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So this is it then, possibly the last major banner I'll ever properly summon on. It's oddly liberating, not having to consider the future at all. Will farm up story orbs as necessary to use up all the tickets fully.

First round plus ticket round on Valentine's only gave one 4* Alfonse. Too lazy to farm for more at the moment knowing that all my orbs in hand will be required for Hero Fest if I am to spend all the tickets today.

Hero Fest then, all full rounds. The first circle gave me a taste of the new 4* Special mechanic, giving me a +Spd CYL Lucina. Tickets then gave me +Spd Shinon who will presumably be the new base (currently +1), a neutral Duo Ephraim who is the same as my current base +1, a +Spd Indigestion Corrin (another new base), another +Spd Shinon, and finally +Spd Sothis (again, a new base).

So yeah, speed is on the menu today, please don't arrest me officer. None of these units are new to me, but excellent boons all around. Shame about no Shamir though as she was the one who could have used the one merge the most. But why the hell am I quibbling about that at this late stage, heh.

Well, that was a wild ride. I'm at zero orbs but I'll probably stick around long enough for the A Hero Rises reward and if I'm lucky be able to afford to spark it (I have many, many story chapters and CCs left) as my actual farewell, but if this Hero Fest was the end then it'd have been a pretty good note to end on.

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Alright, two sessions and I'm already up one +Spd -HP Shamir and one Neutral Brave Ephraim!

The Tempest Trials man. One perfect run of Lunatic 2 gave me 6 free summon tickets. With the new 4* Special rate, you bet I'm spending every orb I can on this one.

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I walked away from Hero Fest with a spooked Ephraim (what a cool animation!) and a dupe Lilith. Both okay IVs—Ephraim got merged, I might get Jakob Joint Drive Attack because my original Lilith is really good as is.


As for the new seasonals, I got pretty lucky... 100 orbs in: 2 Alfonse’s at 4* rarity, 2 Gustav’s, a spooked Lyn and Duo Lif! Not too bad at all. Think I’ll save orbs for next new heroes, and perhaps the AHR banner...

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Okay, so I'm still going at the banner.

Since my last post I got my first Larcei, two 4-star Alfonse, Henriette, and a Minerva that scared the fuck out of me with her new animation. Also, Shinon from Hero Fest.

But I'm gonna keep going a bit longer because I want Lif.

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I got 3 DM!Ephraims, 1 Petra, 1 Shinon, and 1 Shanna. I thought there was a spark for some reason so I did full summons until half way through, and then I realized there was no spark, so I just focused on solely blue Orbs afterwards. I felt like I wasted a ton of Orbs, but at least I got fodder.

I got pitybroken by LOAK!Henrietta. I am aiming for LOAK!Líf. I wish I did not waste so many Orbs on Hero Fest.

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On Love for a King, I was hoping for Henriette, but wasn't going to spend any orbs. First three rounds didn't even have reds, next 3 did and I got Ewan, but not Henriette.

On Hero Fest I wanted Shamir and Shinon. I got Yarne, Duo Ephraim, and Dieck as regular 5*, as well as Shiro, flying Nino, and Jaffar as 4* specials.

I got plenty of 5*, but none of the ones I actually wanted.

16 minutes ago, XRay said:

I got 3 DM!Ephraims, 1 Petra, 1 Shinon, and 1 Shanna

Do you mean Shamir?

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Just now, Florete said:

On Love for a King, I was hoping for Henriette, but wasn't going to spend any orbs. First three rounds didn't even have reds, next 3 did and I got Ewan, but not Henriette.

On Hero Fest I wanted Shamir and Shinon. I got Yarne, Duo Ephraim, and Dieck as regular 5*, as well as Shiro, flying Nino, and Jaffar as 4* specials.

I got plenty of 5*, but none of the ones I actually wanted.

Do you mean Shamir?

No. I meant Shanna. I am desperate for Desperation. I would gladly trade my Petra for a second Shanna.

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Just now, XRay said:

No. I meant Shanna. I am desperate for Desperation. I would gladly trade my Petra for a second Shanna.

Oh, okay. Just seemed weird to mention a 3-4* among 5* and the names are similar enough that I could see someone making that mistake.

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Finally! Got 2 LOAK!Lífs. Got pity broken by a second LOAK!Henriette. Special summoned Lucina, Alm, and Myrrh. Also got 5* LOAK!Alfonse with the second LOAK!Líf.

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Threw all my tickets into the herofest, got feathers and manuals, but okay. At least I got a +spd 4* Illyana to replace my +def one.

More exciting for me anyway is the Valentine's banner! =D Used 2 tickets and my fee pull, plus sniped whatever red and green nodes came up. Notably, I got a +atk Fallen Ike...which I manualed to feed to my +spd one later. I stopped summoning on that for now since it makes more sense to wait until I have more tickets to burn (I only go through a tempest twice a day.) Hoping to sweep the banner! I think I've only banner-swept without waiting for reruns once before: last Halloween's dragon banner. Let's see if I can repeat that.

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My bad luck in non Legend/Mythic banners continues. Spend some orbs and the tickets in the valentine banner, nothing but a pity rate. Then used the tickets and the remaining orbs in the hero fest as good rates are bound to give me something I thought. Nothing again aside from a special 4* Ninian. Skipping all the banners now. Not sure if I should go for the legendary banner (the ONLY banners that give me anything) or should I save as many orbs as I can for the hero rises event that will most likely be like the CYL event where I spent nearly 200 orbs to only get 2 Helbindis and a Gerrik. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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Got Alfonse on my first summon, then original Alm in the same season! Used the rest of my tickets to try for red, got my first Miranda but nothing else interesting.

After that, did my Hero Fest free summons, and got Shamir and regular Claude!

It's so tempting to continue trying for Lif here, or go back for Dorothea, but I want to build my orb stash back up.

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Well the tickets on hero fest gave my my first Shinon who I have wanted since his debut, I am so glad to have him since he is a personal favorite.  I ended up spending 30 orbs as well as the tickets on the Valentines banner and ended up with my second F!Byleth and my second B!Micaiah.  Now I have to sit on myself and save orbs for the HR banner at the end of the month.

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I did not get Shamir with my Hero Fest tickets, so I used some of my orbs (I wasn’t going to allow myself to go below 150) to see if I could snipe a sniper. Instead, I got this:




Well while he is new and that is a super asset, I have a hard time seeing myself put him to any use (even for Sacred Stones Limited Hero Battles) when Kiria, both Lysitheas and evil Julia all exist in my barracks.

Oh and no, I still don’t have the other Raudrserpent+ user (Miranda). The gacha is just weird like that.

As for my Love of a King pulls, I at least didn’t have to spend orbs for an Alfonse:




He was also the free pull and perfect IV-wise.

I also got a second 4* Fonse with one of the tickets, so I might just give Picnic Leo those Amity Blooms+.

Oh and lastly, you can mark me down as a member of the “no 4* Special rate” club. I suppose I’ll have to be spooked by that new animation sometime later.

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Got good fodder for 100 orbs. Spent 20 orbs for Raphael because of his bow. 50 for Hero fest which got me Shinon (Deadeye + TP fodder), Katarina (guess Swift Sparrow fodder to prep for the tier 3 one unless she gets a resplendent, but even then red tomes don't have that good inheritable weapons), Gleipneirika (merge project if I ever get more copies), Adrift FemCorrin (300 SP rally wohoo) and Sayri (Close Call is insane OMG thank you so much). 30 to get Alfonse for his tome and a Tibarn (Sturdy Impact is still an insane skill 2 years later). Oh yeah. Also Kjelle lmao

Edited by redlight
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Not too bad for $20 and a bunch of free orbs. Got a flipped Elincia (that animation is totally cool), a Ephraim+Lyon, Duessel (who was new! and came right after his student!) and 3 4* Alf's. Oh. And an F!Byleth. She keeps showing up for some reason, even though I have her at +10 already. All else fails, Celica is getting Fury 4.

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Gathered up all of the tickets, so time to spend them. Love of a King first, pulling red.

  1. 3* Draug: No.
  2. 4* Henry: No.
  3. 3* Silvia: No.
  4. 4* Athena: Moonbow fodder.
  5. 3* Hana: No.
  6. 3* Marth: No.

That was a big pile of nothing. Now for the Hero Fest. Grey first, green as a fallback.

  1. 4* Kagerou: No.
  2. 4* Gordin: No.
  3. 4* Felicia: No.
  4. 3* Klein: No.
  5. 3* Kaze: No.
  6. 5* Green!Olwen: Sure, why not. +Atk/-Res is great, but my current copy is already +Atk, so merge fodder it is. +2 now.
  7. 3* Brady: No.
  8. 4* Sheena: No.
  9. 4* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.
  10. 4* Clarine: No.
  11. 5* Shinon: Here to save the day at the last minute. Unfortunately he's +Res/-Atk, but I'll take him anyway.

No stupendous luck today, but I'm happy enough with a merge and a new unit.

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Went through my remaining four circles on Valentine's, pulling all focus colours (which wasn't many in the end), and the final orb was ...+HP -Res Luke, better than my existing -Atk one I guess. Little disappointing that the final bounty from the banner was just him and a 4* +Def Alfonse but eh, not going to throw good orbs after bad. Now then, there's just one banner left by my reckoning, and it's the A Hero Rises banner.

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So, still no Askr/Embla Valentines characters, but I have 1 more ticket that I'll be able to pick up tomorrow, so I'll try again then. I did, though, get that special 4* to 5* thing. For me, it was Myrrh. She's +res, which might be better than the +HP one I have right now. Any thoughts on that?

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