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I'm just giving up on getting any version of Dorothea lol. Got all the other Plegian heroes even while mostly just trying to snipe red, but I'm all out of orbs and try to limit myself to just one ~10$ orb purchase per month so that's that...

Feel like my luck is better this month though. Still can't get Shamir, who is my other favorite TH character along with Dorothea and Leonie, but in the last week or so I've managed to get first copies of F!Byleth (+Def -HP), Guinevere (neutral), Dieck (-Atk +Res), Faye (+Atk -Spd) as well as second copies of Sothis (+Atk -Def), L!Julia (-Atk +Spd), Adrift F!Corrin (+Atk -Res), and a third Idunn (+Def -Atk), plus Bridal Micaiah from the free 5* summon. Now's maybe a good time to save orbs since I haven't had the discipline to scrounge more than 20 at a time in months. 

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I did a YOLO summon for the lulz, and got something crazy! 


Like wow, both parents on the same batch. That's crazy lucky! Henriette is +Def -Res and Gustav is +Def -Hp. Both are +Def, very fitting. 

Edited by Alexmender
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3 hours ago, Alexmender said:

I did a YOLO summon for the lulz, and got something crazy! 


Like wow, both parents on the same batch. That's crazy lucky! Henriette is +Def -Res and Gustav is +Def -Hp. Both are +Def, very fitting. 

nice! Sephiran did this to me during Christmas, following my Duo!Altina summon. Then on New Year's, I had Selkie follow her dad. Crazy how those connections work.

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YES! I got my Valentine's Lif on my last ticket! He's +HP, but I have trait fruit I can use if I want to. Also, since I'm still going for Henriette, there's the chance that I'll pull another of him. ^_^

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Recap of these past banners.

Mythic Banner was TERRIBLE. I did my usual of "Pull until you get a 5*" with these banners, and I got a pity rate of 13.50% until I finally pulled a Seiros (had I been pity broken by someone I already had I would've screamed).

Hero fest were ten ticket pulls. One of them gave me Shamir whom I didn't have so I'm happy.

Valentine banner used up all my saved orbs plus all the new ones. I ended up with four Alfonses (one of them 5*), a Kiria that pity broke me (Love you girl but this wasn't the time), my first (and only so far) Special 4* in the form of a Celica (VERY welcome. One of my most used early units) and finally Duo Lif. My quest for Henriette will sadly have to wait. I'll see what future bring before deciding where and when to pull.

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As usual for me, one thing led to another and all of a sudden I go and blow my entire orb stash in pursuit of three Tana merges:




By the way, Sumia there gets the honor of being my first ever 4* Special summon.



*sigh* So fucking close to my first 5*-exclusive +10. I guess it'll have to happen another day.

Plus, she could very well get a Resplendent at some point (*hint* *hint* IS) or (even more unlikely) the last one shows up as a 4* Special.


Anyways, back to saving from Square One for about the fiftieth time because I really do want to pull for legendary F!Corrin in March.

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I... I summoned Pale Flower Nino from the New Power banner.
...as a 4* Special summon???
Huh... what're the odds?

Anyway, I'm summoning from this banner to finalize two long-awaited +10s (for me at least): the two Nins of the New Power banner.

It... came REAL fast. As in, while yeah I only sniped Colorless and Green, it didn't take many sessions (or orbs) at all, like 45 or 46 maybe? Sure I had a headstart of +8 and +9 merges on them, but I've had summoning for even just one copy of a unit be an absolute nightmare on banners with higher odds for the 5* focus unit.

And with that, I add 2 more units to the Hall of Merges.

Also got a +Atk -HP Fallen Lyon in the process. That's neat.

Edited by Xenomata
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Grey on Weekly Revival 28 since I still don't have Innes.

  1. 4* Mercedes: Nope.

And grey again on the New Power banner.

  1. 4* Kaze: Nope.

Oh well. The orb stockpile is growing nicely, so no need to spend anything right now.

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I'm starting to give up on getting the Valentines Lif/Thrasir. I've gotten Henriette, Luke, M!Kris, and Sword Reinhardt, but they still aren't showing. Eh. I got Henriette and Alfonse at least, so I'll probably just try a few more times and then give up. 

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After seeing the redone old Legendary units banner I decided it would be nice to get some merges on my Ike, so I used about 200 orbs on the banner and got 3 merges from this banner, taking my Ike to +6. I'll try and get more merges next time he appears, so I can aim for the 40 pulls free summon and see how many copies I get along the way. I also got a Fjorm and Lyn along the way.

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So, the only unit I really wanted on the remix banner was L!Hector. He's the only Hector I'm missing, and Hector's cool, so I wanted him. And...I got a +atk version of him on my free pull! =D So, I'm done with that banner now and all my orbs can go toward trying to get Gustav and Henriette. I'm so happy! ^_^

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Here are the results of me using my 10 summoning tickets from February:

4b624703a288683e1ffa08d61d2d409c0660fe12  472299cab3ecde937c50301ec3ea259394b1eb54

I don't particularly care about Kjelle, but I find it amusing that I summoned Sothis with my first ticket and Kjelle with my last. Otherwise I pulled three and four-star units I already had. Normally I’d be a little disappointed with a unit having +Resistance like Kjelle, but in her case it works perfectly, because she also gets +7 Resistance from her lance, making her a superb anti-mage unit, which is very unusual for an armored unit.

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Yes! I got Henriette! Now all that's left is Gustav. Seems fitting. Anyway, even if I have to wait until he shows up on a double special banner, at least I won't necessarily need to split colors to complete this banner. ^_^

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Dipped right to ~1k orbs in trying to pull for Shinon copies... only got two, i kept getting pitybroken by Shamirs. ;a;   Ah well, I can't be mad because I was crazy lucky in getting F!Lyon from base to +6 in ~200 orbs earlier this year.

Time to save up again for a few months!




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I was almost worried I would have to wait for Katarina to show up on a duo special heroes banner to get her, got her on the final day with the new story chapter orbs. Yay me.

Also a bonus Tharja on the same ring, neat.

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I'm probably not going to go for the full spark on this banner (unless the legendary banner is supremely kind to me), so I pulled all the non-colorless orbs for as long as I had free pulls.

Managed to get Erinys and a 5-star Lex. Apparently, Genealogy wants me to play it. (And Thracia too.)

Edited by Sunwoo
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Finally time for the Legendary Hero Remix. Blue since Fjorm's precious.

  1. 3* Oscar: Not even close.

Weekly Revival 29, green for Amelia.

  1. 3* Gunter: Nope.

And lastly the New Heroes banner. I've never played Genealogy, so I'll just take red for the better odds.

  1. 5* F!Kris: Alright then! +Spd/-HP is also fantastic for someone who gets Spurn. Welcome to the barracks!
  2. 3* Stahl: No.
  3. 5* Keaton: Okay, why not. Unfortunately he's not nearly as blessed as Kris, because +Spd/-Atk is about as bad as it gets for him.
  4. 3* Chrom: No.
  5. 3* Palla: Wrong elder pegasus sister.

So far so good, but there are three more reds and a blue that are just way too tempting. I've got 327 orbs in stock, I can afford to spend a few.

  1. 3* Roy: No.
  2. 5* Annand: Fantastic! Full neutral is fine for asset and flaw; at least they're not horrible like Keaton's.
  3. 4* Hana: No.
  4. 4* Mae: Draw Back fodder.

Those were 15 orbs well-spent. Annand, Keaton, and F!Kris for that little investment makes this one of the best banners I've had in a long time. Would have preferred Azelle, but I'm not going to complain about this level of luck.

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Overspent slightly since there were many reds and the high rate was just too tempting. In the end though I only got F Byleth (my third) for about 50 orbs, which is meh. Still, looks like nothing else worth spending on until A Hero Rises after which I will finally call time, so whatever.

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Is it just me or does that new 4 star spark thingy happen alot?

Im 39 summons in on the new Geneology banner and have got 2 pity breakers (Kris and Alm) and 4(!) of those new 4 star sparks (Karel, Rhajat, Erika and Minerva).

Also Erinys, Annand and a few 4 star Lex. Next summon I enable the guarenteed Azelle, so I'm sure to get all characters from this banner. Maybe I'm just extremely lucky this banner :x

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1 hour ago, Opdepov said:

Is it just me or does that new 4 star spark thingy happen alot?

Im 39 summons in on the new Geneology banner and have got 2 pity breakers (Kris and Alm) and 4(!) of those new 4 star sparks (Karel, Rhajat, Erika and Minerva).

Also Erinys, Annand and a few 4 star Lex. Next summon I enable the guarenteed Azelle, so I'm sure to get all characters from this banner. Maybe I'm just extremely lucky this banner :x

that is luck, good sir. Extremely good luck! I think my luck went into irl by giving me paid time off without tapping into my vacation time lol. Or this highly anticipated banner is just being generous 

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so i must admit i've been extremely lucky (for my standards)

i spent around 170 orbs + 5 free summons, and i managed to pull 2 Furys and spark a third (+hp -spd, +def -hp and neutral), i got a 4* neutral Lex, a Seteth and an Altena (merge projects), then a +def -res Azel, a +res -hp Delthea, a +spd -def Shamir and a +atk -spd Lysithea

i don't know if i'll want to summon more on this banner, but since i already decided i won't be summoning for Seiros if she'll manage to win the VG's first round, i might as well keep trying to merge Fury even more

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