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so i got my second caineghis (+res -atk), and finally my first 4* reyson

less than 60 orbs spent + 2 tickets

merged the first caineghis into the new one, and oh god he's a monster (or... a beast, you could say), even better than i expected

i did some AR battles, and he solo-ed them all (he tanked a summer micaiah, a yune and a sothe in a single turn)

now he's my 2nd 5*-only merge project, in terms of priority (levin's 1st)

Edited by Yexin
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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I'm both excited and nervous because I only have 80 orbs to burn at the moment before I have to go into the new story chapter and Forging Bonds and stuff, and I get up early so I could do so.




YAAAAAASS! I wanted him so bad, I love this man. <3 And I needed this after I had such horrible luck on Yune's banner (even if I did eventually get Yune herself, it wasn't until I had an absurdly high pity rate). Also, he's not -Atk or -Spd, thank the Heroes gods. +Def, -Res instead which is pretty decent. His weapon makes him a player phase guy, but these IVs also means he can take a hit or two from physical peeps if I need him to. :3

No Lethe yet, but I'm getting the story orbs now and then some summon tickets.

Oh yeah, I pulled a Brave Ephraim too when I decided to pull another green with the last 4 orbs I had at the time...lol. He's gonna be merged despite the skills he offers. I like merging Ephraim since he's a fav.

@Rezzy And anyone else that cares. :P

Congrats, I managed to get Ranulf as well, but he is -Atk of course.  Hopefully he demotes, so I can merge him.

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56 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats, I managed to get Ranulf as well, but he is -Atk of course.  Hopefully he demotes, so I can merge him.

Dang, yeah, hope you can get him with better stats soon!

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After all four of my tickets and ALL of my orbs, and sniping only gray orbs, I got SIX Nanna, a Sothe, a Legault, a Virion, three Priscilla, a Rebecca, a Caeda in a session where there were no gray orbs, a Gordin, two Maria, a Lucius, a Jakob, and a Niles, and then I finally summoned a 5-star!

...except it was Leanne, not Caineghis.

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3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats, I managed to get Ranulf as well, but he is -Atk of course.  Hopefully he demotes, so I can merge him.

Congrats on getting him! But he has a Dual Rally Skill, so he's unfortunately not going to be demoted. If any is, it'll be Mordecai, but I don't have super high expectations for him to drop either~

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In 3 summon tickets + 23 orbs (sniping green-I got two pulls without any green, so I did blue)! I would have waited for the 4th summon ticket but I got impatient because I kept missing the red multiplier because of work. Haha.

He's +Spd/-Res which is SUPER low in Res, but he didn't need that stat anyways. I also hope he demotes for merge purposes. Otherwise back to sniping for Spring!Chrom, and if I get over 80 orbs, I'll consider dipping back into the banner for a chance at a +1 Ranulf. =D

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1,793 total pulled units.  Thank goodness for summon tickets!


Corrin (+Def/-Res): She's useful fodder, whether it be Dragonic Aura or Hone Atk.

Fae (+Def/-Atk): Uh, go Renewal?
Helbindi (+HP/-Spd): I went fishing for him on the very first Easter banner.  While he isn't Camilla, I think he'd be hilarious if he wore bunny ears!  He might, if Ylgr asked him nicely!  My headcanon is that Veronica shyly asked him to do so, since she felt weird by herself, and Bruno was late.

Nino (+Atk/-Spd): Someone will appreciate Draw Back.
Lucius (+Def/-Res): Hey, don't give ME Pain!
Reinhardt (+Atk/-Res): Nearly perfect.  But I think I have a -Spd one.
Clair (+Res/-HP): I guess Hit and Run might be worth something?
Oboro (+Def/-HP): I'll get her personal weapon, one day. But not on this one!

Boey (+Def/-Spd): I, uh, need to think about this.  This would be a funny -raven build.
Titania (+HP/-Atk): WHY.
Lissa (+Atk/-Def): Swap with Titania. ;/
Soleil (+Res/-Def): That's unfortunate.  But that weapon isn't~!
Effie (+Atk/-HP): Hey, I can work with this!

Saizo (+Atk/-Spd): The only good news is that if he's the base, I can erase that flaw.
Fir (+Res/-Atk): You can, uh, give someone Chilling Wind.
Hector (+Atk/-Def): At first, I was pretty mad that I was pity-broken by a unit I already had.  But this is far better than the neutral free pull I got, so I'm gonna merge the old one into this one, and explode all the things.  Plus, he's a funny-looking laguz.
Oscar (+Def/-Res): And he can give Lancebreaker to someone.

Not the worst set of pulls, but the 5* units made up for them.  So far.  Kinda hoping I get a banner unit, but it depends on whether or not I can get 30 orbs.


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Got nothing from free pull + tickets yesterday, but I decided to try one last time for Alfonse. I already wasted hundreds of orbs, getting only the other units of the banner twice plus some off banner 5* units (last one was Kaden). 

This time after ~100 orbs:



+SPD/-HP perfect for my purposes! Yay! 


BB!Marth will have a hard time now. 


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I'm starting to think Tellius has an odd way of showing it loves me. 

I had about 180 orbs, plus the free summon and some summoning tickets. I only really cared about getting Ranulf so was sniping only green, but I didn't mind getting the other three if they showed up along the way.

I got Mordecai before any greens showed up. 

Then I got Myrrh and Sue, who both decided they were more important than the cute kitty :( I mean, I did want Myrrh, so that's good, but I wanted my kitty.

After this, Mikoto came along as again no greens made themselves known. I don't dislike her, so fine, but I'd much prefer a kitty. 

I pulled for a little while and ran out of orbs. Got a few more from the story. Told myself one more 5* and I was quitting on the banner. 

Caineghis came literally straight after that -.-


So 5 5*s in 200 or so orbs, 4 tickets and one freebie pull. None of these were characters I had. Sad I didn't get my kitty but not complaining overall. I won't hold my breath for demotions, but I will go for Ranulf if he appears on a 3 charrie non colour shared banner in the future. 


@Venmi - I feel you in lack of Ranulfs! Hope you finally get him if you continue summoning :) 

Edited by Cute Chao
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3 hours ago, Nenechan said:

Regal Rabbits, I assume because they didn't implement the new code in the old / existing banners.

The 3-4* demotes are as of Odd Wave Skills Banner onward 

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Got nothing from free pull + tickets yesterday, but I decided to try one last time for Alfonse. I already wasted hundreds of orbs, getting only the other units of the banner twice plus some off banner 5* units (last one was Kaden). 

This time after ~100 orbs:

  Hide contents


+SPD/-HP perfect for my purposes! Yay! 


BB!Marth will have a hard time now. 


Yaaayyy, congrats on your new Galeforce Bunny!

Better not fodder Groom Marth!

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Alright, picked up the 4 tickets. Let's see if these free pulls will give me anything worthwhile.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: Meh.
  2. 4* Camilla: More meh.
  3. 3* Nino: Bleh.
  4. 3* Tharja: Worthless.

So much for that. Not that I was very interested in this banner, but I would have appreciated at least one decently interesting unit.

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Can has Cats?

3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Lucius (I am disappointed. +Res/-Def), 4* Hawkeye (DB2. Yay..... +Def/-Spd), 4* Sheena (I have 4* +10. Why would I actively want more? +Atk/-HP), 4* Libra (There's worse fodder. +Atk/-Spd, Actually I'll merge my old one onto this one.), 4* Chrom (That'll be my 10th book. Stop it Chrom. +Spd/-HP)


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IT HAPPENED! I got just enough orbs for a single summon, so I decided to try my luck. And IT HAPPENED!


CAINEGHIS! And he's got an Attack boon/asset, to boot! I'll probably keep summoning on the Gallia banner just to see if I get merges for him, but I'm 100% satisfied now.

@Rezzy @Anacybele and uhhhhh whoever else likes Tellius

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Heh, always fun to get what you want on a yolo summon. Reminds me of when I was going for my second round of Summer Freddy merges. After like 200 orbs and being ready to give up when Ylissean Summer was re-ran last year, I pull two of him consecutively, the latter of which was a yolo. Then I sorta yolo again not long later...and a THIRD one comes in that first session (I believe it was the second pull in it)! Because of that, my Summer Freddy is +5 and still awaiting those other 5 merges. :P

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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

IT HAPPENED! I got just enough orbs for a single summon, so I decided to try my luck. And IT HAPPENED!


CAINEGHIS! And he's got an Attack boon/asset, to boot! I'll probably keep summoning on the Gallia banner just to see if I get merges for him, but I'm 100% satisfied now.

@Rezzy @Anacybele and uhhhhh whoever else likes Tellius

Ayyye, congrats on Mufasa and good IV, too!

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