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Pop-up pirate summons!

3 Red, 2 Colourless

4* M!Morgan (Norgan. +Spd/-Def), 3* Laslow (The slow strikes again. +Atk/-Spd), 3* A!Tiki (I mean, Bonfire? +Spd/-Res)


3 Blue, 2 Colourless (Nope. Can't make me.)

4* Legault (Alright it's not a 5*. +Atk/-Spd)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Hawkeye (Nawkeye. +Atk/-Res), 4* Ogma (Just, be a wolverine already. +Def/-HP), 5* Eyvel (I NEED YOUNG YOU CRAP. +Atk/-Def, not a bad base but still!)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Libra (The scales are tipping against me today. +Res/-HP), 4* Hinata (I'm done for the minute. +Def/-Spd)

Christ on a bike pitybroken twice on the banner and unit I did successfully get has their worst nature. The pirates are really mad at me for playing their games non-legit.

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Managed to pull a  +Hp -Atk Ephraim (of course that would be his nature) I am pretty happy with him however as I already have 2 from the redemption thing I foddered him to to L.El for HB4 and I will still have a neutral +1. Hopefully I manage to get lucky with a Sothis tomorrow so that she can get to +5.

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Got PP!Brigid +Spd to +1, will get PP!Tibarn +Spd to +1, will leave PP!Veronica [+Atk, -HP] unmerged and get the other +Def one to +1, and will leave PP!Geese [+Spd, -HP] unmerged as well and probably unpromoted.

Edelgard, Osian, and Mikoto were my pity breakers. Not too bad.

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I got more Python and Emmeryn to merge so that's nice. Summoned on blue just to get a 4 star copy of Geese, but got a 5* one instead. I just looked it up and oh Naga this man gives Infantry Pulse 3 at 4 star. Everybody and their grandma is going to be using Infantry Pulse in AR, and of all the times to give me an off focus the game gave me Camilla instead of Brigid. I wasn't thinking earlier, but the smarter thing to do would have been to wait for that Genealogy Rerun and guarantee summon a Ced. Infantry Pulse teams are too gross for me to deal with, I need that smoke...

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I was all set to be super pissy about the Pirates until, dang it, they didn't give me my first (F)Byleth that is +1 Att/Sp. And, I honestly just can't complain about that even with all of the 3* nonsense. That said, Tibarn and Veronica are a little too tempting for me so I will be trying to clear the Multi-Map battles finally to get some booty (bad dad joke).

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Free-pulled an +Atk -Def Yarr!Tibarn. This is totally unexpected, since I was going into Tempest Trials with Eyvel as bonus. Now, here I am scrounging feathers to build a serviceable flier Beast team. 

A few hours before the new content arrived, scrounged up orbs to summon on the TT Bonus unit banner, and got my second Velouria, which I wanted to get at some point, but not at that time. Still thankful though.

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I was trying to get a Geese for his weapon, I got instead pity broken by a female Kris.

An unexpected surprise but a welcome one, Owain will have both a good A skill and B skill.

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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I wanted at least a few chances at pirate Tibarn.

I ended up with 6/9 sessions having ZERO COLORLESS. Wtf game...

Ohhh...the Devs know what we want. I didn't have a colorless on either of my draws on that banner either.

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Nothing from the Pirates, but Mist's Banner did give me


No Mist but I guess Silque is nice, too. +Atk,-Res is not her best IV but can't complain about it~ And she doesn't have to die because we just got a free Witchy Wand, LOL~

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Well since real life has been hell the past week Feh decided to take pity on me.  I spent 50 orbs on the banner and ended up with 2 Geese one being *5 and + atk so I now have a +1 Geese, a B!Eliwood (swift sparrow fodder) and a +atk P!Tibarn!  This cheered me up and I needed that.  Now to save some orbs for CYL.

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Spent around 70 orbs and got Captain Veronica and two 4* Geese. I got my most wanted so I'm done with the banner for now.

Also daily banner gave me a free Mist. Huh.

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And I've now ended up with an almost 5% pity rate because I kept getting one or no colorless in my sessions... 😕 I just wanted a decent shot at pirate Tibarn but now I've got to break that pity at some point. But not yet. I still want to save for Hrid merges and possibly the next legendary hero. And we still don't know if CYL4 will have the spark system (if it does, I'll use it to get Dimitri if I don't get him before that. Claude will be my free pick).

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I went back to the Foci to get some extra merge copies. PP!Tibarn will be +2 and both my PP!Veronicas will be +1. Got two extra merge copies of units I want, so I think I am done with the Focus now.

Really short summons session and no pity breakers, so that is really good.

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A day late, but time for the freebie round on Pirates! Was undecided on whether to open the three reds but decided that since this was 100% the only round I'd ever do on this banner (I have exactly 15 orbs after all) that I may as well.

3* Silvia
4* Soleil
4* Selena
4* Wrys
4* Barst

Daily banner: 4* Hinata


A Fury and two Repositions it is. Now just sitting tight doing daily single pulls until CYL4 hits then, and even then there's no doubt I won't have enough to spark on the banner's launch day. Not sure if I should save up the orbs to do it all in one hit or just summon on it as I go - they'll all be full rounds regardless since there's no reason to snipe when two of the four units will be guaranteed.

Incidentally, that means now, a year on from CYL3, last year's batch will be the one I have the poorest record of getting the units from, by some distance. Aside from the free-picked Micaiah, I've managed to pick up one Eliwood and neither of the others in the year since they debuted. And that was on his Hero Fest re-run.

I may as well do some sums on all CYL units so far to satisfy my own curiosity (first number is actual normal summoned amount):


Roy: 2
Lucina: 4
Ike: 6, plus one freebie from the tutorial mode.
Lyn: 1, plus the free pick, plus one from the Value Meal.

Celica: 0
Hector: 2
Ephraim: 1
Veronica: 4, plus the free pick.

Alm: 0
Eliwood: 1
Micaiah: 0, plus the free pick
Camilla: 0

Edited by Humanoid
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Did my final pulls in the Hero fest hoping for a Sothis and while I didn't get any, I am not that salty about it as she still will reach +4, I will have a neutral +1 Ephraim at the end of it while also giving L.El HB4. I am really satisfied will my pulls. From now until mid September I will be focusing on CYL as Dancers and the legendary will be easy to skip. 

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Another daily BHB banner. Maybe a merge for Leif?

  1. 5* Lachesis: I guess this is where my luck went. She gets to be +1 now, not that it matters in the slightest. +Res/-HP, so I might as well merge her into my current +Atk/-Res copy.

This is the 4th free 5* I've gotten since the daily banners started. It's starting to get kind of ridiculous.

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Had one of my better pulls on my third Pirates attempt. I got Pirate Tibarn and 5* Ewan. I know nothing about that Ewan but a random 5* is cool. Overall pirates was good to me - 3 5* units out of 20 with the last being that Byleth I talked about yesterday. I don’t know if I want to try for Veronica or save for CYL.

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The hero fest banner kinda trolled me by giving me tons of pitybreakers (including scum like Ephraim and recently shafted units like GreenOlwen and Ishtar) and only Bernadetta (the only focus unit I didn't need).

Getting regular Ephraim instead of the duo version was a hard trollish move (1000 feathers at least).

At least Olwen and Ishtar are still good units and my I+spd shtar got rid of her attack bane.

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25 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

The hero fest banner kinda trolled me by giving me tons of pitybreakers (including scum like Ephraim and recently shafted units like GreenOlwen and Ishtar) and only Bernadetta (the only focus unit I didn't need).

Getting regular Ephraim instead of the duo version was a hard trollish move (1000 feathers at least).

At least Olwen and Ishtar are still good units and my I+spd shtar got rid of her attack bane.

I guess you missed the news that you will soon be getting a bunch of focus units including two Duo Ephraims and a Nagi your inbox for free. 😉

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2 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

Getting regular Ephraim instead of the duo version was a hard trollish move (1000 feathers at least).

I do not recommend sending 5* units for Feathers. 1,000 Feathers is nothing. The average player can get 20,000+ Feathers per week. 1,000 Feathers is not even enough to promote a 3* to 4* for skill inheritance.

I would keep Ephraim. He is a pretty good Galeforcer as Siegmund and Flame Siegmund both give him guaranteed doubles. It is always a good idea to have a variety of units, especially more so now with Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles locking you into specific games.

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