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35 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

What is the significance of the Tier rank in the arena? Like tier 6, 5, 10 etc... 

As far as I know, all it currently represents is how many seasons/weeks you've played in Arena. So really it's currently just a measure of how old an account is. 

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2 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

As far as I know, all it currently represents is how many seasons/weeks you've played in Arena. So really it's currently just a measure of how old an account is. 

I would say that makes sense, because my friends who have been playing since pretty much the beginning have tier 10, but I'm pretty sure my own tier started at 6, went to 4, and is currently at 5. I hope that it's just my memory being faulty, because I want this to make sense dangit. Shakes fist at devs who put this possibly pointless function in the game to mess with me

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2 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I'm not sure there are really any particular characters people tend to avoid in general aside from dancers (if you put Azura/Olivia/Ninian as your rep I'm skipping you). Other than that it depends on what each particular person's team struggles against. My team doesn't do great against Tharja, for example, so I might likely to skip her if I see her, but Nowi is easy prey for my Julia. On the other hand, you may have a Linde that destroys Tharjas or your team struggles against Nowi, so your picks will be based on that.

tldr - There's no real "best team leader for defending" and you're just getting unlucky with Robin :/

You're right I'm just getting unlucky with Robin!

I swapped Sharena to be my team leader, and within just one or two hours I defended successfully, with 271 points. (Also I wonder if it's possible to get points less than 250?)

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27 minutes ago, Rosetta said:

You're right I'm just getting unlucky with Robin!

I swapped Sharena to be my team leader, and within just one or two hours I defended successfully, with 271 points. (Also I wonder if it's possible to get points less than 250?)

I assume it is since there'd be no reason for 250 to be the highest cutoff for rewards otherwise.

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I've got a 5* Effie and 5* Cherche with Brave Axe (soon to be +) that I plan on using together. I also have a second, bad boon/bane 5* Effie whose use in debating. I could fuse her with the other Effie, or give Deathblow 3 to Cherche. I know Deathblow 3 is available on 4* Klein, but I don't have him, and I generally avoid colorless orbs, so there's no telling when I would get him. Which is the better option?

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2 minutes ago, Eridras said:

I've got a 5* Effie and 5* Cherche with Brave Axe (soon to be +) that I plan on using together. I also have a second, bad boon/bane 5* Effie whose use in debating. I could fuse her with the other Effie, or give Deathblow 3 to Cherche. I know Deathblow 3 is available on 4* Klein, but I don't have him, and I generally avoid colorless orbs, so there's no telling when I would get him. Which is the better option?

Statistically, you have a higher chance of pulling a 4* Klein than another 5* Effie.

But tbh I think giving Cherche Death Blow is more important than having your Effie be +1 (though I'm pretty biased for Cherche)

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Statistically, you have a higher chance of pulling a 4* Klein than another 5* Effie.

But tbh I think giving Cherche Death Blow is more important than having your Effie be +1 (though I'm pretty biased for Cherche)

It being more important/useful on Cherche has been my thinking too, I've just been afraid to pull the trigger  

Since this particular Cherche was promoted from 4*, I'm biased towards her too!

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2 minutes ago, Eridras said:

It being more important/useful on Cherche has been my thinking too, I've just been afraid to pull the trigger  

Since this particular Cherche was promoted from 4*, I'm biased towards her too!

I'd personally look at it by weighing the gain of a +1 Effie vs a Cherche with Death Blow.

Making Effie +1 will give her +1 in two stats, and you don't even know which two. Giving Cherche Death Blow gives her +6 attack on player phase. 

In terms of sheer stat gains, Cherche wins out.

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I'd personally look at it by weighing the gain of a +1 Effie vs a Cherche with Death Blow.

Making Effie +1 will give her +1 in two stats, and you don't even know which two. Giving Cherche Death Blow gives her +6 attack on player phase. 

In terms of sheer stat gains, Cherche wins out.

If the wiki is correct, then Effie would gain HP and Atk. Cherche would actually just gain 3 attack, since I'd be replacing her +3 Atk skill.  You're still right that Cherche wins out.  I'm mostly just paranoid and paralyzed at the thought of making the wrong decision. 

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39 minutes ago, Eridras said:

I've got a 5* Effie and 5* Cherche with Brave Axe (soon to be +) that I plan on using together. I also have a second, bad boon/bane 5* Effie whose use in debating. I could fuse her with the other Effie, or give Deathblow 3 to Cherche. I know Deathblow 3 is available on 4* Klein, but I don't have him, and I generally avoid colorless orbs, so there's no telling when I would get him. Which is the better option?

If you plan on going for high arena scores, + Effie because you will be using her in arena for a long time due to her high BST.  Besides, in this case you'll want fury on Cherche anyways.  If you want more consistent arena runs, give Cherche deathblow 3. 

1HP won't save Effie from anything 99.99% of the time.  1ATK will only be 1ATK because she is never going to double anything.  +1 will not do much on its own, +10 would though.

Klein is an interesting one because even if you do get Klein you probably won't want to sacrifice him to Cherche.  He's a good unit in his own  right and his brave bow is just as useful as deathblow 3.

EDIT: Also, note that deathblow 3 will not make her do 6 more damage, but 12 due to the brave axe.  That's a lot...

Edited by Lushen
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5 hours ago, Fire Penguin Disco Panda said:

Hella! I just pulled a 5* +DEF/-RES Caeda and a 4* +SPD/-RES Reinhardt. In the first case I thought it may sinergy with Hinoka for... Flier Emblem? (I know it exists and it revolves around buffs but didn't look too much onto it) Is her good? On the second, it suddenly became a really good option for a promotion. Last week I was thinking about promoting M!Robin because I needed more ranged and magic heros for my arena team, so... how good is Reinhardt per se? Should I promote him instead of our whitehaired strategist? My current team is Takumi (looking to replace it, I feel the damage it's pretty low, although the counter+vantage has its uses), Lucina, 4* Michalis (for bonus) and 4* Olivia (testing to see if it's worth to have it). 

Reinhardt is really good at killing stuff, but his BST is really low so you won't get a high score in the arena. Hopefully the update will make him and other low BST heroes more useable. 

Unfortunately for you, +Spd is the worst boon for Reinhardt since his Spd stat is already really low and his weapon lowers it by 5. He really only wants +Atk. Maybe you could sacrifice him to another Blue tome user who can make use of his weapon better. 

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3 minutes ago, immatx said:

How do you win defenses? I just can't seem to win any no matter what team I use. 

You just need a better defense team. Try to get as much coverage as possible or you could even make it gimmicky. You won't get any wins if it stinks!

I still don't have any actually ;-;

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14 minutes ago, immatx said:

How do you win defenses? I just can't seem to win any no matter what team I use. 

I just run my offense team, and I get a few wins every season. Then again, my Offense team has Klein, Azura, and Minerva, each of whom can seriously fuck up a run. (Klein 2HKOs a lot of people, Minerva flies, is bulky, and is fast and strong enough to 1 round most blues---blues she can easily reach considering she flies---and, of course, Azura is a counter to the typical red* while also having dance for either a surprise axe or pair of arrows to the face.)

Alone they're all pretty good at ending runs, together, and I imagine it's more than a little troublesome. (You try to snipe Minerva with Takumi or something and Klein walks up to one round, you mess up positioning and Azura dances a threat and you lose a guy.)


*Things like Lucina with a decent skill-set can brute force through her, of course, but Klein makes glass-cannon swords regret being born.

Edited by DehNutCase
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@immatx Try just setting up an entire team with 3 units of one color and 1 of a different color. I did that with 3 Blue / 1 Green last season and got a bunch of Defense wins. Also, try including a dancer if you have one, I feel like that might help too.

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@ScarletSylph I would say +SPD is better, if only because you'll be buffing Nino's damage way up anyway via Gronnblade so you should focus more on making her double more units, which +SPD helps with.

I mean, I haven't used Nino in a while, but I think that's true.

Also, is there anything Linde can survive at 18 DEF? Because I pulled a +DEF/-SPD Linde recently, and I want to see if she'll actually be able to survive... well, anything with 18 DEF.

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12 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

Guys which nino is better? A +spd/-res or +atk/-def?

Strictly speaking, +Atk is the better boon, slightly, and -Res is the better bane. (-Def causes Nino to get 1HKO'd by certain units she'd 1 round otherwise). That said, the boons are comparable enough that I'd also vote for the +Spd/-Res option.

Edit: You can also use this handy calculator to test boon/bane combos with the One vs. All option. It doesn't factor in inheritance in the One vs. All mode, but it gives you a decent base to work from.


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1 hour ago, immatx said:

How do you win defenses? I just can't seem to win any no matter what team I use. 

There's no surefire way to get defense wins, but here are some things to consider when building a defense team:

1) Dancers

Speaking from personal experience, dancers are among the units I fear most on an enemy defense team, even more than a Hector with Vantage or a +10 Nino, because a lot of my offense strategy involves baiting enemies from outside their range. Dancers often catch people unawares by extending the range of a ranged unit beyond the danger area and letting them KO or heavily damage a unit that you thought was kept out of harm's way. (To a lesser extent, running Wings of Mercy also tends to catch opponents unawares)

2) Mono-color teams

Generally, you're recommended to run a balanced team of different colors: one red, one blue, one green, one colorless or perhaps one red, two blues, and a green. Something like that. However, that applies to offense. Defense teams run under a different mentality. You aren't trying to get every win possible: one is all you need. Stacking a color (such as having your team be 3 or even 4 blues) makes it more likely that you'll catch someone off guard. After all, most balanced teams are built to be ready for other balanced teams. Very few teams are equipped to take on a bunch of one color. 

3) Kamikaze units

As I said earlier, the goal of a defense team is different from that of an offense team. On offense, you don't want to lose a single unit and often play defensively because of this, not just charging straight into the enemy team. On defense, however, you don't give a shit. It doesn't matter how many of your units die because that doesn't affect your score at all. All you want is the opponent to die. In fact, in higher tiers of Arena, many people will surrender the match as soon as they lose a single unit, even if they COULD win the match with the remaining characters because it isn't worth it to continue a non-deathless streak. As such, your Defense team's goal is to "take out one of the enemy at any cost". This allows you to run more fun stuff like having Eldigan just run in with Lunge or Drag Back to drag a victim closer to the rest of your team at the cost of his life or having Reinhardt or Klein just run in with their Brave weapon guns blazing to take out or severely weaken someone, even if they may not get out alive on the enemy's phase. 

Anyways, these are not foolproof strategies by any means nor are they the only factors that go into building a defense team, but these are just a couple pointers that have consistently helped me get defense wins every season. 

EDIT: Also, just as an extra tip: don't put an armored unit on your defense team unless it's Hector. Just don't. Most of the time, on a defense team, your units will run off as far as they can, leaving poor old Effie dragging her ass to the front slowly, one square at a time. By the time she gets there, the fight's already basically over, letting the remaining enemy units easily focus her down 4v1. Again speaking from personal experience, an enemy Effie is probably my favorite thing to face because I essentially have a free 4v3 for most of the match and can then nuke her down with ease at the end. 

Double EDIT: If you have any movement assist skills like Shove or Smite that pushes allies away, just unequip them from your defense team. 9 times out of 10, the AI doesn't use it strategically and just shoves people whenever they can just because they can. It's hilarious watching an enemy Effie save your ass by Smiting Tharja to the other end of the map when she COULD have killed your Julia (but now can't because Effie shoved her to the other goddamn side of the map). It's not so funny when your own defense team screws up a match they could have won by doing that. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Speaking of dancers, if I put 3 dancers on a team with a non-dancer unit, could the non-dancer unit get 4 actions in a turn? I mean, with, say, Roy, would it go:
Roy takes first action > get danced by first dancer > Roy takes second action > get danced by second dancer > Roy takes third action > get danced by third dancer > Roy takes fourth action
Or would you stop being able to refresh Roy after the first extra action?

Because I could see this being an annoying thing to face in the Arena if you can give a unit 4 actions in a turn, with the right non-dancer (dunno who that would be tho... Any suggestions?) and 3 Wings of Mercy dancers.

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1 minute ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Speaking of dancers, if I put 3 dancers on a team with a non-dancer unit, could the non-dancer unit get 4 actions in a turn? I mean, with, say, Roy, would it go:
Roy takes first action > get danced by first dancer > Roy takes second action > get danced by second dancer > Roy takes third action > get danced by third dancer > Roy takes fourth action
Or would you stop being able to refresh Roy after the first extra action?

A non-dancer unit can be danced to indefinitely by any number of dancers.

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2 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Speaking of dancers, if I put 3 dancers on a team with a non-dancer unit, could the non-dancer unit get 4 actions in a turn? I mean, with, say, Roy, would it go:
Roy takes first action > get danced by first dancer > Roy takes second action > get danced by second dancer > Roy takes third action > get danced by third dancer > Roy takes fourth action
Or would you stop being able to refresh Roy after the first extra action?

Because I could see this being an annoying thing to face in the Arena if you can give a unit 4 actions in a turn, with the right non-dancer (dunno who that would be tho... Any suggestions?) and 3 Wings of Mercy dancers.

You can multi-dancer, yes. Such a team folds like a deck of cards against anyone with a decent blue sweeper, though.

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