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Time to test my luck for the upcoming FE7 banner by clearing the backlog. Red for the Rally+ banner.

  1. 4* Jagen: Or not.

Red again for Regal Rabbits.

  1. 3* Nino: Still not.

I've got everyone merged from Weekly Revival 5, so I suppose blue.

  1. 5* Hardin: A 4* Special! +Spd/-Def, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.

And lastly green for Hares at the Fair.

  1. 4* Leon: Nope.

That went well enough. Now to hope I get lucky searching for Farina.

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Not sure if this is the ultimate "how convenient?" moment. But i'm currently in the middle of a Klein merge project. And just got 2 copies of him, and an off focus Dimitri on the same summon ring.

Literally the perfect fodder for him. Neat.

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Pretty lucky on the NH banner so far: I was unsure of whether to spark or not, but it seems as if the game is pushing me to do it!

First circle, F Morgan Merge, +Spd

Second Circle: +Spd, -Def Louise

Third Circle: +Spd, -Atk Farina


Well, well... I really like Pent, so I might commit!

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Alright, I've saved up 204 orbs. Time to go get the spark. I'll take anything except red. Sorry, Erk, but demotes will comes in their own time.

  1. 4* Donnel: No.
  2. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Serra: No.
  4. 4* Jakob: No.
  5. 3* Serra: No.

Not a good start at all. 189 orbs left.

  1. 4* Effie: No.
  2. 3* Echidna: No.
  3. 4* Cherche: No.

More disappointments. 181 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seteth: Meh.
  2. 4* Robin: Meh.
  3. 4* Reyson: No.
  4. 3* Setsuna: No.

This isn't going well. 169 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ilyana: Meh.
  2. 4* Reinhardt: No.
  3. 4* Raven: No.
  4. 4* Serra: Really?

Last ticket...157 orbs left.

  1. 3* Libra: No.
  2. 3* Rebecca: No.

This is annoying. 153 orbs left.

  1. 4* Gunter: No.
  2. 4* Lena: No.
  3. 4* Emmeryn: No.

4% pity rate now. 140 orbs left.

  1. 4* Catria: Not quite.
  2. 3* Lex: A new unit! Unfortunately +Res/-Atk is awful.
  3. 4* Forrest: No.

At least something came out of that circle. 127 orbs left.

  1. 3* Robin: No.
  2. 4* Bartre: No.
  3. 3* Lena: No.
  4. 4* Clarine: No.
  5. 3* Azama: No.

This is ridiculous. 107 orbs left.

  1. 3* Boey: No.
  2. 3* Boey: ......
  3. 5* Osian: Sure. +Atk/-Res is actually quite good though.
  4. 4* Matthew: No.
  5. 4* Rebecca: No.

I can't even get excited about Osian, that's how annoyed I am. 87 orbs left.

  1. 4* Thea: Not quite.
  2. 3* Mae: No.
  3. 3* Reyson: No.
  4. 4* Linhardt: Another new unit. +Res/-Atk is bad, but he's a healer anyway.

2 pulls left until the spark. 70 orbs left.

  1. 4* Florina: No.
  2. 3* Roderick: No.
  3. 4* Beruka: No.
  4. 3* Serra: No. For fun I'll take the one red.
  5. 4* Hana: Ugh.

Absolutely ridiculous. One pity-breaker and not a single focus unit before the spark for Farina. Anyway, time to blow more orbs until that 4% pity-rate goes away. 50 left.

  1. 4* Robin: No.
  2. 4* Robin: Are you serious?
  3. 3* Gwendolyn: No.
  4. 3* Shanna: No.

I'm at a loss for words. 33 orbs left.

  1. 3* Odin: No.
  2. 3* Tanya: No.
  3. 3* Tanya: No.

Feh must be out to get me. 20 orbs left.

  1. 4* Bartre: No.
  2. 4* Rebecca: The game is taunting me.
  3. 3* Nanna: No.
  4. 4* Lucius: Ugh.
  5. 4* Erk: At least he's a banner unit. Naturally his asset and flaw are terrible: +Res/-Spd.

Well, for the second time in a row a banner ate literally all of my orbs. I don' even have anything to show for it this time, just one pity-breaker copy of Osian and the spark copy of Farina. Now I'm sitting on an empty orb stockpile and a 4.5% pity rate.

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It took 30 summons, but the unit I really... is wanted the right word? Well, the unit I wanted the most of the 4 present I now have in Farina.

...to be honest, the only reason I was even bothering to summon is because I wanted that Celestial Stone, but hey that does mean I can spark Pent.

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I couldn’t have summoned a more ironic character with a free summon.


Honestly, I had never heard of Farina before she was added to Heroes today, but I immediately liked her. I love her art, she has a pleasing color scheme, she’s a good unit from Level 1, I like her dialogue and her Forging Bonds scene is amusing.

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Done a poor job holding onto any orbs this month so far, but managed to grab some new 5* units without getting high pity rates on any of April's banners. 

Didn't have a lot of orbs for spending on the Mythic banner, which was unfortunate since if I'd had more of a reserve I might have tried harder for any, forever forbidden copies of Legendary Edelgard, Freyja,or Bramimond. Still! Managed to grab Dagr (+Def -Spd) at just 8.50%, plus my first ever copy of Innes (+Res -Spd) in the same circle. Decided to leave it at that. 

With the Blazing Blade banner, got Louise (+Def -Atk) with my 14th pull, and then an awesome surprise with my 15th pull with my first ever copy of Karla (neutral IVs)! 

Then with the new Spring banner, I did get up to 4.00% but finally picked up BB!Severa (+Spd -Res), who was the main unit I particularly wanted from this banner.

Now, time to stay disciplined for the eventual next round of Tellius stuff...

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I got two Farinas, and Louise came with the second Farina. I got pity broken by Guinevere and Gatrie. Special summoned SF!Nino, FH!M!Robin, and AOTB!Hector. I guaranteed summoned Pent.

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I'm a bit late, but on the legendary banner I got last minute Sara #3 and Guinevere. Which was really nice. I somehow managed to pull every blue once and Sara twice. New Heroes banner gave me Erk at least.

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Well my luck on the new heroes banner has not been the best, ended having to go over the spark to get what i wanted. I don't know any of these characters except Louise who i have seen on the grails section. with that in mind, Pent obviously sticks out as probably the strongest unit, or at least the one with the most game-play potential what with that crazy tome of his. Still, i actually just wanted Louise and aimed for that to be my spark. And so i ended up with:

1 Erk - my very first red orb on the banner, with +atk iv and i actually like the guy's design so its cool, its just sad they didn't give the guy a prf like they did with Lex.

1 Sutr - NOT Pent. I don't really care much for the guy so I don't know if I'll ever do anything with him.

1 Lilith - This one was a real surprise. I don't really know if she is good or not.

That was it on my way to the spark. I sparked Louise as i had intended from the start, but I did want to bring in her guy Pent and potentially a copy for fodder, so i dropped another 70 something orbs on the banner and got 2 copies of him, very lucky because I was getting sparse green orbs on my picks and my pity rate went to nearly 5%.

Also, i wanted a second copy of Spring Minerva for fodder, tried summoning in 4 circles. Didn't get her. Instead, i got an Ophelia on my first circle, and Sully 3 times in a row. Wonder what are the odds of getting a specific 4* unit you want lol.

Edited by Sil/phire
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I've got everyone on the New Power banner, so blue it is.

  1. 3* Bartre: Or not.

Green for the Spring Festival...

  1. 4* Lex: Hello again. Full neutral isn't very good though, so Reposition fodder it is.

And another crack at the New Heroes banner with 22 orbs.

  1. 4* Clair: No.
  2. 3* Florina: No.
  3. 4* Shigure: No.
  4. 3* Catria: No.
  5. 4* Raven: No.

So rather than give me Farina on a 4.5% pity rate the game instead gives me 4 other pegasus knights. Figures.

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Got a +Def Mamori from my free summon, which is a lot better than anything the banner has to offer. Now I just need to face the dilemma of choosing between +Def or +Atk for her, I'm leaning towards Atk because Mamori is already pretty bulky, but Def is a superboon...

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I have two targets this year, dive bomb and the CYL5, and here we have dive bomb now. Color sharing banners are not to my liking, and from what i understand this time around Lynja has slightly better odds of showing up than Tibarn does. I expected a hard session. they always are when you have a particular target in mind, probably around 300 orbs. besides dive bomb, the character i really wanted is Lachesis, her dancing alt is just stunning. Not really care for anything else. And so..


lynja, +atk/-res

2x Lachesis: -atk/+res, neutral

2x Tibarn: +atk/-res, fodder'd the other one

special 4*:

Julia: +atk/-res

Elise: +def/-res

Mist: neutral, my first copy of her.

IS really knows what they're doing when they put up this banners without a spark, this banner devoured a huge stack of orbs from me, i'm on absolute 0 atm. It could have been a lot worse, I could gotten stuck with only Lynjas, but i really lucked out with the two Lachesis and Tibarns. It's truly ugly how bad this things can get, so I'm glad there's nothing else left of serious interest until the CYL5, if anything, I'm lucky my favs don't appear to be massively popular so they're not likely to get alts this year.



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So, I didn't get either of the Genealogy dancers - AGAIN - but I did end up getting Harmonic Tiki and Ninian. That's ... good?

I mean, I might be the one weirdo who genuinely wants any version of Quan and wanted him and Lachesis the most, but ... I mean. A new unit and a busted Harmonic is good ... right???

At least I can leave this double special heroes banner now ...

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Well I'm ticked now.

Last time I tried to snipe for Pirate Tibarn, I went like $400 usd into the hole, didn't even get pitybroken until the superveryend with Fallen F!Corrin (and also Pirate Veronica).

This time I wasn't even trying to get Tibarn, and here I am with a copy of Tibarn like $40usd into the banner, only a few sessions after getting Ballroom Lachesis (who I am now convinced all my copies of her need to be -Res)

What the hell game.

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Got Larum in 13 orbs! That takes care of my last high-priority main pool rerun, and means now the only games I'm missing dancers for are Three Houses and TMS.

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

Got Larum in 13 orbs! That takes care of my last high-priority main pool rerun, and means now the only games I'm missing dancers for are Three Houses and TMS.


T3H and TMS have dancers? I have never heard of such.


Spent 15 orbs on the Double Heroes  banner today, got a +Atk Lachesis on my green orb, who will be on +4 merges; I'm happy and done with this banner.

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A banner backlog's built up again. First, hoping for Sigurd from Weekly Revival 6.

  1. 3* Seteth: Or not.

For the Double Special banner I think I'll go green since I have Duo!Lyn and Harmonic!Tiki already.

  1. 4* Fae: Darn.

I have Annette and Miranda's a 4*, so grey for Larum on the Gap banner.

  1. 4* Legault: No.

Obviously blue for the TT banner.

  1. 3* Cordelia: Oh come on.

Lastly, back to Bond of Trust and that 4.75% pity rate. 50 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Subaki: No.
  2. 4* Seteth: Eh.
  3. 4* Cecilia: No.
  4. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.
  5. 4* Sakura: No.

A 5% pity rate now. This banner really hates me. 30 orbs left.

  1. 5* Farina: Finally a non-Erk focus unit! +Res/-HP is mediocre, but I've got the spark copy for a merge.
  2. 5* Pent: Yeah! Atk/-Def, so a super-asset and super-flaw. I'll gladly take that.
  3. 4* Echidna: No double Pent...
  4. 5* Fallen!Femui: You're not Louise, but not bad regardless. +Def/-Atk isn't so great, but a strong new unit is always welcome.
  5. 5* Larcei: Okay, sure. +Def/-Atk is bad, but I've already got a +1 +Res copy to merge into.

Looks like dogged persistence actually paid off this one time. I think this is the best circle I've ever had. Sadly Echidna had to ruin it, but you can't have everything.


Behold its glory. Unfortunately I didn't get Louise, but I'm still counting myself lucky to get both Farina and Pent.



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6 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

A banner backlog's built up again. First, hoping for Sigurd from Weekly Revival 6.

  1. 3* Seteth: Or not.

For the Double Special banner I think I'll go green since I have Duo!Lyn and Harmonic!Tiki already.

  1. 4* Fae: Darn.

I have Annette and Miranda's a 4*, so grey for Larum on the Gap banner.

  1. 4* Legault: No.

Obviously blue for the TT banner.

  1. 3* Cordelia: Oh come on.

Lastly, back to Bond of Trust and that 4.75% pity rate. 50 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Subaki: No.
  2. 4* Seteth: Eh.
  3. 4* Cecilia: No.
  4. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.
  5. 4* Sakura: No.

A 5% pity rate now. This banner really hates me. 30 orbs left.

  1. 5* Farina: Finally a non-Erk focus unit! +Res/-HP is mediocre, but I've got the spark copy for a merge.
  2. 5* Pent: Yeah! Atk/-Def, so a super-asset and super-flaw. I'll gladly take that.
  3. 4* Echidna: No double Pent...
  4. 5* Fallen!Femui: You're not Louise, but not bad regardless. +Def/-Atk isn't so great, but a strong new unit is always welcome.
  5. 5* Larcei: Okay, sure. +Def/-Atk is bad, but I've already got a +1 +Res copy to merge into.

Looks like dogged persistence actually paid off this one time. I think this is the best circle I've ever had. Sadly Echidna had to ruin it, but you can't have everything.

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Behold its glory. Unfortunately I didn't get Louise, but I'm still counting myself lucky to get both Farina and Pent.



I can't even believe that's real or that it can actually happen..I had to go over the spark to get both Pent and Farina myself. Congrats!

Went back one last time to the spring banner, wanted an inigo, was pleasantly surprised to see F!Lyon  show up! I tried to get him on the last three banners he was featured in, and he never showed, and out of nowhere he shows up here. Now i finally have all the units from the Dark Burdens banner. Oh, Inigo did show up, but he took his sweet time and orbs to do so.

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7 hours ago, Sil/phire said:


T3H and TMS have dancers? I have never heard of such.


Spent 15 orbs on the Double Heroes  banner today, got a +Atk Lachesis on my green orb, who will be on +4 merges; I'm happy and done with this banner.

3H has the two Dorotheas. TMS has no dancers in Heroes yet.

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Okay, so I free pulled then spent 8 more orbs on the first wheel (oddly, I pulled a +atk Melady - my first copy of her), then 17 on the 2nd wheel and got Tiny Eirika! (-spd + res but I'm okay with this.) Now I'm just hoping for little Lyon off this banner.

Edit: Spent the 3 orbs on the last colorless node but no little L'Arachel. That's fine.

Edit: Oh man so I spent a little bit more and, well, first, I got my first Petra. Then I summoned a bit more and got my tiny Lyon. There was still a blue node on the wheel so I pulled (thinking I could maybe get a better nature than +HP for Little Lyon) and it was Tiny Tana! (My first Tana of any sort!) I spent 23 orbs since I last reported, so, I spent 48 orbs total on this banner and came out with everyone except L'Arachel. I think I'm done here and ready to save up for the fallen banner. Yay! (I'll maybe get merges on double special banners.)

Edited by Mercakete
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Free pull was a 4* Seliph. Meh. 

Second circle, however:


+Hp -Res. Heh, best girl still comes to me pretty early. Now let's see how many merges I can get her before the banner's over.

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Clearly the game knows I want Eirika because it's refusing to give me reds.

Somehow pulled Tana though. (Along with a random Brave Lucina. Both are hilariously +def -atk.)

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