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24 summons into the banner so far. Got two Winter Hildas (+Res/-Atk and +Def/-Res), I'd stopped pulling blue after the first one but got an all-blue session anyway, which was nice since the first one's nature is awful. Also got FE2 Catria (+Def/-Spd).

Currently pulling red and colorless in hopes of picking up one of Sephiran or Altina, so I can get the other one with the spark rather than just Sephiran. I'm out of orbs for now, though. Hilda might have tempted me to keep pulling if I didn't get her by the spark, but if it's just a matter of missing Altina, I'll be fine even if it doesn't work out.

It'd also be nice if I can get Merlinus or a better Natasha from pulling colorless, but neither of those has happened yet either.

Edited by Othin
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I tried and tried to upload an image, because (people lie) it is hard to believe, but on my first draw got Bernie and Altina! I had enough orbs to do a full 40; picked up Hilda along the way, and was able to use the free pull for Sepharin. I have quit and restarted so many times, so was glad to get all four and still save orbs for the Legendaries coming for Christmas.

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Decided to do 10 more summons to grab the freebie unit. Got Kiria +Def. A nice little bonus on top of everything else.

As for my freebie? Altina, who else? I don't particularly care about Sephiran, Hilda is the demote, and the Bernie I summoned is +Atk -HP. I'll take an extra merge on Altina, thanks.

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Well, I've spent pretty much all my orbs sniping colorless and a bit of red, I'm 29 summons into this banner, I'm down to 7 orbs, and I haven't gotten a single focus unit. Sometimes it be like that. Going to keep earning orbs to try to pull that glorious fodder, Sephiran. And, if I can get a +res spare, that'd be awesome.

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I sparked for Duo Altina!

I picked up 3 4* W Hilda along the way. I kept a +Spd one, but I’m hoping for a +Atk super boon one. 
I got a -HP +Atk Sephiran (yes!!!) as my 34th summon. As my 35th, my first Lilith also arrived: +Spd -Res! 
I got my Altina, and now i think I’ll throw in a couple orbs for more Hilda. A part of me feels I should wait, but if I want to commit to Hilda, I should do it now.

Next spark will be Bernie if I get there.

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Hilda's kinda stalking me.

Pulled her three times at 5* already without having a pityrate.

This has become an unintended merge project.

Ten pulls are left till the spark which will become Alitna of course, unless I should pull her in the remaining pulls, then it would be Bernadatta because of Swift Sparrow 3 and Lull Speed / Defense for Hilda.

Thankfully I'd get a free Swift Sparrow 2 from the TT, so Hilda could have a very good build soonish.

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Pulling red and colorless interchangeably; i got Altina in my first ten summons which was nice (FINALLY an altina and probable AR-O unit for meee).  Pitybroken by Hilda in the 23rd summon which I'm .... not happy about..... she'll probably be a feather grind and then a fodder. Hoping I'll get Sephiran before the spark because i really wanted to save back up to 1k orbs but eh. 


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BHB banner first. Lyon's the only one without a merge, so green it is.

  1. 3* Rath: Feathers.

And back to the Christmas banner for Altina. 45 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Forrest: Feathers.

40 orbs left.

  1. 4* Seth: No.
  2. 4* Lilina: No.

31 orbs left.

  1. 3* Morgan: No.

26 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marth: No.

21 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ares: No.
  2. 4* Lon'qu: No. And one more grey orb.
  3. 3* Emmeryn: No.

33/40 units pulled, still no focus units.

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Hey look, FelLyon is in a banner.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Barst (This is good. +Def/-Res)

Let's make another circle of christmas units.

3 Blue, 2 Colourless (Hilda?)

3* L'Arachel (There can be worse. +Res/-Def), 3* Odin (Nodin, stop this. +Def/-HP), 4* Nowi (Disappointing. +Res/-Spd), 4* Kaze (Mid tier colourless pull. +Def/-Atk), 4* Lachesis (Three years ago she pitybroke me. +Spd/-Def)


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30 pulls in and I finally get a Sephiran...and he's -res. Well, guess this copy will be fodder. May as well keep pulling for another copy and finish up the 40 pulls for a free unit.

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It'a a banner with Leif at least.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (Another fruitless shot at Echidna I guess)

3* Ross (DAMMIT! +Def/-HP)

Also TIL weekly revivals have boosted focus rates.

Let's take another Christmas swing.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* F!Corrin (Dangit! +Def/-Spd), 5* Yarne (DAMMIT CHAMBRAY! +Spd/-Atk, Now was a bad time.), 4* Brady (Alright, that's another one. +Res/-Atk), 3* Raigh (Cursed units. +Res/-Def), 3* Sylvia (Blah. +Def/-Atk)

That's annoying for sure.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Libra (LiBrah. +Spd/-HP), 4* Mathilda (Drop the Mat please? +HP/-Def), 4* Ogma (Let's just please let go of this stuff. +HP/-Spd), 4* Lena (There's still a lot that would be better. +Res/-Spd), 4* Sakura (Blahkura. +Spd/-Def) 

I'm on 69 orbs, this isn't so nice.

Edited by Dayni
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I'm only missing Tsubasa on the Chill banner, so blue it is.

  1. 5* Tsubasa: I guess she's used up my luck from the Christmas banner. She's even got a good asset and flaw: +Atk/-Def.

Lucky me. Now for Weekly Revival 21. No Rhajat, so pulling green.

  1. 3* Gunter: No.

And one more poke at the Christmas banner with 20 orbs.

  1. 4* Rebecca: Feathers.

Ugh, this banner is really annoying me. Still, a free Tsubasa is nice.

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This ironically always happens to me right before a legendary banner hits. The game just floods me with free summon 5 stars. Proceeded by a complete dead streak on said legendary banner.

Just got Kliff and Kjelle from the chill banner, followed by Leif from the weekly revival, W:Altina, Selena and Duessel both from tickets. And a M:Grima from the previous weekly revival.

I'm at freakin 7 free summons in a row that got me a 5 star right now. And knowing my luck its going to be 300 orbs on the legendary banner before anything shows up.

Edited by Faellin
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Jeez, this is a neat skill banner, Chill banner with Kliff and Tsubasa. Dong Almer would be worth going for though

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Mathilda (This is a joke. +HP/-Spd)

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On 12/17/2020 at 7:27 AM, Othin said:

24 summons into the banner so far. Got two Winter Hildas (+Res/-Atk and +Def/-Res), I'd stopped pulling blue after the first one but got an all-blue session anyway, which was nice since the first one's nature is awful. Also got FE2 Catria (+Def/-Spd).

Currently pulling red and colorless in hopes of picking up one of Sephiran or Altina, so I can get the other one with the spark rather than just Sephiran. I'm out of orbs for now, though. Hilda might have tempted me to keep pulling if I didn't get her by the spark, but if it's just a matter of missing Altina, I'll be fine even if it doesn't work out.

It'd also be nice if I can get Merlinus or a better Natasha from pulling colorless, but neither of those has happened yet either.

Hit the spark, nothing else interesting showed up in the meantime but I took Sephiran as my free summon.

After that, did my free summon on the Chill banner. I wanted to go blue in hopes of getting Kliff, but got forced into red, and got Leo! Only launch units I'm missing are regular Lucina and Minerva, now.

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Finally got the spark for the Winter Banner, didn't end up pulling either Sephiran or W!Altina along the way so it sucked having to choose between them. 

Can't complain tho, with this banner I got my first copies of W!Hilda, Hubert, regular Bernadetta, and Fallen Mareeta (although she's -Atk, just like the two -Atk normal Mareetas I've ever pulled lol); got a second copy of Flayn, and ultimately chose W!Altina for free. Now to save for New Year's. 

My original Flayn was +HP-Def and this second one is +Atk-Def. I'd merge onto the +Atk normally, but does anyone know if it's better to have 2 Flayns instead for AR-D? 

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Alright, I want to take another shot.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (These chances for Hilda are very rare)

3* Odin (It could at least not be rubbish. +Res/-Atk), 4* Sheena (How many times could I make +10s? +HP/-Spd), 3* Camilla (This is getting lame. +Def/-Res), 4* Ares (Well at least there's that. +Spd/-HP), 5* SanAltina (Well, I'm peeved this was the last pull of the circle. But at least that's a Harmonic. +Spd/-Res, bummer.)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* M!Robin (Where's Hilda? +Atk/-Spd), 4* Nowi (Ugh. +HP/-Def), 4* Fae (Look, I'm pretty sure I get 95% Book 1-2 units in the 3-4* pool. +HP/-Res, sure feels that way), 4* Rebecca (See? +Def/-Res), 4* Hinata (It's Fury at least. +HP/-Res)


3 Blue, 2 Colourless (Please Hilda, having multiple here would be nice for options on what to do)
4* Est (Remove from the pool. +Res/-Spd), 4* Rody (Come on. +Def/-HP, fair is fair could be worse.), 3* Shigure (SEE? No Hildas so far. +HP/-Def), 4* Maria (Nahria +Spd/-Def), 5* Sephimas (Estuans interius,

Ira vehementi,

SEPHIRAN! +Spd/-Def, does he have a Spd stat? And yet again, last guy in the circle, why bother picking indeed, that was the right call not to with they way things have gone.)

Got Altina and Sephiran before Hilda. 4* Focus my foot.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Course)

4* Mathilda (Me looking at summoning. +Def/-Res), 4* Sakura (smh. +Def/-HP), 4* Lilina (smhmh +Spd/-Res), 3* Eirika (Blehrika. +Res/-Spd), 4* Lon'qu (Long queue to getting anything worth much. +Spd/-Atk)

Screw it, we'll take Bernie for free and try to pitybreak on HIlda later.

I'm also sick of getting nothing out of Green, it's just frustrating. I know, hypocritical when I got pitybroke and still got Altina and Sephiran, but when every pull between them feels like 90% rubbish, you have to wonder.

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Since I've gotten to 40 pulls on A Festive Miracle a couple days ago, I can now introduce the 500th unit to be registered into my Catalog of Heroes:



But a bit before I reached 40, I got a certain off-focus 5* who I'm surprised didn't visit me sooner:



Ylgr: +HP/-Res

So now that's it's relevant, I can say that snow loli......will actually be sticking around because I lifted my ridiculous "fodder any FEH OC ASAP" stance (plus, I still have the Ylgr manual from using regular Divine Codes anyways). This decision had everything to do with Reginn (who is also sitting in my barracks) and how I just could not justify foddering her just for the sake of pettiness.

With that said, I'm still very unlikely to actively pull for a FEH OC. Any of them that happen to fall into my lap though, I'll now keep (unless if they have a certain skill I want that only that unit has: namely, ninja Laevatein and Atk/Def Rein for Ashnard).

Anyways, I'm still not done with this banner because I also require winter Bernie and will go up to the second spark if needed. Today, I got two nice things from full pull #9:



And those things would be Forrest merge #8 maybe he will actually be finished before his one year FEH anniversary and a much better +Atk/-Def Sephiran (the first was +HP/-Res). As tempting as his fodder is, I merged my first Sephiran into this one.


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Back up to 35 orbs, time to hopefully spark on the Christmas banner.

  1. 4* Silvia: Feathers.

This dearth of reds is frustrating. 30 orbs left.

  1. 4* Beruka: Feathers.

Not even any greys that time. 25 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tethys: Meh.

Still no reds. 20 orbs left.

  1. 4* Chrom: No.

This banner is seriously not cooperating. At least it's going to stick around for a while yet.

EDIT: Picked up some more orbs, up to 25 now so I can definitely get the spark. 38/40 pulls.

  1. 4* Sophia: Feathers.
  2. 5* Harmonic!Altina: Well, better late than never. I guess they'll get to be +1 after all. Full neutral isn't great when taking the spark merge into account, but it's still acceptable. For fun's sake I'll take the remaining orbs.
  3. 4* Lachesis: Feathers.
  4. 3* Kaze: No.
  5. 3* Echidna: No.

11 wasted orbs at the end, but overall this banner didn't turn out too badly. 43 pulls got me Altina, a +Atk Tibarn, and a superfluous Laegjarn merge.

Edited by KMT4ever
More orbs, no new posts.
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Wow, so many free summons this Christmas. Splurged a little on orbs tonight, not sure if I'll splurge again... I guess we'll see.

~Managed a freebie Winter Fae off one of the Gifts of Winter tickets. She is +Res -Spd.
~Took a few orb summons, but I got Duo Marth in the end anyway. +Atk -HP too, which is nice.
~Grabbed a Brave Dimitri in the 3rd session on the Legendary banner. +Spd -Def.

~Ended with Plumeria +Res -Atk, and a copy of Duma and Reginn for merge fodder.

Also, Knoll's in the summoning pool now. That's cool.

Edited by Xenomata
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The Hilda tickets really came in clutch for me. 

I got nothing from the Gifts of Winter banner. 

From Glorious Gifts I got a +Atk W!Sothis. I like Sothis well enough so that's a merge, but with Spd creep being real I left her at +Spd despite the superboon. 

From the Legendary banner I finally got my first L!Celica. She's -Atk +Def which sucks, trying for a merge is too risky so I might just go ahead and give her some Trait fruits some time in the future (I only have 35 right now so I should be getting the remaining 65 by the time the anniversary comes and we'll see how the free 5* gimmick of next year will work). 

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So, uh. My first circle gave me both Reginn and Duma, where Reginn is the only red I already had and Duma was the one I wanted least on colorless.

I legit don't know how to feel about this.

Edited by Sunwoo
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