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Haven't done the tickets yet but got a free galeforce fodder (Cordelia) for the first blue pull. :3  nice to have one in reserve now that Jill/p!Tibarn/Zihark/Petrine all have one. Can't think of anyone who wants it badly enough for right now, but I'm sure one will pop up soon.

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The Form skills banner has Eyvel I guess.

For merges.

Also the other units.

3 Red, 2 Blue (Oooof.)

4* Effie (Mehffie. +Res/-Def)

Meanwhile the new BB at the end of the book banner has no Echidna/10.

So tokens it is.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Lukas (Blah. +HP/-Spd)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

3* Reyson (Come on, there's one unit I actually want in Green. Why? Neutral)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Odin (BoOdin. +HP/-Spd)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* Mathilda (....So many launch units I want to see the back of.+Spd/-HP)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Sheena (How many times have I had to look at her pop up? Just, too many. +Def/-Spd)

Yeah, I'm done with this banner. I seriously did so much forging bonds to get the tokens I already got Guinevere to 2,500 and Merlinus hit 800 exactly. All before Dieck got to 400. It was not fun.

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Sparked to get Guinivere, only one I wanted.

I was getting really salty and pissed off as I didn't get a single 5* and I was being showered with 3*s until the spark  limit... I actually went to 41 on the last orb of the circle,  which was red, and I almost didn't do it, but did it simply to finish the damn circle since I was 100% getting Guini anyway. Then a sillhoette in slow motion popped.


Hell yesss, I've hunted her fo soo long, and she appeared when I never expected it! She even came with +ATK! Quite fitting on a FE6 banner too.

150 orbs for Guini and a Igrene and now I'm in a very happy mood again.

Edited by Lanko
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Got the tickets finally and my good run continues:

(Previously on the free round, 4* Clair and 5* Dieck +Res -HP)

Ticket 1 - 4* Mae, 5* Melady +Def -Res

Ticket 2 - 3* Est, 3* Clair, 3* Mathilda

Ticket 3 - 5* Lugh +Atk -Def

Ticket 4: 3* Cherche


So yeah, three 5-stars in the 9 total pulls I made on the banner, can't complain about that. I'm not actually going to use any of these units (Ginny was the only real attraction after all) but all are new. It feels like the game is bribing me to stop me from quitting, but that won't work, it's been a couple months now since I've gone into low-activity mode and with each passing week I actually end up wanting to play even less.

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I have had all three units that are on this banner.

Let's see if I can't get a Midori who isn't -Atk

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Guess not.)

4* Matthew (Matthow. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Boey (This pull was a mistake. +Atk/-Res)

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Wow, I pulled Bridal Fjorm. She's -HP because of course she is, but +atk at least. I never dreamed that I'd pull her on the first circle, so I'm fine even if she's -HP.


EDIT: ... And just pulled +atk -def Summer Byleth. Oh jeez.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Spending all the tickets and 60-70 orbs on top netted me Ingrid +Def -Res (merge into my +Spd copy) and Fjorm +Atk -Res. Both turned up in the same circle. This is acceptable I guess, even if the unit I really wanted was Duo Byleth for obvious reasons (no, I'm not talking about the four reasons...). It's a good banner but I don't think I can justify going any farther, though if the early December New Heroes are as disappointing as the latest batch then maybe? At any rate, it's a decent end to what's been a very good month for me.


In terms of going again, I typed up the below then realised it's probably best I don't get baited into sinking more orbs into this. There's only 1.5 colours left to snipe on really.

Red - Happy to get either hero, who would be a new unit either way, though Byleth is significantly higher in priority.

Blue - I want a Palla merge but am now content with +1 Ingrid, so eh. Not a huge priority since Palla is already +Atk.

Green - I skipped green as it is, unless it would have cost me 3 orbs.

Grey - Eh, I'm happy to take the one Fjorm really. Dotty doesn't strike me as being exceptional in any way, though I wouldn't say no.

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Time for the Foil banner. Midori?

  1. 4* Ares: Meh.

And now for Double Special Heroes. Going to just snipe reds with the tickets.

  1. 3* Henry: Feathers.
  2. 5*Y!Caeda: Yay, little miss OP Sword is here. +Atk/-HP means she actually has a good asset/flaw combo for once.
  3. 4* Rath: Feathers.
  4. 4* Odin: Moonbow fodder.
  5. 3* Hinata: Fury fodder.
  6. 3* Athena: Meh.

A pleasant surprise getting Caeda. Using Elincia and Altina as my main sword fliers is starting to get dull.

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Black Friday has infested FEH.

At least we got tokens for this banner.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Reinhart (Reinhard to accept. +Spd/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Roy (Noy. +HP/-Def)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Oscar (into the Boxcar. +Spd/-Atk)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

5* Pallasisters (NICE! I was hoping to pull her on her banner, what luck here! +Spd/-Atk, that hurts.)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Seliph (Another unit that could do to be removed. +HP/-Atk)

3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Caeda (I'm just happy I got something from the tokens. Well, aside from the amount of combat manuals in my barracks increasing by 5. +Spd/-Def)

Well, I wasn't expecting to get something off a double special banner, but here we are.

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I'd been waiting on Julian's banner to see if the double special banner would have Dorothea+Tibarn or Byleth+Caeda, and the latter turned out to be correct! Spent the tickets and 63 orbs sniping red, got Ingrid (+Atk/-Spd) when I was forced into blue and then Byleth (+HP/-Res) shortly afterwards. Total of 63 orbs there, then returned to Julian's banner and got him (+Atk/-HP) with 24 orbs. I'd already spent 4 orbs yesterday, so total of 28 on that banner. Couldn't have hoped for much better.

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I did full summon eight times and used up all my tickets. I did not really care who I got, I just want some Shannas if possible.

I got OM!Dorothea, OM!Sylvain, and TSOIA!Palla [+Atk, -Res]. TSOIA!Palla showed up on the eighth circle to break my pity rate back down cleanly and I have no tickets left.

Sadly, no Shannas though. I guess I will have to spend Feathers on Desperation if push comes to shove.

5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

470 orbs- not a single Duo Palla

I just wanted one to fix the Attack bane! Between this banner and Palla's debut banner, I spent 650-700 orbs for a -Atk Palla


Just needed to vent

@Flying Shogi @XRay

Sorry I took your TSOIA!Palla. If trading was possible, I would be happy to trade my +Atk one for 20 Shannas.

I think I have like two Shannas left and about half a dozen Maes, and I really do not want to spend 20,000 or 22,000 Feathers on Mae just for Desperation.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

I did full summon eight times and used up all my tickets. I did not really care who I got, I just want some Shannas if possible.

I got OM!Dorothea, OM!Sylvain, and TSOIA!Palla [+Atk, -Res]. TSOIA!Palla showed up on the eighth circle to break my pity rate back down cleanly and I have no tickets left.

Sadly, no Shannas though. I guess I will have to spend Feathers on Desperation if push comes to shove.

Sorry I took your TSOIA!Palla. If trading was possible, I would be happy to trade my +Atk one for 20 Shannas.

I think I have like two Shannas left and about half a dozen Maes, and I really do not want to spend 20,000 or 22,000 Feathers on Mae just for Desperation.

If only we could trade! It's too bad you didn't get Shanna. You'd think a common unit like that would just come, but FEH hates us!

My haul was 

  • Five Ingrid
  • Two Byleth
  • One Caeda

They're not bad, so I can't really complain. Nevertheless, I wanted Palla 😧

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8 minutes ago, XRay said:

I did full summon eight times and used up all my tickets. I did not really care who I got, I just want some Shannas if possible.

I got OM!Dorothea, OM!Sylvain, and TSOIA!Palla [+Atk, -Res]. TSOIA!Palla showed up on the eighth circle to break my pity rate back down cleanly and I have no tickets left.

Sadly, no Shannas though. I guess I will have to spend Feathers on Desperation if push comes to shove.

Sorry I took your TSOIA!Palla. If trading was possible, I would be happy to trade my +Atk one for 20 Shannas.

I think I have like two Shannas left and about half a dozen Maes, and I really do not want to spend 20,000 or 22,000 Feathers on Mae just for Desperation.

Now that they've given Wings of Mercy 3 another 4* source, maybe they'll do the same for Desperation soon. It could really use it. 

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19 minutes ago, XRay said:

I think I have like two Shannas left and about half a dozen Maes, and I really do not want to spend 20,000 or 22,000 Feathers on Mae just for Desperation.

Promoted my last Shanna manual last night for desperation. We really need it on another unit and hopefully it's not blue. 

15 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

If only we could trade! It's too bad you didn't get Shanna. You'd think a common unit like that would just come, but FEH hates us!

My haul was 

  • Five Ingrid
  • Two Byleth
  • One Caeda

They're not bad, so I can't really complain. Nevertheless, I wanted Palla 😧

Oof. RNG really is cruel. If only trading was a thing. I'd trade you my +1 Palla for a Caeda but I'm not sure if you're willing give one up lol 

Your Ingrid was my SR!Wolt(he's +5) when I was trying to pull SS!Reinhardt. 

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1 minute ago, Flying Shogi said:

Promoted my last Shanna manual last night for desperation. We really need it on another unit and hopefully it's not blue. 

Oof. RNG really is cruel. If only trading was a thing. I'd trade you my +1 Palla for a Caeda but I'm not sure if you're willing give one up lol 

Your Ingrid was my SR!Wolt(he's +5) when I was trying to pull SS!Reinhardt. 

RNG is cruel indeed. How is Wolt? I've never used him. We're just gonna save to keep saving 😧 I have fewer than 100 orbs now. I'm hoping I'll have a lot by next March or April.

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16 minutes ago, Othin said:

Now that they've given Wings of Mercy 3 another 4* source, maybe they'll do the same for Desperation soon. It could really use it. 

While they are at it could they finally put Quick Riposte 3 into the 3/4 star pool. I feel like that's long overdue at this point.

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