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One Mirabilis. It would be nice. She doesn't have to have the best ivs either, i just want one. Can i get some luck? So in i go for just one summon, just to try and see if i can get some luck. I go and get my summoning circle, which gives me just one red orb. Cool, i think, all i need is one. Make this the one...

...and legendary Sigurd shows up, with good ivs no less.

i got 4 Sigurds now. I guess it's just not meant to be.

Well it would be nice to +10 baby L'arachel some day so i would like a few merges for my one copy and i can spare 5 orbs, so i tried for a single summon on the kids banner and...I got her! She's got neutral ivs which is not bad. Makes my day better, lol.

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Green for the BHB banner since Catherine is a sword infantry, however good she may be.

  1. 3* Beruka: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 9 since I don't have Maribelle.

  1. 4* Niles: No.

And red for the "Resonance" banner.

  1. 3* Ares: No.

Oh well.

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Here's to some more summoning-induced mixed feelings.

On the Fallen banner: don't really care about it either way, so just did my freebies. Ended up pulling Fallen male Morgan, which is nice. He decided to be +res -atk because fuck me I guess.

Went to try to get Duo Eirika on the Magvel kids banner. I got a 5-star all right ... a regular Laevatein. I didn't have her at all so I'm not upset that she showed up. Just mad at the banner because unless I get lucky as fuuuuck on the legendary remix banner I have to stop pulling on this banner. Guess I won't get Eirika for about six months.

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Fallen Banner gave me... Flayn.

...well I'll certainly take it, I can finally do some of those double Flayn things Xray talks about, but I'm not exactly pleased my pity rate was completely reset because of her...

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Kids banner still hates me. Up to 4.25% and now have to wait for some orbs. 

I don't care about the Fallen banner and still have to get 1 ticket, but I got CC fodder! I've been wanting that to complete Kronya for a good while now, so that's amazing!

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The good news is that I got two Hulkgards, one +Atk and one +Res. That was all I wanted.

The bad news is that Hulkgard was my spark target, and now I have dire decision paralysis now that I need to pick someone else.

Edited by Some Jerk
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Finally finished sparking on the fallen banner, here's the 5 stars I got in order- 

Targets- Dimitri, Edie, Female Morgan

Leila, +spd, -def ( i never expected this one! )

Normal Claude, +atk, -res ( just lull fodder at this point, also funny how both morgans have the same effect as his weapon on their weapons and claude came to greet me )

Fallen F!Morgan, +hp, -res ( yes, my first target! even her ivs are great )

F!Edelgard, +res, -def ( the most unfortunate ivs she could have, waaaaaa )

Normal Lethe, +res, -hp ( lethe, of all 5 stars? i don't know what to do with her... )

Fallen M!Morgan, neutral ( i tried red since i decided to spark dimitri, and on my 40th summon he comes home! )

Sparked F!Dimitri ( was gonna spark edelgard, but seems like dimitri was still looking for edelgard, so had to force him out )

I didn't expect this good luck, definetly happy about this summoning session, especially after 4 mirabili? pitybroke me before sigurd and lilina on the legendary banner, along with 3 asbels and no celica 😞 


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First, red on the Picnic banner.

  1. 4* Abel: Nope.

And now for the Fallen banner. I'm hoping for as many Morgans as possible, so time to go get the spark. 215 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Raigh: No.
  2. 4* Cherche: No.
  3. 4* Cecilia: No.

No quick 5* this time. Now for Ticket 1. 207 orbs left.

  1. 4* Bantu: No.
  2. 5* Fallen!F!Morgan: There we go! +HP/-Res is okay, but hopefully I'll get something better.
  3. 4* Merric: No.

That's one Morgan. Now for Ticket 2. 199 orbs left.

  1. 4* Beruka: No.

1 blue and 3 greys...Now for Ticket 3.

  1. 4* Cain: No.
  2. 4* Titania: No.

And Ticket 4. 195 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eirika: No.
  2. 3* Hana: No.
  3. 4* Hana: Really?

There go the tickets. 187 orbs left.

  1. 3* Echidna: No.
  2. 4* Beruka: No.

178 orbs left.

  1. 3* Ogma: No.
  2. 4* Ogma: What?

That was dumb. 169 orbs left.

  1. 5* Tiki: A 5* Special! +HP/-Res like Morgan, so merge fodder. She's +2 now.
  2. 3* Libra: No.
  3. 3* Bartre: No.

About halfway there. 156 orbs left.

  1. 3* M!Morgan: Not quite.
  2. 4* Erk: +Spd/-Def is great, much better than +Res/-Spd, so new master copy it is.
  3. 4* Raven: No.

That was a nice Erk I just pulled. 143 orbs left.

  1. 4* Knoll: No.
  2. 4* Ares: No.
  3. 4* Miranda: You're new! +Spd/-Res is pretty good.
  4. 4* Knoll: Really?
  5. 3* Ogma: No.

I'm disappointed. At least Miranda is new. 123 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ogma: Seriously?
  2. 4* Fae: No.

I've pulled Ogma 4 times out of 29 now. 114 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eliwood: No.
  2. 4* Eirika: No.

4.25% pity rate now. 105 orbs left.

  1. 3* Olivia: No.
  2. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  3. 3* Arthur: No.

92 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  2. 3* Knoll: Go away.

4.5% pity rate now. 83 orbs left.

  1. 3* Bantu: No.
  2. 4* Draug: No.
  3. 4* Bartre: No.

Up to 39/40 pulls, so I'll spark for Fallen!M!Morgan to make sure I get him. 70 orbs left.

  1. 4* Camilla: No.
  2. 4* Soren: No.

That did not go well at all. 1 5* and 1 4* Special before the spark. I've still got 61 orbs, so time to kill this 4.75% pity rate.

  1. 4* Seth: No.
  2. 5* Fallen!M!Morgan: Figures he'd show up immediately after the spark. +Atk/-Def is solid though, especially with a merge.
  3. 3* Miranda: +Spd/-HP, so I suppose merge fodder for the copy I got earlier.
  4. 4* Libra: No. For fun, I'll take the one blue.
  5. 3* Mordecai: No.

I'm not satisfied. With 41 orbs left over I'm just going to keep going.

  1. 4* Laslow: No.
  2. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  3. 3* Gunter: No.

28 orbs left.

  1. 4* Olivia: No.
  2. 3* Hawkeye: No.

One more try. 19 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silvia: No.
  2. 5* B!Celica: Huh. +Atk/-Spd is fantastic with a merge, so welcome!
  3. 5* Shamir: Very nice! +Def/-Res is mediocre, but ultimately not important.

Things went well, but not in the way I'd hoped. 209 orbs got me:

  • +HP/-Res Fallen!F!Morgan
  • +Atk/-Def Fallen!M!Morgan (+1 from the spark)
  • +HP/-Res Tiki
  • +Atk/-Def B!Celica
  • +Def/-Res Shamir

A nice haul of good units, but I was really hoping for more Morgans. My orb stockpile's gone, so that'll probably have to wait until another banner.

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I am at 30/40. So far a -spd bernie (fodder for Eliwood for that A and B slot) and a Fallen Edelgard +hp -res, extremely happy I got one. Now she will be +1 with the spark. Already gave her some skills like galeforce , fort def/res 3, summoner support also gave her some fruits to make her +atk , still have plenty so it's more than fine.


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At 20/40 now with no orbs, I think I'll be able to Spark before the banner expires, hopefully.

2nd summon: FoW!Edelgard (+Def -Spd), hell yes!

14th summon: Brave Veronica, providing a third merge for my +Spd copy. 

Otherwise not much else besides what I think might be the first Tethys I've seen in 2021; I've had her stuck at +7 for foreeeever. 

Wasn't totally sure if I should spark on this banner because FoW!Edelgard was really the only focus hero I particularly wanted, especially because my 3H heroes are already my strongest heroes basically (Double Flayn with Near Saving Brave Edelgard and Far Saving Felix is absolutely completely broken, I haven't found a PvE map that they couldn't tackle yet). As a relatively late arrival to FEH (started playing I think right before CYL3) who never played Awakening, I do need more Awakening heroes because it's probably my weakest line-up by title, or tied with Echoes. But I don't really care for the Morgans at all tbh.  

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Did my freebies on the new banner. Got a Mikoto to show for it. At least I have another Flash healer now since Edelgard's going to be a problem in Arena Assault in the coming weeks.

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After getting nothing on Lilina and someone else's banner on 500 orbs each, this time luck was on my side. 

150 orbs got me a copy of each hero (sparked Edelgard) plus a non-fallen F!Morgan! 

Super sweet. 

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Got FOW!Dimitri [+Atk, -Res] and FOW!M!Morgan [+Spd, -Atk]. Also got Innes [+Spd, -Atk] for 4* special. I guaranteed summon FOW!Edelgard, and then got FOW!Edelgard [+Atk, -Spd] afterward to break my pity rate. Makes me wish I spent my guaranteed summon on FOW!F!Morgan instead.

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Well, this is my 2nd spark of the game and it went pretty well! I had about 200 orbs to start with and have 80 or so left. I went the orb-efficient route and did full circles. First, I got Fallen Dimitri (my main goal), then, towards the end of sparking (like, the last circle) I got Fallen Edelgard, and so the only one left that I cared about getting was Fallen M!Morgan, so I just sparked him! Banner done! =D Now I can save up orbs for whichever comes first: the next seasonal, a mythic or legendary hero I want, or heroes who have valor skills I need (especially Singing Shigure.) Though, I'm tempted to try to get Fallen M!Corrin again whenever it is he comes up.

Edit: Also, at one point when I was specifically hoping for Fallen M!Morgan, I happened to pull a 3* Chrom and my first Brave Lucina one right after the other. (That's right; I've never gotten her before) Ironic.

Edited by Mercakete
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27 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Edit: Also, at one point when I was specifically hoping for Fallen M!Morgan, I happened to pull a 3* Chrom and my first Brave Lucina one right after the other. (That's right; I've never gotten her before) Ironic.

Nice! Lucina: Brave Princess is amazing for supporting supertanks. Arena Assault has gotten a lot easier since I am only fighting "five" battles now, since my Teams 6 and 7 are relatively brainless autowins with Lyn: Ninja-Friend Duo on 6 and Ike: Brave Mercenary and Lucina: Brave Princess on 7.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

Nice! Lucina: Brave Princess is amazing for supporting supertanks. Arena Assault has gotten a lot easier since I am only fighting "five" battles now, since my Teams 6 and 7 are relatively brainless autowins with Lyn: Ninja-Friend Duo on 6 and Ike: Brave Mercenary and Lucina: Brave Princess on 7.

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. 🙂 Ah, also, I think she was the last one I was missing from year 1's braves. So, that's cool.

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so i never did get that mirabilis. not meant to be.

fallen banner got me a female Morgan with good stats, Tana, Erinys, and i sparked Edelgard. Not the best run. im going to try for Dimitri and male Morgan again later.

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Alright SS kids banner, I give up. Getting another pity breaker (Azelle) after 5% is too salt inducing, so now I'll just save for CYL. At least I got kid Eirika, even if it's at +0.

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1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

Alright SS kids banner, I give up. Getting another pity breaker (Azelle) after 5% is too salt inducing, so now I'll just save for CYL. At least I got kid Eirika, even if it's at +0.

Getting 1 copy of her is lucky enough to start, tbh. I didn't even get one copy Duo Eirika before getting a pitybreaker, not to mention all the circles with no reds.

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These quiz orbs allowed me to spark and got another Edelgard in the last session +Spd. Spent flowers, fruits, even the celestial stone and lots of expensive fodder and created this. 


Still have some other available skills however she is fine for now, I also want to try out different builds as I still use her base kit. Already replaced her as my lead. Time to save for the June spark now as I doubt I will be able to pull on the CYL respark. Don't have enough orbs currently to spark again so soon. 

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On 4/26/2021 at 6:19 AM, Fabulously Olivier said:

Nothing of note from my free summons on HF 1-3.


I did the free summons plus about 130 orbs on HF4, resulting in 2 Brave Edelgards, Brave Lysithea, Brave Hector, Brave Veronica, Jaffar, Ophelia, and Tana.

Burned another couple hundreds orbs on HF4 and my luck did not continue. Got to about 7.5% summon, pity broken by Mareeta, got it to about 7.8% summon, finished with a Brave Claude.



Also, free pulled Keaton from weekly revival banner. Will probably throw that special spiral at Resplendent Lilina.

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