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The chapter orbs weren't very helpful on the Ninja banner. Got a Fallen Lyon, although I'm not in need of NCD fodder right now. 

As for the Tellius banner, I got A!Laegjarn (+Hp -Def. Meh) from the tickets which is nice. I doubt I'll use her all that much when I have Harmonic Leif for my bow cav needs, but having more Florets is cool. 

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My banner luck for A!Laegjarn was actually shockingly generous:

  • Dieck (+Def/-Res)
  • Leo (+Spd/-Atk)
  • F!Kris (+Atk/-Res)
  • A!Laegjarn (+Spd/-Def)
  • Astrid (+Atk/-Res)
  • Hector (+HP/-Res)
  • Volke (Neutral) (Spark)

That was just 40 pulls. I was worried when I got Dieck'd right at the start, but then I came back with the tickets and my bad luck 180'd hard.

Edited by Some Jerk
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Through 15 pulls on the Laegjarn & PoR banner, I managed to get two off-focus blues:

  • Boar Dimitri, who had showed up at 5% on the horrible 2021 Halloween banner just earlier this month
  • Farina, eh she's got good fodder at least

but not one copy of Marcia or any focus unit, because my non-free pull luck continues to be fucked. 

I also got a 4* Special Sanaki, which brought her merge level up to +4.

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I didn't mention it before, but I free-pulled Tibarn on the banner he's on right now. Yay! (This is my first Tibarn of any sort.) In other pulling news, I finally got Ninja Shinon! Now to save orbs for trying to get Christmas Tharja's R Tome Valor. (Sorry Ninja Zihark and Ninja Navarre; you're just going to have to wait.) I also free-pulled a neutral ascended (I think it was called) Laegjarn, so yay? Saves me from trying to nab her later if I want her, I guess.

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First things first, blue for Weekly Revival 39.

  1. 3* Est: No.

Red for the Rally banner.

  1. 3* Oscar: Or not.

Blue for In the Moment.

  1. 4* Shigure: No.

And lastly to see if the tickets will give me Ascendant!Laegjarn.

  1. 4* Gaius: No.
  2. 3* Maria: No.
  3. 4* Norne: Finally a +Spd copy! -Def is fine because it's time to start feeding you merges.
  4. 3* Chrom: No.
  5. 3* Jakob: No.

Well, at least I finally got the +Spd Norne I've been looking for. No Laegjarn, but that's fine.

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My goodness, the Brave Ike/Brave Lucina/Gray revival banner was both generous and very stubborn. I only needed one single Brave Ike to finally get mine merged up to +10. But this banner decided to give me Hector: General of Ostia, Nino: Pale Flower, and Corrin: Dream Princess from the 4☆ Special pool, as well as Hilda: Idle Maiden and Camilla: Light of Nohr. After all of that, after 130 orbs, I FINALLY got the last Ike: Brave Mercenary I needed. My Brave Ike is now merged up to +10.

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Welp... my luck has SUCKED.

I just wanted Duo Corrin. That's it. Just her.

I got pity broken in the process 7 TIMES. And they were fairly spaced out pity breaks too. Even when I did get her, she was +HP -Atk... I trait fruited her immediately.

...at least I have G Duel Infantry 4 fodder now???

Edited by Xenomata
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Guess Ninja F!Corrin is going to stay at +1. I got like a trillion 3* Balthuses (not a single one was +Atk) and the one time I choose a blue orb to see if I can get Special Spiral fodder I get THE BOAR. It's funny how I have every post-TS Dimitri and the Academy version never showed up. I've heard that Fallen Dimitri can pull off some nasty stuff after replacing his lance for a Ninja Yari or the new Ninja lance, but eh. I'll keep him around for now, but he's likely to end up as Odd Tempest fodder for someone like B!Celica if I ever decide to merge her up. 

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My luck continues to be interesting.

So, all I really wanted from the Double Special Heroes banner was Young Eirika. I got, uh, two Vikas with bad nature, Spring Selena, and my first Tanith.

I mean, that's not bad, I guess? That's pretty good for spending all the tickets and only a few orbs. But I don't know whether I want to push my luck or not.

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"Oh, so the Palla and Catria Bound Hero Battle summoning banner is using their original Archanea selves, not their Valentian alts. Well, okay, I like Palla and haven't upgraded her to 5-star yet. Maybe I'll get a free one! Oh, there's only blue orbs...uh, okay, I like Catria, too, so she'd be fine, just so long as it isn't Est since I already have her at 5-star and merged up to the max +10...oh. Free summoned 5-star Est. O...okay..."

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I got a guaranteed summon Laegjarn: Flame Ascendent. However, after dumping like 500 more Orbs into the Focus, I have not gotten a second one. I think this might be one of my most unlucky Foci.

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Tried getting some merges on Larum, Phina, and maybe Nils with that incredibly powerful yet incredibly ill-timed Voting Gauntlet banner.

  • FM!Morgan (+HP/-Res)
  • Zeke (+Res/-Atk)
  • Louise (+Atk/-Res)
  • B!Lyn (+HP/-Spd)
  • Lene (+HP/-Res)

...All I got was a lesson in not chasing two (three?) rabbits. Cool fodder aside, this was not a good use of the Byleth Friday packs.

Edited by Some Jerk
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0829757b216ebf2e5fe3ab02652b5d9c9ba33d7c  5bd113b465d7e85ab9339ba4c214e571a0d92369

I had fantastic luck with the new ninja banner: I summoned both male Ninja Corrin and female Ninja Corrin (with Elise) in seven summons! 😄

As much as I love Corrin and Elise, I’m hoping Corrin being part of a Duo Hero doesn’t kill the chance of a future Corrin and Elincia Harmonic Hero. There’s always next year.

Male Corrin is particularly memorable for me because I spoke with Cam Clarke, his voice actor, at ConnectiCon in September. I had him sign my Conquest game box! I'll post photos on my Tumblr someday. I wonder how far in advance the lines for each Hero are recorded? When I talked to Cam Clarke, he seemed to have no recollection of ever voicing Corrin, didn’t know what character I was talking about, and asked me which character on the box was voiced by him (to be fair, female Corrin is on the Conquest box and male Corrin is on the Birthright box.) Honestly, I was disappointed. To make this even more bizarre, there was a Corrin cosplayer in line a couple places behind me. Was it possible Cam Clarke was putting on an act since he didn’t want me suspecting there would be a new Corrin alt released in Heroes a couple months after we talked? I imagine he recorded Corrin’s line for this alt within the last six months.

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Free summon ring on this legendary banner was very nice to me. Was planning on sniping colorless for Bramimond, who's been a big want of mine for a long time.

And... Free summoned him! 2nd colorless on the same ring was a legendary Corrin as well. This frees up all the orbs I get to snipe red for Sigurd now!

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Thorr and Eitri Banner: 50 orbs used.

1) First free pull: L!Sigurd +Atk -Def. Nice, Now He will be +Atk +1
2)Dagr +Spd -Def. She is now +2
3)Lost sassy Child Eitri  +HP -Atk. Well I wasn't interested on her but I guess she is welcome
4)Another L!Sigurd +Atk -Spd, another good IV but wanted Plumeria for extra merges... oh well nice fodder at least
5)Thorr +HP -Def. Bad IVs but She is the one I wanted, I'm out of this banner.

Amazing luck, Very happy about this. Now I'm only missing Duma to have all Mythics

13 hours ago, Magenta Fantasies said:

Male Corrin is particularly memorable for me because I spoke with Cam Clarke, his voice actor, at ConnectiCon in September. I had him sign my Conquest game box! I'll post photos on my Tumblr someday. I wonder how far in advance the lines for each Hero are recorded? When I talked to Cam Clarke, he seemed to have no recollection of ever voicing Corrin, didn’t know what character I was talking about, and asked me which character on the box was voiced by him (to be fair, female Corrin is on the Conquest box and male Corrin is on the Birthright box.) Honestly, I was disappointed. To make this even more bizarre, there was a Corrin cosplayer in line a couple places behind me. Was it possible Cam Clarke was putting on an act since he didn’t want me suspecting there would be a new Corrin alt released in Heroes a couple months after we talked? I imagine he recorded Corrin’s line for this alt within the last six months.

I'm Jealous of you, I love Cam Clarke.

But anyway, Voice actors aren't allowed to talk about future projects when they are hired, I'm almost sure He didn't want to tell you and get into trouble. I believe units are recorded/created between 8-6 months before their release.

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First session, blue orb garbage, blue orb garbage, green orb garbage, Kaden, and... Thorr! Yay and she's +Atk -Spd!

...wait why does Kaden ring alarm bells- oh dip he's +10 now.

...well that's not how I expected this session to go. My summoning luck has been horrid lately, so this is a nice upturn.

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Decided to invest a little bit and 5 orbs in I got a +atk (-def) Thorr. 'Kay. I also pulled another green node on the wheel, but just got a 4* Nino. Anyway, I think I'm done with this banner, though it would've been nice to get Dagr.

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 Before I get to the Legendary/Mythic banner, some tidying up. Blue for the BHB banner.

  1. 3* Mordecai: No.

Blue again for the 2nd VG banner.

  1. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.

Blue yet again for the 1st VG banner.

  1. 3* Valbar: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 40.

  1. 3* Python: No.

And now for the L/M banner. I don't have an interest in any particular unit, but with 410 orbs I can afford to take a few circles.

  1. 3* Clarine: No.
  2. 4* Robin: No.
  3. 5* Fallen!Dimitri: Alright! +HP/-Def is fine.
  4. 3* Seteth: No.
  5. 4* Tailtiu: No.

That went nicely, so I'll try one more time. 395 orbs left.

  1. 5* Anamnesis!Eirika: Not a bad 4* Special. +HP/-Res is pretty meh, but I've got a +2 +Spd copy already.
  2. 4* Laslow: No.
  3. 4* Bartre: No.
  4. 4* Raven: No.
  5. 5* L!Corrin: Very nice. +Spd/-HP is quite good, although I'm not exactly short on Wind Legendaries.

That went extremely well for once. 3 good 5*s for only 35 orbs. Depending on what the next few banners hold I might even come back to spend a bit more.

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Got two Thórrs and a Micaiah: Radiant Queen. I finally got my second Laegjarn: Flame Ascendent. I also got Eirika: Twin Refulgence, and I am just waiting for more super tank supports to be released so I can build a third super tank team for Arena Assault.

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Got 2 Inigos on the Double seasonal banner. I'm salty about the Inigos. Why couldn't one of those be Harmonic Caeda for my GF teams?. Not to mention I have no use for GDF4 because Ninja Hana already covers the green slot for Arena. At least I can make something out of his Rein skill.

After the saltfest I summoned a bit on the Legendary/Mythic banner. Got a +Atk -Hp Eitri. Would've preferred Thorr, but Eitri's got those meme expressions and she's a pretty good PP nuke so I'll take it. 

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