (-Atk +Def), Zelgius (-Res +Def), and another Karla whose nature I haven't checked out yet. That's a pretty gosh darn good haul, though I don't know what to do with my Sumia. Who wants the Atk/Def Link? I've got a crippled NY!Fjorm for the Atk/Spd Link for my Bowcina, should I choose to go down that route I guess.

Also, I do have another Sturdy Impact ready thanks to my bad nature Tibarn, so uh...Flora? Flora. Or I could wait for Cynthia.

Great haul, congrats!

1 hour ago, RexBolt said:

Love these tickets. I got 2 Tibarns, Reyson, Nailah and Emperor Hardin in 210 orbs, half my stash. I skipped colorless. Will decide to continue or not after the Special Heroes at the end of the month are revealed.

Wow, you got a lot of great pulls, congrats!

6 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

My free pull was Reyson who was my most wanted, but it seemed like the game making up for refusing to give me any flying refresher unit every time they are on a banner.  I also used my 40 orbs, but no luck on any 5*s yet, but I am going to try to break my pity rate.

Nice getting a free Reyson!

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I decided to do some full circles after obtaining the tickets. Overall spent 64 orbs instead of 89 - good deal. And I got lucky.

On 3rd circle I got



Better IV than what I have, but bad timing for a pitybreaker. Also


I don't have you, but double breaker is too much. I don't like Fates or Adrift, but I guess I'll try him to test Null Follow-Up

So my hopes were left out on the 4th circle, but on the 2nd orb...


My top want. Neutral IV. Easily leaving this banner - I was lucky today.



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I got all the tokens (You have no idea how many tries to took to get enough for Nailah's), so let's do this.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green (Let's just take the Blue, not because I'd never want Tibarn, but I feel like I should save- Okay screw it, we all know what Tibarn's like.)

4* M!Robin (I was looking for a merge. +Def/-Atk, I guess I'm keeping my first 5*.),  3* Laslow (LasNo, am I right? +Res/-HP), 4* Ogma (Is that my 4* +10 merge? +HP/-Res), 4* Fir (It's a staff unit's fodder. +Spd/-HP)


2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (No blue? Uh oh.)

3* Marth (I could stand to get better fodder. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Roy (I need a merge for him too.... Wait I don't think I do. +HP/-Res)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Mathilda (Really, why bother with her as fodder unless you want her at 5*? +Atk/-Res.... That could work as a base for her.), 4* Effie (Haven't see her in ages. +Spd/-Def, still getting bad natures as usual.)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Est (I already got one merge and I have a pile of these now. Would really like that skill refine IS. +Spd/-Def, I have +Atk already, it is beautiful), 4* Cordelia (CordeliNah? +Def/-Spd, Effie would have liked that.), 4* Lon'qu (Vantage. +Res/-Spd)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Subaki (I mean, do I need to insult the guy? +Res/-HP), 4* Ares (Nice. +Def/-Spd)


3 Red, 2 Blue (That's better, would have liked more blue.)

4* Peri (That's bad. +Def/-Atk), 4* Shigure (That's not a wolf. +HP/-Res, shame that Stance is 5* locked.), 4* Henry (Shame, he used to be a good fodder option. +Def/-HP), 3* Seliph (No, you're not getting the refine. Neutral), 5* BKhrom (No, my look on my face is disappointment because I'm not getting Tibarn. +Spd/-Atk, I think I'm merging onto my base.)

I guess until I play RD I'll never get what I was looking for off it's banners (This is also not the first time Chrom pitybroke a Tellius banner though that was lessened because Nephenee was in the same circle). I tried again after being pitybroken once before. Never again.

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

Thanks! Congrats on your Nailah as well! 

Yeah, I heard Alm is good, but his niche is already filled by L!Marth and I have way too many infantry swords already. Plus, I don't like his character, so there is really no point to raising him. I actually have another copy that's been gathering dust in my barracks. Why couldn't it be Celica pity breaking me?


I didn't finish SoV yet, but he isn't that bad. The naive optimistic type who does everything right automatically.

Can't have enough dragon killers for AA. 

45 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on Nailah!

Thanks! :-)

18 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

My top want. Neutral IV. Easily leaving this banner - I was lucky today.

Wohoo, congrats! Also nice Corrin. Everything in 64 orbs, great!

I'm really tempted to go for him as well, but I'll wait what the other banners will bring. 



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26 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

I decided to do some full circles after obtaining the tickets. Overall spent 64 orbs instead of 89 - good deal. And I got lucky.

On 3rd circle I got

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Better IV than what I have, but bad timing for a pitybreaker. Also


I don't have you, but double breaker is too much. I don't like Fates or Adrift, but I guess I'll try him to test Null Follow-Up

So my hopes were left out on the 4th circle, but on the 2nd orb...

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My top want. Neutral IV. Easily leaving this banner - I was lucky today.



congrats :)

26 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I got all the tokens (You have no idea how many tries to took to get enough for Nailah's), so let's do this.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green (Let's just take the Blue, not because I'd never want Tibarn, but I feel like I should save- Okay screw it, we all know what Tibarn's like.)

4* M!Robin (I was looking for a merge. +Def/-Atk, I guess I'm keeping my first 5*.),  3* Laslow (LasNo, am I right? +Res/-HP), 4* Ogma (Is that my 4* +10 merge? +HP/-Res), 4* Fir (It's a staff unit's fodder. +Spd/-HP)


2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (No blue? Uh oh.)

3* Marth (I could stand to get better fodder. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Roy (I need a merge for him too.... Wait I don't think I do. +HP/-Res)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Mathilda (Really, why bother with her as fodder unless you want her at 5*? +Atk/-Res.... That could work as a base for her.), 4* Effie (Haven't see her in ages. +Spd/-Def, still getting bad natures as usual.)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Est (I already got one merge and I have a pile of these now. Would really like that skill refine IS. +Spd/-Def, I have +Atk already, it is beautiful), 4* Cordelia (CordeliNah? +Def/-Spd, Effie would have liked that.), 4* Lon'qu (Vantage. +Res/-Spd)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Subaki (I mean, do I need to insult the guy? +Res/-HP), 4* Ares (Nice. +Def/-Spd)


3 Red, 2 Blue (That's better, would have liked more blue.)

4* Peri (That's bad. +Def/-Atk), 4* Shigure (That's not a wolf. +HP/-Res, shame that Stance is 5* locked.), 4* Henry (Shame, he used to be a good fodder option. +Def/-HP), 3* Seliph (No, you're not getting the refine. Neutral), 5* BKhrom (No, my look on my face is disappointment because I'm not getting Tibarn. +Spd/-Atk, I think I'm merging onto my base.)

I guess until I play RD I'll never get what I was looking for off it's banners (This is also not the first time Chrom pitybroke a Tellius banner though that was lessened because Nephenee was in the same circle). I tried again after being pitybroken once before. Never again.

I ma so jealous that you got shigure and Est - (I am not even kidding). game refuses to give me them. RE. FUS.ES. 
(that's an idea for Mathilda. i do like her and i am hoping they give her a refine that gives her justice to her SoV game)

(Is that Horse Chrom?) 
sorry that you got him instead of Tibarn :( 

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@mampfoid Thanks man. I just wanted a beast to pair with Naesala, and Tibarn was the closest to my liking. A dancer would've been nice too, but I expect Reyson to drop, so I also did not plan to overspend - but the full circles sure paid off. Now that I tried the beasts, it seems like they can work alone as well as with beasts/dragons, just keep them away from others.

I hope you are right about Corrin. =)

@daisy jane Thank you as well. Hope you get lucky too.

Edited by Garlyle
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1 minute ago, Garlyle said:

@mampfoid Thanks man. I just wanted a beast to pair with Naesala, and Tibarn was the closest to my liking. A dancer would've been nice too, but I expect Reyson to drop, so I also did not plan to overspend - but the full circles sure paid off. Now that I tried the beasts, it seems like they can work alone as well as with beasts/dragons, just keep them away from others.

I hope you are right about Corrin. =)

@daisy jane Thank you as well. Hope you get lucky too.

yeah i realised that with Naliah (who is the only one who doesn't get more movement). it's not like the games where they can't fight,, so they do/can have mixed teams for the most part, you just lose the extra atk. (or speed or whatever). 

thanks. :)
I got 2 Leannes and a Myrrh (which is, outside of M!Grima, a TOTAL win for me, i firmly believe Reyson is dropping (please drop reyson), and i won't mind spending feathers on him, so i think my luck is pretty much out in clutching out a Tibarn 

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450 orbs...  And I'm not pleased.  My goal was two of each, so I could fix banes.

The first 5* was great- Nailah, perfect!  Non-ideal IVs, but that's one.  Then I got Eldigan, Tana, and Laegjarm.  The latter two were new, but none that I really wanted.  At least the pity breakers could have been other Tellians >.<

Then I got Leanne!  Well, she was the "beast" I wanted least, but sure.  +DEF/-RES...  Ah well.

Then... another Leanne.  And not a single Sothe merge in all of the colorless pulls.  I'd had enough colorless pulls at that point, but of course the one I wanted least when the one I got two of first.

Then finally...  Reyson!  He was the one I wanted most, and the only one I'm okay if I don't get two of now.  He'll probably demote.

Still no Tibarn.  I still want a second Nailah.  And the one color I'm looking for a particular 4* is colorless, and I shouldn't pull there anymore.  And nearly out of orbs and don't want to spend any more money...  I guess 7 5*'s in 450 orbs isn't bad, but it still hurts that I got so many pity breakers I didn't want.

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I said I'd have better luck pulling for a birdy and look who showed in just 15ish pulls.


I told ya'll so! I have decent to nice luck pulling anything that isn't a Laevatein! Glad I got Tibarn quickly though, even if I didn't really luck out on the IVs this time. +Res, -Spd doesn't help him much at all. But it doesn't affect his Atk or Def. So probably still pretty usable.

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I said I'd have better luck pulling for a birdy and look who showed in just 15ish pulls.


I told ya'll so! I have decent to nice luck pulling anything that isn't a Laevatein! Glad I got Tibarn quickly though, even if I didn't really luck out on the IVs this time. +Res, -Spd doesn't help him much at all. But it doesn't affect his Atk or Def. So probably still pretty usable. I also didn't want to use many orbs on this banner because of what could possibly be coming on the two seasonal banners and mythic hero banner coming up. And I didn't want any of these guys THAT badly.

Edited by Anacybele
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@Anacybele Congrats!! I'm happy you at least got something you want now :D

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

thanks. :)
I got 2 Leannes and a Myrrh (which is, outside of M!Grima, a TOTAL win for me, i firmly believe Reyson is dropping (please drop reyson), and i won't mind spending feathers on him, so i think my luck is pretty much out in clutching out a Tibarn 

You'll give one of those Leannes to me once trading is a thing right? Right??? :'(

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2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Oof, sorry you didn't get any >__> But they'll be plenty of Orbs this month for another chance~

Yes. That's True.  We have BHB revival, a new BHB, GC, Tap Battle, TT+, Three Heroes Quests, Special Heroes Log-in and Paralogue, so there are a lot of orbs to get until the banner ends. Or maybe I save my future orbs for the February Legendary Banner, because I would like more copies of Gunnthrá and Hríd returns in February, so I will have another chance to get him.

Also, I got some orbs and.... summoned a Karel... +Res -Spd... Perfect...

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

I ma so jealous that you got shigure and Est - (I am not even kidding). game refuses to give me them. RE. FUS.ES. 
(that's an idea for Mathilda. i do like her and i am hoping they give her a refine that gives her justice to her SoV game)

(Is that Horse Chrom?) 
sorry that you got him instead of Tibarn :( 

Shigure's nature could be better but Goad/Ward is fantastic for Flier emblem in my opinion and Est is in the bin for the 5* +10 merge if I decide to go that way (I think she's No. 4 for the bin and my main Est is +1), though if I could trade I'd hook you up. Mathilda herself sadly doesn't get much use, she's currently got a +Def refine to make up for her bane but I think this nature would be a better choice in the end. The BK stands for Branded King (Because of the banner) and hey, he's either a merge or Aether fodder (Leaning strongly on merge though, it means that my BKhrom has neutral defence instead of -Def next month, so he has that going for him which is nice.).

I was going mainly for Nailah, but Tibarn's a bit wild too so either would have done. I learned my lesson chasing for RD units after last year, so I'm not trying again (Ignoring that only Nailah's from RD originally and I've seen all the others in PoR by now). (Least I didn't get Jakob as a pitybreaker unlike then.)

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2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on getting her quickly! Good luck for Deirdre~

Thanks, I really hope that I will be more lucky then last time. Last time I got 5 Deirdres with 700 orbs. xD This time I have only 500. And I'd rather want to have some spare orbs after this. I just don't know if Deirdre will ever get a banner again.

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50 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

told ya'll so! I have decent to nice luck pulling

Congrats! I think Tibarn will be fun to play. 

1 hour ago, Garlyle said:


I hope you are right about Corrin. =)

@daisy jane .

I don't know because I don't have any adrift unit, but he seems a strong unit number with beautiful art. 

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37 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Yes. That's True.  We have BHB revival, a new BHB, GC, Tap Battle, TT+, Three Heroes Quests, Special Heroes Log-in and Paralogue, so there are a lot of orbs to get until the banner ends. Or maybe I save my future orbs for the February Legendary Banner, because I would like more copies of Gunnthrá and Hríd returns in February, so I will have another chance to get him.

Also, I got some orbs and.... summoned a Karel... +Res -Spd... Perfect...

a lot of orbs heading our way  though I see the Elincia/Nephenee Banner eating a chunk out of them. 
ughhh on Karel. 

33 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Shigure's nature could be better but Goad/Ward is fantastic for Flier emblem in my opinion and Est is in the bin for the 5* +10 merge if I decide to go that way (I think she's No. 4 for the bin and my main Est is +1), though if I could trade I'd hook you up. Mathilda herself sadly doesn't get much use, she's currently got a +Def refine to make up for her bane but I think this nature would be a better choice in the end. The BK stands for Branded King (Because of the banner) and hey, he's either a merge or Aether fodder (Leaning strongly on merge though, it means that my BKhrom has neutral defence instead of -Def next month, so he has that going for him which is nice.).

I was going mainly for Nailah, but Tibarn's a bit wild too so either would have done. I learned my lesson chasing for RD units after last year, so I'm not trying again (Ignoring that only Nailah's from RD originally and I've seen all the others in PoR by now). (Least I didn't get Jakob as a pitybreaker unlike then.)

ahh that's his official name. Branded King.
I was wondering if his Chill  skill would be better. than passing along Aether. i have an extra copy myself (same nature too) so i didn't see the point of merging them (as i don't wanna +10 him up). 

thanks on the Est hookup. I'm hoping between two banners where i am pulling on blue a lot i see SOME Shigures, Ests and Silases.
I do hope you get one of them if you decide to go back in


7 minutes ago, Stroud said:

Thanks, I really hope that I will be more lucky then last time. Last time I got 5 Deirdres with 700 orbs. xD This time I have only 500. And I'd rather want to have some spare orbs after this. I just don't know if Deirdre will ever get a banner again.


share colour is heck but i wish you all the Deidre and none of the Julia. 
(pls don't say this. I want a Deidre, but i can't summon for her and i thankfully got a Julia)

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5 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

ughhh on Karel. 

Ughhh indeed... But I don't know if I will summon on this banner again... Like I said before, February Banner with Gunnthrá and Hríd can make me save my orbs... At least we are getting Naesala for free and I hope for a Reyson demotion, but I am not that positive about it.

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42 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

of course sweetie. (Hug). 

I'm assuming you didn't have any luck?

Nope, 11 summoning sessions, only 10 colorless orbs total :( And they all contained trash of course.

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2 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Ughhh indeed... But I don't know if I will summon on this banner again... Like I said before, February Banner with Gunnthrá and Hríd can make me save my orbs... At least we are getting Naesala for free and I hope for a Reyson demotion, but I am not that positive about it.

this is true. like i said. everyone is very certain he's dropping... but i dunno... 
I wish you good luck in the summonings to come in Feb (my goal is grima. I figure after like 9 months of not getting her this is finally the time right?!)

1 minute ago, Mau said:

Nope, 11 summoning sessions, only 10 colorless orbs total :( And they all contained trash of course.

ugh. of course. are gonna keep trying?

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7 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

share colour is heck but i wish you all the Deidre and none of the Julia. 
(pls don't say this. I want a Deidre, but i can't summon for her and i thankfully got a Julia)

I hope so. I wouldn't be mad if the game decides to +10 my Julia which is at +1. But I hope to get blessed with Deirdre. If she is at least +8 after this I start to feel good about her and I wouldn't mind getting pity broken by Helbindi. After all it just depends on luck D=.

And last time I had a banner with Deirdre and Sonya. I had Deirdre +1 at the start and no Sonya.
After summoning with 770+ orbs I was at +6 Sonya and +5 Deirdre. After hearing that another player got +10 Deirdre on that banner with like 500 orbs and same amount of start merges I got a bit salty. xD
I am still happy though. I expect Sonya to get a refine soon. That would do her really good. Somehow my most beloved characters are green.

And Julia is still good though. She still has access to Divine Naga or is a new nice Dragon check.

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And looky what my second ticket got me! This is the first 5 star I've pulled on a ticket too.


Single green just like with NY Fjorm too. Why is my luck in green so great lately? That is very odd. xP I usually have shit luck there. But anyway, now I have second best birdy and Reyson can hang with his favorite bird king. He's sadly -Atk, also like that Fjorm, but hopefully like everyone believes will happen, Reyson will demote and I can later fix that.

Leanne is cute and Rafiel is alright, but Reyson punched Oliver and wants to be tough. He's the coolest heron by default.

I guess Laevatein is just a plain bad luck charm for me. I have the worst luck ever when I'm trying to go for her.

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