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40th pull in the AHR banner gave me DuoLyn.

I planned to fodder her off to NY!Eir, but since she was +atk / -spd, the free copy was merged into this one.

Sparked Seiros, so I got a copy of everyone at least once.

Again no single pitybraker as in the Three Houses banner, so this run may continue!


I'm waiting with my pulls in the FE12 banner till I have next month's orbs since I might plan to go for any Kris (male would be new).

Julian would be the most wanted unit, but sharing colour with an useless healer makes me not going for him.

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I spent most of March just saving for the AHR--and glad I did because that was the best luck I've ever had on a banner, with 7 5* pulls prior to Sparking! 

Afterwards I've tried to save again but inevitably I pulled a few times on some of the other banners, no complaints since I got a +HP -Def Dedue at 3.25%, a +Atk -Spd F!Kris after spending probably just 15-20 orbs overall on her rerun banner, and this morning pulled a free Flayn +HP -Def, which I could merge onto my +Atk +1 Flayn, but more wisely I'll probably try to finally build a double-Flayn super-tank type of team. 

Now I plan to just save a while, although I might try sniping green and maybe colorless on the upcoming banner since I'm still missing L!Edelgard, Bramimond and Freyja. 

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3 hours ago, uhmuzing said:

I'll probably try to finally build a double-Flayn super-tank type of team.

If you have Gustav: Majestic Love and Henriette: Overflowing Love, they work really well with double Flayns. They are super fun to use on Abyssal maps to watch them curb stomp bosses.

They also seem to work relatively well in Aether Raids (at least in Mock Battle against my friend list) with triple Flayns in Aether Raids, although you will score like crap though on Light Season without any Mythics.

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7 hours ago, XRay said:

If you have Gustav: Majestic Love and Henriette: Overflowing Love, they work really well with double Flayns. They are super fun to use on Abyssal maps to watch them curb stomp bosses.

They also seem to work relatively well in Aether Raids (at least in Mock Battle against my friend list) with triple Flayns in Aether Raids, although you will score like crap though on Light Season without any Mythics.

They look really fun! The Save skills are hilariously whacky, honestly pretty broken. I never grabbed Gustav but I did get Henriette, and like I said above Dedue too. The only thing with both of them is Dedue's Def flaw and Henriette's Res flaw, in addition to my being completely out of Trait Fruit, so I'd planned to fodder them once I figured out who should inherit their Save and A skills. AE!Edelgard I have at neutral +1 +4df so I'd tentatively planned to give her Dedue's skills even though I've generally used her in more of a PP Galeforce+HB4 style than as a tank. With Henriette's Far Save I've been unsure of who to eventually fodder her to, I'm thinking I'm missing a dedicated ranged armor tank, if such a unit exists (if only Fallen Lyon was armored). 

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A bunch of banners this time around. First, blue on Familial Festivities.

  1. 3* Shanna: No.

Blue again on the Rouse banner.

  1. 4* Eirika: Or not.

Red for Light and Shadows since I've already got F!Kris.

  1. 4* A!Tiki: No.
  2. 4* Kagerou: No.
  3. 4* Tethys: No.
  4. 3* Maria: No.
  5. 3* Gaius: No.

That was a lot of grey orbs. Now for more of them with the Healer Royale banners. Part 2...

  1. 5* Forrest: Yay...+HP/-Spd is poor, but I already have a +Atk/-Def copy to merge into.

As far as free 5*s go, that was downright worthless. What about Part 1...

  1. 4* Serra: No.

Lastly, Weekly Revival 4. Delthea's the only one who doesn't have a merge, so blue it is.

  1. 4* Clair: No.

Figures the one free 5* I'd get would be from the banner with zero 5* exclusives. Oh well.

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Well, this was a nice surprise:


+Spd -Atk, not the best but 36 Atk base means little when she has that Chaos Ragnell effect on her Prf and 45 Spd is pretty sweet. Also means that my AR-O teams will get even better now with that extra slot!

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Quickly picked up Bramimond, Edelgard, and Dagr from the mythic banner!

Then switched to the spring banner to try for Myrrh, and my luck did not hold up. Burned my remaining ~200 orbs, got Leila early on but since then all I've gotten is a 4.75% pity rate. I grabbed the remaining orbs available from stuff like the BHB revival... and accidentally wasted 5 of them on going back to the mythic banner. Augh.

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Well, I got my first Lex as my free pull on the mythic banner. He's +atk, so cool. I didn't expect such a nice free pull! I spent 4 orbs on the banner, but got a Rath I manual'd. Will keep trying to get Fallen M!Corrin and then maybe save up orbs for the next seasonal or if one of my most-wanted characters pops into Heroes.

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I can't be bothered to spend a lot of my 130 orbs on Dagr's banner, so I'll take the greens and greys in the first circle. Red and blue have nothing interesting for me.

  1. 4* Azama: Worthless.

And of course there's 3 reds and 1 blue. Well, at least I can keep saving for another day.

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Got Freyja with my ticket, which is pretty nice. Got COD!F!Corrin and two Dagrs, and one of them is +Atk, so that is good. I prefer +Spd, but I cannot complain about +Atk.

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On 3/30/2021 at 6:28 AM, Othin said:

Quickly picked up Bramimond, Edelgard, and Dagr from the mythic banner!

Then switched to the spring banner to try for Myrrh, and my luck did not hold up. Burned my remaining ~200 orbs, got Leila early on but since then all I've gotten is a 4.75% pity rate. I grabbed the remaining orbs available from stuff like the BHB revival... and accidentally wasted 5 of them on going back to the mythic banner. Augh.

Voting Gauntlet orbs from today got me Myrrh on the next summon!

...Which means hypothetically, if I hadn't wasted those 5 orbs, I could have gotten her yesterday and saved myself a day of worrying about it. Oh well.

Rest of the session was red and green orbs, so I decided to grab them to see if I could do anything else with that pity rate. Nothing rare, but I did get my first Lex!

Edited by Othin
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On 3/26/2021 at 7:11 AM, Fabulously Olivier said:

The revival banner didn't give me any focus units, but it did give me Fallen Celica, Leanne, and Erinys.


Which was on brand because AHR also didn't give me any focus units. It gave me Leilah, Nils, and Innes.

Finished sparking to get a Julian. In the pulls since, I pulled 2 5* Lenas (sigh) and a Petra.

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Severa: +Def/-Spd -> +Spd/-Res (yup, I immediately went for the trait change)
Lute: +Spd/-Res

Alright, now I'm satisfied. That said, there was another pitybreaker before I got here:



Nils: +Def/-Atk

But this time, it at least was someone new. Fun fact: Nils has the same Japanese VA as Minerva (I shouldn't need to explain why that's relevant).

But since I'm a masochist, I'm still not quite done with this banner because I still don't have a bunny Minerva.

So, here's me instead giving Inigo one chance to show up (because the following set had no blues, of course):



Annette: +Spd/-Res; literally the same as my first one

Sure, I'll take a merge for one of my Blue Lions instead.


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Pulling en masse (yay pay day!) gave some pretty good results: +atk Legelgard and Guinivere, merge for Freya plus one extra copy, Leirika copy, a number of 4* special summons (pushing Brave Veronica into my +8 gang), and +Atk -Res Dagr. Pretty sweet.

I'm actually... after an extra merge for Legcina. She was summoned at one point and is now a merge away from +10. I know she isn't great anymore, but I do not care. And hey, Guin and Duessel are good units to be broken by.

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i hate color-sharing banners.

200+ orbs gone on the mythic banner, my only real target all along has been Edelgard:

1 Hilda

1 Kana

1 Bramimond

1 Frejya

1 Corrin

2 Dagr

Edelgard: 0


 First the bunny banner, now this.




went in hard and she finally showed up two times on back-to-back circles!

the results this time where:

2 Sara, 1 Dagr, 1 Elise

i'm done summoning. i don't think there is anything else i want from here until the CYL 5 banner shows up unless a nice legendary show up later, like MIcaiah or Lonqu, so time to hoard orbs.

Edited by Sil/phire
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I hate summoning.

Ending today with 499 orbs.

I went from 1031 to 499 trying to chase Spring Palla and had horrible luck, at least with regard to getting Palla herself.

My haul:
Kiria on the free pull
4* special Gray
Brave Lysithea x2
Fallen Mareeta x2
Female Byleth
Adrift Camilla
4* special Ike
Fallen Ike
Spring Marisa
4* special Brave Roy
4* special Horse Chrom
4* Special Fallen Celica
Spring Palla x2

To top it all off, Palla's nature is not very good. I plan on merging her to +2 with the Divine Code copy as well. I don't think I will have enough orbs to get a Duo Palla merge at this rate.
I think Palla just doesn't like me. I spent 470 orbs for Duo Palla on DSH and around 200 on her initial banner, but I only got one copy at -Atk. I didn't get Palla at all on DSH.

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I pulled on the Dagr banner, trying to get Bramimond because I have no dark LH, but also on green orbs because Dagr seemed cool. I didn't get any 5* pulls until pull #35, and then this happened.


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I had very weird summoning luck recently. First I summoned Silque from the first new Voting Gauntlet banner with a free summon! Then with the free summon from the second new Voting Gauntlet banner I summoned Sara—even though she is in the upcoming Voting Gauntlet, she wasn’t actually included on that banner! I summoned her from the normal 5-star summoning pool. What a bizarre coincidence. Then after that, I summoned my first 4-star Lena, consecutively followed by 5-star Lena!

b9450b64ad917762955f51253d3256c8cc9ae624   add7525860281a563a9a000a63f7b7ae12d134de

After a long dry spell of 3 and 4-star characters, on my 35th summon, at last I summoned Julian! I was close to 40, so I decided to go for the free 5-star character and get a second Julian. The first Julian had an awful asset and flaw (+Defense -Speed,) so I like having a neutral Julian, too. Generally I do not merge 5-star units.

I was a little annoyed about the recent announcement of gaining new Celestial Stones for summoning a free unit after 40 summons. This feature will be implemented next week. If only this banner had happened a week later.

On a side note, I love Julian’s art (aside from the fact he is in profile) and I love even more that Julian mentions Rickard twice. I’m one of the only people who cares, but I really hope this is a sign that Rickard will appear on the next Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem banner!

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