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Apparently m!Corrin likes me or something because I somehow got him on his revival banner. I decided not to go for the full spark, just pull the relevant colors until I ran out of free summons. This one is +spd, which was nice, even if the -def hurts.

He's my third fallen m!Corrin, which is kind of funny.

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Welp, this is what I get for saying there's too many dancers in the game: the very dancer I made this comment toward.

Harmonic Dorothea was summoned using pretty much all the orbs one can get from the Tempest Trials (pretty much the only time I've ever purposfully grinded the rewards before the final day of the event), and she is +Atk -Res. Could be slightly better, since she really doesn't need her Def stat at all, but... sigh... I just wanted Raphael. I only have 4 copies of him, and none of them are even +Atk.

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Time for Heroes with Combat Boosts. Lysithea's the only one I'm missing, so red.

  1. 4* Libra: Or not.

Green on Weekly Revival 26.

  1. 4* Frederick: No.

Lastly Dark Burdens. I really want the spark here, but I don't have enough orbs. I'll stick to red free pulls.

  1. 4* Gwendolyn: No.
  2. 4* Fir: No.
  3. 4* A!Tiki: No.
  4. 4* Draug: No.
  5. 4* Mamui: No.

No luck that time around.

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Nice, got 5 F!Lyons sniping green on Dark Burdens, along with the spark itself. : o  (along with a Titania and a Jill pitybreaker. The rest were just feathers.) I'm tempted to just +10 him, but need to save the orbs more than I need him +10'd "now", and it feels like it'd be tempting fate to try to finish him in under 200 more.  (sitting on ~1,170 currently).

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I got the fairy sisters from the NY banner two days ago! (They're my only 5* exclusive 2021 NY units. The banner came out on New Years' Day. I'm losing F2P Orb sources FAST. Might have to *shudder* consider spending money on the game if this nightmarish bad luck continues.)

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1 hour ago, vikingsfan92 said:

finally after a bunch of attempts got Plumeria oh and duo peony too. Looking at that rate makes me a bit sad lol

feh pull.jpg

I was going for Peony, and got pity broken by Gatrie because there wasn't a green pull. Completely gutted. But...congrats. That is a heckuva pull!

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174 orbs pulling blue on Seiros's banner and got nothing except an 11.5% pity rate.

Summon simulator says the odds of getting something here in 175 orbs is about 94.3%, so ouch, lol.

Edited by Othin
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So I need somewhere to vent. And since this is a general summoning thread, thought here would be the place for it...

Had a good 920 something orbs saved up for Julia's rerun. Again. Every damn time she is on rotation I make sure to save up ahead of time, this time double what I normally go for. And still nothing!

This game truly does hate me. I'm not even trying to +10 merge her or anything. Just a single damn copy of her. And still the game refuses.

And across all of her reruns. I've been keeping track of all the orbs. 2374 in total and still nothing.

So i'm at my wits end. The game clearly doesn't want me to play it. I think this is truly it. If I still can't get her with whatever I can scrounge around during this run. I'm just going to call it quits. Sorry about the rant. But this has just driven me insane for far to long.

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150 orbs burned on the Mythic banner sniping blue, got Seiros (+Spd -HP) at 11%. Fortunately the circle also contained Thrasir (merge), so while it's a substandard result, it's not a complete disaster.

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got a +spd -res Dimitri and a +atk -spd Julia in like 15 orbs


i'm fine with them, since i've never pulled them, but thinking that they could've been 2 Seiros copies just fills my heart with immeasurable depression

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5 hours ago, Faellin said:

So I need somewhere to vent. And since this is a general summoning thread, thought here would be the place for it...

Had a good 920 something orbs saved up for Julia's rerun. Again. Every damn time she is on rotation I make sure to save up ahead of time, this time double what I normally go for. And still nothing!

This game truly does hate me. I'm not even trying to +10 merge her or anything. Just a single damn copy of her. And still the game refuses.

And across all of her reruns. I've been keeping track of all the orbs. 2374 in total and still nothing.

So i'm at my wits end. The game clearly doesn't want me to play it. I think this is truly it. If I still can't get her with whatever I can scrounge around during this run. I'm just going to call it quits. Sorry about the rant. But this has just driven me insane for far to long.

I'm sorry 😞  the same thing has happened to me in regards to L!Azura. Eventully the dam will break. But if you feel if you have had enough i understand that too. 

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VG banner first. Red since Saber's the only 5* exclusive.

  1. 3* Marth: Nope.

And now for the Mythic banner. Sniping blue until I'm satisfied or I run dry. 152 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Lukas: Ugh.
  2. 5* L!Julia: Yay! Full neutral, but she's merge fodder anyway. +5 now.

That was very nice, especially considering how annoying it's been to get Julia before, but I wouldn't mind Seiros or Dimitri either. 148 orbs left.

  1. 4* Roderick: No.

143 orbs left.

  1. 3* Reinhardt: No.

138 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.

133 orbs left.

  1. 3* Gwendolyn: No.
  2. 4* Altena: No.
  3. 4* Oboro: No.

Disappointing. 120 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silas: More Reposition fodder.

115 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lukas: Again?

110 orbs left.

  1. 3* Brady: No.

105 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mordecai: No.
  2. 4* Nowi: No.

96 orbs left.

  1. 4* Cordelia: +Atk/-Res, so worth promoting given I've basically run out of things to do in this game.
  2. 5* L!Julia: She's here again! +6 now. +HP/-Def for the record. I'll take the remaining orbs and leave things there.
  3. 4* Merric: No.
  4. 3* Titania: No.
  5. 4* Knoll: Speed Ploy fodder if I feel I need it.

That went well. 76 orbs, exactly half my stock, to get two merges for Julia, some good SI fodder, and a useful +Atk Cordelia to promote.

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It has finally happened! Did some chain challenges I missed, got another 13 orbs together. And after 2387 spent total. Julia finally decided to show up! With damn near perfect IVs as well +attack -HP

I was honestly about to just call it quits entirely.

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FINALLY got my Plegian Raphael! Actually, I got 2 in the same circle, both 4*. So, I'm done with that banner (though the one I decided to keep is neutral-natured.) And since he's a merchant, he can join Merlinus and Daniel on my merchant team! ^_^

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It's time for the Official Pull Topic to become HOT again! Yep, it's the Year 4 Special Hero Free Summon time!

And mine, thanks to the one Colorless orb that appeared, is... Wedding Micaiah! (+Def -HP)
Already owned, but she does have some solid skills to inherit, plus there's nothing wrong with an extra merge.

In other summoning news, I've been trying to get Plegian Raphael in hopes of +10 merging him, with... let's say meh results.
I did finally get +Atk, but I also only summoned 6 copies of him for merging so far, and that may sound good to some, but I've summoned a fair bit off this banner, and honestly I'm shocked I don't have all the plegian units by now. I'm now sniping Colorless to get as many colorless summons out of my orbs as possible. THAT wound up giving me a session with both Bernadetta and Caineghis yet no Raphs. This is gonna be quite the uphill battle.

And lastly, my barracks are finally running out of room... I'm hovering at 583/600 units...

Edited by Xenomata
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NY Plumeria. Not a duo, but one of the better singles. +Spd -HP bad for her though, but being a dancer mitigates it. Oh, who am I kidding, when am I ever going to use her? Her best use is unlocking new skills for Kiran. 😛

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