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Got both Eyvel and Petra in 98 orbs! Eyvel was my second pull and is +Atk/-Def, while Petra is a less exciting +HP/-Res. I also pulled a couple of red orbs in the later sessions to try for Phina as well (one on a session with four blue orbs so it was the last one, and one on the final season after getting Petra) but that didn't work. I won't be pulling further on this banner, but maybe I'll get her another time. Still, got Petra and one of the reds in about 150 orbs less than I'd expected, which is great. Especially compared to Petra's previous rerun where I spent like 400 orbs failing to get her, so it's nice to finally go back and settle that.

Only unit types I'm missing now are red breath flier and colorless breath infantry. Should be able to get Tiki next month for the former, but Brammimond may be trickier.

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Now, usually I don't pull on banners where multiple characters are sharing a focus color since it usually ends poorly for me but I have been feeling pretty lucky this month and I would like to get at least one merge on Phina. The temptation got to me and I went in with the 130 orbs I gathered the past three weeks and...


Looks like luck is still on my side since I got her in 19 orbs with a +Spd nature to boot.

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I've been going colorless on all my free pulls even if there's no focus unit to see if I can get Norne merges, so far I got 1 copy. +Spd which is great but I think I'll keep using her with +Atk for the time being. The extra Spd won't come in handy until she reaches the last few merges.

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11 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I've been going colorless on all my free pulls even if there's no focus unit to see if I can get Norne merges, so far I got 1 copy. +Spd which is great but I think I'll keep using her with +Atk for the time being. The extra Spd won't come in handy until she reaches the last few merges.


I laugh because I did that too for a lot of banners lately if it's no one i want and its greeen i hope for Echinda. 
I finished my Norne yesterday, so I wish upon you many Nornes in your future. 

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Petra could use a merge to fix her Spd flaw, but I still don't have Eyvel. Red it is.

  1. 4* Chrom: Feathers.

Disappointing. Now to await the Legendary banner.

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Today's banner is really tempting. Annette is imo the best new hero from 2020 (maybe tied with Lyon), so she shall become my first 5* +10 unit. Mareeta needs a better boon. If I should pull a 5* Ross, then I wouldn't be upset either because I build up a 4* copy. For 85 orbs I got a +atk Mareeta. A satisfying result!


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Daddy issues the banner.

It's hilarious the whiplash this gauntlet has. Anyways, free pull.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green (Kinda tempting, but legendary banner.)

4* Sheena (I don't know why I stupidly thought Altena there for a second. +Res/-HP)

Edit: @Falcom KnightI've got a 5* +2 Ross already and he's actually pretty good at the brave axe or what I've currently got set up with the Giant Spoon, was considering a Galeforce build. If I wasn't so determined to make other unis +10 I could make him +9 and he'd likely be even better.

Edited by Dayni
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35 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Edit: @Falcom KnightI've got a 5* +2 Ross already and he's actually pretty good at the brave axe or what I've currently got set up with the Giant Spoon, was considering a Galeforce build. If I wasn't so determined to make other unis +10 I could make him +9 and he'd likely be even better.

He is indeed a good galeforce user. 

My 4* +10 Ross has deathblow 4, dull speed / defense 3 (I know will earn some hate for a sacrificing a Dimitri on him), galeforce and heavy blade seal.

Though I want to use my feathers for pulled units, 4 and 5* copies of exist, like Lilina or Tate since they're faster to make become +10.

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6 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Today's banner is really tempting. Annette is imo the best new hero from 2020 (maybe tied with Lyon), so she shall become my first 5* +10 unit. Mareeta needs a better boon. If I should pull a 5* Ross, then I wouldn't be upset either because I build up a 4* copy. For 85 orbs I got a +atk Mareeta. A satisfying result!


That is a good choice. 🙂 . Congrats on your +atk Mareeta. 🙂
Annette and Lysithea are the only 3H units i'm missing outside of L!Edelgard. 


Well. Today's banner finally rectified that



thank you for not being Ross. 

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3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

That is a good choice. 🙂 . Congrats on your +atk Mareeta. 🙂
Annette and Lysithea are the only 3H units i'm missing outside of L!Edelgard. 


Well. Today's banner finally rectified that



thank you for not being Ross. 

Nice hawl too, congrats!

She's superfun to use in multiple ways.

My favorite unit from this from this year.

I wished she was as fantastic as in the game she comes from.


Technically I pulled each 3H unit aside of Hubert and L!Edelgard, but I sacrificed my each two copies of Edelgard and Dimitri (everyone may hate me for this) because they had terrible nature.

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26 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Nice hawl too, congrats!

She's superfun to use in multiple ways.

My favorite unit from this from this year.

I wished she was as fantastic as in the game she comes from.


Technically I pulled each 3H unit aside of Hubert and L!Edelgard, but I sacrificed my each two copies of Edelgard and Dimitri (everyone may hate me for this) because they had terrible nature.

i know. if her FEH self was her 3H self that would be so awesome
LOL. i hate you on principle 😉  but i get it. 

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Some noteworthies...

  • 5* Summer Lute, +Def -HP. Utterly... nothing much to complain or praise about. If I wanna use Lute but I can't get her again... well, least I have something. But if I can get better, least I have a merge?
  • Yarne +Atk -Res. Between this and the +Spd -Def Yarne I already had, I chose to merge into +Spd, since Yarne more wants the Spd IMO.
  • A Phina merge... but not from the Forma skills banner...?
  • Free summon Sigurd. He is now +6 merge!
  • From the Voting Gauntlet banner, Ross...! At 4*. And immediately after that orb, +Atk -Spd Shannan, who I merged my existing Shannan into.

Yep, I definitely remember the part in Genealogy of the Holy War where Shannan was like "You're not my real dad, Balmung!" and then developed Okuma Yugo pecs.

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On 6/26/2020 at 7:50 PM, daisy jane said:

I laugh because I did that too for a lot of banners lately if it's no one i want and its greeen i hope for Echinda. 
I finished my Norne yesterday, so I wish upon you many Nornes in your future. 

Thanks! The wish is coming true, from the last 2 banners she went from +2 to +5 (just need a few feathers to promote the new copies) if I take the +Spd one into account, if not just +4 which is still awesome!

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So... I decided to get Mareeta while I could. Just one 5* from that banner though. If I didn't get her, well it better be a damn good 5* I get. If I did get her but she sucked, oh well I can give Close Call to someone else (such as my Mia).

Fortunately she came out not just perfectly fine, but +Spd -HP, which could only compare to -Res in terms of "best" Asset/Flaw combo.
Unfortunately, I was reminded why I hate spending money on gacha games... why do the 3* units feel so much more common when I spend money...?

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I've been waiting for this banner for a while now...Ephraim +10, let's go!


Well...I got close. Spent way more orbs than I wanted, but I'll hold off on that last merge. He'll get a resplendent version soon enough and I can finish him off then. Still, I got 4 copies relatively easy, all under 4.33%. But the last one? My pity rate was over 7%. I also ended up with 3 Jaffars that simply didn't read the mood. At least I got no blue pity breakers.

And yes, this is another Lance Lord that Edelgard has fallen to. 😈

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I'd like to merge Ephraim as well since mine is only +2 or something close, but I want to see who the legendary is first. No free Eph though, damn. 😞

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Man, this weekly revival.

I don't think any of these are relevant.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Cecilia (Ah. +Def/-HP)

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5 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Thanks! The wish is coming true, from the last 2 banners she went from +2 to +5 (just need a few feathers to promote the new copies) if I take the +Spd one into account, if not just +4 which is still awesome!

Yay! 🙂

mine is +spd. then i refined Spendthrift for Res, but then figure when i want offensive norne (like brave bow or something) she's still good to go. 

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