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Time for Lovely Gifts. I got Faye and Rudolf last time around, so green for Alm and Celica.

  1. 4* Frederick: No.

Green again on Greil's Devoted.

  1. 4* Cecilia: No.

Grey on Veronica and Loki's BHB banner.

  1. 3* Felicia: No.

Lastly, one full circle from the Legendary banner for fun. 416 orbs on hand, so I can afford to spend a few.

  1. 4* Maria: No.
  2. 4* Norne: Finally another copy, but she's +HP/-Res and not +Spd, so Reposition fodder it is.
  3. 3* Caeda: No.
  4. 4* Gwendolyn: No.
  5. 3* Python: No.

That was a waste of 15 good orbs. Oh well. Maybe the New Heroes banner will be good.

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I pulled neutral Mila.

She's not Leif or even Claude, but at least I have all the light blessed characters now. Watch as they introduce a light mythic next month and now I'm one short again lol

Mila's also a good unit, so I'm not unhappy about it. Honestly, as long as I got someone in colorless it wasn't going to be a lose situation.

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I have not pulled for a while since I kinda lost focus on this game due to lack on interest and time. Here the latest summonings in a summary:

  • I used a spark in the FE4 banner for Erin. Got two copies of Arnannd (I have no idea who she is despite having played this game twice), two 4* copies of Lex and one copy each of Azel, Say'ri and Selkie. For about 145 orbs a good outcome.
  • In the Valentine's banner I got an only red circle somehow. I didn't invest any orbs originally, but this circle was tempting. Got Henriette. However she's -atk, so she'll become a combat manual. I have to wait till more units share at least one of her skills to make good usage of inheriting.
  • I planned to invest some orbs into BraveLysithea, but then I heared next month will have sparkable banner to "A Hero Rises", so I didn't do it. Still hope to get more copies of her eventually.
  • Got a free Loki in the BHB banner. Of course I get free focus pulls about units I don't care. Honestly I wanted Surtr since he is +5 somehow already, but there was no green orb.
  • Legendary Banner was quite nice to me. For less than 100 orbs I got all green unit each and one Seliph. Hel and Seliph are new, but both have a terrible nature. Hel gave her A and B skill to Tate (Thea). Seliph will probably get a fixed nature once I have enough of these fruits since I'm lacking on enemy phase cavalier. I only need two more copies of Annette, but as said before I will save for the *A Hero Rises* banner.
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13 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

I have not pulled for a while since I kinda lost focus on this game due to lack on interest and time. Here the latest summonings in a summary:

  • I used a spark in the FE4 banner for Erin. Got two copies of Arnannd (I have no idea who she is despite having played this game twice), two 4* copies of Lex and one copy each of Azel, Say'ri and Selkie. For about 145 orbs a good outcome.

Annand is Erinys's sister. I think she was originally called Mahnya.

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I went in with about 60 orbs into the Legendary banner, I got a Claude but wanted to pull a Leif and Mila wouldn't bother me. Well, I got nothing. May be I should just be happy with Claude and try to save orbs for whatever banner comes next if something interesting is there, but that special on Leif is really good.

Oh, but i finally got a Gustav! i thought i would not be able to complete the family but i managed finally.

Edited by Sil/phire
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Tried to summon Nohrian scum on the revival banner, only for Takumi to pipe up. Neat.

So, uh, who's the flavour of the month Close Counter unit these days? Kronya is my only unit with it currently.

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8 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Tried to summon Nohrian scum on the revival banner, only for Takumi to pipe up. Neat.

So, uh, who's the flavour of the month Close Counter unit these days? Kronya is my only unit with it currently.

If you have regular Silque, especially with +def or +res, she could make good use of it.

In other news, Legendary Leif seems to hate me because I still haven't pulled him and I'm not getting a lot of colorless orbs either. Claude is playing keep away too. At least Mila showed up earlier.

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with only 30 orbs i was debating if to go for Leif or try for Grima, which also looks like a good unit, and decided to go for the latter. Got lucky and managed to pull her with +Atk and 7 orbs remaining. glad i was able to get away with some orbs remaining.

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So CYL Edelgard lost in the VG huh? Oh no.



*free summons her on the Moonbow banner, +Atk -Def*


So that's two consecutive free 5-star pulls. Did they hear I was quitting or something? 😮

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Finally did my summoning on the Double Special banner, and got Nephenee (+Res/-Spd) and Grima (+Res/-HP) in 38 orbs!

Now the only games I'm missing dancers from are FE6 and Three Houses. (And TMS, which doesn't really count.)

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On 2/27/2021 at 8:20 PM, Sunwoo said:

Annand is Erinys's sister. I think she was originally called Mahnya.

Oh, this rings bells to me.

That said what's the source for the names of the Judgral characters anyways since I've never read most of these names before?

Like Eryns is used to be Erin in a patch, originally Fury.

At least Lex is still good old Lex.


Also I freepulled a Gatrie today. The shadowside: If there had been a colourless orb, I'd have pulled my namesake finally. Well, it doesn't matter. Gatrie's still new for me after all.

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9 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

That said what's the source for the names of the Judgral characters anyways since I've never read most of these names before?

The names are simply the official translations from IS themselves. With some exceptions, they've used all these names for the characters from the Japan only titles since the original Choose Your Legends event.

The exceptions (that I know of) are Thea (originally Thite until CYL3), Scathach (originally Ulster until about September of last year) and Ward (originally Wade until CYL5).

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After four long years I've finally pulled Valentine's Lilina!

This is an ... interesting year for Valentine's Heroes, honestly. 3/4 of this year's units (including six Alfonse, three of them 5-star), free pull Duo Alm, and free pull Lilina. Wonder why Valentine's seems to be my season this year.

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I had the oddest luck with my free pulls, four five stars in a row.

Leo on his banner when I wanted to go colorless for Elise

Got a Sirius when I tried to go for Gatrie

Mila when I was going for Claude.

Then today a Nailah going for Valentine Lyn

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Well one of these recent free summons, I think the one from Heroes with Moonbow, bore a result I didn't think would actually happen: Brave Lucina.

...yes I do have a copy of her already, +10 and everything, and this one is only +Res -Spd, but I actually will need a second Bravcina if I wanna build a dedicated Light duo of Bike and Bravcina, so... guess I'll take it.

...certainly the last unit I expected to actually want another copy of...

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I took me about... 150+ orbs, but I got a +HP-Spd L Claude! Also a +Atk-Spd Leif i merged to +1 and 2 extra Milas, both +Spd-HP. Idk whether to merge, fodder, or just enjoy them. We shall see... OG Xander might want Bracing Stance 3...

Anyway, I also got a dupe free V Hector! He is again +Atk like my first! LOL and he was free! I might merge... or else it’s DC fodder!

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Grey for Weekly Revival 31 since Leo is very meh.

  1. 4* Subaki: Every single orb was blue...

Haven't seen a one-color circle in a while. Now for the Moonbow banner. Grey again for Julian.

  1. 5* Loki: Okay, sure. +Def/-HP, so she's acceptable enough in that regard.

Not who I was expecting, but I'll take her. Now for Love Abounds. Blue to see if I can get Lyn since I already have Lilina and Hector.

  1. 4* Florina: Not exactly.

That went well enough. Loki's hardly my favorite, but a free 5* is never something to turn down.

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A couple of days ago I FINALLY got Henriette, in the same circle that I got my FOURTH Duo Lif. I'm glad it's over now, and I also got a +1 Duo Lif in the process, with the other two being saved if I decide to merge/fodder later on.

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I pulled new Claude, +Atk, so now i have two, but i never got Leif and now my orbs are LOW. Not sure how happy I should be, lol. Time to look really carefully for every orb on play.

On a sad note, double heroes banner is now pretty much over and I never got the nepheene copy i wanted; but ethlyn seemed to like me and showed up 3 times, so I'm still happy.

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Finally went back to the Valentine's banner, and got an immediate Henriette! Pulled the other red orb in the session as well and got a duplicate regular Celica, which isn't particularly useful but more Distant Def fodder could come in handy sometime.

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The names are simply the official translations from IS themselves. With some exceptions, they've used all these names for the characters from the Japan only titles since the original Choose Your Legends event.

I see.

Then though I do wonder why certain translations didn't use their name.

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I decided to pull from the enduring legacy banner because I had a few spare orbs, and pulled a Brave Hector. Too bad I don't have dew for him.

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wanted an henrietta for possible fodder, got her and a 4* alfonse on two rolls. Not bad, that was my last time pulling for this banner. It was a pretty good run.


19 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

So I got a Legendary Claude

I'm totally fine with this, but damn ... Leif hates me apparently.

I know the feeling. I really wanted a copy, but just pulled two legendary claude. It's great, but, you know. i really wanted that copy.

I also wanted seliph, got two hrids instead.

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