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Despite trying to save orbs, I decided I really wanted a merge for my Yukata Lincy since I absolutely love her. And I got one in less than 40 orbs! 😄 Usually green is a bitch to go into. Glad it wasn't that way this time. I had a couple green-less sessions, but that was it.

After CYL3, I might dive in there for more merges, will depend if I feel like spending a bit of money then. Would be nice to get ideal IVs for her, at the very least. I'm still using a +Def one since the new one I pulled was...+HP, -Spd. Yeah. xP

But now all of Team OTP has at least one merge! RD Ike is +2, Summer Freddy is +10, Summer Robin is +1, and Yukata Elincia is +1!

Edited by Anacybele
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4 hours ago, Landmaster said:

All the bad luck has paid off~

Hey, congrats! Finally your summer princess is fixed. 

Did you get a good boon on top?

6 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Staying F2P after this again though. Jill and Zihark will show up at some point, and  will most likely be permanent pool material. So I’ve got time. Besides, plenty projects I still have to finish.

Good luck with those two as well, hope they'll get to be good units.

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31 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Hey, congrats! Finally your summer princess is fixed. 

Did you get a good boon on top?

Thanks! She was actually, funnily enough, still -Atk. +HP,  so we just merged into the +Spd copy~

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14 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Thanks! She was actually, funnily enough, still -Atk. +HP,  so we just merged into the +Spd copy~

Forgot you had a +SPD Elise, that's pretty good now with the fixed ATK. 

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I haven't posted my summons in a while so here we go:

  • In my quest to get S!Leagjarn I got her sister instead :L 
  • After I failed to get S!Lyn I managed to get Wolt. He's actually quite adorable so I haven't fodder him yet
  • On the 3houses banner I got pity broken by a +spd/-res Yarne and he's a lot of fun to use. Was a bit bummed out though since I probably wouldn't get either Edel or F!Byleth
  • Yolo summon with 5 orbs got me a +spd/-atk F!Byleth
  • +atk/-spd Sothis came home on the free summon
  • Tried summoning for L!Alm but I got Greil instead. He's gonna be fodder but for who I'm not sure
  • I made a joke to myself that it would be amazing if Hilda came home on a summoning ticket. She actually came with +res/-hp. Yolo summons expecting nothing is a successful method~
  • +Atk/-def Tibarn came home after reaching a 6.58% pity rate, I was convinced I wasn't going to get anything but I finally got op bird man.

Lots of luck involved because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten like half of these since I continuously used up my orbs for no reason. Was a bad time for me to be playing gacha's but luckily I didn't buy anything. Thankfully I'm all good now~

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3,075 total pulled units?


Titania (+HP/-Spd): Eeep.

Henry (+Def/-Atk): Waifu combo does not suit you.

Camilla (+Res/-Def): That's not helpful.  At all.
Rody (+Atk/-Spd): Not the worst, as long as he's merged.  Eventually.
Hubert (+Def/-Spd): Good fodder?  Yes.  Am I going to fodder him?  Not unless I get another one.
Seliph (+Res/-Def): Like Camilla, this doesn't suit you.
Hana (+Atk/-Res): That's more like it!

Oscar (+Def/-HP): No.
Subaki (+Spd/-HP): Would be better if Subaki had an attack stat worth mentioning.
Virion (+Spd/-Def): Somehow, he works with this.
Soleil (+Def/-Spd): This, however, is unfortunate.
Jagen (+Res/-Atk): As is this.

Robin (+Atk/-Spd): This is sorely tempting.
Nino (+Spd/-HP): Hey, this is useful!
Niles (+Res/-Atk): This is useful as fodder.
Olivia (+Spd/-Def): If I ever merge her, this makes a spectacular base.
Hubert (+Def/-HP): Welp, looks like I'm using the first one as fodder!  But for who?

Cain (+Spd/-Res): Not the worst thing?  I need to check his stats.

Celica (+Spd/-HP): So with Legendary Alm in my barracks, Ms. Crazy Girl shows up.  Not that I'm complaining!

Mathilda (+Res/-Atk): Like Jagen, that's not worth keeping.

Donnel (+Spd/-Res): This guy really needs a personal weapon!
Cain (+Def/-HP): Gotta spend some feathers to make him good WoM fodder.
Fae (+Spd/-HP): Not the best, but could be worse I guess.
Faye (+Def/-Res): After Crazy Celica shows up, she crashes the party because why the hell not.  At least this one's better than my original one, so I'll use her as a merge base.  But seriously, WTF is up with these draws?
Sothe (+Res/-Atk): Of course.  Perhaps Hubert could make use of that A skill?

Caeda (+Spd/-Def): Name someone who could use Luna.  If she was +Atk.

This was a weird pull session.


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Hilda has officially become the hardest unit I've ever attempted to summon just a single copy of. No joke. Petra was my main target and I got her really quickly. Hilda (My second target) on the other hand, has continued to evade me.

I've been pity broken about seven times on green (Of all colours) just trying to get a copy. I've even picked up a second copy of Petra & my first Dimitri when I took a blue stone with no greens and that wasn't even an objective haha. Just going to use F2P orbs in my attempt to get a copy from here on. 

As for CYL3, I think I'll be doing just the one summon circle and take the free green Micaiah (If I don't get her on that circle that is.).

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Thankfully I got Summer!Y!Tiki, so I'm going to gather up for CYL and the legendary banner. Hopefully.

There's still a free pull though.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Jakob (Seriously, the pool needs cleaning. +HP/-Res)


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Two banners: DD first. Could take Celica or Michiah

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Stahl (I want him out of the 4* pool. Is it that hard to remove units? +HP/-Res)

Now the weekly banner. I'd like to go for Ayra most.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Lilina (Launch units have mostly bad fodder. +Atk/-Def)

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Mercedes +Res -Def appeared to me.

...let's just call me good on this banner, because I don't care much for Hubert (ESPECIALLY after playing the Blue Lions route) and Mercie was the only one I really wanted anyway... she's probably gonna drop anyway...

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Yesterday's daily: 4* Ogma
Today's daily: 3* Reinhardt
Today's weekly: 4* Hinata

Feels like I'm rapidly running out of chances to get even a single 5* freebie, though I'm not actually sure how many of these are left.

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I seem to be stuck in some off-focus curse.

  • Going for a S!Laegjarn merge: B!Hector, Duma Celica, Shiro, Quan, Kliff
  • Going for a S!Wolt merge, cause maybe that'll go better: Helbindi, Sumia
  • Trying for Nephenee: Tana (at least she was free but ugh, third now)
  • Trying for Dancer Elincia: F!Kana

That is nine off-focus pulls in a row jeez. Most of it with rubbish fodder too. And Tana, F!Kana and Duma Celica I all have three versions of now and I couldn't care less about any of them, sigh.

At least Helbindi was nice, have been waiting for a merge for him, but gods not worth all those orbs.

Edited by Mau
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Distant Defense banner first. Going to try for another Micaiah merge.

  1. 3* Hinata: Fury fodder.

And now Weekly Revival 10. An Amelia merge would be nice.

  1. 3* Soren: Worthless.

Disappointing. At least no orbs are at risk.

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Just had the best two free pulls of my life. Got my third Ranulf from one banner. Cool beans. Don't care too much for him, but hey. Free 5 star is free 5 star. Might as well merge. Next free pull was Reyson, and oh man...I swear I almost screamed. XD I 'm having such a hard time getting copies of him. Once I start promoting and merging, I think this copy would bring him to +4. So one step closer.

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The following free summons after morgan gave me nothing of note, as always.

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Zeo

However, I just got insanely lucky in the 3H banner. Normally I don't like to tag people for pulls but this one is an exception.


I was at 3.25% so I was expecting two Titanias or Sorens but wow! I got Hilda whom I wanted the most and Special fighter fodder. Normally this means they'll have a bad nature, but:


Yup, +Atk and not -Def is incredible! The B!Ephraim was +Res -Hp but I already had a +Atk one and no plans to merge him so the nature doesn't matter. 

As for Hilda, I still plan to get some merges for her (luckily the CYL3 banner isn't all that interesting so I'm fine with the free pick). It's very rare when a character that isn't Eirika resonates so hard with me but here we are and I love everything I've seen of Hilda so far even if I haven't played 3H. I already have like 10 different builds planned for her and that's something rare considering these days you just leave them with their base build and slap Reposition or a special and you're done.

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Ranulf pity broke me at 3.5% 😞 Sadly, he is now my second copy, after getting like 3 different (albeit, great!) pity breakers trying to get him on his debut. Fortunately, on the plus side, this beautiful man is +Spd/-Res unlike my original copy which was -Atk/+HP. 


I will continue trying for Hilda!

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3 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Just had the best two free pulls of my life. Got my third Ranulf from one banner. Cool beans. Don't care too much for him, but hey. Free 5 star is free 5 star. Might as well merge. Next free pull was Reyson, and oh man...I swear I almost screamed. XD I 'm having such a hard time getting copies of him. Once I start promoting and merging, I think this copy would bring him to +4. So one step closer.

Wow, I'm happy for you! Congrats! 

What boon will you choose for Reyson? 

3 hours ago, Alexmender said:

The following free summons after morgan gave me nothing of note, as always.

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Zeo

However, I just got insanely lucky in the 3H banner. Normally I don't like to tag people for pulls but this one is an exception.


I was at 3.25% so I was expecting two Titanias or Sorens but wow! I got Hilda whom I wanted the most and Special fighter fodder. Normally this means they'll have a bad nature, but:



Congrats on Hilda! What nature did you get (can't see the pictures here in my hotel WiFi, so no idea who the second pull is)? 

She is a great unit and giving my Roy a hard time in CCs. 

Good luck getting merges! 

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48 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats on Hilda! What nature did you get (can't see the pictures here in my hotel WiFi, so no idea who the second pull is)? 

She is a great unit and giving my Roy a hard time in CCs. 

Good luck getting merges! 

Thanks! She's +Atk -Res (now I just need to get rid of the -Res to make her an awesome mixed tank/sweeper) and the second pull was Brave Ephraim. 

The one in CC is really beastly, even Eirika was unable to double her which was pretty nuts. More reason to get mine to +10 one day.

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