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Let's see if I get anything this week. Green for Lovely Gifts.

  1. 4* Ross: No.

Green again for Love of a King.

  1. 3* Gunter: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 9.

  1. 3* Nyna: No.

Grey again for Weekly Revival 51.

  1. 3* Jakob: No.

Blue for the Rally banner.

  1. 4* Shigure: No.

And now to see if I can get Ascendant!Elincia. I only have 80 orbs on hand and don't feel up to gathering more right now, so this probably won't do it.

  1. 3* Legault: No.
  2. 3* Niles: No.
  3. 4* Kagero: No.

The usual grey garbage. Ticket 1, 72 orbs left.

  1. 5* Saber: A meh 4* Special. +Res/-Spd is bad, so merge fodder for my +Atk/-Res copy.

Ticket 2.

  1. 3* Legault: Ugh...

Ticket 3.

  1. 4* Klein: No.

Ticket 4.

  1. 3* Femui: No.

So much for getting this done with quickly.

  1. 4* Emmeryn: No.
  2. 4* Klein: No.
  3. 4* Tethys: No.

59 orbs left.

  1. 5* Shinon: Huh, nice. +HP/-Atk isn't good, so merge fodder for my +1 +Res copy.

54 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silvia: No.

49 orbs left.

  1. 4* Niles: No.

44 orbs left.

  1. 4* Wrys: No.
  2. 3* Brady: No.

35 orbs left.

  1. 5* Ascendant!Elincia: Yeah! +HP/-Spd is horrible, but I'll take what I can get.
  2. 3* Tethys: Yeah, that's what I figured.

That actually went really well. 54 orbs got me merges for Saber and Shinon plus a copy of Elincia. Depending on future banners I may come back here. Now for the weekly Arena ticket, late but not forgotten.

  1. 5* Fallen!Femui: Not bad at all. +HP/-Spd is awful, so merge fodder for my +Def/-Atk copy.
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Top Posters In This Topic

1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta

Can't complain about getting someone from the most recent set of demotes, with a fairly modern kit. She's even +Spd -Res, which means a new base and +2.

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26 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I...I can't believe it. Luke again. Sigh.

I got Caineghis twice myself, although I suppose he is a better unit than Luke.

This week I got fallen male Corrin. Not new, but still okay. He's +spd, like my previously used m!Corrin.

1. Igrene
2. Mist
3. Sumia
4. Laevatein
5. Caineghis
6. Azura
7. Caineghis
8. Tsubasa
9. Mikoto
10. Brave Eliwood
11. Petra
12. Fallen m!Corrin

That Mikoto is quite WTF, because she's +spd -HP ... for like at least third time.

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11 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I got Caineghis twice myself, although I suppose he is a better unit than Luke.

I'd gladly take two copies of Caineghis, I only need two more to get him to +10, and I also only need two more to get Lyn to +10, and only four more for Karla and Ayra. But the game is being super stubborn, as usual. I still haven't summoned one single copy of any version of Mist.

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A bunch of pulls this week that I haven't posted yet.

This week's Arena ticket gets me Bernadetta.

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta


41 pulls from Hero Fest:

  • 1 Lysithea (+1 spark)
  • 2 pity breakers
    • Nimue
    • Fallen Rhea

40 pulls from the Double Special Heroes banner:

  • 3 Female Corrin (+1 spark)
  • 1 Laegjarn

40 pulls from the Ascended Elincia banner:

  • 1 Elincia (+1 spark)
  • 2 pity breakers
    • Wolf
    • Priam

Overall a pretty good haul, with the Double Special Heroes banner making up for the Hero Fest being 1 pull below average. Lysithea is now +5. Corrin is now +5.


I'll be skipping going for sparks on the Remix and Hall of Forms banners. Trying to trim a bit off of my gacha spending, and there isn't anything I desperately need from those banners.

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Alright, blue for the Double Special banner.

  1. 4* Lilina: Nope.

Red for the CYL4 Hall of Forms banner.

  1. 5* Nah: Hey, a 4* Special! +Res/-Def is the wrong way around, so I think I'll keep my current +1 +HP copy and merge in.

Green for Greil's Devoted.

  1. 5* Mamori: A second 4* Special! +HP/-Spd is alright, but again I think I'll stick with my +1 +Res copy.

Grey for the BHB banner.

  1. 4* Clarine: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 10.

  1. 4* Wrys: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 66.

  1. 3* Palla: No.

And lastly the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Zelgius: Not bad. +Res/-Atk is awful, but my current copy is +Atk/-Res, so an easy merge choice.

A lucky session this week. Nah and Mamori are hardly top-tier anymore, but my lizard brain likes more merges.

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This just in. I fucking hate the Valentine's banner. I'm at 34/40 pulls (no FEH pass), sniping only greens and blues with colorless as my backup. I've gotten TWO all-red circles, a very early Erinys, and just now a 4-star special Ranulf. At this point I have to keep going until the banner disappears or I get something to break my dumb pity rate even if it's not Takumi or Leo.

And thinking back on it, I think Takumi just hates me or something. That NY banner from the first year took me 5% for me to get a single copy of him. And I think the summer banner also took me quite a bit for him to show up. (Did I get him on the debut banner? I'm pretty sure I did ...) So I guess it's just par for the course or something. Dammit Takumi, Reinhardt actually shows up within a reasonable time, why can't you

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On 2/9/2023 at 1:42 PM, Tybrosion said:

Little good that focus charge thing does when you aren’t even lucky enough to pull off focus 5*s.

About two and a half weeks later.....




How do I never learn to never open my damn mouth?

I sparked for Elise & Sakura, but now I kinda regret doing so because I can barely get greens to pull half of the time. And now that the Focus Charge thing is active, I'm entirely expecting to end up with Takumi when I inevitably get another green-less set. The only focus unit I've actually pulled was a 4* Hana.

I'm straight up not having a good time and this banner freaking blows. 

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@TybrosionThis fucking banner is cursed

EDIT: Speaking of cursed. I just broke my pity rate. WITH SAIN. I don't even like Sain. Fuck, this sucks. I don't know what I should do now.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Ayy, did a full round on the legendary banner, and good thing too because the fifth and final pull was Legendary M Robin. +Atk -Def at that.

Also nabbed a Neutral Sue from yesterday's Valentine re-run, she's new to me so that's cool. And finally, the weekly Arena freebie is Leanne, no strong feelings about that result.

1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta
13. Leanne

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Weekly Arena ticket:

  • Week 1: Horse Chrom
  • Week 2: Luke
  • Week 3: Lewyn
  • Week 4: Maribelle
  • Week 5: Velouria
  • Week 6: Takumi
  • Week 7: Nah
  • Week 8: Mareeta
  • Week 9: Brave Veronica
  • Week 10: Laegjarn
  • Week 11: Male Byleth
  • Week 12: Luke
  • Week 13: Velouria

This week was just oh-so kind to me. It knew I needed another Velouria, just like I needed another Luke! Not a much-needed Caineghis merge, not Mist whom I still have never summoned, not another healer with a Prf I can finally give some useful inheritance to. Nah, I needed another Velouria, a character I'm never going to use and who has no skills to fodder off. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

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A chance at M Byleth or CYL Camilla? Of course not, don't be silly, we don't do red or grey orbs here. But it did mean a freebie of my last choice, CYL Eliwood. Neutral is whatever, I'm thinking of feeding him to Ophelia who I will in turn feed to Valentine's Titania and maybe Bridal Cecilia if I pull another from the AHR banner. The awkward thing I suppose is that the other unit getting Arcane Eclipse is Lilina, who can't really use the speed but just ends up with it by default I guess. Not expecting to see Finish 3 fodder until next year at the earliest.

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While I figure out how I want to divide up this month's gacha fund between the Legendary Robin banner and the Spring banner, I decided to at least pull for the spark on Robin since there was no way I was not going to do at least that much. 40 pulls:

  • 2 Robin (+1 spark)
  • 1 Xander
  • 1 Ashera

Good haul. The first Robin has an Atk Asset, too. Not disappointed in this banner. Yet.


And since I haven't posted it yet, this week's Arena ticket got me Laegjarn:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn


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Okay, time to start off with blue for Love Abounds.

  1. 5* S!Innes: That works too. A 4* Special I've already got, and full neutral at that, so merge fodder for my +1 +Def copy.

Green for the Ideal banner.

  1. 4* Bartre: No.

Green again for Here With Me.

  1. 3* Sophia: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 11.

  1. 4* Mae: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 52.

  1. 4* Lena: No.

Grey again for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Lachesis: No.

One circle from the Legendary banner. 158 orbs is a little low for my liking, but I like what this banner has to offer.

  1. 3* Robin: Wrong.
  2. 4* Altena: No.
  3. 4* Miriel: No.
  4. 4* Balthus: No.
  5. 4* Frederick: No.

Disappointing. Let's see who the weekly Arena ticket gives me this time.

  1. 5* B!Claude: Hey, not bad. +Res/-Def isn't great, so I think I'll stick with my original neutral copy.
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Funny how summoning on tilt works out sometimes. I had intended to just pull whatever non-reds turned up on the first circle of the Spring banner, but was left unsatisfied by the three pulls all being worthless 3-star units. So I did an additional round, four pulls, all 3-stars once. I was proper annoyed at the game at this stage, and impulsively went for a third round, I was going to see a 4-star, come hell or high water. And what do you know, the game did me one better Harmonic Karla, with a perfect +Spd -Res nature. In the end I spent 40-odd orbs, 30 more than I had intended, but well worth it. (And yes, I did get a useless 4-star unit of some sort in the end too)

Weekly arena freebie was Takumi, fine I guess.

1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta
13. Leanne
14. Takumi

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On the upside, I got the only unit I truly cared about: Bunny Triandra! And also an Ashe or two.
Downside, I had to buy a summoner support pack and the monthly orb pack to get to 25 summons total.

Since I still have Feh Pass, I should be able to get enough orbs before it expires to spark Karla/Freya. It mostly makes me angry that despite my vow to spend as little as I can on in-game stuff, I'm still spending anyway...

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Well, I got a +spd (but -atk) Bunny Ashe pretty quickly! He was a 5* too. So I decided to pull a bit more to see if I couldn't get another copy to get rid of that bane. I got a 4* version not too long after that (which was ALSO +spd.) Manual'd, upgraded, and merged. So, done with the banner! =D

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Weekly Arena ticket:

  • Week 1: Horse Chrom
  • Week 2: Luke
  • Week 3: Lewyn
  • Week 4: Maribelle
  • Week 5: Velouria
  • Week 6: Takumi
  • Week 7: Nah
  • Week 8: Mareeta
  • Week 9: Brave Veronica
  • Week 10: Laegjarn
  • Week 11: Male Byleth
  • Week 12: Luke
  • Week 13: Velouria
  • Week 14: Phina
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The Valentine's banner was utter shit. Ended up pulling more than 40 times (can't spark, no FEH Pass) and didn't get either of Takumi or Leo. Or even a random Duo Elise on circles with no greens or blues. Thanks, game.

Spring banner gave me 5-star Ashe pretty quickly, which was fine.

Arena ticket gave me Bow Hinoka, who is apparently very determined to be merged up to +10. Last week was a perfect Rinkah.

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This week's Arena ticket got me a second Laegjarn in a row:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn


It looks like the Legendary Robin banner doesn't want my money, so it's not getting any more. 93 pulls:

  • 0 Robin
  • 5 Xander
  • 3 Thorr
  • 1 Elimine
  • 1 Ashera

This brings my totals for this banner to 133 pulls:

  • 2 Robin (+1 spark)
  • 6 Xander
  • 3 Thorr
  • 1 Elimine
  • 2 Ashera

10.5% focus rate is good. 1.5% Robin rate is garbage and is about 1 and a half copies below average. At least the consolation prize is a lot of Atk/Spd Catch 4 fodder.


Ended up doing the remaining 39 pulls from the Three Houses Hall of Forms banner for the spark despite previously saying I wouldn't:

  • 1 Lysithea (+1 spark)
  • 0 pity breakers

And now all of my CYL 4 units are +10. Yay. But I still never got a Lysithea with a Spd Asset.

And pulled for the spark on the Genealogy Hall of Forms banner because the boosted sniping focus rate on red (and green) due to the messed up summon rates were too good to pass up. 40 pulls:

  • 1 Lakche (+1 spark)
  • 1 Sety
  • 2 pity breakers
    • Brave Seliph
    • Astrid

And my free pull from the Harmonized Sonya Spring banner got me Brave Byleth, which is cool.


Pulling all colors from the Spring banner until I get Ashe and Bernadetta, at which point I stop pulling their respective colors. I'm probably not done with this banner, but since it's going to be up for a really long time, I'm not really in a hurry to finish. Also, reaching an 11.0% pity rate with a full pity charge really sucks the wind out of your sails, even if the session that finally breaks it gives you 2 focus units.

283 pulls:

  • 6 Karla (+1 spark)
  • 4 Triandra
  • 1 Bernadetta
  • 0 5-star Ashe
  • 2 4-star Ashe (I forgot to stop pulling red and got a second copy on the session immediately following the first)
  • 6 pity breakers
    • Ascended Laegjarn
    • Ascended Ishtar
    • Ascended Mareeta (pity charge broken by 1 Karla at 6.5%)
    • Dieck
    • Geoffrey
    • Astrid (pity charge broken by 1 Karla and 1 Triandra at 11.0%)

3.9% focus rate is pretty good and is about 2 pulls above average. 6.0% total 5-star rate is below average by about 1 and a half pulls, but doesn't really matter because the focus rate is at least keeping up, and that's all I really care about on this banner.

Bernadetta really doesn't seem to like me. She was the last 5-star I pulled before the Astrid that filled up the pity charge and led to the 11.0% pity rate.

The Freyja curse seems to have hit me again, though it's not quite as bad as last time. All of the banner units I pulled (including the copies of Ashe) have HP, Def, or Res Assets except for 1 copy of Karla (the last one has a Spd Asset, thankfully), and 1 copy of Triandra (with an Atk Asset). Bleh.

I really, really seem to attract Ascended Heroes, but only the early ones, it seems.

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I'm ... I'm so confused.

Yesterday I got free Harmonic Sonya and Tharja on their rerun banner. Today I got my first Bernadetta as a free pull on her banner ... and then I got Brave Lucina as a free pull on HER banner. I also got Spring Ashe at 5-star without having to spend too many orbs.

At this point, I'm starting to wonder if this is the game's way of apologizing for the fucking Valentine's banner.

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There's quite a few banners I want to pull from this week. Starting with red for the New Power banner.

  1. 4* Soleil: No.

Red again for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Atlas: Or not.

Any greens for Hop-and-Go-Seek. I've got 258 orbs, so depending on how my luck pans out with Karla and Freyja I might come back here.

  1. 4* Mustafa: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 6. Another banner I want to pull from.

  1. 5* Zeke: Okay, sure. +Def/-Spd is great, but my current copy is already +1 +Def. Merge time.

Lucky. Red for Weekly Revival 67.

  1. 3* Knoll: No.

And now for Spring Eternal. Green-sniping only, since my luck with Harmonics tends towards the bad.

  1. 3* Raven: No.
  2. 4* Bastian: It didn't take long for you to show up. +Res/-HP is pretty solid, a super-asset and super-flaw as seems to be the trend.
  3. 5* Arthur: Okay! +Atk/-Res is much better than my current +Def/-Spd copy, so new master copy. I'll take the other two units for fun.
  4. 4* Roshea: No.
  5. 4* Kiragi: No.

That was a good start. 243 orbs left.

  1. 3* Sheena: No.
  2. 5* Harmonic!Karla: Yes! that was nice and quick, although +Def/-Spd is poor as I'm come to expect.

That went better than I expected. 24 orbs got me a +Def/-Spd copy of Harmonic!Karla and a second copy of Arthur (FE4). Since the Easter banner is going to be around for a while I think I'll go back to Weekly Revival 6 and see if I can get Lucina a merge or two. 234 orbs left.

  1. 3* Hana: No.
  2. 5* Hugh: Well, this week's session is going nicely. +Spd/-Def is excellent, so I think I'll merge my +Def/-HP copy in.

That's a second non-focus 5* from this banner. 225 orbs left.

  1. 3* Mamui: No.
  2. 3* Lilina: No.

216 orbs left.

  1. 3* Clair: No.

211 orbs left.

  1. 5* Volke: This banner really does like me. +Def/-Spd is terrible though, just like on Karla.
  2. 4* Sophia: No.
  3. 5* Lucina: This is ridiculous, in a good way of course. +Def/-Spd again, although she's merge fodder anyway (+5 now!). Just to see what happens I'll take the other two units in this circle.
  4. 4* Mathilda: No.
  5. 4* Titania: Oh well.

Things are going extremely well for me. I just got a merge for Lucina and now I have the Focus Charge to ideally get her another one. 191 orbs left.

  1. 5* Quan: Not what I was expecting, but a decent 4* Special. +Atk/-Spd is good, so I suppose I should merge my +3 +Def copy in. +4 now.

Absolutely surreal. 186 orbs left.

  1. 4* Laslow: No.

181 orbs left.

  1. 4* Karin: No.

176 orbs left.

  1. 4* A!Tiki: No.
  2. 4* Tanith: No.

167 orbs left.

  1. 5* Lucina: Another merge. +Res/-HP is meh, but it doesn't matter anyway. +6 now.
  2. 5* Lucina: This is too good to believe. +HP/-Res, the exact opposite of before. +7 now. I have to see what the rest of this circle has for me.
  3. 5* B!Lucina: Utterly insane. +Res/-Atk is awful, so merge fodder for my neutral +6 copy. +7 now as well
  4. 4* Rath: You spoiled the streak...
  5. 3* Mustafa: At least I don't need merges for Julia.

87 orbs and 20 pulls later, I made off with a patently absurd haul. Without even counting the merge for Zeke from the free pull, I just got:

  • Hugh (merge)
  • Volke
  • Quan (4* Special merge)
  • Lucina x 3 * (merge)
  • B!Lucina (merge)

Combining that with the Easter banner, today I spent a total of 111 orbs to make 32 pulls and got a total of 10 5*s from it. And I still have 147 orbs left! I'm not pushing my luck any further today though. Between Harmonic!Karla and the upcoming New Heroes banner I've got to be cautious with my spending. But before I end things, time for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Lyn: Not a good unit, but a character I like. +Atk/-HP is decent, but I think I'll merge into my old +Spd/-Def copy from way back at the beginning of the game.

Thank you, Focus Charge.



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Turns out that characters new to me do exist in the 4-star special pool. Got my first Loki with the arena ticket.

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