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They had to tempt with Nah right before the spring banner.

It worked, one more merge for Nah for around 50 orbs. I'm saving the rest for later.

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Since I'm going to splurge for the new Harmonic Hero, might as well clear out the backlog now. Red for Seliph and Deirdre's BHB.

  1. 3* Hinata: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 2 since Deirdre doesn't have a merge.

  1. 3* Morgan: Or not.

And lastly green again for the TT banner.

  1. 5* Minerva: Yay. She's +1 now. +Hp/-Spd is horrid, so merge fodder for my +Spd/-HP copy.

Another free 5* today. Is this is a good or bad sign regarding tonight's banner?

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I wasn't that interested in the summonable characters in the next spring banner, so I decided to pull a bit more on the current 3H banner and I don't believe it! 14 orbs in, I got both of the remaining units I was going for: Dedue (+spd for some reason, but I'm just happy to have him) and Marianne (even with +atk! ...And -spd, but okay!) They were even right next to each other on the same wheel! Well, I am officially done with this banner and can start saving up again! ...Hopefully Bunny Inigo will not tempt me too much. I need to save up for other new seasonals, some old seasonals (especially the ones which give Valor skills) and certain most-wanted characters.

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The game already knows I want Severa... it's giving me mostly Blue orbs and very few other colors, it's given me 3* summons off the Red orb like three times (frighteningly enough, all Seliph, all +Res -HP...), and it's given me a 5* summon twice (Spring Inigo and Hilda) as well as a 4* Special Summon four times (Hinoka, Faye, Lucina, Hector). 5* Spring Minerva also appeared twice.

Yeesh... this kind of result this early on, maybe I should learn to bow out early for once in my life... I did get +Res -Def Spring Myrrh, but you know... I had wants, and all I got was half my wants.

Edited by Xenomata
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Did the customary first round. Got a +HP -Spd Harmonic Myrrh. Figures I finally get my first Harmonic after I've stopped playing any game modes at all. Will be back one last time next week to get my AHR spark, but come to think of it, maybe I should just go ahead and do the TT because it'd be easier than doing 40 story maps, hmm, even if they are on normal difficulty. (I need to grind out 100 orbs or so)

Edited by Humanoid
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So in a shocking development (note the heavy sarcasm), I did not get Severa with what little I had to start this banner. I did get this on just my second pull, though:



I think this one was +Res/-HP. Regardless, my +Spd Fallen Ike is now at +3.

I did manage to get Severa on my alt account without having to burn my entire orb stock....but as a +HP/-Atk. As such, she’ll probably be my first Trait Fruit recipient over there (when I eventually get to 100, of course).

Besides her, my alt also got Eleanora (+Res/-Atk), pegasus Olivia (+Atk/-HP), Karla (+Res/-Atk), and Lilith (+Atk/-Spd; oh and for the record, I still haven’t pulled F!Corrin). 

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Alright, time to get the next Harmonic Hero. I've got 588 orbs stocked up for this moment, so time to jump into colorless hell.

  1. 3* Lucius: No.

Not a good start at all.

  1. 3* Selena: Not quite right, but Reposition fodder is always good.

4 reds and a blue in that circle...583 orbs left.

  1. 3* Stahl: No.

2 reds and 3 blues in that circle. 578 orbs left.

  1. 4* Klein: Meh.
  2. 4* Gordin: Meh.

569 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lena: No.

I think I've seen one green so far. Strange. 564 orbs left.

  1. 4* Virion: No.
  2. 4* Nanna: No.

555 orbs left.

  1. 4* Niles: No.

There were 2 greens that time! 550 orbs left.

  1. 3* Wrys: No.

545 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: No.

540 orbs left.

  1. 4* Niles: Again?
  2. 4* Niles: Seriously?!
  3. 3* Gordin: Ugh. I'll take the two reds just to see what they are.
  4. 3* Knoll: No.
  5. 4* Knoll: Ridiculous...

What a horrible circle that was. 520 orbs left.

  1. 4* Setsuna: Meh.
  2. 3* Priscilla: No.

511 orbs left.

  1. 3* Rebecca: No.
  2. 4* Kagero: No.
  3. 3* Clarine: No.
  4. 4* Lena: No. And the lone red is...
  5. 5* Say'ri: Alrighty. +Atk/-HP is great, but my current copy is +Atk/-Res, so merge fodder it is.

There goes my pity rate, but I'm just happy to have a 5*. 491 orbs left.

  1. 4* Kaze: No.
  2. 3* Niles: Go away.

Why can't I get Norne or Merlinus for Reposition fodder? 482 orbs left.

  1. 4* Roderick: No.

477 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tharja: No.

472 orbs left.

  1. 4* Virion: No.

467 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No.

462 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lena: No.
  2. 4* Natasha: New unit! +Atk/-HP is fine.

Something good came from that circle. 453 orbs left.

  1. 3* Norne: Reposition fodder since she's not +Spd.

448 orbs left.

  1. 4* Azama: No.

443 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nanna: No.
  2. 4* Matthew: No.
  3. 4* Chad: No.

Damned colorless hell...430 orbs left.

  1. 3* Matthew: No.
  2. 3* Lissa: No.

421 orbs left.

  1. 3* Norne: Yay. Reposition fodder since no +Spd.
  2. 4* Maria: No.

412 orbs left.

  1. 4* Niles: No.
  2. 4* Legault: No.

403 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mamui: No.

398 orbs left.

  1. 5* Claude: Great...+Atk/-HP is a great master copy, but my pity rate...
  2. 4* Chad: No.

I just spent 199 orbs to get 2 mediocre pitybreakers. Nevertheless, forward! 389 orbs left.

  1. 3* Wrys: No.

384 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sothe: No.

379 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hinata: No.

374 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fir: No.

369 orbs left.

  1. 4* Kagero: No.
  2. 4* Gaius: No.

360 orbs left.

  1. 3* Kaze: No.
  2. 3* Gaius: No.
  3. 4* Forrest: 

347 orbs left.

  1. 4* Chrom: No.

342 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: No.

337 orbs left.

  1. 3* Jakob: No.

332 orbs left.

  1. 4* Emmeryn: No.

327 orbs left.

  1. 3* Stahl: No.

322 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tanya: No.
  2. 4* Sakura: No.
  3. 3* Azama: No.

309 orbs left.

  1. 4* Saizo: No.

304 orbs left.

  1. 4* Azama: No.
  2. 5* Harmonic!Myrrh: F*****g finally! And of course they're +Res/-Atk.

It took me half of my massive stockpile, but I finally got Myrrh and Nah. Now to get them a merge...*sob*. 295 orbs left.

  1. 5* Spring!Severa: Lucky me! +Spd/-Res is solid as well.

That was a pleasant surprise. 290 orbs left.

  1. 4* Jakob: No.

285 orbs left.

  1. 3* Rebecca: No.
  2. 5* Flayn: Hello there! You could be very useful. +Spd/-Def is good as well.

My luck appears to have turned around quite nicely. 276 orbs left.

  1. 4* Setsuna: No.
  2. 3* Lucius: No.
  3. 4* Felicia: No.

263 orbs left.

  1. 4* Klein: No.
  2. 258 orbs left.
  3. 4* Mercedes: No.

253 orbs left.

  1. 4* Athena: No.

248 orbs left.

  1. 3* Priscilla: No.
  2. 3* Rebecca: No.
  3. 4* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.

235 orbs left.

  1. 4* Emmeryn: No.

230 orbs left.

  1. 4* Merlinus: More Reposition fodder.

225 orbs left.

  1. 3* Norne: Reposition fodder since no +Spd.
  2. 3* Natasha: No.

216 orbs left.

  1. 3* Maria: No.
  2. 4* Clarine: No.

207 orbs left.

  1. 4* Bantu: No.

202 orbs left.

  1. 4* Matthew: No.
  2. 3* Saizo: No.
  3. 4* Clarine: No.

Down almost 400 orbs, still only one copy of Myrrh...189 orbs left.

  1. 4* Azama: No.

184 orbs left.

  1. 3* Emmeryn: No.

179 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mercedes: No.

174 orbs left.

  1. 4* Legault: No.

169 orbs left.

  1. 3* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.

164 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mamui: No.

159 orbs left.

  1. 4* Saizo: No.

154 orbs left.

  1. 4* Legault: No.
  2. 4* Kagero: No.

A 4.25% pity rate. 145 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nanna: No.

140 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sakura: No.

135 orbs left.

  1. 4* Jakob: No.

130 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tharja: No.

125 orbs left.

  1. 3* Henry: No.

120 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lachesis: No.

115 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: No.

110 orbs left.

  1. 3* Oboro: No.

105 orbs left.

  1. 4* Jakob: No.

100 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lachesis: No.

Never did I imagine I'd have to go into the double digits...95 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sothe: No.
  2. 4* Matthew: No.

86 orbs left.

  1. 4* Florina: No.

81 orbs left.

  1. 3* Effie: No.

200 Anna-damned orbs since my last 5*. Unbelievable...76 orbs left.

  1. 4* Klein: No.

71 orbs left.

  1. 4* Chad: No.
  2. 4* Niles: No.

62 orbs left.

  1. 3* Florina: No.

57 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lukas: No.

52 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lukas: No.

My pity rate's up to 5.25%. 47 orbs left.

  1. 3* Brady: No.

42 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sothe: No.
  2. 3* Sothe: No.

The game is actively trying to take my orbs at this point. This cannot possibly be coincidence. 5.5% pity rate...33 orbs left.

  1. 4* Brady: No.
  2. 4* Emmeryn: No.
  3. 3* Jakob: No.

If this last circle doesn't do it...20 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Myrrh: +Res/-Def. I can't even be happy at this point, I'm so fed up with the gacha. Might as well go for literal broke and take the rest.
  2. 4* Ares: No.
  3. 4* Arthur: No.
  4. 5* Tana: Finally a 4* Special. +Atk/-HP, so merge fodder for my +Atk copy.
  5. 4* Spring!Minerva: A nice enough final pull. +Def/-Atk is bad, but it's not like she's a good unit anyway.

One massive damn spoiler later, I'm officially mad. The gacha ate literally all of my orbs before giving me two copies of Myrrh and Nah. I didn't even do too badly in the end, but wow was that frustrating. From 304 orbs to 276 I managed to get 3 5*s, then it was all the way down to a measly 20 before I finally got another. Never has the term "colorless hell" been more appropriate. My end results for 588 hard-saved orbs:

  • 2 copies of Harmonic!Myrrh (+Res/-Atk, +Res/-Def)
  • Spring!Severa (+Spd/-Res)
  • Flayn (+Spd/-Def)
  • Claude (+Atk/-HP)
  • Merge for Say'ri (+Atk/-HP)
  • 4* Special merge for Tana (+Atk/-HP)
  • 4* Spring!Minerva (+Def/-Atk)
  • A bunch of Reposition fodder
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75 orbs, not a single rabbit to show for it. I did, however, somehow manage to go from just having a free copy of Sanaki to having 4. I got 3 flips of all Sanaki almost back-to-back. Pretty sure the special rate isn't supposed to work like that. Oh well. Time to go rack up orbs so I can try for Inigo again.

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Pulled from the latest banner, only interested in red and colourless in the opening circle. Circle was only red and colourless (game wanted me to spend more orbs than wanted). Pulled a FallenTiki - not quite the colourless dragon I was looking for, but still a good one and new for me. +HP / -def is ok, I guess.


Went back to the Three Houses Banner to spark an Ingrid for her A and C skill. In 23 pulls I got Dedue and a second Ingrid. She's even +spd, so perfect! Bonus units were Mariabell (+atk, so a new mastercopy) and Ishtar, two good "old" 5* units. I got all focus units I wanted (screw Painhardt) without getting one single pitybreaker which is awesome. And the two old 5* units were good too. Sparked Ingrid to make her +2. Yes, screw my original plan.

Edited by Zan Partizanne
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I was thinking about pulling all the colorless and red orbs on my initial circle if there weren't too many of them. But then they gave me one colorless and three reds and that was asking too much for a banner I didn't care about. So I just took the colorless and left. Nothing interesting happened.

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I only did my free summon on the banner and bailed. I didn't get Severa but I did get a unit I have been wanting for quite some time.




@GuiltyLove I pulled one of your favorite units.

I'm happy to have finally gotten this version of Catria. +Atk/-Def nature which is great. Hopefully this is a sign we are getting Valentian Palla sometime this year.



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200 orbs!

My haul:

first 150 orbs:

+Res -Def Helbindi

+Res -Spd OG Lyn

+Res -HP Green Olwen

+Res -Spd Shamir

Then at around 180 orbs spent...

+Atk -Speed Spring Inigo

5 orbs later in a brand new circle...

+Def -Res Spring Duo Myrrh

Not the worst!! I will keep trying for ONE copy of Severa as much as I want to fix Inigo’s bane. Gotta save up again. I want to spark AHR and get Spring Marisa.

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Yes, I am. Yay! I summoned Marianne on my third summoning ticket! 😄

As I said in a previous post, I’m beginning to think the summoning tickets are rigged/have a higher chance of summoning characters than normal, because the majority of my five-star characters are summoned with summoning tickets. Can someone confirm if the chance of summoning a 5-star character is secretly higher if you're using summoning tickets instead of orbs?

Ironically, I wasn't really trying to get Marianne, though she's one of the few 3H characters I like and so far she is an excellent unit in Heroes.

On a side note, I summoned female normal Corrin around the same time. Then today, I got male normal Corrin. I usually summon from red or blue orbs, so I'm surprised I didn't summon these two before. I adore Corrin (both, though female even more so), so I'm delighted to have them on my team. I take this as an extremely good sign that I will get Child of Dusk Corrin on the AHR banner! I've wanted her ever since she was released.

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12 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

I only did my free summon on the banner and bailed. I didn't get Severa but I did get a unit I have been wanting for quite some time.

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@GuiltyLove I pulled one of your favorite units.

I'm happy to have finally gotten this version of Catria. +Atk/-Def nature which is great. Hopefully this is a sign we are getting Valentian Palla sometime this year.



Yay! I'm glad you got her. I've been waiting on Valentian Palla for months and she has never arrived

An unmerged Catria probably can't do DC+Vantage that well, but at least you can OHKO most things with her base kit.

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I decided Ingrid is worth it, so I'm going to spark her. Half way through I got a -Def Dedue, I wonder who should I give the Savior skill to? Near Save doesn't seem anywhere near as good as Far Save...

On another note, my 4* Special rate is broken. I keep getting Hardins out of it, I went from having none to having enough to +3 him while fishing blue stones.

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So the Tempest Trial orbs came and went and I now have a 3.75% pity rate (no 4* Specials or 4* Minerva either).

I did at least get the last 3*-4* demote that I was missing:



4* Miranda: +Atk/-Def

And with a very nice asset/flaw to boot, which is very welcomed after getting +Res/-Atk on Lex.

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Well that was a fun $350 spent trying to get Severa...

At first it was all colors except Blue because I didn't want Minerva. That quickly turned into Red and Colorless cause Inigo appeared two times more than I really wanted him.
I got 2 more copies of Myrrh before I stopped pulling Colorless as well. I only needed 1 copy to keep, 1 to merge, and 1 to fodder to Halloween Grima for Atk/Res Rein. Which left Severa.

Severa... I pulled so many other 5* pitybreakers... why is Owain still in the 5* pool??? Eyvel has no right to still be there either! Fallen Julia- okay she I'll forgive cause she was +Atk -HP and still relevant in the game, which is cool. The 4* Special Summons were all garbage (some edgy sword dude with a wo dao, some green haired guy with blue armor on a horse, Celica would have been good if I didn't already have her at +10...), and I swear I pulled more 3* units than I ever have from a single color before.

She did appear eventually, +Res -Atk is horrid but nothing Trait Fruits can't fix if I really care. But me oh my...
I like to imagine that certain factors about my surroundings can determine if a unit will appear to me faster or sooner. I'll keep this in mind, Severa is NOT a fan of old The Simpsons... Inigo might be, Myrrh is undecided, and Minerva's opinion doesn't matter.

Man, now I have the AHR banner to look forward to... all I really want is 1 Seiros to give Hallowed Grima Dragon Wall, maybe a merge for Corrin, and maybe 1 fodder of Dimitri to give Brave Celica Odd Tempest. Anything that happens in between, I'll probably blame that on The Simpsons as well.

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so i decided to go finish what i started and went in for Spring Myrrh/Nah. pulled her on the third circle i think, snipping all grey orbs i could find.


RIP spring banner.

i think i got some pretty decent IVs: +Res/-Spd, should actually be all-win since her speed is her worst stat anyways and adding to her magical is great.

my journey results all things settled:


Eyvel - my second copy now, wish she were good but her kit doesn't hit me as being very good.

Eleonora - happy to have her as i would like a copy of each of the TMS units, only bad thing is she's -Spd. Now i'm only missing Mamori.

Larum - a total surprise as i didn't even know her before this. glad to know she's a useful one.

4* specials:

OG Takumi - i think i got rid of my starting copy of takumi pretty early on since i never cared or liked the character, so it's a little funny to see one pop up, sort of to say "you can't rid of me that easy"

green Olwen - got two of her now. don't know what to do with them. probably nothing.

brave Michaiah - like i already said, it's nice to see another one of her.

Next, i pulled on the Null skills banner. i have been wanting a copy of fallen Lyon for a while, but sadly he did not show up. My first summing circle had two reds, two greens, and a grey orb. I went for both greens, but pulled nothing. however my first red orb gave me fallen Mareeta, which i count to be great luck, and that was all, not pulling anything else on this banner. Some day, may be, i can get that fallen Lyon.

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I can’t believe my luck! I summoned Dream Prince Corrin on a free summon! I can’t explain how happy I am to get a five-star character (and one I really wanted!) from a free summon.

This is an extremely good sign for the upcoming AHR banner. Earlier this week I summoned normal male and female Corrin for the first time. Thus, I summoned THREE Corrins in FIVE days, and this is just with free summons! I’ll be so excited to summon Child of Dusk Corrin net week when the AHR banner happens. At last, I will finally have her!

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went from 1350 to 975 orbs and got three f!Lyon merges to put him at +9 ... that was a little more than I wanted to do, but at least now he's a guarantee'd +10 eventually. \o/   Pulling for a single copy of Zelgius and Micaiah and then it's back to saving until the next Fallen banner, most likely. (AHR and non-Tellius banners at this point does not interest me).

Hilariously enough got like, 4 reysons in the mix so I've +10'd the fucker and started another one.

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This year's Spring banner was probably one of my best banners ever. Around 120 orbs got me every Focus unit including TWO Duo Myhrrs, plus a Special 4* OG Minerva.

Of course I'm out of orbs now, but that was quite the haul I got.

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Did my forty summons on the AHR banner. Got three L!Dimitris (all have +Def/-HP natures strangely enough) and one Duo Lyn as well as a surprise appearance from Elise. Decided to use my free summon on Seiros and of course right after that I got another Seiros from the next summoning circle after deciding to break the appearance rate. Didn't get any L!Corrin but I think I still got a good haul with 170 orbs. Got plenty of Odd Tempest fodder for my Galeforce units now.

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