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3 hours ago, Opdepov said:

Is it just me or does that new 4 star spark thingy happen a lot?

Im 39 summons in on the new Geneology banner and have got 2 pity breakers (Kris and Alm) and 4(!) of those new 4 star sparks (Karel, Rhajat, Erika and Minerva).

Also Erinys, Annand and a few 4 star Lex. Next summon I enable the guaranteed Azelle, so I'm sure to get all characters from this banner. Maybe I'm just extremely lucky this banner :x

I've only gotten one of those so far (Katarina), but I did pull my very own Azelle on my second summon after a 3* Female Corrin, whose combat manual I will give to my Azelle, especially since he's +Atk.

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Azelle has been my most wanted unit for a while now so I had to go in on this banner. I spent the tickets of course and somewhere around 200ish orbs. I ended up with the following:

  • My free summon was a 4 star special red mage Eirika. Gave my existing copy another merge.
  • First pity break was OG academy phase Edelgard about halfway to the spark. Again gave my existing copy a merge.
  • Not long after got a 5 star neutral Lex before I even had a pity rate going again.
  • Second pity break was an Erinys. +Def -Atk. I originally was just going to manual her for fodder later but I really don’t have many Lance units from Genealogy (the version of Finn we have is technically from Thracia 776). She also still has pretty high attack despite the unfortunate bane.
  • On the remaining summons on the way to the spark I got 2 4 star specials in the same circle. OG Lance Azura and Nephenee. I sent Azura home (no use for her and bad fodder) but gave a merge to my Nephenee.
  • At the spark I chose Azelle of course who was my number one goal. I figured I wouldn’t get him before this (I was right).
  • I still had a bit of a rate going after the spark so I pulled a couple more blues and reds and got a +Atk -Spd Fallen Ike. Gonna build him I suppose. I know he’s insanely good and I do have a soft spot for fallen heroes for some reason. Darn speed bane though.

I feel like I did pretty good. I've definitely gotten to the spark on a banner before without even one 5 star before. Ignoring the 4 star specials, ending up with 3 5 stars before the spark is pretty good in my opinion. Two of them on focus too even if one is the demote.

Edited by Holla99
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Spent 158 orbs on the new banner to spark for Azelle. Along the way, got Knight Chrom and Erinys, plus duplicates of Brave Celica, Byleth M, Leo, and Hubert! Brave Celica is +Atk/-Spd while my existing one is +Def/-Spd and has her refine, so I'll merge the old one into the new one. And having an extra Byleth M means one will be great food for a future Arena project.

Edited by Othin
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My good luck in the last banner meant I had a good stash of orbs saved up for this Banner. Of course my luck isn't nearly as good when its a banner I care about. So right now my orb stash is empty and I ended up having to spark for Azelle.

A neutral 5 star Lex is nice even if he's easily available at 4 star too.

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I got three Fallen Ikes and two Valentines Henriettes instead of Duo Lif/Thrasir. Then I tried on the Genealogy banner and got an Annand right away. I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something, but I think I'll ignore it. On another note, I got a free Lene off of the Genealogy banner, which was nice. 

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Got tempted into opening the second red orb on the skills banner. No Lysithea but ...Tibarn? Cool beans. +HP versus my +Res one doesn't really make a difference but it's always nice to +1 someone.

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Used up my orbs on the FE4 banner and got 4* Special Zelgius, 4* Special Sigurd (how appropriate for this banner), 5* Lex and 5* Erinys. Currently I'm at 32 pulls and out of orbs, but I'll continue until the 40 pulls so I can spark Annand (Or Azelle if I get Annand first).

Also, last new banner gave me free Brave Lysethia! Woo!

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I have tried to get Alfonse's dad on the Devotion banner but so far no luck, instead i have gotten one 5* skirt-alfonse, and two 4* versions of him. Pain. I tried for duo Lif and instead got two henrietta's before my two lif's. THIS FAMILY NEEDS ITS DAD.

I went into the Legacy banner without knowing any of the characters, which really i can say for most of the FE games outside awakening and fates, but i really liked erinys' design, and was extremely lucky to pull her on my very first summon of the banner, she even came with a +Atk boon. I am now about 44 summons into the banner, with the spark, I got 4 copies of her, a f!Hardin, and 2 random Melady.

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Got a 4* Valentine's Alfonse while trying to get his dad. He was +HP, though, so he's a manual now. If I get a +atk one while going for Gustav, though, he'll replace my current +def Valentine's Alfonse, which I'd pulled at 5*.

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On 2/14/2021 at 11:44 PM, Tybrosion said:

As much as I'm thirsting for Erinys and her thighs right now, this will sadly have to be a skip past the free pulls. Legendary F!Corrin remains my top priority, and I need a significant orb stash (back up to 54 right now) for March since Corrin will not be beating Seiros in the VG for a spot on the AHR banner.

Oh past me, you poor poor fool.


Yeah as it turned out, I actually couldn't resist and caved for about the 157th time. I don't have anything else to add to that, so here's the two notable pulls I got on the way to the spark:



That's merge #4 for regular Delthea (and my second 4* Special) and where my ninja Hana got her Close Call.

Lex did not show up, unfortunately (partially because I was just sniping blues until I started getting close to the spark).

That aside, I also got a nice surprise on my Heroes with Lull Skills free pull:



It was my first non-spark Brave Lysithea, and my first merge for her. Very nice, indeed.


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Was going to do a full round on the Double Seasonal banner but the appearance of three blues turned me off. Just opened the red and grey, and the latter was a +Res -Def Innes. New for me so that's cool I guess. Second time this week of getting rewarded for spending an extra 4 orbs (instead of zero) on a banner.

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I'm sad but glad that Tibarn was not included in the Double Special Heroes! They added Nephenee out of the blue (I think this slot was supposed to be for Tibarn). That being said, I only pulled a green for free pull, and it was just 4* Gunter. )-:

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Alright, a banner backlog has generated again. First, red for Lysithea on the Lull banner.

  1. 3* Seth: No.

For Double Special Heroes I don't have any of the red or grey units, so I'll just go red again.

  1. 4* Tharja: No.

And lastly Weekly Revival 30. Can B!Lucina get another merge?

  1. 4* Clair: No.
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On 2/14/2021 at 4:35 PM, Magenta Fantasies said:

I don't particularly care about Kjelle, but I find it amusing that I summoned Sothis with my first ticket and Kjelle with my last. Otherwise I pulled three and four-star units I already had. Normally I’d be a little disappointed with a unit having +Resistance like Kjelle, but in her case it works perfectly, because she also gets +7 Resistance from her lance, making her a superb anti-mage unit, which is very unusual for an armored unit.

Are the summoning tickets rigged or am I having Percy-tier luck? Once again, I summoned a five-star character (more specifically, a Duo) with my first summoning ticket!


I don't especially care about either character, but they are my very first Duo Heroes. I love how they have a special dialogue on their "profile" screen.

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... I know why duo Sigurd, Ethlyn, and Nephenee won't show up for me.

It's because any luck I might've had on the double special hero banner went into free summoning duo Alm instead.

But hey, he's +atk. No complaints, I guess?

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10 days left on the legacy banner, and i'm tempted to build up my stash with what's left of my story mode (the lunatic-difficulty part), i want just a few more merges for my erinys, but i'm also wanting that duo Sigurd too, and still don't never seen a single Gustav on the valentine's banner. well i got 2 kliff and a kjelle which feels kind bad, a kris, an eirika, and even an elisse. All along this time i have not seen anything of the other units on the banner, azelle, annand, or even lex.

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Well apparently my luck has tickled me pink. Not the greatest thing since I almost never fodder single copies so to use the save skills I would have had to pull doubles or luck out further down the line and I am unlikely to use them as units. But this type of thing always amuses me. I still remember when I pulled both Legendary Erika and Legendary Ephraim in the same pull. In addition I also got both Winter Alts in the same pull. So yeah, this type of thing tickles me pink and I can't help but smile when it happens.


so yeah while double Henrietta would have given me a new skill to play with on one of my favorite armors, this is much more amusing.

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My quest to get Henriette has bear no fruit, but I guess the game decided to throw me a bone with Valentine Soren with my one and only pull on the Tellius Valentine banner. Didn't have him, so he's welcome.

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Only going the one full round for now, pending the New Heroes banner. And what a round it was, giving me a +Def -Atk Legendary Leif (bane irrelevant, I already have a +Atk copy who now goes to +4) and +Atk -Def Triandra (a merge for my existing one presumably, since she's +Spd). Would have preferred Claude or Hel since they'd be new (so would Annette I guess?) but can't complain.

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