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imo I think we are getting less orbs. But more church pulls.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Oscar (Oh well, more for the pile. +Def/-HP), 3* Nino (How many do I have? +Atk/-Spd), 4* Libra (Libnah. +HP/-Spd), 4* Lissa (Lisnah. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Soth (Good job it's not Micaiah. +Def/-HP)


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Threw all my almost 50 orbs in. It's been a while since I spent that many orbs for a legendary banner. It was worth it because I got my first BraveEdelgard, even +atk, so satisfying. Ironically she was the reason not to pull from this type of banner anymore since in her debut banner I spent more than 200 orbs to get 5* unit. So I guess it's equaled now.

Edited by Kasumi Yoshizawa
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Under 50 Orbs in and I already letted two 5*s~



Both new, sadly not the ones I wanted~

The Luck quickly drained and I had to tap into the funds and my Bank stash. I got up to 11.5% for a better IV Corrin, so we take those, but it was mad disappointing~

So I just decided I'd go broke with 97 Orbs left and on the first pull



It's because I made fun of his art, I knew it~

Overall, I guess I can't complain, IVs don't matter, I'm just happy I don't have to wait until January for him.



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@Landmaster nice! lol I privately made fun of Dimitri's art too (especially the Special art with the funky-looking flame spiral). 

Can't complain about this banner since it only took me 8 orbs to get Dimitri -- and I only had 8 orbs to spend! A tiny bit miffed that he's +Def -Spd, sort of like how my Brave Dimitri is +Atk -Def. 

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Fishing soley in Green because I really could use a Fallen Lyon and Thrasir (for some reason have hardly any mages on my teams), and another merge for L!Edel couldn't hurt.  Already got two Reysons in the first 20 orbs which isn't shabby - will likely get him to +10 on demotes at this rate.

edit: L!Edel gotten in first 50 orbs!  I may shoot for 50 more but that'll be the hard max.

Edited by kradeelav
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Had orbs for a full circle. After this, start saving for new projects.

A merge for marth is ok, mira is good. Green is all welcome, blue as well. Grey just not Grima.


4 duds and one Corrin, that’s perfect fodder. I am content.

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Spent... hmm! 120 orbs? Maybe a BIT more? 

I got 1 Fallen Male Corrin at -Hp+Def, merged into my +Spd copy and now he is at +2.

2x L Chrom, one -Hp+Res, another -Spd+Res. Both merged into my +Spd copy and now he is +2 as well!

And finally... L Dimitri!! ❤️ He came at -Spd+Def which is a big oof. Oh well, I am happy to have gotten him! He reruns next year with Julia, so I will try to patch up the bane then, alongside hopefully picking up my first copy of J.

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Alright, after this, I pull the spark.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (Really?)

3* Maria (Shadow would be disappointed. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Chrom (Oh boy it's one of those times. +Spd/-Res), 4* Tailtiu (I mean it's not like it's an awful fodder. +HP/-Spd), 4* Ferdinand (Also acceptable. +Atk/-Def, that's also nice), 3* Mathilda (Ugh. +Spd/-Res), 4%

I'll be honest, I'm not too concerned about getting Catherine and FLayn would be worth pulling for in future, so Shamir it is for the spark.

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless (REALLY?)

4* Cecilia (Please No. +Res/-HP), 4* Shjeena (Double no. +Def/-HP), 4* Merric (The three horsemen of the launch greens? It does lack Bartre. +Def/-HP), 4* Florina (look, just no. +HP/-Spd), 3* Sakura (Is it just me or should we get compensation for circles this bad? Neutral)


2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Prisclla (Why? +Atk/-Res), 4* Est (Seteth this is not. +Res/-Spd), 4* Seteth (Better I guess. +Def/-HP), 4* Ross (I think that's +10. Where's Echidna? +Atk/-Def), 4* Merric (With pulls like these who's the real enemy? +Res/-Def)


2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless (Odd. Somehow 1 Red in 20)

4* Seteth (I couldn't get this lucky for Ilyana huh +Def/-Spd), 3* Nowi (No way is this looking fun. Neutral), 4* Rebecca (Rebeccah bollocks. +Def/-HP), 4* Fae (Nae, a thousand times doth I say FAE! +Res/-Def), (OH cOME ON +Res/-DEF THIS IS REALLY GETTING OUT OF HAND)


3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (No Flayn shot. Oh joy.)

4* Sheena (I JUST WANT UNITS WHO DIDN'T COME OUT DAY 1 COME ON. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Chrom (Why isn't the Chrum gone? +Atk/-Def), 3* Wendy (I mean, it is a unit. +HP/-Atk), 5* Ylgr (I mean she didn't..... +Atk/-Spd, Do I have that as well?), 3* Mathilda (I am done bothering. +Atk/-HP)

Fuck the end of this banner.

I'm going to look at the legendary and probably not pull again.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Of course, no Greens.)

3* Nowi (Doh'i +Def/-Res), 4* Silas (Byelas. +Res/-Spd)


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So, it's Halloween pull day! Still haven't gotten King Goldoa, and I saved up 18 orbs, so I'm trying again!

Got pity-broken...by a +def Phina. Whyyyyyyyyyy Dheginsea? ;-; Are you still mad that I cleared this year's Halloween maps with Fallen Ashnard? This is twice on this banner that I was pitybroken on red by someone I didn't care about! ;-;

I also got yet another 4* Hana. So, yeah, down to 9 orbs again... I'll keep trying! I won't stop even if I keep being thrown tricks! I will keep trying to get this treat!

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I summoned Shigure immediately before summoning Marth. I got two of my favorite Fire Emblem men in a row! ❤️

Hopefully I will summon Ryoma and/or Chrom before the event ends, but even one of the two (or another five-star focus Hero) will be more than satisfactory.

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Haven't posted here in forever mostly because of salt, now I need to unleash it

Starting from the good stuff, I got a Yarne that I foddered a little ago, then a +Atk -Spd B!Celica on her weekly banner. Celica is really fun to use so that's a win and the -Atk doesn't matter a lot when she destroys everything in 2 hits. 

For the bad...well, I went into the Halloween banner trying to get Harmonic Tiki and the results have been a disaster so far. No 5* units and I've reached 6.75% on the banner...ex-fucking-cuse me!?, and to makes things worse everything I pull is a 3*, like wasn't the rates changed so 4* units were more common than 3*s!? Ughhh... Man, I'm so salty at this banner. It's been ages since I've had such horrible luck. At this point I just want to break that pity, I don't care if the game throws me some bleh unit but for the love of Naga/Ashunera/Sothis just give me something. 

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Today I finally got Hinoka, as my free summon.

Does she have good IVs? Of course not. But I don't mind.

Now, from Book 1 non-seasonals... I think am only missing Katarina. I hope I can get her with free summon as well.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Got pitybroken by a worthless colorless Robin at around 100 orbs and I'mma give up on this legendary banner.  That being said, her, one LEdel, and five Reysons for my merge project isn't too shabby. At worst she'll be a decent feather grinder.

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I managed +Spd -Def LegDimitri, so I'm glad. Also got +HP -Spd Fallen Lyon, which made me mad, but hey since I don't care to merge him up that means I can replace my Neutral and have some... uh... hm, Lyon's fodder is not that good actually...

Not a 5* summon, but I also got +Spd -HP Rath, which is literally the first good-natured Rath I've gotten since his demotion... and I've gotten a number of Raths.
I swear I'm gonna +10 him out of spite someday.

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It's time for more Book 1 5* units! Yay! /s

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* M!Corrin (Choosing Conquest intensifies. +HP/-Def)

Back to the Legendary banner.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Merric (Can I just see him go? +Res/-Atk), 4* Boey (Early mages woo /s +Spd/-Res), 3* Est (Bleh. +Def/-Spd)


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@Landmaster Yay for the Dimitri Club! Sadly, I spent roughly $100 orbs on this banner before finally getting mine~

I also got 3 L!Chrom, bringing him to +5, 1 L!Edelgard (pity-breaking bitch), and 1 Fallen!Corrin before getting my +Spd L!Dimitri. I'm now determined to bank my orbs for a) his rerun in three months and b) L!Claude who will likely land in three months. If Chrom pairs with Dimitri again, Blue will be a very happy place for me~♡

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@Landmaster Yay for the Dimitri Club! Sadly, I spent roughly $100 orbs on this banner before finally getting mine~

I also got 3 L!Chrom, bringing him to +5, 1 L!Edelgard (pity-breaking bitch), and 1 Fallen!Corrin before getting my +Spd L!Dimitri. I'm now determined to bank my orbs for a) his rerun in three months and b) L!Claude who will likely land in three months. If Chrom pairs with Dimitri again, Blue will be a very happy place for me~♡

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Alright then, another rerun of old units who we might as well start considering just putting into the newer banners are rare pulls.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Rebecca (Please Norne. +Atk/-Spd)

Meanwhile, the Dimitri banner where I still want more Green

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Libra (Librono. Neutral), 4* Python (Why am I not enthusiastic for him I wonder. +Def/-Atk), 3* Valbar (Another SoV unit. Neutral)

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