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Sweet, another Ares merge out of the daily summon. This one will cost me 20k feathers but worth. +5 now.

Unfortunately the red on the New Power banner wasn't Ares, but it's 4* Hinata so no complaints.


No greens on either circle obviously.

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This New Power banner is full of lame units, so might as well go green since I don't have Boey or Beruka at 5*.

  1. 4* Libra: Meh.

Now the daily banner. Olwen would be nice.

  1. 3* Chrom: Feathers.
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Summoned my first Thea as a 4* today on the healing skills banner. No greens and no chance for green Olwen, but I did get a new unit. She's +Atk, -Res and I forgot that she's, in terms of neutral stats, like a +Res Catria without a personal lance much less Whitewing Lance or a lance flier version of +Spd Camilla and +Atk Selena. Her mixed bulk looks good. Maybe something wacky will happen when they get to gen 2 weapon updates and her personal lance makes her obnoxiously tanky.

Edited by Kaden
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I don't know about my luck sometimes its really going up and down. Today I got my second Edelgard merge just for free. Really nice. On her next banner I really might try to +10 her. Of course it also depends on if they meanwhile release Rinkah. Which I am still skeptical of. My next hope is the next Farfetched. But I just think Jill will be the green unit there, unless they prepare a RD/PoR banner. Or they go just the other way around. I would not mind a fate banner with Reina, Orochi and Rinkah. 

Well anyway. Edelgard is looking good for now and I think she is a unit worth merging. But I should really think about merging at least one Charakter with Cheerleader potential...

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On 8/13/2019 at 4:48 AM, daisy jane said:

Ohoo that is my DREAM AMELIA.... 
if I can get Myrrhs really quickly, i am going to try to get 1-2 copies. 

I wish you good luck on that! I kind of want some Myrrh myself actually.


Got 4-star Donnel and Beruka on today's free summons. 

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4 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

I wish you good luck on that! I kind of want some Myrrh myself actually.


Got 4-star Donnel and Beruka on today's free summons. 


I got a 4* Beruka. I was like OOH SMOKE and then i saw Beruka and I was ...am I really getting her at 5*?
and then nope. LOL

yeah my hope is I can get Myrrh mostly done (I don't know when she'll have another banner, and she is priority #1 for me. I tried talking myself out of it - especially because I need copies of BraveCammy and Brave Micky, but Myrrh first).  but I just need 1-2 copies. so she's +2 (then i can try on her other banner). (but then i need to find a V!Ike to kill for her)

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Some more banners. I think I missed yesterday which I think had F!Kana. Feck.

New Power first.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Frederick (I've seen better. +Atk/-Def)

Now the daily.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Hinata (Fury's fine. +HP/-Spd)

I also finally bothered with the Forging Bonds event, so let's use those tokens.

4 Red, 1 Blue

4* Mordecai (It's the princess! +HP/-Res)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Cherche (Should've tried blue. +Def/-HP)

3 Red, 2 Colourless

4* Marth (Meh. +Res/-Atk)

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Est (STOP. IT. +Spd/-HP)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* F!Corrin (Of course. Should've not bothered. Neutral)

I don't care about this pity rate, byeeee.

Edit: Let's do a round for Danciah.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Caeda (I need to stop pulling the same flying units. +Atk/-Res)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (Fuck.)

4* Boey (Okay, that sucks. +Atk/-Def)

3.25% on the dancer banner. 

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Ares ('ll take that fodder. +Spd/-Atk)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Desire sensor's a thing?)

4* Olivia (Not the refresher I wanted. +Res/-Spd)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Draug (Man, what a draug. Have I done that one before? +Atk/-Spd), 4* Hana (Again, wish it were better. Or that colourless wasn't a wasteland. Neutral)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* Draug (I'm not interested in him at +10. +HP/-Res), 4* Draug (3 in 2 circles. END IT. +Spd/-Def)


Edited by Dayni
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Alright, Fury banner first. Myrrh's already +1, so red it is.

  1. 3* Eirika: Meh.

And now the TT banner. I've got everyone, but Sanaki doesn't have a merge. Red again.

  1. 3* Sophia: Feathers.

Oh well. As long as I'm lucky on the CYL banner tomorrow, this doesn't mean anything.

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Game taunting me with three green orbs on the Fury banner. Resisted the temptation and content to grab my 3* Barst. Not a huge deal as I have all these characters.

Then it went a step further and gave me four blue orbs on the TT banner. The lone red probably the smarter choice but I have both of them. 3* Est, somewhat less impressive.


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Tempest Trials banner gave me an OG Sanaki that I could add along to my current one. Daily banner gave me Desperation fodder, so I'm okay.

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My darling Myrrhbear is done.

I had roughly 835 orbs when I started and she was +2. Ironically - Myrrh was one of my first 5*'s that i actually wanted, and i got her off the original "Heroes with Fury" banner, so it's kind of funny that's the banner i finished her off on.

I also got
Sonya (new for me, so that was great) - broke a Rate 
Claude (YAY because i wanted him, and didn't get him) - broke a rate
Hector (Camilla took that DC) 3.0 pull
and Evil Baby Tiki (who still doesn't know how to be netural in atk or spd).  - broke a rate. 

and now we totally save. 
this was my CYL 3 for me (I do want Camilla (just because flying healer) and get some Micaiah copies but having someone completely finished whom i use all the time was priority. 

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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

My darling Myrrhbear is done

Wow, didn't know you finished her already. That's great, congrats! 

Really happy it worked out for you. I knew you wanted to pull for her, but you even had enough orbs. 

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More banners!

TT first

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Seliph (Rubbish. +Atk/-Spd)

Now the Fury banner

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Ares (Always appreciated. +Spd/-Res)

Another try for Danciah.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Draug (4 on this one banner. STOP! +Res/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* Soleil (I'd rather this to Draug. +HP/-Atk)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

3* Soleil (Am I going to get 4 of her now? +Res/-HP)

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Fuck)

4* Jeorge (It's not Jaffar. Phew. +Def/-Atk)

4 Red, 1 Colourless (*Oh no.)

4* Sylvia (Wrong dancer. Again. +Def/-Spd), 4* Selena (It's Reposition. It's not Danciah. +Res/-Def), 3* Marth (So much weak fodder. +HP/-Def), 3* Athena (Prepare for WURST BANNER. +Spd/-Atk)



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Ouch, Myrrh banner is here, had around 65 orbs or whatever I could gather since my last needs (Nailah and stuff) and that was quite disheartening. Yeah, I know it's not that much and that there was no guarantee to get anything, but poop greens after poop (Reyson copy being the only exception), just to get a crappy fallen Celica. Not gonna lie, that made me sad to not get another merge for Myrrh, sigh... Celica ain't long for this world, not even sure if Ill bother with the extra 1k feathers before just wasting her useless butt.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 89

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Alright, got the 15 orbs for a full session on Brave Heroes, lets just free summon on Swift Sparrow first. Ahah, I remember this one... got my first copy of Ayra here, despite her not being a focus on this banner but another going on around the same time...

...wait why did I free summon Edelgarde +Def -HP? Ah crap, screw it let's see who the other heroes are...

Arthur... okay kinda crap... Flora, okay I already +10ed you but you're good skill fodder and didn't pity break me so it's okay, Anamnesis Eirika, okay this is just excessive... and Fir.

Well that was overki- crap I just spent the 15 orbs I got for Brave Heroes.

Sigh... back to the grinding board... also I still don't know who I'm gonna free summon, I might just wait for the BH banner to expire before I make my decision...

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@Sunwoo I free-summoned Eirika on the new daily banner.

... The WRONG Eirika, mind you.


I'd have loved to fix both my Eirika and Nino with this banner and would probably even have opened all reds and all greens, but the game offered me just one red and no greens, so that's that. On the plus side, that means my 15 orbs are full available to use on the CYL3 banner. Full round:

3 Blues, 1 Green, 1 Grey

5* Ylgr +Spd -Res
4* Azama
3* Titania
3* Roderick
4* L'Arachel

Ooooookay. She's new so I'll take it I guess. I'm unlikely to summon again on CYL since these units will inevitably be available later on better banners (Legendary/Hero Fest) and I still need to save enough orbs to do a full round on the dancer re-run, but holding onto my free summon just in case.


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Not bad. I wasn't going for Camilla, but it was three blues, a green, and a colorless, so I did a full circle. Camilla was the pull right after the free one. +Res/-HP, so basically neutral. I also got Eliwood a few pulls later, but he's +Res/-Spd. I think I'll save up the or s from the Paralogue and TT before trying to get a better natured one along with Micaiah. I'll save my free copy for either one. If I get a good Micaiah before a better Eliwood, I'll pick Eliwood and vice versa.

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