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Huh, Special Fighter banner came at the exact right time I needed it! And I even got Brave Ephraim for free!

My Black Knight is now just about ready for anything. If only the solution to his A slot were as easy to figure out...

@XRay I swear I've been trying to figure out how best to go about double Notts for so long. My current Dark team is by far NOWHERE NEAR capable of taking advantage of double Notts.

Edited by Xenomata
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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

@XRay I swear I've been trying to figure out how best to go about double Notts for so long. My current Dark team is by far NOWHERE NEAR capable of taking advantage of double Notts.

It does not need to be fancy. If you have Líf: Undying Duo, who the other three ranged cavalry are does not really matter. Even if you do not have Fatal Smoke on the team, as long as you have an open map with not enough spaces to hide, some players will still fall for it since they lack the backline space to hide all their support units.

20 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

From the latest New Heroes banner I'm five pulls away from the spark. I got my targets (Nott and Palla) and a random Anna, however no single Luthier yet. He's a demote, so I'll pull him anyways. Gonna spark for Nott to make her become better. Not interested in another lance cavalier.

I advise against merging Nótt. Having two or three can help make the defense team even better.

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Alright, finally got a Nótt from her banner. I'm still gonna spark a second one in case I ever get the pieces for those super cancerous AR-D teams (or Odd Tempest becomes more widespread to let me pull off some nasty shenanigans with Infantry units). 

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The daily Foil banner sadly gave me a 4* Tharja instead of Midori. As for the Special Fighter banner...

  1. 3* Boey: No.

Blue for the daily Infantry Pulse banner since I'm only missing Nils.

  1. 4* Altena: Nope.

And blue again for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Gwendolyn: Nope again.
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In all the 24-hour banners I managed to free pull my first Say'ri (+Atk -Spd) and a spare vanilla Alm (merged to +3). 

On the TT+ banner, free summoned my first copy of Marianne! +Atk -Def ! 

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Well this was a hilarious end to the new heroes banner...

Was going to spark for Nott or Zeke. Depending on who I didn't get. And since Nott showed up earlier, I threw it towards Zeke.

But my 40th summon was Sirius, like this was actually pretty funny to see.

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I can't believe it. I GOSH ASHE ON THE FIRST WHEEL!! He only cost me 8 orbs!! Oh man! Welcome home, boy! I only wish you were +spd, but that's okay! I'll maybe pull for 1 more of him. ^_^

Aaaand then I did a dumb and pulled only once on a wheel that had 4 favorable nodes. >_< I got my first original Lute and an Anette (I guess she wanted to join her classmates) but still no Caspar. I'll keep trying as I get the orbs to do so.

Edited by Mercakete
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The Luna daily banner gave me a 4* Seth. Oh well. For Weekly Revival 16, red since Katarina doesn't have a merge yet.

  1. 4* Hinata: Nope.

And as for Summer Vibrance, I'll just try to get Hilda and Marianne on the first circle. 94 orbs means I can spend a few.

  1. 3* Klein: No.
  2. 4* Niles: Darn.

So much for that. Good luck to everyone who's planning to actually spend here.

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So, I don't actually understand what the fuck my luck is right now.

The midpoint banner has been treating me pretty well, giving me a special 4-star Karel, Valentian Palla, Nott, and just now a Hubert. I'm at 30/40. But I have no Luthier, who was the one I wanted the most. He's the freaking demote, why.

And also managed to get a few nice free pulls along the way, and the luck has been just strange.

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Latest quests gave me enough orbs for the spark from the Nott banner.

Had two pulls left till the spark, and from them I got a second Nott and my first Luthier - wow, PERFECT!

Nott is +spd / -def, so I merged the former one into this to cancel out the bane.

With the spark I have two copies to run now.

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I got super lucky and pulled two Hilda: Deer's Two-Piece on my ninth and tenth summoning Orb, so I think spent around 40 to 50 Orbs or so. I think I will keep pulling colorless and maybe red for a few more copies and to collect Mercedes: Unfussed Basker.

— — — — — — —

Spent like 200 something Orbs total and all I got more of was just a dumb Hubert and Ashe: Fabled Sea Knight. No 4* specials or anything all the way to 5.5%.

I think I will try one more time for one of the girls before calling it quits.

— — — — — — —

Finally, I got Mercedes: Unfussed Basker, and I got 4* Caspar: Summer Intensity in the same circle. I also got a Lene along the way.

I think that is like 400 Orbs total or something. I think I should have just stopped when I got my two SV!Hildas.

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No luck getting Hilda so far, but I did get Super Olwen on my first pull! Been hoping for her for a while.

Also picked up an extra Louise on a later found, which is nice.

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120 orbs or so:

7 Caspar’s, so he is at +6 now! 4 more to go. Amazing so far, he is by far faster to get than Baby Marth, Sylvain and Baby Lyon we’re for me! 1 5* at around 3%.

I also got -Atk +Spd Ashe at 3.25%, as well as a Duo Hilda at 3% shortly after. Amazing!! I wanted both of them too, so now I can just snipe green. Sorry, Merice, I like ya but I don’t need ya.


Then I got these units, all dupes:

Amelia 4* special

Fallen Julia

Helbindi (bleh, can he demote?!)

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With ~95 orbs, so far I've only got Ashe and a first ever copy of WF Hinoka, both +Spd -Res. Along with a free summoned neutral (first ever) Ced from yesterday, I'm a little annoyed but I think I've gotten too used to the good luck I've had the last couple months. 

I'd like to ideally only keep pulling until I get either one of Mercedes or Hilda+Marianne, maybe with Caspar along the way so I can give Bonus Doubler to Sothe. So many fantastic skills in this banner tho..

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I got nothing of my free pull for the summer banner. At least it lasts for quite a while so I don't feel any pressure to try and get Hilda from it. 

Instead I'll keep going at the Nótt banner because I'm 4 pulls away from the spark. Although I got pretty lucky with this:


Luthier is +Atk -Hp which is pretty cool, so he's a keep. Palla's nature sucks (+Spd -Atk), but I don't really get anything from foddering her because I already gave Tharja Red Duel Infantry 4 from a spare Azelle. Guess she'll stay as a collectable.

The next 3 pulls with the TT+ orbs were a Tana merge, a Mathilda and my first Erk. Not too shabby.

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Yeee- I got my little Caspar! X3 Still summoning on this banner, though, to see if I can't get another Caspar (hopefully +str!) and another Ashe (hopefully +spd!). And also I decided I may as well see if I can't get Mercedes since I could almost make a Summer Blue Lions Cav team then (Summer Ashe, Summer Mercedes, and Summer Sylvain for cross-color dominion. I may throw Summer Ingrid on there too, though she's on a pegasus.)

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I... have low hopes for this new Summer banner. Day 1 I bought the Forma soul pack and managed to nab, get this, +HP -Atk Summer Mercedes. Keep in mind, I had the lowest opinion of her on this banner (I like her character, but she is outclassed in maaaaaaaany ways compared to just fielding LegLilina), so of course I summoned her. Also 4* +Atk -Def Caspar, which... eh, it is what it is.

Meanwhile, come the Summer Passing revival, on the first session I get Summer Mia +Atk -Def, one of the only Harmonic Heroes I've been missing since their introduction.

I... hm... I mean the Duo skill is neat, but maybe I should seriously consider saving when we're now only a couple of months from the CYL banner... especially when THIS has been what my luck produced...

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I went in this banner reasonably confident. Blue is usually pretty generous to me and if not I always can use more seteths for my merge projects. I had 150 orbs at the ready and my luck usually isn't too bad, but I ran through all my orbs and my reserves are getting empty too.

I don't think I ever had so little luck on a banner. My pity rate is at 5,5% and I have very little to show for it. No special rate, no 5 star, no good fodder and not even a Seteth. 

Only upside is 4 4 star Caspars, but I did't really need that many.

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So, trying to get my 2nd Ashe and Caspar and I randomly get original Kaden and Fallen M!Corrin (whom I tried to get for so long, finally got 2, and suddenly he shows up as a random pull.) Weird, but I'm okay with it.

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Might as well clear out some banners before the Legendary announcement. Red for Summer Passing since NY!Anna is still my only red bow.

  1. 4* Hinata: No.

Grey for the Push banner.

  1. 5* Bernadetta: Yay! She's even +Spd/-Def, which is darn near perfect.

Blue for Summer Returns.

  1. 3* Reyson: Or not.

And lastly blue for Weekly Revival 17.

  1. 4* Mordecai: No.

That went well. I'm hardly short on grey cavalry archers, but Bernie is still a great unit to have.

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