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First summon of the year was a 3 star Azama aka 150 feathers. Yep, that's pretty much what I was expecting to start the new year off. Tickets though was much more generous as I got NY!Velouria and NY!Peony. Both have less than ideal natures so Velouria gets to be fodder though I think I will keep Peony since she doesn't care what her nature is because she has crazy dancing abilities.

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6 free summons and 90 orbs into the Omega banner. The results are kind of blursed.
CYL Camilla (+Spd/-Def, new to me)
Leila (+Atk/-Spd, new to me)
2x 4* New Year's Kaden

Also 5*+9+3'd Reyson and can make Tethys 5*+9+3 and +HP.

Wish I have another Spring Palla or a Larum with crap traits to throw at Leila.

I also have completed the Camillity Gauntlet.

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Baby Girl came home in less than 100 Orbs!


+Spd, -HP so she's perfect! She also brought some nice food with her.


-Atk so won't feel bad about sacking her to someone.

I didn't post these Christmas Summons but I got: 


from a ticket and spent WAY too many Orbs for:


Ended up getting 2 5* copies while going for the guarenteed Elise food




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I managed to pull 6 NY Selkie when trying for NY Plumeria (currently have 0). I honestly didn't like Selkie before this banner already and now I dislike her even more. I honestly am not impressed with this new banner style.

Anyways, I foddered one to Caeda to play with Distant Ward. Any other units that can use Distant Ward well? I'm trying to get rid of all these freaking Selkies plaguing my barracks.  


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So, I basically went hard on the legendary banner. And had an ... interesting haul.

Duplicate Reginn+duplicate Duma on the first circle
Gatrie on the second circle
Brave Edelgard #1 on the third circle (pretty sure she was the free pull too)
Brave Edelgard #2
Legendary Lilina

My primary goal was Bramimond and at least one Brave Edelgard, maybe Plumeria as a super secondary goal because she won't return until June but really I was pulling for Bramimond and at least on Edelgard. I, uh, guess I can't really complain?

15 hours ago, zuibangde said:

Anyways, I foddered one to Caeda to play with Distant Ward. Any other units that can use Distant Ward well? I'm trying to get rid of all these freaking Selkies plaguing my barracks. 

Silvia and Jagen could make good use of Distant Ward, especially if you haven't fully invested in them. Don't think they're physically bulky enough for distant counter.

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15 hours ago, zuibangde said:

Anyways, I foddered one to Caeda to play with Distant Ward. Any other units that can use Distant Ward well? I'm trying to get rid of all these freaking Selkies plaguing my barracks.  

Clair could probably use Distant Ward since she is pretty much Caeda but with a lance.

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Weekly Revival 21, can Lute get a merge?

  1. 4* Gwendolyn: Nope.

Now for my last try at the Legendary banner. 10% pity-rate, 53 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Stahl: No.

Not a good sign. 48 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sakura: No.

An even worse sign. 43 orbs left.

  1. 5* Plumeria: Sure, this works. +HP/-Res, the exact opposite of my current +Res/-HP copy. Merge fodder it is.

I really should stop now, but I want Lilina. 38 orbs left.

  1. 4* Olivia: No.
  2. 3* Roy: No.

29 orbs left.

  1. 3* Seliph: No.

24 orbs left.

  1. 3* A!Tiki: No.
  2. 3* Marth: No.
  3. 4* Bantu: No.

So much for that. Maybe I can scrape up enough for a few more pulls later, but it looks like Lilina will have to wait for another time.

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Well, I got my first New Years Anna and that reset my percentage back to base. I think I'll settle for the +atk New Years Kaden I got. I could always throw fruit at him sometime to get him to +spd I guess, if I really cared to. Now, I think I'll focus on trying to get Christmas Tharja since she has such great fodder.

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On 1/1/2021 at 11:30 PM, zuibangde said:

I managed to pull 6 NY Selkie when trying for NY Plumeria (currently have 0). I honestly didn't like Selkie before this banner already and now I dislike her even more. I honestly am not impressed with this new banner style.

Anyways, I foddered one to Caeda to play with Distant Ward. Any other units that can use Distant Ward well? I'm trying to get rid of all these freaking Selkies plaguing my barracks.  

I personally prefer Counters over Wards and Foils. You can always make up the bulk imbalance with support, and the stat boost is not as meaningful with a glaring hole in your ability to counter attack properly.

I recommend saving RS!Selkie for Sabotage Spd for support units, and not just fodder her just because you can. In my opinion, I think it is a waste to give fodder priority to combat units based on an A skill they do not need, whereas support units would very much like the B skill.

You could give hard counter units Wards and Foils for Arena Assault, but again, I do not think it is worth it when that B skill exists and is so much more valuable, and you can Bless units en masse with Triangle Adept-Breakers who can counter attack at the proper range.

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> pulls not a single focus / 5* plus 5 laslow's (feathers) on every one of the new years tickets until....

> accidentally pulls a Bernie on the last banner?

ooh good fodder after HM grinding. :o  

overall i'm just amused as i was more hunting for fodder and would like the luck to be for elsewhere, so this turned out okay.

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Alright, time for my final sore loser pulls on the Legendary banner. Only 25 orbs on hand, maybe they'll be enough.

  1. 3* Raigh: No.
  2. 4* Tharja: No.

16 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marth: No.

11 orbs left.

  1. 3* Soleil: No. Naturally there are two red orbs left when I only have enough for one. Here goes nothing...
  2. 3* Marth: Expected nothing, got nothing.

Well, that was over 40 orbs down the drain for garbage. Time to sulk and restock.

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Since the winter banner will end before the FE5 one, I decided to finally go back to it and pick up Altina. Didn't need to go all the way to the second spark, she showed up 11 pulls in!

She's -Atk, which is unfortunate. Might use fruits to fix that if I end up caring enough. 

23 hours ago, silverserpent said:

New banner, New free pull. probably just a 4-

Wild F!Lyon appears

...okay, I'll take it. NFU fodder is always good fodder.

In case that's not a typo - he has NCD, not NFU. 

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New year it may be, I am still just as much of a lazy bastard. So with that, here's my first pull of 2021 nearly a week later:



It was some taco meat-flavored mochi as a chaser to the tacos I had on New Year's eve.

Since this one was +Atk in addition to the fact that I hadn't gotten the New Year's Takumi manual yet at the time of this pull, I actually merged my existing one into this copy.

That has so far been my only notable free pull from the two previous New Year's banners. As for the current one, I not only got my most desired unit early but I also got them twice:



The one in the right screenshot was the one I got first, and that was the first blue I pulled on this banner. Though since that first one had crummy IVs, I merged it into the second one (which was a decent +Def).

And yeah, I also got my first Natasha (+Spd/-Res) in the process. Merlinus and his awful Heroic Ordeal still eludes me, though.

After that, I've since only gotten one other 5* from the banner but it was an off-focus:



It was the first Brave Edelgard I actually pulled (I sparked for my first one). Since her IVs her shit (it might've been +Spd/-Atk or something similar), my +10 Caeda now has Distant Ward and Joint Drive Res.

Oh, and as a side note, I'm unfortunately coming to increasingly resent Mercedes specifically for showing up so much instead of Forrest. I'm now at the point where I just send her home immediately (and yes, I could +10 her instead if I wanted as I currently have 13 Mercedes manuals).

I'm still sticking with New Year's 2021 (+ 2020) because I still haven't gotten Kaden (not even as a 4*) and I'd also like to keep trying for Lethe (with Peony + Triandra being an acceptable alternative). It helps that Thracia banner doesn't interest me at all past the free pulls.

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Got Beruka, Titania, Echidna, Ced, and Sheena from the free summons on the new banner.

Oh, the irony. Tried to get the student but pulled his teacher instead. I see this as a win, either way.

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Free pull on the New Heroes banner was a +Spd -HP Ophelia. Fine I guess, my existing one is +1 with a HP boon, so same-same really with whichever copy I go with as the base. Not that I'd use her still due to personal distaste. The tickets gave me nothing.

I don't think I ever posted the results of my summons during the holidays. The Chrismas banner re-run gave me a free +Def -Atk Winter Nino, my first ever armoured mage. The NY tickets (so far) have given me a +Def -Res Soup Takumi. New to me, so fair enough.

Beyond that, I sunk about 150 orbs into the Double Seasonal banner and the results were strong at first but tailed off. +Def -Atk Jill, +HP -Def NY Lethe, +Atk -Res Duo Peony, +Spd -Atk Kiria (second one this month), +Res -HP NY Lethe (again) and +Spd -HP NY Selkie. There were a couple of 4* NY Kadens in the mix too. Happy enough to get the duo, but more beasts than I'd like, amiright Jill? 😉

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New Heroes:

I sparked! Last ticket got me a dupe -Spd+Def Duessel... ooh, interesting! I have my neutral one still,  but I’m interested in the possibilities.

I sparked for Asbel, but I i still had a 4.5% rate. I broke it two circles later. I realllllyyyy want Ronan, but of course I got a circle with no blues! So I went colorless and I got +Atk-Def Sara for my efforts. Not bad at ALL, but I think I’ll head back in eventually for the good archer boy.

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Got around to picking up the tickets, time to see if I can get Asbel for free.

  1. 4* Klein: Meh.
  2. 4* Gaius: No.
  3. 5* Asbel: Lucky me! He's even got a good asset and flaw: +Spd/-HP. He can join Julia and Lewyn on my roster of Jugdralian green mages.
  4. 3* Jeorge: No.
  5. 3* Frederick: No.

A very nice set of free pulls. Now to clear off the Draconic Aura banner. Blue for better odds.

  1. 3* Florina: Feathers.

Oh well. After Asbel I couldn't really expect anything better.

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On 1/7/2021 at 3:19 PM, Othin said:


In case that's not a typo - he has NCD, not NFU. 

right, my bad. I just saw the eye and remembered it being a useful skill. Haven't been spending much time in FEH lately, as my Arena neglect can speak.

Either way, started dabbling in the new NY banner with pretty good luck. I just need two more NY!Kaden and 40k feathers to +10 him. I've also gotten two Duophonse, an ideal NY!Plumeria, a less idea Duo!Peony, and a NY!Selkie and NY!Lethe. Also got NY!Camilla on a ticket pull. Pretty sure this spells disaster for my Legendary Dimitri chances.

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