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Alright, time for some more pulls. Grey on Weekly Revival 10.

  1. 4* Sakura: Nope.

Red on the New Power banner.

  1. 4* Palla: Ugh.

Red again on the Legendary remix.

  1. 4* Hana: No.

I was kind of hoping for a free 5*. Oh well. Back to saving orbs.

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"It's my chance to finally get Legendary Ephraim!" I said. "The percentage starts at 6%!" I said. "I have over 100 orbs so this should be okay." I said. "I'll just snipe blue." I said.

21 pulls later and the one wheel that has no blue nodes gives me a featured unit (Anette.) At least she was the last Blue Lion I needed of those already in Heroes. But I have under 30 orbs now and there's a seasonal banner coming up; I feel regret.

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Made my run on the Remix banner. Wanted F!Byleth for Ruptured Sky, so i pretty much sniped red about half way in. Luck hates me, and gave me 2 Ryomas one after the other before i managed to pull my one and only copy of Byleth for the banner. I ended up picking up a Robin on my second circle and sparked Gunthra. Not the worst run.

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Me: Okay, so Laevatein partially broke my pity rate on the Magvel kids banner. I still have 3.5%, and now I'm at 3.75%. I really want to get Eirika so I'm going to keep going for her.
Azelle: Hi, I'm breaking your pity rate and now you're back at 3%.

Fine, I give up. At least Azelle is new and a character I wanted.

Edited by Sunwoo
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...damnit, I got pity broken by Larcei on the fallen banner.

Guess I'll have to be content with the Hegemon I sparked... no way in hell I'm gonna try for any of the others. Gotta try and reserve some luck for the Brave banner...

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Trying not to spend orbs, but i do want Mo-Mo so i decided to try one summoning circle on the fallen banner:

two green orbs: great, great; all I need is one!

first orb: Anette  -- that's NOT the 5 star i want!

2nd orb: generic 4* 

figures. I mean i didn't have Anatte so that's good, but reality is i probably won't ever use here. well.

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Both Ryoma and Legendary Ryoma were available on banners at the same time, so I tried summoning for them since they’re on my “most wanted units list.” At first I had no luck on the Legendary banner, but extremely weird luck on the normal rerun banner. I kept summoning Roy and Eliwood over and over again, and summoned several new 3 and 4-star characters from recent New Heroes banners (Miranda, Knoll, Lex.) I also summoned my first normal Caeda! Weirdly enough, I summoned Zelgius with my free summon, THEN summoned him two summons later, and AGAIN later on!


Also all three were +Defense/Resistance and -Attack. I also summoned Laevatein (I love her design!) and Saber. The next day, I summoned Legendary Ryoma on my first summon. Then on the other banner, after six summons, I summoned Ike, immediately followed by normal Ryoma!


I’m sticking to my theory that free summons are rigged with a higher summoning chance, because I recently summoned Brave Lucina with one, too.


This is probably to make people think they have good luck on the banner so they’ll spend more. It certainly worked; I spent about 200 orbs (half my orbs) and it was definitely worth it for everything I picked up along the way.


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Alright, grey for the BHB banner.

  1. 5* Silque: Well, this is nice. +Def/-Spd, so a better master copy than my current +Spd/-HP one.

A nice pull. Now red on Weekly Revival 11.

  1. 4* Seth: No.

Grey on the Joint Drive banner.

  1. 3* Maria: No.

And lastly red on the TT banner.

  1. 4* Abel: No.

That was a lucky pull with Silque, but hopefully I didn't use up my luck for the bridal banner.

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Well, I got both of the axe fliers I wanted. It wasn't easy (especially with Morgan, the rate went up to 4.75% before she showed up), but it's done. That said:



Hello Pain+, my old friend.

Yup, you just can't make shit like this up. IS, can you make IV trading a thing sometime soon? Please?

I reversed Catria & Thea's IVs with the fruit, but this was still trolling at its finest.

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I got Mamori, Ced, a 4* BG!Juno, and that is almost 200 Orbs down the drain. My luck in Bridal Grace is horrible so far.

Another 150 or so Orbs down the drain, but I got 2 BG!Sauls, Delthea, and another 4* BG!Juno. I just need BG!Catria now.

Edited by XRay
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Alright, time to get Catria and Thea. 132 orbs should be enough to get at least one copy, so here I go.

  1. 3* Thea: Ironic...

No greens in that circle. Figures.

  1. 3* Eliwood: No.

Still no greens. 127 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cecilia: No.
  2. 4* Beruka: No.

118 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lilina: No.

No greens again. 113 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lon'qu: No.

4 reds and a grey...108 orbs left.

  1. 3* Olivia: No.

This is actually ridiculous. 103 orbs left.

  1. 4* Stahl: No.

Did IS reduce the green rate on purpose? 98 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic Catria: Yay! Full neutral is fine, so I'm going to stop here. After the green drought it took to get here, I'm not risking dealing with it again. I'll take the rest of the circle for fun.
  2. 3* Seth: No.
  3. 5* Leo: A 4* Special! +Atk/-Res is a good master copy, it's just a shame he's such a garbage unit.
  4. 4* Mordecai: No.
  5. 4* Setsuna: No.

That actually went well. 54 orbs for a neutral Harmonic!Catria and a 4* Special Leo is quite acceptable. Since I've still got 78 orbs left, I'm going to go hunt for merges for the Fallen!Morgans.

  1. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.

That's nice. 73 orbs left.

  1. 4* Frederick: No.
  2. 3* Fae: No.

64 orbs left.

  1. 4* Raven: No.
  2. 4* Ross: No.
  3. 4* Frederick: Go away.

That was disappointing. 51 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!M!Morgan: There he is! +Atk/-HP, but my current copy is already +Atk, so merge fodder. +2 now.
  2. 4* Soren: No.

Time to keep going. 42 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sheena: No.
  2. 3* Camilla: No.
  3. 4* Beruka: No.

29 orbs left.

  1. 4* Stahl: No.

24 orbs left.

  1. 4* Roy: No.

19 orbs left. One more circle.

  1. 4* Stahl: Really?
  2. 3* Laslow: No.
  3. 4* Knoll: No.

Not bad. One merge for Fallen!M!Morgan, but sadly nothing for his sister.

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Got a bunch of pitybreakers: Osian, Corrin: Dream Princess, Nailah, Loki.

I also got a 5* BG!Juno, another BG!Saul, and finally a BG!Catria.

Also got Faye, Micaiah, and Ike: Brave Mercenary as my specials.

- - - - - - -

Got two more BG!Catrias and a BG!Saul.

Also got pitybroken by Shamir.

Also got Shiro, Minerva, and Nino: Pale Flower.

I think I want one more BG!Catria.

- - - - - - -

Got my fourth and last BG!Catria, and a few pity breakers too. I am finally done with this Focus.

Edited by XRay
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had some of the worst luck i ever had on the bridal banner. 200 orbs for 1 5* focus, Shanna. I love the art and she's the one I wanted, but it's just too much. Got pity broken by Shannan and Say'ri, both of which i don't know what to think. I'm sure Say'ri is probably not bad, at least she's got close call, but Shannan is dated i'm sure. Also got a Lucina and my first Brave Roy as 4* specials, actually pretty happy with Roy since I didn't get him on CYL rerun banner we had last month. Well at least my Shanna is +Spd, which is really nice since her special looks at that.

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19 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

had some of the worst luck i ever had on the bridal banner. 200 orbs for 1 5* focus, Shanna. I love the art and she's the one I wanted, but it's just too much. Got pity broken by Shannan and Say'ri, both of which i don't know what to think. I'm sure Say'ri is probably not bad, at least she's got close call, but Shannan is dated i'm sure. Also got a Lucina and my first Brave Roy as 4* specials, actually pretty happy with Roy since I didn't get him on CYL rerun banner we had last month. Well at least my Shanna is +Spd, which is really nice since her special looks at that.

That's why seasonal banners are iffy. I got Catria after little over 100 orbs, but I like Shanna's art and I'm a little tempted to double dip. In my situation I actually want a bunch of the red seasonal that released recently, and that would be good value from a Double Special Heroes whenever that rolls around.

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Should have listened to my instincts on the new Fallen banner and called it quits after scoring HH!Edelgard with only my second summon. Instead I decided to go for the Spark for Dimitri and see what I could get along the way. Ended up going way way past the Spark and getting up to a 6.50% rate before Edelgard broke it again. Feel like I shouldn't complain since now I have her at +1 +Res, but I really needed a strong Awakening hero instead of yet another OP 3H unit lol. 

As compensation I should add the 4* special pool not breaking pity rates is unbelievably awesome. Got along the way: a third merge for Mia (4%), a first merge for LotL!Azura (4.25%), WP!Celica who I immediately foddered for her Galeforce (4.75%), my first ever copy of Ranulf (+Atk -Spd) (5%), and a fourth merge for IS!Celica (6%). 

For the Bridal banner I free summoned Yarne, who will almost certainly be Galeforce fodder too. Managed to grab Saul (+Def -HP) on the second circle and then Harmonic Catria (+Atk -Spd) four summons later. Stopping myself now and saving for the new heroes banner that I hereby decree shall be Tellius heroes. 

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17 hours ago, LoneStar said:

That's why seasonal banners are iffy. I got Catria after little over 100 orbs, but I like Shanna's art and I'm a little tempted to double dip. In my situation I actually want a bunch of the red seasonal that released recently, and that would be good value from a Double Special Heroes whenever that rolls around.

they're horrible tbh, but of course its where they put their most enticing units a lot of the times. I mean i did want a Say'ri so i'm not too bothered by her and Roy as I said i'm happy with, but 200 orbs just drains you, i reached 4.75% rate before Shanna showed up. Not kidding I think i saw like dozens of Soleil show up too, I'm sick of looking at her sprite, which is already one of the worst to begin with. Who are you aiming for?

And my luck today was actually really good; went back to the Fallen banner. I still wanted Momo, hopefully two because i'm interested on Menace for another of my units, and from a 3% rate I pulled both copies I wanted in 5 circles! It's like the universe is trying to balance itself or something. I did shoot 15 orbs at Catria to see if my luck would hold but nope, but still great overall.

From here only Bride Ninian is something I want and Summer is generally my least favorite seasonals, so i can save for CYL5 on August. That's the plan.......

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Free Sirius on the weekly banner. +Hp -Spd so I won't feel bad foddering him. Now I just need to think on who wants Lull Atk/Spd at this point. I remember I wanted to give that to Norne in the past, but she doesn't need it anymore (turns out NFU is a lot better for her than any Lull). 

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I have been so busy I couldn’t share my pulls!

but as of late time I shared, I managed to +10 Baby Lyon and get 1 of each of the other babies. My Tana is +2, with 3 manuals resting.

Overall, around 400 orbs for my +10, on par with Summer Sylvain. Tbh, it could’ve been less but I was spending so much trying to get L’arachel and Eirika as well.




Anyway, I got a bride Juno pretty early on. 200 orbs for a -Atk +Res Duo Catria and a +Atk -Def Groom Saul. Time to save for the next new heroes since I probably won’t care for the mythic!

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Weekly Revival 12 tempts me with its Lucina merges, but Fallen!Morgan takes priority. I'll stick to the reds and blues in the first circle. 44 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Roy: No.
  2. 3* Seteth: No.

So much for that. Three greens, but Julia's +10 already. Now back to Forces of Will. 40 orbs left.

  1. 3* Olivia: No.
  2. 4* Cain: No.
  3. 3* Lex: Reposition fodder.
  4. 5* Dorcas: Another 4* Special. +Atk/-Spd is perfect compared to my current +HP/-Spd copy, so that's good.

A nice surprise in that circle, but Dorcas is no Morgan. 23 orbs left.

  1. 3* Roy: Go away.

One more try with 18 orbs.

  1. 4* Caeda: No.
  2. 3* Mustafa: No.

The game really doesn't want to give me F!Morgan.

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I actually managed to summon Catria + Thea duo from the wedding banner! I was pity-broken by Selkie first, though, but I didn't have her yet, so I wasn't too upset about it. I'd like to summon Juno as well, but I feel like I shouldn't spend anymore orbs. At least not yet.

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I decided to spark on the Fallen banner and got a +Atk -Spd Fallen M!Morgan and a +Def -Spd F!Edelgard alongside some pity breakers (most notable was a Hilda merge, yay!). 

As for the spark, I chose to be evil and got a 2nd Fallen Edelgard. I won't merge them as the 1st one has one of her best natures and neutral is pretty cool, too. I'll use both to cheese PvE content and create new levels of cancer on AR-D because I'm sick of seeing -200 lift all the time.

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I did two circles, and got Eleanora and Sacred Stones Selena. At base 3%. I think ... I should stop.

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