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Finally got a Takumi for CC fodder! Not exactly free pull (used 4 orbs) but good enough, and +Def/-HP is good enough for fodder. Now comes the question if I should give it to Saizo or S!Frederick for favouritism..

Also for Hero Fest pull #3 on my second account I got quickly pitybroken by a +HP/-Atk Mordecai (same nature as my 4 star one right now). At least it wasn't a high rate, opened the rest of the circle anyway and got a Brady for a bane removal at least, and more importantly, a Shanna!

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Finally got a Takumi for CC fodder! Not exactly free pull (used 4 orbs) but good enough, and +Def/-HP is good enough for fodder. Now comes the question if I should give it to Saizo or S!Frederick for favouritism..

Congtatz for Takumi, CC is good to both of them. Saizo might be better as it's easier for him to grow with more merge.

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Funny thing, @mcsilas, +def -HP is the Takumi that I have and it's actually one worth building if you want to invest him into being an EP unit that counters everything physical with bonfire.

Oh, summoning? Nothing of note. Can't complain after yesterday, of course. That said, I was NOT ready for the second summer banners to return.

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Hm... I didn't even notice I already owned all the Sketchy Summer units... well that makes this slightly easier, but considering I still want the Nohrian Summer units Xander and Leo, not by much...

Elincia pity breaker. Why oh why do I have to be broken by units I already +10ed and don't need the skill fodder for... like Hardin, who appeared in the next session along with +Def -Atk Summer Leo. Wow worthless, I'm lucky I have many far better Red tomes than this Leo. Like real Leo.

+HP -Spd Summer Corrin. Welp, at least my Corrin has a merge now.
One session later, Lyn. That's the kind of pitybreaker I... can tolerate a little more...

Because this game really reminds me why I decided to stop buying normal orb packs (except for the year 1 seasonals I still needed)... Neutral Adrift Camilla, +Spd -Def Luke, and Innes in the same session.

...he was +9.

A lot of other 5* pity breakers came after, like way more 5*s than I usually get with this many orbs bought (including a +Spd Summer Leo, so I guess he's salvaged.. a little). Literally the one Green I summoned from after deciding I was gonna be done soon though... Summer Xander +Atk -Spd. Still thankful these guys are probably not gonna be used that much.

I had the extra orbs, I can hope to eliminate the pity rate on Sothis's banner. And I did... with +Atk -Spd Male Byleth.
Well hey that works for me.

Aright then, I won't need to buy orbs until Halloween 2017 returns. Hope I don't miss out on too many interesting units between now and then.

Edited by Xenomata
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19 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Funny thing, @mcsilas, +def -HP is the Takumi that I have and it's actually one worth building if you want to invest him into being an EP unit that counters everything physical with bonfire.

Oh, summoning? Nothing of note. Can't complain after yesterday, of course. That said, I was NOT ready for the second summer banners to return.

Oh interesting...I only thought that because I only cared about +Spd/+Atk boons for him and my current built one is +HP/-Res with a few skills already on him. Didn't realise he had a Def superboon.

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Nothing spectacular on today's pulls, but I won't complain after yesterday's Tibarn. Still contemplating if it's worth it to sack him to Dimitri for Sturdy Impact. He loses 2 Atk on initiation, but gains 10 Def, and if I replace his Vengeance Special with Bonfire on a Heavy Blade set up, he could rack up major damage.

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And my luck continues to be stupid. I have no idea what my 5* rate has been the last week or two, but it is insanely high. The con is. . . nothing is on banner.

-So for the countering banner I decide to pull on green. 2 green orbs. I open both cause why not. And I get . . . a 5* Brave Ephraim. Umm. . . you don't look like Hector. +SPD/-RES. But I do think that was my first Hector's boon/bane combo. That or it was -HP, I don't remember exactly and he has long since been sacked. I do know it was +SPD though.
-On the Nohrian Summer banner I pull red to see if I can get a Leo since he is the one I am missing. 1 Red orb. No Leo, but I got a Stahl! That is exciting right?
-On A Sketchy Summer I figure I'll pull blue since I don't have Camilla yet. I get . . . a 5* Selkie. Well you are a lot cuter than Camilla and I am sure your father appreciates having you around now. +ATK/-DEF. I also open the red cause merging away that ATK bane would be nice. Nothing there though.
-Ticket for hero fest brought up one colorless orb and 4 blue. It would be nice to see if I could get a +SPD Tiki. But if red had appeared I may have gone after Sturdy Impact instead. Anyways I got. . . a 5* Mist. Really?! +SPD/-HP. I suppose at least I didn't have her yet?

So long story short. Pulled  6 units over 4 banners. Got 3 5*'s out of it. but not a single one was on banner. So I guess I am going to complain about having a 50% 5* rate. . . it just sucks soo much. Woe is me! I fear the day the reckoning for all these 5*'s come.

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13 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Oh interesting...I only thought that because I only cared about +Spd/+Atk boons for him and my current built one is +HP/-Res with a few skills already on him. Didn't realise he had a Def superboon.

@mcsilas Sometimes I get a bit creative with my 5-stars, since there's a good likelihood I'll never summon them again, but I built my +def Takumi with bonfire,  close counter, a close defense seal, quick riposte for B-slot, and I don't remember what his C-skill was but it was probably a defense wave. Stick him with a partner who could give him drive or spur defense and his defense gets surprisingly high. Actually, Oboro and Hinata are +def too and the trio just wall the fuck out of everything that isn't magic. It's pretty funny.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Much as I hate to say it, I can wait on a Legendary Alm merge (Not getting Caineghis hurts though)

I could use Summer!Y!Tiki though.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green (Guess no orbs right now)

4* Lilina (To merge someday or not? +Res/-HP)

This, Hero Fest, the Legendary, all there to tempt me now. That's not even counting the new heroes (which might be CYL) and the next legendary. Or anything else.

Orbs are not plentiful enough I guess.

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11 hours ago, Usana said:

-So for the countering banner I decide to pull on green. 2 green orbs. I open both cause why not. And I get . . . a 5* Brave Ephraim. Umm. . . you don't look like Hector. +SPD/-RES. But I do think that was my first Hector's boon/bane combo. That or it was -HP, I don't remember exactly and he has long since been sacked. I do know it was +SPD though.

Very interesting, this happened to me as well today... shortly after my last B!Ephraim from the Close Defense banner, I pulled another one today instead of Hector. No DC fodder, but I now have a Special Fighter copy that can comfortably be foddered off since my first one was +Att, which would make me reluctant to just delete like that. Luckily, I don't have to think about it anymore.

As for your weird luck, I've been there; the feeling of disappointment, even though one has statistically been quite lucky. It's a weird feeling for which an appropriate reaction I haven't quite figured out yet. Still, gratz on your high numbers. Make the best of it, whether as collection or as asset.

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3,044 total pulled units.


Hana (+Spd/-Def): I like her better with +Atk FSR.

Lilina (+Res/-Atk): The other way around!

Shigure (+Atk/-Def): Like so!  Though he'd rather be -Res.

Barst (+Def/-Res): REPOSITION!

Soren (+Atk/-Res): Woohoo~!  That's how to do it!

Hinoka (+Spd/-Def): The thought of Hinoka in a bikini is far more palatable than Surtr in beach attire!  Good combo for her, too, even if Alm shows her up on the bow end.

Marth (+Def/-Spd): This is, uh, maybe Escape Route fodder?  Sort of?

Oboro (+HP/-Res): And she's not even good as fodder. ;/

Can't complain about a free Hinoka!


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More free pulls.

I'm going to try Miracle first.

4 Red, 1 Colourless (Yeah, not trying for Mist)

3* Lon'qu (Vantage I guess. +Spd/-HP)

Weekly Revival again.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Henry (Blech. +HP/-Spd)

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Got nothing today, but yesterday after I used my ticket, a curious red orb was smiling at me. So used 4 orbs and ... got a +SPD Tibarn, yay! 

I know he is great Fodder, but I'll merge my +DEF into this one. 

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Yesterday's daily summon was 3* Merric.

Today's daily summon was 3* Seliph, wrong generation.

Weekly summon was 4* Lucius.

Then I did my first couple of chain challenges in a full year to try to get rid of my Summer pity rate. Three separate sessions yielded 4* Thea, 3* Tailtiu and 4* Sully. Getting antsy.

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Miracle first. Hoping for Sigurd.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: No reds.

Now for Weekly Revival 9. Hoping for Delthea.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: Really, Feh?

And lastly, Hero Fest Ticket 3.

  1. 4* Felicia: Meh.

That was annoying. I like Drive Speed fodder, but two in a row is kind of ridiculous.

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20 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Miracle first. Hoping for Sigurd.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: No reds.

Now for Weekly Revival 9. Hoping for Delthea.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: Really, Feh?

And lastly, Hero Fest Ticket 3.

  1. 4* Felicia: Meh.

That was annoying. I like Drive Speed fodder, but two in a row is kind of ridiculous.

That's what happened to me with Oscar today. I was hoping for red (Sigurd), and colorless (Faye), but didn't get either on my free summons so I pulled blue instead. I was really mad.

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I feel like I made a mistake. 1 week until Ayra banner, so I'm holding tight on my orbs, still above 500 over here. I've spent 75 orbs today, and the result was:


Surtr Atk+, Res-
Katarina Spd+, Def-
Saber Atk+, Hp-

Can't complain about these IVs, and as you can see they are all new. Looks like I've got work to do once I return from Three Houses.

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The free summon had four reds and one colorless... got my first Faye. I'd kind of like to keep a copy before giving Bow Lyn firesweep though.

I've had fairly good luck getting random 5*s with free summons, but can't seem to get much of anything with actual orbs lately. 😀

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