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Alright, all four tickets are in hand. I've only got 229 orbs, so only one spark. My free pull's going to be Eirika regardless, but I'll pull everything I can get.

  1. 4* Athena: No.
  2. 4* Caeda: No.
  3. 4* Ross: No.
  4. 4* Sheena: No.
  5. 3* Azama: No.

Now for Ticket 1. 214 orbs left.

  1. 3* Seth: No.
  2. 5* F!Kana: A 4* Special! +HP/-Def is meh, so merge fodder it is. +3 now.
  3. 4* Forrest: No.
  4. 3* Gaius: No.
  5. 3* Nanna: No.

Now for Ticket 2. 199 orbs left.

  1. 4* Athena: No.
  2. 3* Lilina: No.
  3. 5* Annette: Sure, why not. +Atk/-Res is great, so time to merge my +Res/-Def copy in.
  4. 4* Azama: No.
  5. 3* Linhardt: No.

Not a single blue so far. Ticket 3, 184 orbs left.

  1. 4* Draug: No.
  2. 4* Olivia: No.
  3. 3* Ares: No.
  4. 5* Leila: Hello! Unfortunately she's +Atk/-Spd, the bane of my existence. Still, a nice dagger unit to have.
  5. 4* Setsuna: No.

Things are going very well. Still no blues though...Ticket 4, 169 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: No.
  2. 4* Tharja: No.
  3. 4* M!Morgan: No.
  4. 4* Ross: No.
  5. 3* Brady: No.

Still no blues! 154 orbs left.

  1. 4* M!Morgan: No.
  2. 4* Femui: No.
  3. 4* Lena: No.
  4. 3* Gaius: No.
  5. 4* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.

134 orbs left.

  1. 3* Caeda: No.
  2. 3* Nino: No.
  3. 5* SF!Nino: Huh, that's nice. A 4* Special again, this time +Hp/-Spd. Easy merge fodder for my +Atk copy. +3 now.
  4. 3* Lucius: No.
  5. 4* Nanna: No.

114 orbs left. Last circle now.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  2. 3* Olivia: No.
  3. 4* Abel: No.
  4. 4* Thea: No.
  5. 3* Clarine: No.

That somehow managed to go both quite nicely and absolutely horribly. I ended up getting not a single focus unit (on top of there only being 3 blue orbs that entire time), but I didn't do too badly otherwise.

  1. 4* Special F!Kana
  2. Annette
  3. Leila
  4. 4* Special SF!Nino

Anyway, I'll take Eirika as the freebie and Marth as the spark. Haven't played Three Houses, so I have no real interest in Marianne or Gatekeeper. Of course now I have a 4% pity-rate going to waste. Maybe I'll dig around a bit more later.




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Okay last post, and I think I'm done for now cause this is the first time I ever +10ed a unit fresh from their debut banner.

Got Brave Alm and Fallen M!Corrin first, then the last Brave Marth needed to +10 him.

...yeah I know I probably should have focused on one of the "better" units, Gatekeeper comes to mind immediately, but honestly? Eh, I can deal with it.

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Updated and logged in for the first time since April and Sharena gave me 20 orbs for my trouble. Wonder what the threshold is for absences before that triggers? 😉

Anyway, claimed my free Gatekeeper but a full circle of CYL gave me nothing. Hero Fest tickets gave me a Kinoka and Flayn (neither new). All the miscellaneous free summons gave me nothing.

Finally, I spent the gift orbs, plus a few dozen farmed ones from normal story maps, to successfully snipe a Neutral Duo Hinoka.


I've gotten everything I wanted out of the heroes added since I left (well, neo-Palla would be nice but truthfully the art is meh), so see you guys ...whenever next they give out free stuff.🖐️

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With the highest number of Orbs I’ve saved up at one time, 432, I was pulling on both the CYL5 banner and the Hero Fest, which I had used my free summon (which was luckily a Henriette! Though unluckily +Spd/-Def) but none of the tickets. Going for everybody except Guinivere since I have her already. Here are the notable pulls:

-4* Special Siegbert +HP/-Atk. Bleh but doesn’t hurt pity.

-Ranulf +Res/-Def on the Hero Fest banner. Didn’t have him and welcomed with open arms!

-Henriette! +Res/-Spd, way better than my original. Huzzah! Unsure of who to give Far Save to, but I’ll think of something.

-Brave!Eirika +Def/-Res. My first CYL5 unit, yay! Not a bad boon/bane combo either.

-SS!Selena +Spd/-Res. Nice! Didn’t have her yet and she seems cool. Amazing boon/bane as well!

-4* Special Normal Minerva +Atk/-HP. Cool! She’s up to +2 now! Original was +Atk as well but I appreciate the thought, RNG.

-Sparked Brave!Marianne! Colorless hell is real so I decided to spark her to give myself the option to avoid it if necessary. Plus, I really like her character in Three Houses.

-Brave!Eirika +Res/-Spd. Anotha one! Terrible IVs so eventual fodder probably. But delicious fodder at that, no complaining here!

-4* Special Shiro +Def/-HP. Double bleh! But no pity harm and it’s funny that the young Fates kings-to-be came on the same day.

-Brave!Gatekeeper +Spd/-I forgot. But no worries, because he’s immediately, on the same circle, followed by…

-Brave!Gatekeeper +Res/-Doesn’t matter! Holy crap! One after the other wheeeeee! Don’t care too much about the fodder so instant merge! To the +Res one of course. Gotta love mixed tanks.

-2nd Sparked Brave!Marth. At last I have them all! Bwahahaha! Overall, that was pretty good! I also still have my free pick for CYL5, maybe using it for PM1’s F2P guides if he’s doing that this year. Otherwise, might go for Eirika since she has the most fodder I don’t have.

Wish everyone the best in your summons too!

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Free F!Byleth on the Lull banner. +Spd -Res, I'll probably keep her for collection purposes. Part of me kinda wants to give B!Eirika Ruptured Sky, but with how her B skill works it is a bad idea to use a 1 CD special that doesn't have very good scaling (except for Beasts/Dragons). 

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Alright, time for a bunch of banners I forgot to do earlier. Grey for Pirate's Pride.

  1. 4* Titania: Or not.

Red for Festival in Hoshido.

  1. 3* Marth: No.

Red again for Weekly Revival 23.

  1. 4* Clair: Or not.

Blue for the Lull banner.

  1. 4* Odin: No.

And lastly another circle from the CYL banner to try to kill my 4% pity rate. 113 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Cain: No.
  2. 4* Ilyana: No.
  3. 4* Ross: No.
  4. 4* Bartre: No.
  5. 3* Brady: No.

I don't understand why this banner refuses to give me a single focus unit...

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Decided to go for another Spark (80 summons) on CYL. Overall not super thrilled with the results--I'm a little disappointed to have not had any 4* Special summons ever since the new wave of heroes joined that pool--but it ended up pretty solid, especially with the pity-rate reset at the last possible moment. Surely now I'll be unable to talk myself into summoning anymore here. 

(continuing after the first 40 summons, detailed previously)

63rd summon (4.00% rate): Valentian Catria (+Spd -Atk)

74th summon (3.50% rate): Brave Dimitri (+Spd -Def)

77th summon: Brave Marth (!) (+Def -Spd sadly, but I'm just happy to have him since he was the only CYL5 winner I was missing)

80th summon: Brave Marianne (+Atk -Spd, what great timing and asset!)

Then I went ahead and Sparked for another Marianne, so now she's at +4 +Atk! Definitely the fastest I've ever built up a 5*-exclusive hero to this extent, although of course being able to summon her twice for free helps a lot lol. 

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Got a +Hp -Def B!Marianne from a circle with no blue stones. For me she's the second best CYL unit behind B!Eirika and having her will help me get a more solid grasp on her performance rather than rely exclusively on theorycrafting and seeing footage from other players. So far (farming SP on Forging Bonds) I've noticed that her Unity skill is not great on her, she's a player phase focused unit so Swift Sparrow 3 or Flashing Blade 4 are more desirable. 

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Got Harm!Dorothea and Duo!Lif (-Atk+Spd of course) without too much hassle. YOLO summoned both V!Henriette and Duo!Hinoka so that was amazing.

The CYL banner however, continues to be a pain. 2 off focus 5 stars in the 80 summons, and I had to spark 2 of the focus characters and pick another from the other banner. I feel like I should just stop even though it's at 5.25%, I can just feel the off focus coming. Sorry Gatekeeper maybe sometime in the future.

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So... I went and +10ed Valentine Alfonse. Then I made him into a second Far Save tank.

...in the process of summoning 7 copies of him (2 of which were 5*), I also 4* special summoned Kaden, Brave Hector, and Tana, all of which became merges (also meaning I +10ed Tana), and also got copies of Valentine Lif and Plegian Tharja with crummy assets, and 3 New Year Velourias one of which had +Spd. Also a 4* Adrift M!Corrin, which means NFU fodder for me.

...sigh... sometimes I wish I got more 4* special summons that actually had meaning like these ones did. Usually its 5* units I already +10ed or that have cruddy SI...

Edited by Xenomata
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More pulls. First, grey for Weekly Revival 33.

  1. 4* Rebecca: No.

The only unit I have from the Double Special banner is H!Dorothea, so I'll try blue.

  1. 5* P!Tharja: That works too! Not quite as useful as Katarina, but +Atk/-Def is perfect on her.

And red for the Ruse banner since I have Selena and Leila already.

  1. 4* Raigh: No.

Now I'm going to try again on the CYL banner. 4.25% pity-rate, 150 orbs on hand. Can I get a focus unit this time?

  1. 3* Lon'qu: No.
  2. 4* Reinhardt: No.
  3. 3* Luthier: No.
  4. 4* Titania: No.
  5. 4* Virion: No.

Seriously, Feh? A 4.5% pity-rate now, 130 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hinata: No.
  2. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  3. 4* L'Arachel: No.
  4. 3* Nino: No.
  5. 4* Gaius: No.

This is ridiculous. I've pulled 55 units and not a single one of them has been focus.

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The free pulls on the Double Special and Ruse banner were a bunch of nothing, as expected. 

CYL5 is treating me well, though. Still 10 summons left before I can spark and I already got 3 copies of B!Eirika (one being +Atk to boot). If I manage to get at least 1 more then I'll end the banner with her at +5 and then finish it for either the Forging Bonds rerun or a Hero Fest with the CYL5 units.

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Finally finally summoned Plegian Dorothea! +HP -Spd naturally, but just happy I finally have her (she and Leonie and Shamir were my favorite characters in 3H; still missing Shamir but it'll happen eventually), for real. Took a little while: first I got up to 7.50% before summoning Plegian Katarina on a circle without reds (+Def -HP, not super interested in merging her with my +Res -Def copy, but I guess she at least provides AS Solo 4 and AR Rein for when I eventually have a unit that wants both of those); Dorothea showed up only once I'd gotten up to 7.50% again. 

Up to 4.50% on the new Pirates banner. If I can just pull Surtr once soon, I'll go back to saving/not spending. 

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Alright! I've basically guaranteed that B!Eirika will reach at least +5 before the CYL banner is over (2 summons left before spark which I'll get done tomorrow). I'm going to push my luck a little bit and try to get as many merges as I can before the banner's over, but I already consider this a victory because I've only reached the 1st spark, which is a little under 200 orbs, and I'm already half way through to get B!Eirika to +10. 

Edited by Alexmender
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What... I summoned 2 Elises from my first session.

TWO 4* special summons of the SAME unit. By the way, my Elise is already +10 and I don't believe I need 2 of her.

What...? Ah whatever, I got Leg Micaiah (neutral) pretty easily... what a waste of two perfectly good 4* special summons though...

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I got Legendary Micaiah in only 65 orbs. Thank you so much for not making me buy orbs. Also got a 4* Special OG Celica in the final circle, which is great for a merge. Bless.

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First things first. Red for the VG banner.

  1. 4* Cain: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 24.

  1. 5* Hector: So this is where my luck is going? +HP/-Def is meh, but I'll take him.

Another try at the CYL banner with 158 orbs.

  1. 3* Bantu: No.
  2. 3* Ares: No.
  3. 3* Boey: No.
  4. 4* Azama: No.
  5. 4* Clarine: No.

That makes 60 pulls from this banner without a single focus unit. Up to a 5% pity rate. Anyway, now to try my luck on L!Micaiah's banner. 138 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cain: No.
  2. 3* Hana: No.
  3. 4* Jagen: No.
  4. 3* Tethys: No.
  5. 4* Forrest: No.

Absolutely rotten luck. 123 orbs left.

  1. 4* Stahl: No.
  2. 4* Cain: Are you serious?
  3. 3* Sakura: No.
  4. 4* Sothe: No.
  5. 3* Setsuna: No.

I have no words...103 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seliph: No.
  2. 5* Sword!Reinhardt: Great, a 4* Special I couldn't care less about. +Res/-Def isn't even good. Well, now he's +2 completely undeservedly.
  3. 4* Robin: No.
  4. 4* Altena: No.
  5. 4* Lissa: No.

I don't know why I'm even bothering at this point, but I am. 83 orbs left.

  1. 3* Nino: No.
  2. 3* Fae: No.
  3. 5* Ashera: Finally a unit worth having. +Spd/-Atk is pretty good too.
  4. 4* Lissa: Go away.
  5. 4* Wrys: No.

I'll try one more time because I feel like disappointing myself. 63 orbs left.

  1. 3* Caeda: No.
  2. 3* Merric: No.
  3. 4* Fae: No.
  4. 4* Reyson: No.
  5. 4* Kagero: No.

I really feel like this game is trying to get me to stop playing it. The banners where I spend orbs give me jack for my investment while I get a bunch of worthless 4* Specials. Before Ashera just now the last unit I've summoned that I was actually trying to get was Harmonic!Caeda more than a month ago.

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I really would've preferred to get Ashera or Micaiah, but Fallen Edelgard decided to fall into my barracks for a second time.

At least this one has a better nature than the other one.

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560 orbs and she actually didn't come, even on a fucking 15% at some point and 13% on 5 colorless orbs.

Rolled pretty much one of every unit on the banner, including 4 F!Edelgards, but not fucking Micaiah.

Every legendary banner the same story. Fuck the fuck off with this bullshit.

Edited by Lanko
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3 hours ago, Lanko said:

Every legendary banner the same story. Fuck the fuck off with this bullshit.

I gave up on Legendary Heroes since their rate sucks and getting a one off or a merge+1 does not actually help in Arena. Mythic Heroes have the same shit rate, but at least they are usable in Aether Raids with low merges.

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This Legendary banner wouldn't be a terrible place for me to swipe at all colors a few times, since I am still missing both F!Morgans, L!Edelgard, Ingrid, Farina, in addition to Ashera. But with all the effort I've had to expend to get Harmonic Dorothea (got her!) and Pirate Surtr (f this guy), just don't have it right now. 

Decided to purchase one of the two packs with Young Caeda as a bonus, and with that I was able to get another Fallen Edelgard (now at +2 +Res) at I think 9% rate swiping only colorless. 

The Pirate banner is FINALLY done for me. Just wasn't ever getting more than 1 blue in any circle and got up to a 6% rate at least, so I reluctantly expanded to swiping reds. Finally pulled Pirate Naesala (+Spd -Res), which despite my Tellius bias he was my least wanted focus of this banner (not a fan of his art here tbh), but he's definitely a great unit and a solid addition to a Radiant line-up that I realized is weaker than I thought (I realized that all of my Tellius stars are in fact from PoR). I kinda wish he was +Atk for Galeforcing, but I shouldn't complain about +Spd... I swear I pulled from this banner so so many times, with AT LEAST 60% of those pulls being blue, and yet Surtr is the only focus unit I didn't get. It just be like that sometimes. 

At various times also pulled original Micaiah (+Atk +3 now), Innes (+Res +1), and Fallen Dimitri (+Atk), the latter of whom is starting to have the same quality as Valentian Catria as far as tending to be foddered before I retrospectively wish I had initially made a merge project of them simply on the basis of seeming to summon them weirdly often. 

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180 orbs used! which means I saved 20 😄

1) F!edel, first copy but I was mad because I hate her, at least I got free 40 green dragonflowers from her
2) Sothis, first copy!
3) L!Micaiah!!! So happy!! -atk +hp though, I tried to pull more to see if I could get better Asset
4) Thrasir, first copy!
5) Another set F!edel..... I stopped here and now my hate through her increased.

Happy to manage to get 3 I wanted, too bad about F!edel, would had prefer to get either another Ashera and of course more Micaiah

And with this I'm missing only Ullr and Duma.

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Since I've been exceptionally lazy about posting my pulls here, I've got like a month's worth to go through. So, I'll just break it down by banner:

July Legendary Remix

Shinon (used as a merge; +1 -> +2)
RIP getting Fjorm back



Ullr's Banner

B!Hector (used as a merge; +1 -> +2)



Hero Fest 2021

Phina (+HP/-Def; New)
Ced (was turned into a manual; is also technically the first Ced I pulled because I used a Forma Soul to get him)
Mia (used as a merge; +3 -> +4)
Dedue (+HP/-Res; New)



Perilous Seas

4* Vika (+Def/-HP; New)
Pirate Hinoka & Camilla (+Res/-HP; New)
Pirate Naesala (used Trait Fruit to change to +Spd/-Res; New)
Hardin (was turned into a manual)
Pirate Surtr (+HP/-Res; New)



Keepers of Faith

CYL!Marianne (freebie so neutral; New)
CYL!Eirika (+Atk/-Res, free pull; New)



August 2021 Double Special Heroes

The Gacha Trolling Me Lene (was turned into a manual)
Helpful Chrom (was turned into a manual)
Plegian Dorothea & Lene (+Atk/-Spd; New)



Chosen Family

Y!Tiki (free pull, used as a merge; +3 -> +4)



Legendary Micaiah's Banner (so far)

L!Micaiah (+HP/-Def; New)
L!Edelgard (+Def/-Spd; New)



I should probably just quit while I'm ahead in regards to Micaiah's banner (pity rate has since risen to 9.5% after the L!Edelgard pull), but I'm greedy and want Ashera for the Tellius collection after missing her the first time. So, expect me to be back here soon with a Fallen Edelgard pitybreaker.

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