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I decided to pull for the spark on Guinevere's banner with the orbs I had lying around from the recent special orb packs.

52 pulls from the Legendary Hero banner:

  • 1 Guinevere (+1 spark)
  • 1 Fomortiis
  • 0 Askr

3.8% focus rate is obviously abysmal on an 8% banner.

On the bright side, I did get another copy of Fomortiis, bringing him up to +5 (once I decide which merge base I want to use), and the one non-spark copy of Guinevere has an Atk Asset, which is at least decent to use as a merge base for the time being.

I'll probably just go for one more copy of Guinevere (or 2 more orb packs, whichever comes first) and call it quits on this banner. I might get impatient and do those pulls today or this weekend or I might procrastinate and do them later. We'll see. (I don't have barracks space issues right now to use as an excuse to procrastinate, but that might not stop me.)

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So in the end, I decided not to procrastinate.

39 pulls:

  • 1 Guinevere
  • 0 Fomortiis
  • 3 Askr

While I said I was going to pull until I got one more copy of Guinevere or until the end of 2 orb packs, I ended up pulling my second (non-spark) copy of Guinevere in only 10 pulls, so I decided to finish up the orb pack. And because this game clearly exists to troll me, not only was the second copy of Guinevere identical to the first (both Asset and Flaw), but all I got with the rest of the orb pack was 3 copies of Askr, who is completely worthless to me because none of his skills are at all useful.

Total 91 pulls:

  • 2 Guinevere (+1 spark)
  • 1 Fomortiis
  • 3 Askr

6.6% focus rate is still garbage, especially since half of those were Askr instead of units I could actually do something with.

So this banner can go to hell like all of the other ones, and I'll wait for Guinevere to return to pull for more copies of her. According to the schedule, she'll be returning in November at the same time as Fomortiis again, which is very nice. November has been the banner for the end of the book for the past 3 years now, so it's likely that Gullveig will also be on this banner (though if it's a two-unit banner again, that means she won't be sharing a color with the other new unit, which would be a first).

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I dunno what I did to wind up with close to 160 orbs (maybe it was skipping the summer banner?) but I could get a free summon from the revival banner if I so wanted. And since it was Arcane Robin's banner, I did indeed so want.

I did do a few extra pulls with my remaining orbs to see if maybe I could get a second Arcane Robin, and turns out I could!
...along with 3 copies of Gregor. And I don't think I need Solid Earth or Inf. Null Followup fodder that badly... in fairness, I do not mind finally getting Gregor.

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Nothing from the New Heroes revival, but then I spent zero orbs on it so fair enough. But the weekly revivals were kind to me, and I picked up Larcei on her banner, and a Laegjarn on the other one.

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76 pulls on the Rearmed Grima banner:

  • 1 Grima (+1 spark)
  • 1 Eir
  • 3 pity breakers
    • Fallen Maria
    • Fallen Edelgard
    • Brave Tiki

1.3% Grima rate is shit. 2.6% focus rate is also shit. 6.6% 5-star rate is average, but the distribution is shit.

Typical garbage banner. Got all 3 pity breakers to fill up the pity charge before the spark and then didn't get anything else until I built up a 9% pity rate, when I got both Grima and Eir in a single circle. As much as I need more copies of Grima, this banner is clearly garbage and is not worth continuing to pull on.

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Let's see what this week has to offer me. Grey for Summer Vibrance.

  1. 4* Erk: No.

Blue for the VG banner.

  1. 5* Hardin: Very nice. +HP/-Atk isn't great, so merge fodder for my +Res/-Def copy because I'm lazy.

Green for Summer Passing.

  1. 3* Reyson: No.

Blue for the BHB banner.

  1. 5* Sain: The dashing knight rides to the rescue! +Def/-Spd is tolerable enough.

This day is going well. Grey for Weekly Revival 28.

  1. 3* Dwyer: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 62.

  1. 4* Jagen: No.

Green for Ascendant!Eir's banner.

  1. 5* Ascendant!Eir: Excellent! +Atk/-Def is just about perfect as well. Now grey to see if I can snag Rearmed!Robin.
  2. 5* Fallen!Tiki: Not quite right, but a decent 4* Special anyway. +Spd/-Res is a good master copy, but my current copy is already +Spd/-Def. Merge time.
  3. 3* Eliwood: No.
  4. 4* Seliph: No.
  5. 3* Lachesis: No.

That went extremely well. I'm back up to 104 orbs, so I'll try a circle or three from L!Guinivere's banner.

  1. 3* Miranda: No.
  2. 4* Chrom: No.
  3. 3* Kent: Reposition fodder.
  4. 4* Beruka: No.
  5. 3* Reyson: No.

Disappointing. 89 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: No.
  2. 4* Stahl: No.
  3. 4* Nowi: No.
  4. 3* Marcia: No.
  5. 4* Leon: No.

Figures my luck runs out the moment I start spending. 69 orbs left.

  1. 4* Stahl: No.
  2. 4* Cain: No.
  3. 3* Kent: Reposition fodder.
  4. 3* Atlas: No.
  5. 4* Dwyer: No.

Yup...49 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: No.
  2. 4* Eliwood: No.
  3. 4* Hana: No.
  4. 4* Lachesis: No.
  5. 3* Niles: No.

29 orbs left.

  1. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  2. 4* Laslow: No.
  3. 4* Vanessa: No.
  4. 4* Jeorge: No.
  5. 3* Chad: No.

Wow...5 full circles gave me literally nothing, not even a 4* Special. I can't complain about the surfeit of freebies earlier, but that is a serious case of bait-and-switch on Feh's part. Now to see what the weekly Arena ticket gives me.

  1. 5* YT!Olivia: +HP/-Spd is awful, so might as well merge her into my +4 +Spd copy.
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No greys on this week's arena freebie circle, but my first Annette makes for a decent consolation prize. Unlikely to be much to report for a while since I only have enough orbs for two circles of the next Summer banner - three I guess if I count expected orb income to the day it arrives.


1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta
13. Leanne
14. Takumi
15. Larum
16. Yarne
17. Genny
18. Faye
19. Loki
20. Bernadetta
21. Caineghis
22. Green Olwen
23. Silque
24. Rinkah
25. CYL Claude
26. CYL Claude
27. CYL Claude
28. Kinoka
29. Takumi
30. Loki
31. Annette

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Weekly Arena ticket:

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar

Week 31: Elise

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Having thrown enough summons in (this time) to get a 6.33% pity rate, using (I believe) over 100 orbs...I FINALLY got a year 1 summer unit Axe Valor! 😄 Now I have them all! (Valor skills, that is.) I can finally train up my axes in peace. ... Well, since training them up includes actual combat, maybe "in peace" isn't the right wording, but you know what I mean.

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Leaf:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf


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Focus units elude me in the second summer banner, where 27 in pulls of non-blue, I've gotten a +Res -HP Fallen Byleth (new to me) and an +Def -Spd Ascended Mareeta (absurdly my sixth despite never actively pulling for her). Hopefully a focus unit turns up before the spark because I don't want to be forced into a decision.

I'm unlikely to want Eitr so despite the relative mediocrity of this banner I think its only real competition is the Mythic banner. And if it's Freyr as some people seem to be expecting, that's also a no from me. Beasts continue to be my blind spot, though I'm going to blame it on the lack of ranged beasts making teams awkward to use.

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So many summer banners...Grey for the Null Follow-Up banner.

  1. 3* Seliph: No.

Grey again for Summer Returns.

  1. 4* Balthus: No.

Blue for Summer's Arrival.

  1. 3* Effie: No.

Green for the TT banner.

  1. 3* Silvia: No.

Blue for Ylissean Summer.

  1. 3* Soren: No.

The game really doesn't want to give me what I want. Red for Weekly Revival 29.

  1. 4* Scathach: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 63.

  1. 4* Tanith: No.

Red for Summer Firsts since Fjorm's the only one I'm interested in.

  1. 4* Marth: No.

That's disappointing. Now to try to kill my 10.5% pity rate on L!Guinivere's banner with 92 orbs.

  1. 4* Guy: No.
  2. 5* F!Alear: Finally. It only took 5 full circles...And of course she's +HP/-Spd...
  3. 4* Tharja: No.
  4. 5* Hel: Very nice. +Spd/-Def is nice too.
  5. 5* Loki: A good 4* Special capstone to the circle. +Res/-HP isn't great, so merge fodder for my +2 +Atk copy.

That went very well. Against my better judgement I'm going to keep pulling. 72 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mae: No.
  2. 4* Catria: No.
  3. 4* Gwendolyn: No.
  4. 3* Miriel: No.
  5. 4* Sheena: No.

Figures it wouldn't be that easy. 52 orbs left.

  1. 3* Chrom: No.
  2. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.
  3. 4* Dwyer: No.
  4. 4* Lena: No.
  5. 4* Matthew: No.

One more try. 32 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  2. 4* Guy: No.
  3. 4* Knoll: No.
  4. 5* Hel: That works for me. Full neutral means a merge for my previous copy.
  5. 4* Merlinus: Reposition fodder.

That went acceptably well. A total of 9 circles got me Alear, two copies of Hel, and a 4* Special copy of Loki. Now to see what the weekly Arena ticket gives me.

  1. 5* YT!Olivia: Are you kidding me? This is the second time in a row and I think the third time overall I've pulled her from the weekly ticket. +HP/-Spd is even exactly the same as last week. She's up to +6 now through zero intention of mine.
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Against my better judgment I threw several more orbs at the legendary banner, but I did end up pulling Guinevere so I guess it was worth it in the end.

Summer 1 didn't want to give me L'Arachel (or Ephraim), but I got summer Tharja as the free pull on summer 2.

Went for the spark on the Rearmed Grima rerun, and somehow pulled Flavia instead of Gregor. (And Eir. Had to spark Grima.)

The arena tickets have been giving me mostly units I already have lately. I was able get better natures on Selkie and f!Morgan, but this one's kinda boring now.

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Weekly Arena Ticket:

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise

Week 32: Sword Reinhardt

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No red orb this week for the free Arena ticket, so I pulled colorless and got Faye:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye


Also got my second copy of Ascended Fir from my free pull on the New Power banner. Still a useless Asset (this one is HP, the previous one was Def), but at least the Flaw this time isn't Spd, so I actually have a reason to use this one without needing to merge it for the time being.

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43 pulls from Bramimond's remix banner:

  • 1 Bramimond
  • 3 Grima (+1 spark)

41 pulls from Chrom's remix banner:

  • 2 Chrom (+1 spark)
  • 2 Chrom

9.5% focus rate is about 3 pulls above average. Good stuff. But this means karma will probably be coming for me on the summer banners whenever I get around to pulling on them.

Four total copies of Grima including the spark is great, bringing me up to 7 spare copies of her. Now if only I could get a copy of Anankos for Savvy Fighter 4 to duplicate.

The 3 copies of Legendary Chrom including the spark get him up to +3 since I only ever had 1 copy of him before. Unfortunately, none of the new copies are better than the neutral base I already had from a previous spark.

The 2 copies of Brave Chrom bring me up to 2 spare copies of him if I don't count the copies that I could merge into my base to get him to +10 (since I've been saving those copies in case I needed S/D Near Trace).

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The first summer banner can go to hell.

315 pulls:

  • 1 Shamir (+1 spark)
  • 1 Shez
  • 1 Ephraim
  • 3 5-star Larchel
  • 9 4-star Larchel
  • 8 pity breakers
    • Geoffrey
    • Louise
    • Echoes Palla
    • Flayn
    • Sara
    • Tinny
    • Shinon
    • Catherine

1.9% focus rate is garbage and is 4 pulls below average. 4.4% 5-star rate is also garbage and is 6 pulls below average. 2.9% 4-star focus rate would be okay if I were pulling all colors instead of sniping for colorless for half of my pulls, but I was sniping colorless for half of my pulls, and is therefore also garbage since it should be around 6% or so.

Karma definitely came for me, and as usual, the negative karma is significantly worse than the positive karma that it swung from. It's easier to just list all of my 5-star pulls with the pity rate that they were pulled at than to write it all out in prose:

  1. Geoffrey: 4.75%
  2. Summer Ephraim: 3.75%
  3. Louise: 6.5%
  4. Echoes Palla: 6.75%
  5. Duo Shamir: 13.0% (pity charge)
  6. Summer Larchel: 3.0%
  7. Flayn: 3.25%
  8. Summer Shez: 3.25%
  9. Sara: 3.5%
  10. Tinny: 3.5%
  11. Summer Larchel: 7.5% (pity charge)
  12. Shinon: 4.25%
  13. Catherine: 5.5%
  14. Summer Larchel: 4.75%

Things got better (mostly) after the 13% pity Shamir, but that was pull 161, which means I was literally more than halfway through my total pulls at that point. Geoffrey having a 4.75% pity rate meant that he was literally in the last summon session before the spark (and Summer Ephraim was in the first one after the spark).

Both Ephraim and Shez have Atk Flaws because of course they would. So does Shamir, actually, but that matters less because I can merge her.

On the bright side, Shamir has a Spd Asset. Louise and Shinon also have Spd Assets and are my first copies of them with one. Sara is my first spare copy of her, which means I can finally give Return to someone else. Catherine is now +10.

Also on the bright side, I'm actually not too behind on my budget due to my pulls in FGO being below budget, but I am still behind and will probably have to cut my budget for the second summer banner.


EDIT: Forgot to mention Shamir's Flaw.

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Second summer banner can also go to hell, didn't get any more 5-stars so the net yield from 43 pulls is that Fallen Byleth and Ascended Mareeta from earlier. I don't even know who I'd spark if I were to buy FEH Pass. And if I buy FEH Pass maybe I should try to break my pity rate first and hope for a focus unit, because at the moment I have no idea which of the 5-star exclusives I want most. At least I did pick up my first Dorothy, and she's +Spd -Def so I'll promote her.

Holding for now to see who's on the New Heroes banner. No big interest in Eitr since I have no invested beast units, but just in case. After that I guess I may as well also wait for the Mythic banner, but I have zero interest in the red, green and grey offerings. Today's Mjolnir's Strike did remind me that I have no Dark heroes recent enough to deploy for the extra slot in that mode though. Indeed my only Dark mythics are Sothis, Yune and Triandra.


Weekly arena freebie was Takumi, whatever.

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Another week's pulls. Red for the Hall of Forms banner.

  1. 4* Fir: No.

Red again for the New Power banner.

  1. 3* Rath: Or not.

Grey for L&M Remix 1.

  1. 4* Gordin: No.

Grey again for Remix 2.

  1. 4* Maria: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 30.

  1. 4* Marcia: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 64.

  1. 4* Bantu: No.

Green for Summer's Dream.

  1. 5* Summer!Freyja: Very nice. +Spd/-Res is excellent for once.

Grey again for Taken by the Tide.

  1. 3* Dorothy: Not Nifl, but you are new. +Def/-Res isn't great, so I'll keep you as a manual until something better comes along.

A good session considering it was just free pulls. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Saber: Whatever. +HP/-Spd is terrible, so merge fodder for my +1 +Atk copy.
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Good Lord, I suck at regularly post in this topic these days. 

Anyways, today I claimed Summer Ivy via the spark because that was only way I was going to get her. Now, I can resume trying to save orbs:



I also impulsively decided to go for Summer Micaiah merges (instead of Summer Cordelia) with 300+ orbs. The results sure were something: Summer Micaiah, Summer Edelgard & Altina x2 (both were +Atk, for what that's worth), Summer Dimitri, Fallen Julia, Mikoto, Caineghis, Julian (New, for what that's worth).

Other 5* / 4* Special pulls since my last post (on April 20th, I think), in chronological order: CYL Celica, Nils x2, Delthea, Rearmed Ingrid (New, Sparked), F!Morgan, Fallen Julia, Eyvel, Constance x2 (was trying to pull Lucia on the Harsh Command+ banner), Catherine, Caineghis, CYL Eliwood, Genny, Sonya, Bride Tiki & Tiki (New, Sparked), Ascended Hilda, Shinon (Free Pull), 4* Summer L'Arachel (New), Ascended Celica (Ticket Pull), Fallen Y!Tiki, Felix (Free Pull), Summer Ymir & Eir (New), Summer Caeda & Plumeria (Free Pull)

Arena Ticket 5*s since April 20th, in chronological order up to today: CYL Eliwood, Nah, Hubert, Shannan, M!Byleth, Mage Eirika, Laevatein, CYL Alm, Saber, Fallen Mareeta, Laevatein, Katarina, Laegjarn (finally reobtained after I purposely sacked my original one years ago)

Side note: yes I have been going with Red exclusively for a reason. I'm hoping for Celica merges (Original, Fallen or CYL) or Mia (at +7) merges. Obviously, neither of those have panned out yet.

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Could only afford two full circles on New Heroes for now, and they yielded nothing. Par for the course this July, where I've yet to get a focus unit of any sort all month. I did at least get a 4*SR Tibarn from yesterday's Summer re-run.

No greys on the weekly arena pull again and the result was an underwhelming Sonya. Looking forward to the next batch of demotes next month.


1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka
10. Dorcas
11. CYL Camilla
12. Bernadetta
13. Leanne
14. Takumi
15. Larum
16. Yarne
17. Genny
18. Faye
19. Loki
20. Bernadetta
21. Caineghis
22. Green Olwen
23. Silque
24. Rinkah
25. CYL Claude
26. CYL Claude
27. CYL Claude
28. Kinoka
29. Takumi
30. Loki
31. Annette
32. Takumi
33. Sonya

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81 pulls on the double Rearmed banner:

  • 2 Eitr (+1 spark)
  • 0 Alcryst (+1 spark)
  • 3 pity breakers
    • Ascended Idunn
    • Brave Byleth
    • Hapi

2.5% focus rate is below average by about half a pull. 6.2% 5-star rate is basically average. I got my sparks and ended up with a cleared pity rate, so I'm good.

Both copies of Eitr have a Res Asset because of course they would.


This week's free Arena ticket gets me Fallen Mareeta:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
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Weekly Arena Ticket:

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt

Week 33: Silque

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