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Well, a banner where I only don't have one of the units.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless (I hate when I have a choice.)

3* Cecilia (If Echidna was behind the other I'll be so pissed. +HP/-Atk)

Back to the Dimitri banner

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Barst (It's Reposition. Neutral), 3* M!Robin (No thanks, bin. +Res/-Atk), 5* M!AnanCorrin (AGAIN WITH ANANCORRIN PITYBREAKING LEGENDARY BANNERS, COME ON. +Res/-HP), 3* Norne (That.... That's it, I GOT +10! WOO! +HP/-Spd), 4* M!Corrin (Please go away, your face irritates. +Spd/-HP)

I suspect I won't have enough to pull again, frustrating to not get any of who I was mainly aiming for especially with Thrasir and Edelgard sharing. At least I have +10 Norne now.

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OK, i lied, doing one-a-day green legendary summons since i'm doing okay maintaining 1200 orbs.  Got yet another freaking Reyson.. up to +7 when i get enough feathers for that bird. He may even beat my Valter for the first +10, lol.

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Time to clear the backlog. First, The Land's Bounty. Mia could use a merge.

  1. 5* H!Myrrh: That works too! +HP/-SPD, so merge fodder for my +Res/-HP copy.

A free 5* is always nice. Now for the Bonfire banner. Grey for Caineghis.

  1. 4* Wrys: Meh.

And lastly the TT banner. Red for obvious reasons.

  1. 4* Altena: Not one red? Really?

A stroke of luck this time around. Now back to saving up for Morgan's revival banner.

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Well this TT banner's all kinds of meh.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Tharja (Seriously we need to talk about the pool. +HP/-Spd)

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Well legendary Dimitri was a bust the only notables from the banner are F!M!Corrin, Thrasir and Ilyana all new.  I will quit while I am ahead and hope Dimitri shows up next time he is on a banner.  

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I'm finally free from that haunted Halloween banner. The only thing I got from there after 6.50% pity rate was a +Hp -Def Harmonic Tiki and I'll take it, with tons of pain but I'll take it. 

I hope Lyn won't be as hard to get. 

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I somehow ended up pulling fallen m!Corrin from the legendary banner, which is totally fine. All that really means is that I somehow got both Thrasir and m!Corrin while doing two not-even-full circles.

Good thing I don't really want anything from the ninja banner, I expect my luck to be shitty on that now.

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...huh. Lilith is neither a Ninja nor is she on-focus, but... she is Neutral, and I'll be glad to have her.
...but... I want a Ninja...

EDIT: Larcei is... ALSO not a ninja or on-focus. +Spd -Atk could be better, but could be way worse.
...but... I still want a Ninja...

EDIT EDIT: Midori is... the daughter of a ninja? Wait does that... +Res -HP, don't care cause I have TWO perfect Midoris as-is.
...um... where the Ninja?

EDIT OF THE THIRD DIMENSION: Laevatein IS a ninja! -Def +Res is... well technically harmless, and I'm long past caring about natures that only affect the defenses of strong heroes.
...Laev really doesn't look that bad now that I'm getting a better look at her...

Edited by Xenomata
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Free pull was a Lukas because no colorless stone.

Circle No.2 had no colorless stones either so I went red and got a 3* Olivia. 

Circle No.3 had two colorless orbs, first one was a 4* Mercedes and second one was this:


Thank Naga Lyn came home pretty quickly! Bad news is she's +Hp -Spd (superbane to boot). I have two choices regarding this, I either go for the +1 merge with the TT+ orbs or use some Trait fruits to change Duo Lyn to +Atk or +Spd...hmm...decisions, decisions.

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My wheel for the ninja banner was a single blue node and all colorless nodes. So, I pulled on the blue, got a 4* Shigure. Okay. That's that for this banner, then! *keeps saving orbs to try to get Dheginsea*

Edit: FINALLY! Okay, got King Goldoa after proving that I use Fallen Ashnard in general, not just against him by destroying ninja with him. Dheginsea is even +def -spd! Not +res, but I'm okay with this! Finally, my Halloween Dragons set is complete! (From this year, anyway. I never did get Halloween Myrrh, but that's okay.)

Edited by Mercakete
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1 hour ago, Florete said:

3rd pull, 9 orbs, perfect trait. I was going to pull reds for a couple Ziharks, but damn, I might be better off I just quit while I'm ahead. Can't believe I got this lucky.


Congratz! Nice pull to have!

1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

Free pull was a Lukas because no colorless stone.

Circle No.2 had no colorless stones either so I went red and got a 3* Olivia. 

Circle No.3 had two colorless orbs, first one was a 4* Mercedes and second one was this:


Thank Naga Lyn came home pretty quickly! Bad news is she's +Hp -Spd (superbane to boot). I have two choices regarding this, I either go for the +1 merge with the TT+ orbs or use some Trait fruits to change Duo Lyn to +Atk or +Spd...hmm...decisions, decisions.

I’d keep her unmerged and use trait fruit. I have the exact same nature and I pulled mine with the intent of using her on Astra season to set up a Galeforce team. With a merge her HP gets too high. 38 is the max unless you give her fury 4 for that.



As for my summons, I got Lyn with the opposite nature of what i wanted, my first bad nature in a looooong time. So trait fruit it is. 

I also got a +Atk 4 star Zihark and a +Spd 5 star one. So I will merge into the +Spd for the higher score bin. I’ll make sure to have enough orbs to finish him next year/banner.

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I got two ITM!Navarres, two ITM!Laevateins [+Atk, -Spd], three ITM!Ziharks (all 4*), and one ITM!Lyn [+Atk, -Spd].

Got pity broken by a Shannon, Flayn (which is pretty damn awesome), ANF!Lysithea, and Nina [Normalized].

I also got my first Seteth [+Atk, -HP], which is also pretty nice.

I just need one more ITM!Lyn to fix the Spd Flaw.

— — — — — — —

Got pity broken by another ITM!Laevatein, BE!Eliwood, and Julian.

— — — — — — —

Finally got my second ITM!Lyn. Took like freaking forever. She came with Eyvel, so I guess that is nice.

Edited by XRay
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Ordinarily I'd go for Lyn on my free pull, but Navarre looks so awesome I'm going to try for him.

  1. 4* Wrys: Or not.

Darn. Eh, at least Hana's one of those rare TT units that's actually good.

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mfw i get five ziharks in under 100 orbs already this morning, and two in one circle ... never have i been so glad to have gacha worm brain blessings



+10'ing him today doesn't seem too far ho ho ho


( still workshopping skills, but jesus christ look at that unbuffed speed )


Congrats to everyone who got their faves this banner already :D


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Oof. I wanted 1 Zhiark amongst Navarre and the Duo.

i got:

-HP +Spd Larcei

-HP +Res Mareeta

-Spd +Atk Idunn

-HP +Res Laegjarn

instead of a single Zihark in like... 150 orbs? Lol

I merged Laeg, and replaced my old Larcei and Idunn with bad IVs with these new copies. The old ones and this new Mareeta all got manual’d. 
I eventually got a -Spd+Atk Ninja Navarre by the end. I hope my TT orbs bring me good luck!! 

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Another day, another Laevatein. +Def -Spd though, which while not Atk... is still galaxies better than the Laev I had, and bonus I dont even need to merge if I dont wanna, so I have AD Rein fodder!

...oooooh boy, Ashnard would kill a nation to have this skill...

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37 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

...oooooh boy, Ashnard would kill a nation to have this skill...

He'd kill a nation regardless. The skill is just a bonus. 😛

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