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I have a Rhajat, but that one is -atk. I was going to fodder het for rallyAtk/Def since it’s a stepping stone I need for something else. 

Free pull: +Atk Rhajat.


Well that’s useful, I might actually use her with her refine.

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Sure, why not a shot at another free Sigurd?

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Or not.)

3* Arthur (Nahrthur. +Res/-Spd)

Back to dragons in costumes. (Seriously, what are Ninian and Tiki dressed as?)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless (Where'd my blue go?)

4* Eirika (Meh.+Def/-Res), 4* Fir (Meher. +Res/-Atk)


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50 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Back to dragons in costumes. (Seriously, what are Ninian and Tiki dressed as?)

Tiki is dressed as a demon, so I think Ninian is supposed to be dressed like some sort priestess to counter that.

I guess while I'm here, I'll mention that I was able to pull a -hp +res Halloween Robin, and a -atk +hp Halloween Tiki the other day. I'm hoping to get another copy for each of them soon.

I also pulled a -atk +def Kliff, too, so I guess I have fort. def/res 3 now.

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I had a good feeling about this wheel since it gave me 3 blue nodes. Got a -HP, +spd Halloween Tiki+Ninian! Now I'm just missing Dheginsea!

@Dayni @indigoasis

Tiki's supposed to be an oni (should've had tusks) and Ninian's supposed to be a tennyo. Says so on their Meet the Heroes section.

Edited by Mercakete
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1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

Says so on their Meet the Heroes section.

I just read the page, but the description for Eliwood is kind of weird. I am pretty sure Eliwood is the one who did the exact opposite of saving Ninian's life. And I do not think Lyn and Hector serves Eliwood either since they are their own nobles, and if anything, I think Hector outranks Eliwood and Lyn is more Sacaen than Lycian.

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I just pulled a +Atk -Hp Halloween Robin! Now all I have to get is one more Tiki, and I'm good as gold.

4 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Tiki's supposed to be an oni (should've had tusks) and Ninian's supposed to be a tennyo. Says so on their Meet the Heroes section.

Ah, okay, that makes more sense. Thank you for sharing! I really like when they incorporate real life cultural stuff into Heroes, it's really neat.

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3 hours ago, indigoasis said:

I just pulled a +Atk -Hp Halloween Robin! Now all I have to get is one more Tiki, and I'm good as gold.

Ah, okay, that makes more sense. Thank you for sharing! I really like when they incorporate real life cultural stuff into Heroes, it's really neat.

Grats on your awesome Robin! And on the banner treating you so well. ^_^ +atk was the nature I wanted for mine, but I can't complain. Mine's +def.

And I'm happy to have been helpful! ^_^ Yeah, it's kind of fun to see the characters dressed up in all sorts of stuff on the Halloween banners!

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Used up all my saved orbs and a pack to try for Lene but instead got pity broken by Gray and Ayra.

I've essentially accepted Lene is a character I'm never getting.

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This weekly revival is pretty meh.

I have all three.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Fae (Nae. +Res/-Atk)

Back to pulling hallow'een dragons

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Lukas (bookas. +Res/-HP), 4* Lilin(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +HP/-Res), 4* Chrom (Look, can you get out of the pool? +Atk/-Res)

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

4* Chrom (Look, can you get out of the pool? +Atk/-Res)

But our only source of Aether in the 3* to 4* pool would be gone. I think in general too since paladin Chrom?, PoR Ike, CYL Ike, and Lucina aren't in the summoning pool for new hero banners and aside from GD Greil, I can't think of anyone else with Aether who doesn't have a personal version or variant of it like berserk Ike.

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2 minutes ago, Kaden said:

But our only source of Aether in the 3* to 4* pool would be gone. I think in general too since paladin Chrom?, PoR Ike, CYL Ike, and Lucina aren't in the summoning pool for new hero banners and aside from GD Greil, I can't think of anyone else with Aether who doesn't have a personal version or variant of it like berserk Ike.

Finally someone actually calls me out on my opinion that the regular summoning pool needs to be shaken up, with most of book one removed from the regular pool (which is easy to feel when some units show up so often I could make full +10 teams of them). And with the example I mention here, I don't blame you, Lilina certainly has less justification to be there.

Personally I'm tired of repeatedly pulling launch units that I can spend a not insignificant amount of feathers on to pick up a 5* exclusive skill and the only relevant ones are of course those skills or skills that should not be 5* locked but the only units who gives the skill at 4* doesn't show up half as much as would be liked, or see pile up as combat manuals so high I could fill bookshelves with some of the more common ones.

I'd rather see launch units be phased out of the summoning pool and placed in a new way of accessing them, which could not take premium currency because do we really want to be spending orbs on Gaius of all units?

You're especially right with Aether being one that could be argued as acceptable, but it gets harder to do so when you have so many sitting there.

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Time to get around to the New Power banner. Might as well try for Sigurd.

  1. 4* Fir: Nope.

And now Weekly Revival 11. Lene isn't exactly useful, so green for Grima.

  1. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.
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Colourless is stacked in this double special banner.

And how can't it be with 4 units in it?

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Jeorge (I don't think I'll try the other two. +Atk/-HP)

Meanwhile, the dragons continue looking for treats.

Then find my orbs.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* Cordelia (Galeforce +HP/-Spd), 3* Donnel (Pothead strikes again. +Def/-Spd), 3* Hana (There's another one. +Atk/-HP)

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It’s finally here! I need 4, preferrably 5 Micaiah, just so I can fodder one to Hel.

540 orbs gave me my 4 copies to do this:



@Diovani Bressan She’s done!


I also got a Nailah merge, one Mia so I can score a bit higher in RB with two Mia’s. And a +Atk Merric showed up.

i also found a +Spd Norne, which means my Norne will be +10 soon as well!

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2 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

It’s finally here! I need 4, preferrably 5 Micaiah, just so I can fodder one to Hel.

540 orbs gave me my 4 copies to do this:



@Diovani Bressan She’s done!

I also got a Nailah merge, one Mia so I can score a bit higher in RB with two Mia’s. And a +Atk Merric showed up.

i also found a +Spd Norne, which means my Norne will be +10 soon as well!

Oh nice!!! Congrats, my friend!

I confess that I am a little tempted for this banner, but I will wait for the trailer of he next New Heroes... in case i'ts Three Houses and in case it has Ashe or Seteth.

If I decide to summon on this banner I will go for colorless, trying for a Mia (I may keep 2 Mias as well if I get her, although my only Mia is -Atk), and maybe green as well, to get another Merric (with all these Brave Hectors, Legendary Chroms and Edelgards in general, Young Merric does an amazing job).

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Oh nice!!! Congrats, my friend!

I confess that I am a little tempted for this banner, but I will wait for the trailer of he next New Heroes... in case i'ts Three Houses and in case it has Ashe or Seteth.

If I decide to summon on this banner I will go for colorless, trying for a Mia (I may keep 2 Mias as well if I get her, although my only Mia is -Atk), and maybe green as well, to get another Merric (with all these Brave Hectors, Legendary Chroms and Edelgards in general, Young Merric does an amazing job).

Yeah if I had more orbs I would not have minded getting some Merrics with my Nailah. I am happy with my results and I already gave Micaiah CC, Mirror Impact and some smoke skills. Though ploys could also work for the debuffs before having combat. My aversa just went up in stonks for my Arena core with Micaiah’s dominance.

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I only free pulled on the double special heroes banner. Went for green as I already had both colourless units but neither green unit (while red and blue didn't interest me). Surprisingly got Wolf Bride Nailah. I wasn't really hoping to get her but she was definitely fun to use while levelling her up. I also have a Rafiel from the wedding banner's original run earlier this year so at least they can be together. She's the blessed/cursed +spd -atk ivs but I really don't mind.

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20 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Yeah if I had more orbs I would not have minded getting some Merrics with my Nailah. I am happy with my results and I already gave Micaiah CC, Mirror Impact and some smoke skills. Though ploys could also work for the debuffs before having combat. My aversa just went up in stonks for my Arena core with Micaiah’s dominance.


i wanna give mine mirror impact (or sturdy so she can survive non magical armours) but i'm not sure about the close counter though it would be nice for her to hit back dragons (though it is funny when dragons just bounce off her). jealous that yours is +atk. but i am v. appy with mine being +res for what i use her for. congrats that you got her done. 

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2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


i wanna give mine mirror impact (or sturdy so she can survive non magical armours) but i'm not sure about the close counter though it would be nice for her to hit back dragons (though it is funny when dragons just bounce off her). jealous that yours is +atk. but i am v. appy with mine being +res for what i use her for. congrats that you got her done. 

Out of all the Micaiah's I pulled, 7 were +atk, weirdly enough. That's over 50% of my total pulls. Though most of those were on the launch banner. 
CC Vantage is quite fun with dominance. I also have sturdy impact leftover, though it's only 1 manual instead of 3, so I am still wondering if I want to give her that as well. 

I hope you'll get a + atk one at some point too!



For summoning: I broke my rate on the Special heroes banner with some AA orbs and got my fish Micaiah from the banner. This is the last one I wanted, and is designated fodder. I now have a + Atk one unmerged for support on Light season. (Jorge finds dominance helpful). I have my + 10 beauty for Astra season. Mostly vs Cav Lines. And now I can also give my Hel Mystic Boost without wasting an Eir for scoring.  My Cav line will have a Mystic Boost hell in the back so if you get past the car line itself, you'll need a red mage to kill her pretty much. So B!Lysithea is the biggest threat but I am confident it will be a quite unstoppable defense team.

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I got a little tempted by the banner, and started a summoning circle... hoping for a Mia. In the 2nd orb I got Micaiah, and in the 3rd I got Merric.


@Vicious Sal Well... I got the Merric I wanted! Not sure what to do with MIcaiah. She is +Atk -Def, which is better than any of my +Def copies. I may use this one, and save another copy for fodder. For now, Mystic Boost for Hel looks to be my plans... I just need a Hel for it. lol

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8 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Out of all the Micaiah's I pulled, 7 were +atk, weirdly enough. That's over 50% of my total pulls. Though most of those were on the launch banner. 
CC Vantage is quite fun with dominance. I also have sturdy impact leftover, though it's only 1 manual instead of 3, so I am still wondering if I want to give her that as well. 

I hope you'll get a + atk one at some point too!



For summoning: I broke my rate on the Special heroes banner with some AA orbs and got my fish Micaiah from the banner. This is the last one I wanted, and is designated fodder. I now have a + Atk one unmerged for support on Light season. (Jorge finds dominance helpful). I have my + 10 beauty for Astra season. Mostly vs Cav Lines. And now I can also give my Hel Mystic Boost without wasting an Eir for scoring.  My Cav line will have a Mystic Boost hell in the back so if you get past the car line itself, you'll need a red mage to kill her pretty much. So B!Lysithea is the biggest threat but I am confident it will be a quite unstoppable defense team.


that's where all the +atk copies went
i am actually fine with my +res. i mean. the reason i went hard for her (outside of her being Micaiah and i really do love her, which weird since i never finished playing RD - so thanks FEH). was beacuse every iv was legit the same +res/-def or +res/-spd. (and one random neutral and one -atk/+spd). but honestly. the res makes her that more tankier. and i've gotten used to not having the atk super boon. so. alls well that ends well. 

I kinda want a Micaiah for Lachesis but i am thinking about doing something more unorthodox....

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The Special Spiral banner might have been predictable, but I mean it's a chance for Igrene. Or Keaton.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Eliwood (Oh well. +Atk/-Def)

The dragon hallow'een is still a thing.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (You know what, I'm going to not pull a full circle)

3* Palla (At least she's still good fodder. +Atk/-Def)

3.5%, if I hadn't said it already.

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