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After 34 pulls, I did not get Ingrid (which doesn't surprise me). No, instead I just got all of this:



Nailah [Free Pull]: +HP/-Def
Sonya: +HP/-Atk
Dorcas: +Def/-Atk
Genny: +Def/-HP
4* Linhardt [New]: +Def/-Spd
Nina: +Def/-HP
Marianne [New]: +Atk/-Res
Karla: +Spd/-HP
Sumia: +HP/-Atk; gets the honor of being the first 4* Special that I've gotten twice

Needless to say, this is the biggest haul I've had in quite a while. Plus, I also got Marianne who I wanted as well (Ingrid was just my higher priority).

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Tickets didn't get me a new 5-star, but it got me a random Amelia. Afterwards, I decided to go back to the double special heroes banner on a random whim.

... And I'm really glad I did because Ethlyn showed up!

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Documenting it old school because hey, it's the second last time I'm doing it. Sniping blue.

5* Guinivere +Def -HP
4* Sully
4* Nowi

5* Quan +Res -Def
4* Ilyana
4* Oscar

4* Jagen

4* Catria

3* Effie

5* Ranulf +Res -Atk

4* Boey

3* Soren

4* Cordelia

4* Hawkeye

4* Florina
3* Oboro

3* Sully
4* Florina
3* F Corrin

4* Oboro
3* Mordecai

4* M Robin

4* Effie
3* L'Arachel

3* Boey

3* M Robin

3* Shanna
3* Thea

3* Nino

4* Gwendolyn

4* Silas
4* Florina
4* Oboro
5* Marianne +Spd -HP
3* Legault

3* Cordelia

4* Mordecai

4* Hawkeye

4* Mathilda

3* Roderick

Summoning in a nutshell. Started off excellently albeit with off-focus units, only one of which is any good. Then a long barren streak. I'll sort of miss this, but not really. Late redemption at least so that I could spark neutral Ingrid with no further thought. I'll take it.

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Free summoned on the new Fodlan banner. No blues, so I pulled green, and...Adrift F!Corrin? ... Why do I keep randomly pulling her? This is my third one and I don't even like her! o_O?

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So...I like Claude way too much. And I scrambled through all of my Squad Assaults and Gardens wasting orbs on the banner. I had one last five orb Blessed Garden and 30 minutes left on the banner. And it worked. I finally got him. I didn't get too much along the way on that banner and it drained me, but hopefully it is worth getting the legendary of my favorite character in the series. That said, he is plus HP so thinking of using my first trait fruit to correct that. Thoughts?

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Now that I have spent a substancial amount of orbs trying to get my Halloween Robin to just 5*, I can now say that summoning is bullshit... again, for the umpteenth time.

All I needed was 3 extra copies of Robin for +5 merge, that's it. If I wanted +10, I'll just wait for Halloween, but +5 is where she gets the full +2 to Res that merges can offer her. I was expecting to take a while, since Veronica was also Green, and maybe I'd get a few 4* Special summons (Hector, anyone?)
Oh man, I actually woulda been happy to see Veronica a few times, considering how many orbs went byebye before any non-special summon 5* appeared. I'm talking like almost 75 orbs spent before a copy of Grima appeared.

Geez... maybe summoning won't be as bad on Halloween... did get Amelia, Sonya, and yay Hector though, so that's cool. Ugh... really not looking forward to inevitably telling my card guys that no really, all those Google Nintendo purchases are legit... happens almost every time...

Also kinda odd, anytime I had to summon Blue cause Green wasn't available, whenever a 4* focus appeared it was always Geese...

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As generous as Heroes is, the frustration of just bad dumb luck in summoning makes me want to quit lately. The back half of February and into March has been irritating, pulled and pulled on L!Claude's banner and the only 5* focus I got was Tiki, something like my least desired focus since I don't need Breath or Bold Fighter fodder at all tbh. I was also pretty thrilled about the new 4*->5* special category, but in what feels like 100 summons since the feature debuted I have only gotten Faye out of it. Ugh. 

Used the free summon and the Forging Bonds tickets while allowing myself to use orbs on any Blue in those circles, and I got nothing until I used the last ticket and managed to grab a copy of Tsubasa (strangely +HP -Atk, the same IVs as my original copy) and a copy of Apotheosis Anna (so now I've got two Annas to eventually fodder for their Joint Drive Spd) in the same session. Kinda cool to have pulled two *5 in one session (something I don't recall happening since mythic Altina's debut banner when I got 2 L!Marths in one session), but it's also not what I wanted from the banner obv.  

Plus I'm irked about Seiros losing in the VG lol. Like, damn it universe. 

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Yeah, if sparks weren't a thing I'd have been driven batty ages ago. I find it extremely hard to justify ever summoning on any banner that does not provide me with guarantees. Even then, going back to my last few New Heroes banner, the spark has been required to get the one unit I wanted most:

Current 3H banner: managed to pull my secondary target in Marianne, but failed to pull primary target Ingrid.

Sacred Stones banner: managed to pull one secondary target Selena but not Reginn, failed to pull primary target Duessel.

Previous 3H banner: managed to pull all the focus units ...except my primary target Shamir.

Tellius banner: failed to pull both of my targets, Shinon and Jill, and so had to settle for just Shinon.

CYL banner: failed to pull any focus units whatsoever, wanted all of them equally except Lysithea who's meh.


Huh, that's actually even worse than I thought. The only time I managed to pull my most desired unit in any sparkable banner was getting one Duo Ephraim on his re-run (and then I sparked him anyway). So yeah, the last half year or so would have been an utter disaster without the spark. To be fair, in terms of non-sparkable banners, I went deep for Seiros and got her, and was able to also secure Duo Peony fairly easily. Going back further I tried for Duo Byleth and failed miserably, but did succeed on Duo Palla.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

Yeah, if sparks weren't a thing I'd have been driven batty ages ago. I find it extremely hard to justify ever summoning on any banner that does not provide me with guarantees. Even then, going back to my last few New Heroes banner, the spark has been required to get the one unit I wanted most:

Current 3H banner: managed to pull my secondary target in Marianne, but failed to pull primary target Ingrid.

Sacred Stones banner: managed to pull one secondary target Selena but not Reginn, failed to pull primary target Duessel.

Previous 3H banner: managed to pull all the focus units ...except my primary target Shamir.

Tellius banner: failed to pull both of my targets, Shinon and Jill, and so had to settle for just Shinon.

CYL banner: failed to pull any focus units whatsoever, wanted all of them equally except Lysithea who's meh.


Huh, that's actually even worse than I thought. The only time I managed to pull my most desired unit in any sparkable banner was getting one Duo Ephraim on his re-run (and then I sparked him anyway). So yeah, the last half year or so would have been an utter disaster without the spark. To be fair, in terms of non-sparkable banners, I went deep for Seiros and got her, and was able to also secure Duo Peony fairly easily. Going back further I tried for Duo Byleth and failed miserably, but did succeed on Duo Palla.

That's probably one way I'm contributing to my own dissatisfaction, I rarely save up enough orbs to Spark with; Tellius was the last time I did so afa I at least had saved ~70-80 orbs for it. And I admittedly had really good luck there and managed to get all the Focus units through to the first Spark. Same with CYL4 minus Lysithea, whom I was also ambivalent towards.

On the other hand I've missed out on Shamir (I probably had basically zero orbs at this time) or any version of Dorothea, who were the two characters I happened to have Byleth marry in my 3H playthroughs, and I've had no luck with a bunch of Mythics: no Lif, Freyja, Seiros, Plumeria, Triandra, Mila, Bramimond, Thrasir, or Duma, so my AR-Defense teams tend to get overrun (although Dark season fares better since I do have Sothis, Hel and Yune). I seem to have much better luck with Legendary heroes strangely, even though they are usually less enticing to try very hard for. 

I also tend to under-appreciate my good luck on banners and brood on bad luck lol. And I want to just communicate with this game somehow like, 'Okay I've wasted a bunch of orbs this month, IS, compensate me now.' 

I've never played other gachas longer than a day to inevitably be like, "eh, nope." I've read that FEH is way way more generous than other games as far as the rarity rates are concerned, in which case I've no idea how people have the patience for those games. 


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up to 1250 orbs now, and I'll be saving at least until April barring the Micaiah/Zelgius snatches. \o/ (my favorites have a snowball's chance in hell of showing up on the spring banner or any legendary/mythic banners ).

Managed to get Dedue on the last green ticket which was nice; I pull green on default to get more potential Jill/Reyson/Titania/Soren merges. He'll make an excellent TT tank and fodder, and he's a cute face to look at in the meantime. :")

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6 hours ago, uhmuzing said:

I've never played other gachas longer than a day to inevitably be like, "eh, nope." I've read that FEH is way way more generous than other games as far as the rarity rates are concerned, in which case I've no idea how people have the patience for those games. 


i play a game where the chance of getting a specific gacha character are 0.03%. These characters are not necessary for gameplay, they are merely for decoration, and they not rotate as banners do, but in the games reddit i know some people can take a year to gather the resources to eventually just spark one. I personally uninstalled and reinstalled the app 3 times to make use of the initial batch of resources granted by the game until i randomly pulled the character i wanted. but again, this gacha characters are just for decoration.  the real nightmare game i hear is Fate/GO, with an even more ridiculous appareance rate. I have also heard that Genshin impact has a system like Heroes, where you can +10 a character, except that in their case you HAVE TO +10 a character in order to actually unlock and upgrade all their skills to their final form. I can't imagine the pain lol. belive it or not, it really makes you appreciate when Heroes gives you something like a 5% rate for summing a focus unit.


I sunk some good orbs on the fodlan banner; i got, bow hinoka, and nephenee as 4* specials. Melady, for some uncomprehinsible reason, is set on hunting me for life it seems; i now have 5 copies of her, and i never aimed to pulled even one of her before. I pulled some copies of Marianne as early as my 6th pull, but then struggled hard until Ingrid showed up, I could have sparked her but i didn't.

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Decided to venture beyond the spark for basically the first time ever, and at 3.5% was rewarded for it with a +Res -Def Dieck and a +Res -Atk Marianne in the same circle. To be fair I have the freedom to do it simply because I still have hundreds of unclaimed story orbs and my only objective past this banner is the Hero Rises one. So with that done, all that's left to do is claim my free Lynja early next week then put the game down until do one final spark on that final banner.

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Freebie Brave Ephraim. Not 4* Special summon, on-focus. Nice.

...there was a second Green orb, and it was just Bartre, but I still appreciate a free 5*, especially if it's a promising unit like Brephraim.

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So because Frontline Phalanx gave me four orbs for doing nothing (so that mode was finally good for something), I got to 20 orbs a day earlier than expected and got my Ingrid spark.

...But not before getting a sixth 4* Special within just 40 pulls:



Heldigan: +Def/-Res

And that would be +4 for one of my oldest 5*s and puts him at the same merge level as Sigurd.

Quan, meanwhile, still does not exist in my barracks (original or ballroom).

But anyways, Ingrid:



So with that done, I now have no current summoning plans (because sparking for Legendary Corrin with just F2P orbs is probably out of the question at this point). For now, I’ll try building my orb stock back up and see what happens next.

I won’t rule out returning to this banner to try and snipe for Dedue (my pity rate currently sits at 3.75%).

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It's been a week since I last pulled. That doesn't happen often, but I'm not feeling so enthusiastic for Heroes right now.

Anyway, Weekly Revival 1's come back around. Green for Ephraim since he's the only unmerged one.

  1. 3* Soren: No.

Red for the New Power banner since I don't have H!Nowi.

  1. 4* Stahl: No.

And now for the tickets for Seeds of Fodlan. Blue since Marianne and Ingrid are the better units.

  1. 5* B!Lucina: A 4* Special this time! +Res/-Def, so merge fodder it is. +6 now.
  2. 4* Florina: No.
  3. 4* Femui: Meh.
  4. 4* Gwendolyn: No.
  5. 3* Ilyana: Meh.

That went well enough. I would have preferred a new unit instead of a merge, but better than nothing.

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I finally got my first 4* Seteth when trying to get Marianne! He's +def, if I recall correctly. I also got a 4* Linhardt with +res. Are these boons as good as they sound?

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YOLO pull got me a +Atk -Spd Ingrid...incredible unit, mixed feelings about her nature. I'll give her a go for now, depending on how she performs I'll consider using some Trait Fruits to fix her nature or I  might just fodder her

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7 hours ago, Mercakete said:

I finally got my first 4* Seteth when trying to get Marianne! He's +def, if I recall correctly. I also got a 4* Linhardt with +res. Are these boons as good as they sound?

+Res is good on Linhardt, but I feel like +Def will be better in the long run to emphasize on his overall bulkyness. +Def on Seteth might be good for Wyvern Flight, but to not be too passive +Spd should be better.

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19 hours ago, LoneStar said:

+Res is good on Linhardt, but I feel like +Def will be better in the long run to emphasize on his overall bulkyness. +Def on Seteth might be good for Wyvern Flight, but to not be too passive +Spd should be better.


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Another banner, another free pull on Red to try for Miranda:



Y!Tiki: +HP/-Def [was an actual focus summon, not a 4* Special summon though that would've been funnier]

You gotta love that feeling where you're low-key annoyed that you got the focus unit instead of a 3*-4* unit. Man, this game is great.

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Well... let's just say that Green has been a dumb color for me lately.

Aside from how little it appeared for me on that Double Special Heroes banner or whatever it was called (the one Halloween Grima was on), I was trying to snipe for Dedue (he's a good dude, I'd like to have him), and the green orb would appear... maybe once per session? Twice if I was lucky? On more than one occasion I had to take a Blue orb cause Green just didn't appear, and instead my pity rate was burned on Ingrid or Marianne (not complaining mind you, my Marianne (who I chose to spark cause I can just snipe for Dedue! how stupid of me...) is +Atk +1 merge, and my Ingrid is Neutral +1 merge, and I now have 2 manuals of Marianne). Once my pity rate was used on Sue, and I was reminded that she is still in the 5* pool...

By the time I finally got +Def -Res Dedue, I had also gotten 4* Special summons of FemKana, Micaiah, and Amelia (who has so far been my most common 4* special summon for some reason, at least she has Slaying Axe and Armor March), as well as Brave Claude.

Man... so glad I won't have to worry about dumb Green orbs on the AHR2021 banner...

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Saving orbs for the AHR banner, so I haven't pulled at all for about a week or two (however long it takes to get 93 orbs as F2P, with the exception of the March special offer for the bonus Grails, which I needed for my seventh merge for Felix). 

That said I've been really pleased with my luck on free summons this month; I got my first Deirdre yesterday (+HP -Res but still) and a third Fallen Celica a few days before. I realized that I hadn't even built up F!Celica yet, so now she's my first Spurn tank after foddering off M!Kris for that plus his Joint Drive Atk. I love her deceptive bulkiness. 

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