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My luck has been non-existent.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* M!Robin (Yet more proof. +Def/-Atk)

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I got another Naga in another circle (after 13 orbs). I felt iffy with the first one being -Res. Both were +Def, so the merge was a direct improvement. Best luck with Legendary banner for me, to be honest. 4 5*s in 100ish orbs.

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15 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Well I'll be using him more now that his Atk bane is gone, but I guess I'll see how often he dies with just a tiny margin to see if he needs the HP nullification or not. Jakob would see a lot more use with Bold Fighter, too but I guess there's no rush.

Anywho, silly me thought 40 orbs is okay and decided to summon more. Got a second Bector in my main (+HP/-Spd compared to my old +Res/-HP) while going for reds when there were no reds. Opened the rest of the circle anyway since it was 11% and the only noteworthy thing was a 3 star Klein.

Then @Landmaster sort of influenced me in wanting Quan lol. Err, didn't get him but I guess I got a quick 5 star at 3.25%, +Res/-Def Ephraim. A bit meh about him and his silly boon, but he doesn't have great fodder, so I'll just merge him with my +Res/-HP Ephraim to get some bulk back. Maybe I should use him more.

So yeah orbs now drained from a silly slip up but at least it ended with 5 stars I guess.



On 6/2/2019 at 8:21 AM, mcsilas said:

So my hunt for a new B!Hector finally ended, I've got a +Def/-HP Bector to finally replace my +Spd/-Atk one!!! Unsure if I should merge and get back the missing HP will make or break some matchups, although on the other I do have armours who is eyeing Bold Fighter like Jakob.

That said, on the same circle, the only other blue was a +Atk/-Res Naga! I can end the banner happily now, even if Tiki would like her Spd bane removed. Getting 2 Shannas on the way was a nice consolation prize, too.

On the other hand, I've been looking for a non -Atk Hrid/NY!Gunnthra but only got up to 10%. After getting two 3 star Raighs in the same session I'm not sure if I should keep trying right now... maybe I'll wait to see what the mysterious banner coming up is first.

Congrats congrats on your pulls! Haha, I wish I had more Orbs, I haven't even gotten a chance to try for Quan much myself XP

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Still looking for one last Julia merge. 29 orbs right now, so hopefully she comes by soon.

  1. 3* Camilla: Meh.

Nothing there. 24 orbs left.

  1. 4* Camilla: Really?

That was dumb. Going to try again with 19 orbs.

  1. 3* Reinhardt: Worthless.

Very bad luck so far. This isn't how I like to do things, but one more time with 14 orbs.

  1. 3* Subaki: Also worthless.

Alright, not risking the chance of un-pulled greens any further. Really going to have to hope the last few pulls tomorrow give me something.

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Once more unto the bitch of a banner.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red (This is going to be it, right? The point where I cry?)

3* Raven (Not again! +Def/-HP)

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Still no Naga, but at least my pity rate took her leave gracefully:



  • +DEF/-RES Fjorm
    Since I do have a neutral copy, I'll keep her for a while. May turn into fodder for my smite-master L!Hector one day. 
  • +ATK/-SPD Tiki
    I might merge her into my +SPD/-HP copy, but not yet. Her Fierce Breath and Bold Fighter are pretty good SI. 
  • +SPD/-ATK Eirika
    Her bane is a bummer, but I'm already blessed with the best sword cav, so no big deal. Too bad she came right after TTs. 



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21 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Oh dang, sorry about no Naga but a three 5* session is at least a good result from the pain, with some nice potential fodder

Yup, can't complain. Other have been certainly less lucky than me. 

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3 minutes ago, Usana said:

@mampfoid that certainly isn't a bad session, but a pity that Naga is so standoffish to so many people. She must be shy.


That's true. It would have been handy to get her early, but I'm patient. 

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Seeing other people get lucky made my summoning finger itch so I decided to just try one more round for Naga and:

got no blues of course, but I was well rewarded in return:



L!Lyn, the unit I wanted the most from this banner cause mine is -atk and the unit I wanted second-most cause now I can give DC to H!Myrrh without having to sacrifice Nailah, since I'd rather wait for someone who can use Null C-Disrupt too. Of course the fodder unit is +atk again lol, but +res, -hp is def not bad for Lyn either and beats my current +hp Lyn.

Together with the NY!Gunnthra I got earlier that makes three 5* units in about 80 orbs, glad to see I'm finally getting some luck again lately. This saving orbs business seems to work for me hmm.

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1 hour ago, Mau said:

Together with the NY!Gunnthra I got earlier that makes three 5* units in about 80 orbs, glad to see I'm finally getting some luck again lately. This saving orbs business seems to work for me hmm.

Glad luck turned back to you, congrats! 

1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:


Wow, and you already flowered both, congrats! 

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I really fear I'll get nothing out of the banner.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Oboro (Nothing might have been better. +Spd/-Res), 4* Silas (I mean, it could be worse. +Def/-Spd)

11.5% now. I am concerned.

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I knew the stash would not last long.




It was orbs well spent.


So I don't know how many people know how badly I wanted Siegbert...and I had 130 orbs.  I'm down to 40 but my notible summons-

1 x Sigurd

1 x Sue

1 x Saber

1 x +Atk Olivia

And of course my much wanted Siegbert finally chose to come home +Spd/-HP.  So I may have a good Galeforcer on my hands.

And some semi decent fodder besides.

I will hold out and go back to saving for OG Lucina banner now.  Or a Grima one, whoever's first.  Hopefully OG Lucina XD


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Alright, scrimping and scrounging wherever I could brought me up to 30 orbs, so time for the final shots at another Julia merge.

  1. 4* Reyson: A new unit!

Not Julia, but nice all the same. 25 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nino: Nope.
  2. 4* Sheena: Nope again.

Gotta keep trying...16 orbs left.

  1. 5* Ranulf: Huh. This suddenly turned into a beast banner. +Def/-Atk, which is a great asset and bad flaw, but I'll gladly take him anyway. Since I need a Shanna for Desperation and because Adrift!Mamui is pretty damn useful, I'll take the two blues.
  2. 3* Nowi: Wrong dragon.
  3. 4* Robin: I guess not.

This banner went extremely well for me. 3 Julia merges, Ranulf, and a Reyson to promote, done remarkably cheaply. Now to see if I can get Fjorm off the bridal banner in two weeks.

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Heroes is officially evil

I spent the last few hours scraping together all the remaining orbs I could get for one last try on the Legendary banner. Managed to get a nice round twenty even. So how does it go: 

First circle: No blue orbs, forcing me to pull on red. A random Corn. Thanks, I hate you too, game.

Second Circle: Exactly FOUR blue orbs. And I am unable to pull them all, due to the last circle costing me 5 orbs. Three 3* jobbers join my already bloated barracks. Not even an Oboro for merging or anyone with good skills. No, just trash.

Now I’ll forever be left to question if that last orb had Tiki or Naga in it. 


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Well my final push on the Legend banner needed a little cash thrown in as well, but dang nab it when an 11+ pity eats up all my f2p orbs I really want to get something decent out of it. Final circle I bought out the rest of the orbs in the hope of getting more than 1 5* for that pity. No go. But AT least this time the lone 5* wasn't yet another Hector. Unfortunately it was the wrong blue dragon. Yes Tiki was on my wish list, but a -ATK Tiki isn't really impressing me much. Makes me wonder if I am just cursed when it comes to her. Summer Young Tiki is also -ATK. Though at least she got +SPD out of the deal. Poor Legendary Tiki is +HP.

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Welp, with all the collected orbs since my last pulls (thx Gharnef and VG), no second Naga, darn. Yes, once again, random B!Hector, L!Eirika on a blueless circle and another L!Tiki came along with few orbs, but I don't care about those, worst red of the three for me, and all blues except Naga are kinda worthless. Game, give those copies to people who want it, come on.

Oh well, guess I'll pick up another copy some other time then.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 69 (I feel like I should make a joke or something)

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6 hours ago, Nanima said:

Heroes is officially evil

I spent the last few hours scraping together all the remaining orbs I could get for one last try on the Legendary banner. Managed to get a nice round twenty even. So how does it go: 

First circle: No blue orbs, forcing me to pull on red. A random Corn. Thanks, I hate you too, game.

Second Circle: Exactly FOUR blue orbs. And I am unable to pull them all, due to the last circle costing me 5 orbs. Three 3* jobbers join my already bloated barracks. Not even an Oboro for merging or anyone with good skills. No, just trash.

Now I’ll forever be left to question if that last orb had Tiki or Naga in it. 


It was probably Brave Hector (according to my fully scientific experiment). I too saved up my last 20 orbs (including all the painful monthly quest ones) and was presented with a final circle containing one red and four blue stones. One of the blue ones was Hector. Overall, I put in around 270+ orbs focusing exclusively on blue, and the blue 5*s were two Hectors. (He's now +9 which is nice.)

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6 hours ago, Usana said:

Well my final push on the Legend banner needed a little cash thrown in as well, but dang nab it when an 11+ pity eats up all my f2p orbs I really want to get something decent out of it. Final circle I bought out the rest of the orbs in the hope of getting more than 1 5* for that pity. No go. But AT least this time the lone 5* wasn't yet another Hector. Unfortunately it was the wrong blue dragon. Yes Tiki was on my wish list, but a -ATK Tiki isn't really impressing me much. Makes me wonder if I am just cursed when it comes to her. Summer Young Tiki is also -ATK. Though at least she got +SPD out of the deal. Poor Legendary Tiki is +HP.

mine too. and it sucks so much. 

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35 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

mine too. and it sucks so much. 

I'd kill for a -Atk one at this point. Also +Hp means more general bulk so it's hardly useless.

1 hour ago, Tree said:

It was probably Brave Hector (according to my fully scientific experiment). I too saved up my last 20 orbs (including all the painful monthly quest ones) and was presented with a final circle containing one red and four blue stones. One of the blue ones was Hector. Overall, I put in around 270+ orbs focusing exclusively on blue, and the blue 5*s were two Hectors. (He's now +9 which is nice.)

 Yeah that would have totally happened as my own previous attempts yielded. It's the reason I refrain from spending money the most. At least I don't have to feel as bad for getting all this garbage as I would if I spend real money on it.

Now if you'll excuse I'll have to stuff my +2 Brave Hector into some closet. I just don't find much use for armours when they aren't also dragons, so I have gained pretty much nothing from this.

Edited by Nanima
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3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green

3* Jagen (I got my +10. Stop. +Spd/-HP)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Peri (WRONG! Neutral)

I had to finish CC 5+6 for this pull.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Abel (Better than expected, but still inspires no joy. +Def/-Spd), 3* Oboro (It wants me to pay. Dick move. +Atk/-Res)

I spit on the orb purchase. Feeling pretty bad.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* M!Robin (Still getting 3* units. +Res/-Atk), 3* L'Arachel (Better, but still 3* +Res/-Atk)


2 each Red, Green 1 Blue


2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Sully (Fuck this game. +Def/-Atk)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless (If this is a 5*, I think I'm officially done. Fuck Heroes for real, right? It's break the cycle.)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Donnel (Doh no. +HP/-Res), 5* Naga (It's FINALLY SOMETHING! +Def/-Spd's a clunker though), 3* Frederick (So nothing like last year where I at least got a bunch of 5* units after a purchase. +Res/-Atk), 3* Azama (EVEN THE ASSHAT. FUCK THIS BANNER. +Def/-HP), 3* Roy (3 3* units instead. Fuck this banner. +Atk/-HP)

I guess the Tiki curse continues though. Also, this banner is up there with the Hrid banner for shittiness. Fuck this banner, I hope Grima destroys it.

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