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Red on the Wrath banner...

  1. 4* Hana: Feathers.

Grey on Weekly Revival 27...

  1. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.

Green for the free Special Hero...

  1. 5* Spring!Fir: I'm okay with this. Unfortunately she's +Def/-Spd, but at least she's actually new and not a duplicate.
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I actually don't have any of the colourless heroes except for Xane so naturally the game gave me 0 colourless orbs.

Pulled duo Peony + Triandra (+Atk -Spd). She's a more useful dancer than Plegian Dorothea I guess. 

Edited by zuibangde
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Every year colorless is the best colour and every year I get Red and green orbs. Got Joshua at the end wixh is a fine choose as he is fodder for Felix (the bow and T4 Hone).

Also made another pull for Seiros as I had a rate and got my second Dimitri got the first one early in the banner. So now he is +Atk +1. Happy about this. Hopefully Seiros wins Hero Rises or at least is in the banner. 

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So, went for my free 5* intending to go green. I got a wheel with 1 blue and 4 green, so that was okay, except that I suddenly wasn't sure if I'd get someone I wanted. Like, which node should I open? I went for the top one and...

Ninja Leavateinn. I mean, I didn't have her before, but...that was kind of intentional...

Edit: The one I wanted the most from the green pool was Pirate Veronica, but I also kind of could have liked Bride Nailah. Would've been okay with most everyone else. There weren't a lot of units I really wanted in any of the pools, really. I did a good job of summoning who I wanted this year, so that's a good thing.

Edited by Mercakete
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Another 13 orbs down. Now at 260 orbs spent, 14% pity rate. How is this happening.

According to the summon simulator, 260 orbs pulling blue on a legendary banner is enough for about 99% odds of pulling a blue focus unit. I think this is the worst I've ever done on a banner.

4 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

So, went for my free 5* intending to go green. I got a wheel with 1 blue and 4 green, so that was okay, except that I suddenly wasn't sure if I'd get someone I wanted. Like, which node should I open? I went for the top one and...

Ninja Leavateinn. I mean, I didn't have her before, but...that was kind of intentional...


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14 minutes ago, Othin said:


Eh, it's the nature of gacha. "You get what you get and you don't get upset." Basically, I chose green and she was one of the possibilities and I got her. So, in a way, it's my own fault. Best to keep one's expectations realistic here.

As for your pity rate, you beat my 11% record. I hope you pull who you're going for soon! And if nothing else, you can say you beat the odds, eh?

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2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Eh, it's the nature of gacha. "You get what you get and you don't get upset." Basically, I chose green and she was one of the possibilities and I got her. So, in a way, it's my own fault. Best to keep one's expectations realistic here.

As for your pity rate, you beat my 11% record. I hope you pull who you're going for soon! And if nothing else, you can say you beat the odds, eh?

Thanks! Time's running out on the banner and there aren't many free orbs left, but hopefully I'll pick up at least one of them by the end.

And yeah, I would have picked green if I didn't get colorless on the free summon, even though Laevatein was about at the bottom of the list of missing Year 4 seasonals I wanted.

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Well I got lucky I suppose. I was hopping for Bridal Micaiah for my freebie and that is what I got. -ATK and +DEF though. But these days we have the means to fix that if I really want to.

I was missing
5 of the colorless, Tibarn, Bridal Micaiah, and Summer Mia being the ones I most wanted
7 of the greens, but pretty much all of them but the New Year Peony/Triandra aren't particularly desired
9 of the blues, but again that is partly because I didn't highly want them anyways. I did fail to obtain the Sisterly Trio though.
9 of the Reds, Spring Idunn and Young Marth being the standouts there.

I figured my best chance of something I wanted was if I pulled on colorless if available. And lucky I got.

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Another year, another dup Special Hero for me: 



I had 50/50 odds of getting someone new from green (with included both duos and the harmonic), but my yearly tradition of getting a dup from this continued nonetheless. That said, this did allow me to erase the -Spd flaw on my original copy and switch his asset from +Def to +Atk (this one was also -Spd, but that obviously didn't matter).

But hey, it could've also been worse. It could've been Lachesis or Sylvain (especially the latter as I already got three additional copies of him from the November Double Special Heroes banner). 

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8 hours ago, Othin said:

Got Mia for my free pull! Not the top of my list, but not bad either.

Also burned another 19 orbs trying for Seiros. Now up to 13.5%.

That's pretty bad, I hope you manage to break your pity rate.

Mine got up to about 10% before it gave me Julia and Alm. Both duplicates with worse natures of what I already had, but I'm not going back to that banner no matter how much I'd like to get Roy or Dimitri or a second Lif.

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14% is completely crazy, hope you can finish the banner with something soon!

Idk what's up with the banner, for me I pulled Legendary Roy (literally the only Hero of all colors that I didn't want haha) right after the free summon, but since then I've gotten up to 10.5% and I've already finished all the anniversary quests and I'm officially through Squad Assaults and lunatic Chain Challenges. 

Also complicates my continually thwarted efforts to obtain any version of Dorothea.

Edited by uhmuzing
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So ... I abandoned the mythic banner because I wanted either Rinkah or Shannan on the wrath banner. But because I didn't have a lot of orbs, I decided that after I got a 5-star I was going to stop, even if it wasn't Rinkah or Shannan.

And so, this is why I'm stopping after pulling my second Phina from the banner. But this one is at least +spd! So, yeah, not what I wanted but can't really complain.

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You can peep him in the 5* +10 thread, but I managed to get the last 4 copies of Raphael needed to +10 him. I even got an extra copy of him in case someone ever wants the Plegian Bow.

Even though it still cost me, it was overall FAR less painless than trying to +10 a 5* locked seasonal unit (naming no festival Micaiahs). I can kinda see why people like doing it, given their potential to be real strong... might not do it again unless they do it for another unit I really like. Nowi maybe...

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Made a final pull in the mythic banner. Got in 30 orbs a Flayn, +Atk -Spd Seiros and finally a cordelia. All my bad luck in new hero and special banners contribute to crazy luck in these banner. From this banner I got in total, Flayn, +1 +Atk Dimitri and +Atk -Spd Seiros and even Legendary Edelgard's Galeforce.

Hoping to get some of the reds of the new banner now that we saw the kits. Hero fest tickets are bound to give me something so all the way for Henriette's fodder and Lif.

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Free from this hell, and with the unit I'd most wanted from it, plus a bonus! Total of 278 orbs spent, although Seiros showed up at 274 - the last four were just to see if I could get any more mileage out of that pity rate, which I did! (I ignored the green orbs since I'm not missing any of those units.)

Now to try to never get tempted by that 8% rate ever again.

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...I, uh... I got Seiros +HP -Def.


...LISTEN I was feeling good about my chances to get something in 15 orbs, but I wasn't feeling THAT good, and now god I'm only missing Triandra why do I have almost every Mythic hero so far...?

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